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Latest News: 
Agatha is now one half of a musical act called Obvious Lie who made their live debut August, 17

Obvious Lie is a new Chicago-based music duo creating songs that combine experimental pop music elements with sample-based sound design and synthesis.


Previous Thread:  >>/28/

> Step into a world of sonic enchantment with Obvious Lie, a groundbreaking musical duo that transcends boundaries and celebrates diversity. Comprising a talented male-to-female transgender artist and a captivating woman with autism, Obvious Lie is not just a musical act; it's a celebration of unique perspectives and the power of unity through music.

Agatha, if you are reading this, the best possible thing you can do is continue living and ignoring the people who might harass you. Blocking people obviously from here will make them angry and bring more attention to everything. I wish this weren't the case. I wish you luck in everything you do.

Just noticed that the description for the instagram is "Super Secret Fan Club" which is a really on the nose reference to Ciara's old scam discord. So that account is just some orbiter trying to annoy Agatha. Do you retards want her to exist or not? Doing stuff like this just makes her hide more.

Sorry to burst your bubble but a lot of people here are scum with a few people that are checking up on people they used to know, know currently, or from simple curiosity of wanting to know if they're okay or getting to a better place.

That doesn't even make sense, you are projecting your own fucked up weird reasons onto everyone to feel vindicated. 

The baseline is that commenting on this thread does nothing, but seeking and going out of your way to post personal information here, actually go out and harass people, or push any sort of threats is actually harming the individual and does make you a bad person / stalker / harasser.

> I am not a stalker. I only browse and post here regularly, waiting eagerly for new leaks but letting the others do the dirty work, so I'm not partaking in the gangstalking. No, not at all.
You do all this, while also feeling the need to tell everybody how stalking is bad and how morally superior you are to the average poster. 
Shut up and fuck off if you don't like what happens here.

king dom cummies. is a rapper who played the show with them: king dom cummies. is a Chicago rapper and beatmaker, hellbent on inflicting joy, sorrow, and terror upon its audience. its sole aim is to weave intricate tales of wanton violence, unbridled romance, abject pain, and absolute stupidity, hopefully all for your entertainment.

I don't think either of them are related to her. Actually, looking at this, this is connected to the same artist page, and was probably formerly on that playlist before the track was removed from Spotify. A lot of the stuff on that playlist looks like it's AI generated or something, too, and googleing this track name returns nothing other than this Spotify page.
There isn't anything to listen to, it's removed, and unlikely to be related to her anyway.

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Damn, that gave me hope for a moment until I googled it.

Don't worry most of her orbiters are from Brazil and Phillipines, and even with the american ones the chances of some of those spergs finding out about these shows with 5 people* watching  in some obscure artsy venue in Chicago are pretty slim. 

*well, they all have DID and call themselves them, so we can consider more than that

aside from their instagram page with 36 followers all of whom are likely friends and family, and the announcements for the live performance at what appears to be a tiny art gallery/event space, there doesn't seem to be anything else about them online at all.

I found her bandmate's insta
https://www.instagram.com/puppystarbattleonline/ (private, DNI)

and its threads, which is public

and the insta and bandcamp of the label that promoted their show

Aggie, you were born beautiful, you don't need changes, your entire body is very beautiful, your breasts are one of the most beautiful I have ever seen, always take care of them and protect them, you are intelligent, your very feminine beauty is what makes you unique, don't worry. ruin girl, you are very valuable you know.

Firstly: You never seen her breasts.
Secondly: She will never read this, dumbass.
Thirdly: She is a jew, her "transitioning" is very good for the world, i hope her ovaries were already cut out and disposed of.

I cry tears of blood. What happened to my girl, what happened to my Aggie? Is this how father feels when female genetic programming turns his innocent cute daughter into a feminist chad-hopping banshee?

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That vid, man. That fucking vid. The most beautiful creature on Earth. That hair. Those circles under the eyes. The way she blinks. That hand resting on her chin. A fleeting moment of sublime beauty, soon to disappear.

I want to kill myself.

From the photos shown on this page I can assume that she has beautiful breasts.
Maybe one day she will read them, I just want her to know that she doesn't need to make any changes to her face or body, what I like most about her is her face and her entire body, I want her to know not to be influenced by comments of hate from some anonymous people who comment here.
I really love her and I don't care about her Jewish religion, I want her not to hurt herself, that's why I say again, Aggie please never ruin yourself, because just as you were born with your unique physical appearance and your unique personality I love you very much, You are very valuable, understand it, I am a man who loves you very much with great sincerity.

There is clearly a skin bump there that would not be present with mutilated tits. 
And I'm sure if she really did this shit the first thing she would do was to post a shirtless picture on IG for extra tranny cred points from her LGBTQUERTY circle, just like every dyke does. And that shit would have leaked for sure. 

I'm not sure if the poster that keeps saying this is an incurable blackpilled doomer suffering for something that there is no evidence available or just that ethot Medoi (or some other) that keeps lurking around this chan posting petty shit about others girls.

And besides, when she talked about cutting her tits off she also talked about taking testosterone and shit, but just look at the pictures from this thread (which are pretty recent) and you can clearly see she is NOT hairy at all. The meds she took probably killed these retarded ideas.  

I challenge whoever said this to post some real evidence to back up what you are saying

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Damn, you people are addicted to being doomers. 
Take a look at these recent pictures from this and the previous thread.
She is very feminine again and posted pictures with THE classic sweater, so the girl we know and love is still there somewhere plus some shitty piercings, but for today's standards are not even that bad.  

The only really concerning thing about her current situation is the fact that she is dating a tranny that definitely reminds her of herself (same haircut, similar clothes and some schizobabble nonsense on "her"  threads that is very similar to the schizo posting that was on the defunct telomeres twitter), that all points to some real narcissism.

> for today's standards are not even that bad
I get what you're saying, but it's because of this kind of mentality that standards are so low in the first place.
Also, where did you see recent pics with THE sweater, an dhow do you know she's dating the tranny?

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This was her Instagram's avatar for a few days this year

I was aware of tranny for some time, Agatha kept liking "her" posts for some time, I had no idea they were in a band. By her Tumblr posts, she implied she was on a relationship, so I guess this is it 
It makes sense that she ended up with a tranny, she doesn't fit with other lesbians at all
And, again, there's definitely some self image issues going on with her choice.

So it;s still over. She's just going to suffer the same relationship woes of people with that lifestyle and end up as damaged as any other girl. The fact that she'd date a trans person attests to this. She's not going back to that adorable young girl everyone here loved, and that's what matters to them.

She's still qt as an alt girl, and who would have ever thought that she WOULDN'T date a tranny given her being a Jewish lib that had talked about her "queerness" or whatever? None of this is surprising. Cmon.

Marky’s stances were pandering to the right wing crowd because all her friends and lovers and orbiters were from 4chan. Ken hates her orbiters and her stance against troons is founded in feminism instead of reactionary disgust. As soon as Marky lost interest in selfposting and keeping up with orbiters, she lost interest in the political persona she cultivated to appeal to them. Major differences here.

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kinda agree that ken seems more "ideologically stable" so to speak, but it's only because she's more distinctly chadsexual than any other e-girl

always got this bitch energy from her, real weird shit considering her sub personality; it's like she has Miang inside her

anyway, i wouldn't vouch for her when she meets a 6'5 trannychad lol

What does her being the most chadsexual have to do with anything related to her being a radfem commie? And how is she any more chadsexual than Marky is? And out of all screenshots and posts from Marky and Ken, Marky is the one I've seen random meanness and bitchiness from. But I still think Marky is a decent person despite that.

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> What does her being the most chadsexual have to do with anything related to her being a radfem commie?
being chadsexual has everything to do with understanding your biological mission as a woman and therefore embracing radical feminism

> And how is she any more chadsexual than Marky is?
because she consistently pursues Chads? not in a million years would she date someone like that chink that marky dated

not in a million years

> And out of all screenshots and posts from Marky and Ken, Marky is the one I've seen random meanness and bitchiness from.
marky's bitchiness is all surface level

ken's, on the other hand, has this subtle eugenic-genocidal property to it

Character Aggy is someone who, for a moment, makes you believe that kind goofy women really exist out there, and that, if you're lucky. you might even manage to get with one.
Who here has eaten their dinner while watching an Aggy video?

You're welcome. You should also know that there are multiple channels with her content on it, like https://www.youtube.com/@alef321/playlists as well as a HUGE Megaupload folder with her content on it. 72 gigs, IIRC.
We still need to figure out if the 72gig archive is missing any content.

Nice work, man. You've made my blackened heart a little lighter. All of her stuff deserves to be archived. I know she hated the creeps but she'll never realize what she's done for some of us because of them.

I've been to IL two times I believe, once to Beardstown (I think) the other to Chicago for a trip. I didn't know about her back then but it's crazy how close I was to her, relatively speaking. Not like I would have gone looking for her, and it's not like I could have if I wanted to on account of being on a trip with a very large group of people. Still, knowing she was somewhere there gives me the tingles.

lol Exactly. 
I know it sounds ridiculous but come on, you know what I mean? It's like how I just found out another e-girl (not posted here) lives right up the street from me. As in a short car or bike ride in a single direction. I had a sneaking suspicion for two or three years she lived in my state but not THAT close.

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There's this older pastebin link with some of the resources https://pastebin.com/4WEgd3W5 though some of the links have depreciated. (and TPB has been compromised, do not download anything from there.)
I also found pic related but I don't have the decryption key.

What a disappointment Aggie causes me, I hope she stops hanging out with transsexual faggots, she who is Jewish knows that what she does is wrong, it already changes your life Aggie.

You think this bitch is going to stop doing what leftists do? She should have had that correction years ago. Unfortunately, she's going to continue hanging out with transsexuals and sucking them off, also have them inside her.

How old is Agatha exactly? Cuz apparently Elle was 15 when she committed suicide, even though Agatha came across as infantile I thought she was at least in her 20s in her vids with elle where elle must have been like 14 in the early ones. I guess they bonded cuz they both seem autistic but that's a big age difference 

Also Elle always seemed cool, sad about the suicide, I guess she had a chronic pain disorder. Takes nerve to do that. Surprised she really went through with it.

No, sadly she was underage when she started posting videos and being orbited by pedophilic channers. She turned 18 only in 2017.
Please stop posting pics of underage Agatha. She was just a kid. Like the Admin said, underage kids don't belong to imageboards.
Please understand. Thank you.

I don't like wavy girls, but Aggie is the exception. When I look at her beauty and her sensual body, it gives me an erection that I don't get with any other woman. You deserve to be with a CHAD like me, not with a transsexual faggot who gives Shame, this girl has to think first and then act.

That you feel like a loser, a failure, is your problem anon, I am always a winner, victor, triumphant, a true CHAD, I hope that transsexual faggot is only Aggie's friend, and not her partner as you say, you only make rumors without proof.

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Agatha seems like the only classic e-girl that won in life, except for the tranny bff part but she seems happier than marky at least. Marky plays video games alone in her basement and aged poorly while agatha looks the samne but with piercings and a diferent fashion style. Aggie does fun things with her life and has friends while marky is a loser bitch. 

I believe karma is real since Marky is a psycho cunt and Agatha was always sweet and kind

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Marky turning into an alcoholic hag neet loser and agatha becoming a musical artist and having friends in real life makes me happy it's well deserved, marky was ALWAYS evil and Agatha was pure and good.
as long as agatha does not take T to become a ftm everything is going to be ok this non binary phase is not that deep, you can see she still dresses feminine in the most recent pic and grew out her hair and shaved her moustache. Agatha is fem presenting

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> I hope Marky turns her life around
I don't because I think Marky is related to Bianca's death and also ciara used to copy marky and her bad habits. Ciara wanted to be like marky and even brought her a hoodie (ciara was a marky simp), I don't think Marky ever gave a shit about Ciara deep down. She seems evil if you look at her pics and video screenshots

My friend's (Thomas Osadzinski) ex girlfriend was very very close friends with Agatha in their childhood. I graduated Glenbrook North High School, Northbrook IL. Class of 2017.

But he's locked up in the Feds for a white collar terrorism case. Haven't been able to get in contact with him. He's currently in Ohio or something.

If someone's brave enough to write him, maybe you could get some information on Agatha from him. I'm kinda scared to though. Was close with him, don't want to be looked into.

Here's his mailing address. Was busy.

Register Number: 54279-424
Age: 24
Race: White
Sex: Male
Release Date: 04/08/2026
Located At: FCI Elkton
Use the address below to send correspondence and parcels to inmates.

P.O. BOX 10
LISBON, OH  44432


No, he was a fellow robot. Can't make this up.

Idk, he shared propaganda on Twitter/reddit

Cus she's a normie and he's not. And I don't have any history w her. So...

I mean, or just forget finding Agatha altogether. But my work here is done.

Agatha, I am a young adult younger than you, I swear that if I had you in front of me in person I would try to make you fall in love, because I always achieve my goals successfully because it is what a true man does, I am not like these cowards who, having the possibility of approaching you and falling in love, they do not do it, I am so far from the United States that I am not currently able to travel there, although I have family in the country, in the distant future I will go to the country and try to make you fall in love even if you are there old woman and I younger than you, I will be able to make you my wife and give you what you deserve, because by that time I will be ready to live a good life planned in the country, I will show you that I am not someone who is temporary in your life, but that I am someone who will love you forever until your death, you will see that my decreasing age does not matter in a relationship, because there is a big age difference between the two of us, because true love is what I feel for you, something that you will never find in No other person.

You know what, tending to get pissed off the skepticism here. Maybe I will post her friends name here myself later, for now her initials.


I've thought about it all day and am certain you idiots will burn this source faster than any yet. If i post her name later, do 2 things.

Do not mention Thomas, and pose as a fan of Agatha's YouTube, NOT an r9k robot. Do either of these and you WILL BURN ONE OF OUR LAST LEADS.

I'll wait till we hear from Thomas for now.

> I am not like these cowards who, having the possibility of approaching you and falling in love, they do not do it, I am so far from the United States
Tough luck Brazilinho

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I'm not gonna lie to you. The first reason why people love agatha is because she looked like an autistic 13yo. 
Besides this, her character was pure CGDCT. Look at her videos, it's impossible not to fall in love with her. 
The numbers speak for themselves. A re-upload channel of her videos has almost 10k subs while the other girls like marky struggle to even hit 1.5k

I love this girl like any of you wouldn't believe. I can't believe I ignored her after all these years on 4Chan. I always skipped over her, I always ignored her threads. I didn't care about her lore one bit. That is until I found Endchan late last year. How could I be so foolish? 
If only I got to impregnate her with lots of kids.

Most lesbian relationships are horrible anyway. They have the worst domestic violence case. Is Aggy ready for that?
Well if she's in a relationship with that tranny, she isn't in a lesbian relationship no matter how bad she wants to believe that.

> Most lesbian relationships are horrible anyway. They have the worst domestic violence case.

unfortunately true, they have the highest domestic violence case rate in the country

> How are you so sure she's with the tranny?
I'm cynical by nature, that's how. lol
> Hey, I'm the anon who asked you to stop fighting. Cheers!
Cheers! I see no point in fighting. What matters the most is appreciating this beautiful woman.

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Indeed, tranny is a camgirl. I did some research to find out the whereabouts of that image and it's absolutely disgusting. First of all, "her" former alias was "girldick69" (the most basic name ever), and if that wasn't enough, "she" also made music and participated in a festival under that name (who the fuck uses that name in public?). I'll leave the links below, view them at your own risk.


https://soundcloud.com/galentipton/lia-call-how-to-do-a-gamer-girl-voice-galen-tipton-remix (this is a remix, original song is not available)

Wash your eyes:

https://www.trannytube.tv/movies/1513101/naughty-and-nerdy-trans-girl-in-glasses-loves-playing-with-myself (same video)

Agatha is beyond salvation. Just think for a moment, would a mentally stable person have a relationship with a tranny, or at least be friends with a tranny who also created pornographic content? You know the answer. There's no going back, Agatha is no more.

> Agatha is beyond salvation. Just think for a moment, would a mentally stable person have a relationship with a tranny, or at least be friends with a tranny who also created pornographic content? You know the answer. There's no going back, Agatha is no more.
Yeah, I was a fan of Agatha for a long time now but I agree. The person that once was is truly gone forever.

Idk if this is more fetish shit, but you're wrong. She has already recovered from the "neo Agy" stage, and is clearly getting better. She just needs more time to make a full recovery. And it would certainly help if we and other fans were supportive of her.

She has already recovered from the "neo Agy" stage, and is clearly getting better. 
Buddy she is friends with and likely dating a tranny camgirl and you're saying she's somehow recovered. This person is not a regular person anymore, there is nothing admirable or redeemable about this person anymore.

You aren't providing any evidence to counter this tranny shit. Why should anyone believe you? She's a tranny-loving, man-hating leftist. It's rare girls get out of that, and if they do they keep bits and pieces of that previous personality. 
I love Aggy but this is the truth. The tranny likely has had her multiple ways, probably multiple other people as well in their circle. Aggy has likely had multiple tranny cocks in her mouth and well as mental illness-ridden vagina. She's probably had a strap used on her, had her anus licked, licked anus, used her feet, explored with her hands and fingers. 
In a video she said she liked MyCherryCrush. There's no way Agatha didn't know that woman made porn. You don't think she would watch some and want to try certain things out for herself? 
But go ahead and keep calling it a tranny fetish to cope. Agatha has been used and is likely still being used.

These last few posts are a big example of why the internet (and the world) hates trannies and nonstraights.
Like the furries of the 2000s, they repeatedly shoehorn themselves in, and shit up every community they join.
People don't hate them because of what they are or who they want to bang. They hate them because they're fucking annoying to be around.
I am sincerely begging you to just act normal. If you just behave yourself, nobody will give you shit. Keep your fetish shit to the fetish threads.

that remix would be bold on rym ngl, imagine a future where agatha was a relevant artist and were asociated with PC music, her beautiful voice has the potential, sadly it would be mainstream and ruined but just imagine

Agatha my beautiful old woman, I would marry you and have many children for you, and even beyond death I would continue to love you, that authenticity that you have no other woman has ever, never ruin your beautiful destiny that our Holy God established for your life, reject stupid human ideologies that bring nothing good to unique people like you, remember to maintain your physical originality, I detest LGBTQ ideologies, something that my Holy God does not like, and as a good evangelical Christian I live a correct life.

Fuck it. 

Agatha's friend's name is Kaitlin Jaffe. I was really apprehensive about putting this out there but after seeing this fifi fucker tranny bullshit it seems she's too far gone for help. I mean, she's fucked. Its over. I've never seen the lgbt movement destroy anyone THIS badly.

Go ahead and message her. get to the bottom of this transgender shit. I'm literally SHAKING Anons.

Sick. Absolutely sick.

The thing is that I am 20 years old and she is 25, with affection and love I call her my beautiful old lady, she can still leave that horrible world of the LGBTQ community, I studied the Bible so much that I know about spirituality, and that is why I hate the LGBTQ community, My Holy God agrees with me and agrees with me, Agatha you are not a lesbian nor are you transsexual, you are a WOMAN, accept your reality, your truth, I would never want to see you ruined, I like your physical authenticity as a woman, abandon that world of LGBTQ, Agatha, I am the grandson of an evangelical pastor, I advise you for your good, and I really care about you, if I had a daughter like you I would never allow her to deviate from the correct path of goodness and holiness, sometimes the male correct can help the confused woman change her life, I wish that one day Agatha would meet you and I swear that I will change your life for the better, I forgive you for your sexual confusion, it would hurt my heart to see the woman I love burning in the Hell, never let that happen Agatha.

Agatha is gonna get a bit older and find a guy, her biological clock is ticking, she's merely scared of the thought of romance with consequences, the expectations that go along with dating the opposite sex. She's living life in the bunny lane dating women and playing in some joke of a band, but she will wise up, I've seen it happen to autistic girls before. The cute lesbian agatha phase won't last forever

Right, she will wake up when she's 30 or so. I'm sick of seeing me having to be stuck with angels who wasted their youth. What if the guy she finds wants a big family? How's that going to work when most of her eggs are gone? She'd better find someone who only wants a child or two and accepts the wager of a high-risk pregnancy.

I am the only man who really loves Agatha, I am willing to have many children with her, and I don't care if they are born sick, I said that I will love Agatha until after death, even when she is old I will continue to love her for always, sworn promise that I will keep, I fell in love with his soul, body, and spirit, from the first time I saw him, you anons only love her for her physical appearance, that is not love, I love her entire being, What I feel for her is true and authentic love, it is a shame that we are so far apart, I am in South America, remember Agatha, there is a boy here who truly loves you, my religion, which is evangelical Christianity, has given me good teachings, I am a holy man, just wait for me, Agatha will arrive in the distant future, there are many sinful men, but I am a true son of the Holy God, I am authentic and unique, Agatha my beautiful old lady, I want the best for you.

I saw Agatha at a grocery store in Chicago yesterday. I told her how cool it was to meet her in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother her and ask her for a 耳かき or anything.
She said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but she kept cutting me off and whispering “huh? huh? huh?” and slowly moving her head from one side of my head to the other. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard her chuckle and flap her hands as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw her trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Alpacassos in her hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Miss, you need to pay for those first.” At first she kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the toys and started scanning it multiple times, she stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each doll and put them in a bag and started to say the price, she kept interrupting her by whispering to her about autistic things she did that day.

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