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ugly coalburning kike who is going through a fake meltdown right now after walking off the property. i'm sure Channing will be trying to link up within a week so she can use this new freak as the face of her Sam hate spam

idk what she's on about being homeless lol, last i checked her and her girlfriend had a house or an apt together, they even had matching tattoos or something lmfao. she had posts about it before she took everything down and started over, her old tumblr @ was stonerneko but i doubt anything is gonna come up

I want to hold onto that ring while pumping away in her ass and to yank it out as I cum deep inside her colon and then light a cigarette, take a deep drag and drop a couple of bucks on her convulsing body while remarking "You've earned it, pig" as I leave her alone in the hotel room.

She is insane or pretending to be. obvious from her tweets and behavior. Not out of the ordinary for a BPD to change their opinion or story constantly and she has admitted to psychosis.

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what does everyone think about  what they are seeing or finding on here lol some shit ive had to take days to cope and move on from what ive seen but also remember its my choice to look and although it takes time to cope doesnt mean ima stop theres so much to see and yeah ii can handle it jusst some  shits darker than dark

Yes, they are lying venomous whores and Summer has retracted her statements and then retracted her retractions multiple times in one day on Twitter. She has a treasure trove of deleted posts contradicting everything she says and immediately after making more allegations she goes on to joke about fishtank, post memes and try to drum up her fan base. Oh and she had a nigger bf she lost her virginity to she confirmed on Twitter. It’s over.

It’s a bit hilarious to accuse someone of a serious crime and then apologize & try to retract your statement once you realize you won’t be able to prove anything. The “I just want justice” comment is retarded too, because if that were the truth, and she’s all “traumatized” by this alleged horrific event, why is she being so public about it? Handle it in private with your lawyers, dumb bitch. This is all a crazy bpd fueled attention grab and it’s so hard to watch as someone with common sense. These are just… not choices I could ever see myself making.

Apparently Channing is in her ear. Honestly all this is going to do is be Sam's Qanon diversion and any real claims against him will be discredited by this dumb whore. Kind of brilliant.

She's walked it back, then 10 miles forward, then back again, over and over in random order and also did a tumblr stream a few days ago where she said she'll simply stop talking about it and it'll go away. She's very emboldened.

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Also, she genuinely seems to think anyone will believe her if she screeches hard enough, that she got anally raped, on a livestream TV show in the basement, that also has cameras. Also she claims to hear voices in the walls. Either an actor or a bitch beyond insane.

This girl is either an actress or they went out and found the craziest bitch they could possibly find. She is all over the place and clearly a manic schizo wreck.

Good on her for speaking HER truth and holding no ill will towards the people who raped her though lol

She said someone with glasses did it, that could be anyone. She hasn't actually identified who did it, just that she was raped and Vance cried while filming it.
There's also other cameras in the basement. She walked it back then forward and back and forward again after Jet posted in /ftl/ that they will be in touch through their lawyers. Now she's trying to memoryhole it.

What do you expect to happen when you lie about being raped because you got kicked off a 24/7 livestream TV show? You actually think she got buttraped in the basement around a bunch of witnesses in front of security cameras?

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she's mad at the japanese guy she fell in love with during the show is shitting on her every time. she also sells his friendship bracelets to her orbiters like Ciara did. Don't know why guys compare her to Marky when she's definitely much more like Ciara. If there's going to be a biopic of Ciara, she fits the role.

A lot of these girls imitate marky. Ciara said she idolized her. Summer is hallucinating she was buttraped by Sam Hyde and taking nosebleed pictures like she wished she was Marky. For the internet addicted clout chasing molestation victims there is nothing higher you can aspire to than to be the next Marky. One fuck away from attaching yourself inseparably to some fringe eceleb

ive seen the set of pics this was from but her hand/face dont match the pose of any of them. dont see any weird fuckery either - shadow from her hair makes sense. is this seriously not ai? where did you get this anon? i need more

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