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Imagine being a man so scared of a woman who hasn't even beat you up that you sleep under the bed like an actual, literal bitch. Sorry, but him being an insane person on top of a weakling isn't making him look any better. Could've left her at any moment, but she was the one who dumped HIM. If he didn't miss her, he wouldn't be posting about her all day every day.
To me it seems like this guy was super into Audrey being a mommy dom type, then the second she breaks up with him he freaks out and convinces himself disgusted by everything he did with her because it makes him feel better about being pegged and bitchslapped in bed like a faggot. Much like the many cases of women into BDSM who later cry abuse and rape even though everything was consensual at the time. It's too fucking funny, he's literally in a woman's hysteric role.
> Much like the many cases of women into BDSM who later cry abuse and rape even though everything was consensual at the time
So exactly what this whore is doing? Everything you said can be applied to Audrey. Literally everything in the inverse role. 
She is literally doing that right now with how much she tries to convince everyone she was just a poor victim of a guy SHE pegged andnow is acting all disgusted and insulted by shit she loved so much doing that she was allegedly heartbroken even to this day by a little guy she performed bdsm on. Imagine being that much of a crazy whore.
As if most here aren't already incels. Who fucking cares? Do you not touch anything out of fear someone else has already touched it?
No taksies backsies yet this whore is heartbroken about dumping this supreme manipulating evil genius she fucked the ass of and got hers fucked too. Something is not adding up and she literally sounds incredibly butthurt about everyone knowing about the level of slut she is after having been exposed.
Isnt it funny how much daddy issues she has yet when she needs a place to sleep and fuck in, funding for her fake bullshit interests, money to eat, or funds to file cases against all of her evil exes it is daddy's money she retorts to. Don't forget it was her who took him in when she was allegedly broke lmao
Audrey really has no way she can never, ever justify hooking up with a guy from /soc/. Not even mentioning the stuff they did to each other, sexually and otherwise. What a slut.
I don't know how anyone could 
doubt the veracity of his words after all the level of detail he provided when he first showed. Her initial reaction on twitter was just so incriminating I don't know how anyone could have thought it wasn't true.
Where in her YouTube callout post does she mention getting wet for school shooters, doing drugs with her whore sisters, having sex with an underaged guy (pedo), having a piss kink, a humiliation fetish, and being active on "dating" apps? I must have missed it
the only other times i’ve seen so much samefagging in a thread is when Gilbert Raborg the Pedophile is here
It's only two Audrey simps trying hard to salvage her image even she has herself admitted to being a whore but I agre, they're annoying as fuck
This Goebbels looking guy literally, actually had Audrey sucking his dick, was living on her flat rent free, was cumming in her cunt and mouth every day, saw her anus, fucked it, saw her body hair, sucked on her tits, knew her father while he was fucking his daughter, had her call him his soulmate, and was swaying teen poon on soc as recently as a month ago, while you niggas pray she, who has dated, fucked and sucked the absolute lowest of the low, looks your way or respond to your DMs.

How does that make you feel?
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He's not an Audrey simp. He's a cringe white knight with zero experience in egirls and zero pattern recognition who defends m'lady's honor to feel better about himself and he does this with literally every girl on this board.
Don't interact with him, it's useless. Think of him as a small retarded dog and ignore or pity him.
> what do you mean you don't accept me for who am I, honey?
> so what if I literally swallowed the cum of a guy I met on 4chan? 
> That's in the past!
> I'm with you NOW! And that's what matters!

Anything else, whore? Get new material at least, slut.
why is it always women who have had a lot of sex and with different men, like Audrey, the ones to always accuse everyone else of being obsessed with sex?
I'd like someone, anyone, to tell me honestly and completely truthfully right now what is something Audrey can offer, considering the stuff that has been revealed and confirmed which has reduced her to nothing better than a cum rag?
so whats the deal with her mom? how did she die, did she really die? what was audrey's reaction to her death. did her mother's death result in audrey adopting slutter and more promiscuous behavior with males on soc or becoming less innocent and pure of heart and more mentally ill?
Cancer, cancer. Less sluttier, less catastrophic whore stunts. She was very serious when it came to her mother's word. Got fatter definitely because of it.

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