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"sadgrl" made some of the most popular html resources for neocities and is very active in the "oldweb" community. she probably just followed a lot of people. maybe they knew each other somehow, but i highly doubt the deletion of the sadgrl blog is relevant at all it has been months.
can someone dump the kennedi pics where her face is clear and high resolution? im trying to make ai deepfakes but most of the face pics I have of her are low res, bad lighting, or her face is obstructed by something else in picture.
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don’t ask me how I got this one and the first image i posted of her and parish. this reminds of the pictures ken took with her “chad” ex. same colouring and style, it’s eerily similar. she seems to be modeling her “aesthetic” after Ken.
he looks literally nothing like vincent gallo. parish has a fat round face and looks jewish instead of italian. plus come on, ken has ALWAYS had a thing for men who would kidnap her
tbh I don't really blame parish's girlfriend for making him cut Ken off. she was trying to steal her boyfriend just like she tried to steal Jae from his gf.
where did you get that jae has a girlfriend from? his two accounts say very little about him at all except that he’s definitely weird in the same way most of Ken’s friends are. plus ken and jae are still extremely close friends based on their matching Letterboxd logs.
Going out on a limb here but I really doubt the sexually traumatized autistic girl was coming onto him enough for his girlfriend to make them stop being friends. My personal gut feeling based on Ken’s personality? Parish couldn’t stop coming onto her after finally being IRL friends after years of knowing each other online. He probably started getting frustrated that he was with his girlfriend instead of Ken and coped by introducing his gf to Ken’s style and hobbies. This didn’t work to help his frustration. All things considered, we know what happens when men and women are alone together for too long. He probably made a move somehow (feeling her up, trying to kiss her, etc.) and made Ken freak out hard enough to end the friendship. Which only makes me wonder why/how his girlfriend is still with him.
this is still all speculation until someone has proof or one of them speaks up. but still, why is your boyfriend alone with another girl who is taking photos of him to upload to her Flickr, and writing about him in her dream diary. 
lol I’d be seething out of jealousy and dump him
ok the fact that she has recently made her Instagram public makes me think she isn't lurking. she'd probably be terrified after reading our speculations. one of her Instagram stories basically confirms that it wasn't ken at the rave, it was alexa. she literally has a video of her and parish dancing at that rave
Alternatively, she's actually as possessive as speculated, is lurking, and went public specifically to prove to us that it was her spotted with her bf and not Ken.
This. These guys are absolutely delusional in their fanfiction. This alexa girl is a turbo normie professor who has nothing to do with the chans. 
She is not imitating kennedi and chances are that she started dressing and acting that way even before kennedi did. 
The reason why ken and parish had a falling out could be literally anything and I don't see how that is important.
Yeah sure, she made her socials public after her doxx and her info have been posted here and after reporting her pics, according to what you guys say. Makes zero sense.
Reality is that she doesn't browse here and doesn't give a crap about kennedi.
It's always funny when ken tards accuse any girl on earth to be a "ken clone", even though "ken clones" existed before and after kennedi. Also, she stopped being relevant online years ago, and she is a nobody in SF and in her social circles. Her public accounts have like 20 followers and they are all old orbiters and irl friends.
The people who keep up with this thread are less than a dozen...
> has nothing to do with the chans
How do you know? 

> chances are that she started dressing and acting that way even before kennedi did.
And on what grounds do you believe that are those the chances? 

> falling out could be literally anything and I don't see how that is important.
Nothing discussed here is "important." It's entertaining. You're exposing yourself for not understanding that. The reason people are so interested in why they stopped being friends is because he seemed to be one of Ken's oldest confirmed close friends, and their friendship ended very soon after she moved to SF. Considering how close they were from the perfume posts to the dream journal to the few flickr photos she posted of him, it's obvious they were like best friends. Whatever happened, it had to have been really bad, especially considering Ken is notorious for sticking around bad influences. 

> her doxx and info have been posted
She wasn't doxxed, and all information posted about her is publicly available. 

> after reporting her pics
First you say she has nothing to do with "the chans" to make one point and then you say she's here reporting her own pictures to prove a different point. 

> "ken clones" existed before
Sure, but someone being similar to Ken before Ken became known of isn't comparable to this. This woman who is very similar to Ken is literally dating a man that Ken had been close friends with for years before he knew this woman existed. 

> she stopped being relevant online years ago
What relevance would that have to someone she personally knows trying to imitate her to impress someone out of jealousy? Seethe less. Keep in mind that Ken had thousands of followers on instagram and tens of thousands of followers on tumblr but had to abandon both because of all the attention she got. The last time she tried to come back to instagram, she deactivated her account again within days. 

> she is a nobody in SF and in her social circles
And how would you know? You seem to know quite a lot about who's who in San Francisco and Ken's friends.

> Her public accounts have like 20 followers
Her only public active account is letterboxd which has 150+ followers, all of which seem to be random movie fans and not orbiters only following her because she's Ken. 

> The people who keep up with this thread are less than a dozen...
You would like to think that. Be careful and don't test it is all I'll say.
He doesn't have any, besides the voices in his head. He's a schizo projecting his obsession with kennedi onto everybody else.
If this Alexa normie professor knew that her face, her name, her workplace and petty speculation about her private life have been posted on a gangstalking website, she would freak out and delete everything, not make her socials public. 
She is not obsessed with kennedi and she doesn't read kennedi threads on endchan, let alone know how to report posts. Btw Parish doesn't read here either. If that were the case, he would tell her gf that she's been posted here and to keep her accounts private and stay safe. He also never reacted every time his stories/pics were posted or he was made fun of.
ok then most likely it’s Ken herself or Jae that is lurking and that’s why she deleted pics of her friends on Flickr and the dream journal. I still want to know what happened between her and parish 
Can one of you anons ask him yourself and post results here, his ig is par.ish_
Ken's follower count on ig went up from 62 to 63 in the past days. Who is her new follower?
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This is a cached image it will be gone someday. The original is slightly larger, does anyone have a copy?

I vaguely recall seeing an archive of an older ken thread uploaded but I can't find it and I spent a really long time looking.
you guys better show up to parish’s next show in sf on the 27th and bring “free ken” signs.
Why are you treating an old friend of hers like he’s some celebrity? He’s a loser like the rest of them. It’s been confirmed they ended their friendship for some reason and no one involved is gonna explain what happened, so I don’t see any point in this. His music is shit and the thread is clogged with gossip about him instead of Kentent.

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