/agatha2/ - E-Girl Purgatory

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that's not the losers' club it's just some cheap copy of it ran by a bunch of normalfaggots that don't know anything about e-girls and complain about pedros and underage girls but allow a tranny groomer and underage boys in it. typical libtard, biased server. if i see it posted here, i'll nuke it. gtfo of my board
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well, i logged onto my old reddit account to try and find what you might have been looking at. my only posts were on the mario kart subreddit (i have 12 pages of notes on character stats and strategies that i wanted to share), and the rabbit one. 
and a few comments here and there about my pets or vidya. 

I'm likely overthinking it if you are just messing with me
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I haven't posted anything on r9k in months ! I think I only ever put two total pictures up myself. The other ones were not posted by me. 
I do not want or need male attention as I am committed volcel and voluntarily single as well , if I get male attention irl it is usually from the usual cat calling and stuff I don't really go out unless I'm at work

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