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> they're not really the victim as far as our involvement is concerned
> minors shouldn't be on these parts.. ..but at the end of the day people will do what they want
> You shouldn't be a bad actor towards kids, but the ones that chose to put them self out there.. ..know what they're doing.

hmmmmmmmmmmmm, reading activated
If they get groomed here they aren't a victim, if minors are here its their own fault, you shouldn't be bad to kids but if they come here they know what they signed up for.
Damn, you're right, I guess I can't read, thanks for enlightening me anon.
Since I can't read and you can, maybe you could show me where he denounces grooming?
God why are you being obtuse. So since he said being bad is bad he doesn't support grooming, but him explicitly saying any minors here that get groomed aren't victims doesn't count as supporting grooming?
you are so desperate to be right your brain has melted
thinking the girls aren't victims, in that they hold a good part of the responsibility themselves is not supporting grooming. It sounds more as if he explicitly against grooming but has little sympathy for girls that actively and knowingly seek that out. It's really not that hard.
you expect underage, low iq molested/ drug addict girls to be able to make reasonable decisions in regards to their safety? 
I don't really have sympathy for them either, but I still think its disgusting when a man a decade or more older than them contributes to the cycle of abuse. 
I'll say it plainly, the men attempting to fuck them should be hung, as predators, and the girls should be forced into some sort of rehabilitation program
I don't think we disagree with much if anything on this topic when it comes to minors. I more take issue with the adult women known as egirls participating in some very shady things themselves being painted as poor innocent victims. When you're an adult I don't really care for the excuses of what in your childhood made you the way you are.
oh yeah, I don't agree with the whole woman narrative that anything that happens to them leaves them a total victim, and they have no responsibility in the matter. I just don't like seeing kids being shoved into the meatgrinder
Oh you're going to be a prick? 
> ...none of the girls here are truly victims. I mean, maybe some of the minors...
What exactly does that mean, since you're being so huffy? You actively discourage them, but see "most" of the minors not as victims. What then? A molested 14 year old is fully able to consent and understand what she's doing ? She needs rehabilitation and guidance
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Ok, fair. I'm being very fasciculus and my typing style can be a bit all over the place and hard to follow.
Maybe you really didn't understand what i meant.

I don't personally see minors that choose to put themselves in harms way as victims when they get hurt. I understand it is a bad thing and it should never happen, but at the same time I have to acknowledge that by immediately jumping to the conclusion that the girl is just a victim in all of this it only acknowledges part of the problem and in a way, almost encourages it to continue happening.
Perhaps you can agree what western society has a serious issue with women not being held accountable. That problem starts young. I agree that victims of grooming and sexual abuse should be given every option to help them be rehabilitated but we shouldn't sit there and just dismiss any accountability they had in the matter.
As someone who has personally tried to encourage every minor or young woman that is not a complete lost cause to distance herself from these types of communities I stand by my point: Whether is is 13 or 30, Women are aware of the type of community they're involving themselves in, they know what is going to happen, and there are people who will look out for them, and there are people who will try to prey on them.
It is not our collective fault because the vulnerable ones ignored the warnings.
Blame the pedros, sure, but don't blame the community.

Hope that made my point clear.
Nah, you're good man. That's the nature of anonymous image boards.
We call each other retarded faggots and encourage each other to kill ourselves all the time but none of it's really personal and we're all still boys at the end of the day.

I should have probably been more clear with what I meant cause in fairness it's a serious subject and I can se how you read it as "who cares if kids get groomed? It's fine."
Anyway, I'm going to bed soon, you have a good one.

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