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I think there’s not photo proof of it and it was mostly from (I think) someone who knew her sharing about it or her ex boyfriend himself. But apparently it did happen because she wasn’t happy with him. (She addressed this on curious cat I think)
Eh, I think she’s one of the more unique ones.
What kinda e-girl do YOU like, anon?


im into e girls who don't have to live their life in fear kek

in other words ones who actually enjoy their online presence and make stuff for shits and giggles

saw the shitass discord and left after realising it's just all 13 year old tiktokers and pedrophiles

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No, that was the guy she cheated on her boyfriend with apparently LMFAO.
Hey, please don’t start moralfagging here. If you’ve got no interest in Ashley then just leave this thread be and participate in the threads of egirls you do like.


> Asks me what my favourite kinda e girl is
> I give a normal answer
> "moralfagging!!!"

no one is moralfagging nigger, only problem is Ashleyfags literally never know how to move on and are the reason why she's scared lmfao

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No because you were insinuating that posting here is kinda morally bad, which is kinda moralfagging. It happened enough times in the old thread and it’s better to leave the people who are still interested in her pics alone even if you disagree.

the only subreddit for her is empty because the owner used it to advertise his discord

barely anyone is whiteknighting as she's the most overrated e girl on earth and most her current fans are just spiteful at her

if you dumb niggers knew how to keep your dick away maybe she would still be here

> the only subreddit for her is empty because the owner used it to advertise his discord

There are actually 2 subreddits r/Zombiebeatz2000 and r/Zombiebeatz

r/Zombiebeatz is empty and was only used by Penus to advertise his discord server r/Zombiebeatz2000 on the other hand at one point was an active community but after the statement everything got purged by the admin, but he keeps it up for the LULZ and to spite Ashley and her white knights. 

> Barely anyone is whiteknighting as she's the most overrated e girl on earth and most her current fans are just spiteful at her

It takes 2 seconds to go into the comments of a TikTok meme/Edit or one of her videos that still has the comments turned on you will see them.

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Gawd damn brah did someone save it on their notes or something, there’s gotta be someone with it. I save a lot of random shit on my notes there must be someone with it lying around. If there isn’t I might try to find her more obscure accounts myself.


To be fair I do imagine him backing away from this whole thing since I don't think he's THAT petty and depressed (atleast I hope not)

Mostly the discordians who keep this running (they're spiteful to Ashley and wanna get her attention)

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If anyone here has any good feelings about Ashley, try reconsidering your actions
Even if it seems harmless and we think it won't harm her, it goes against her will 

I know what I'm posting is useless and most won't care but someone might understand

I agree entirely but it'll probably get the discordians all riled up even more (for some reason? they kinda just wanna troll from the looks of it)

But very good point, I don't even understand her e girl appeal like some of the other guys here. No clue why the second thread was even needed

he's literally friends with the tatsu guy who got exposed via google doc ages ago


most the guys who still care or hate ashley now are just kidfiddlers, tiktok kids and trolls who want her to come back

this thread completely stinks

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Today marks 3 months since her statement

She made a mistake going to the server twice to ask to stop

Now they're waiting for her to come back

Lucky for her, current stalkers and fans are mediocre and can't even catalog all of her accounts

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Your definition of hypocrisy is clouded and distorted
It would be hypocrisy if this girl (Lynn) defended Ashley in public but in return, in anonymity, continued sharing things about Ashley and disrespecting her wishes.

Lynn understood Ashley's wishes and did not do what she did in the past

A person who claims to be a fan or admirer of someone must respect the will of the person they like

after re-reading her posts again, I think that NL guy is playing a long con

while yellow fever retards obsess over mid, he's making moves on a qt fangirl by defending her idol

smart mortherfucker..

this is a WIP but im archiving every ashley picture into one folder. im aware she has a ton of pics but im willing to do this because i have no life kek

you know what? im a whiteknight piece of trash by most people's standards here but at this point, this existing might actually be a good thing

means less discussion is needed, less creepy ass communities are formed around her and less new fuckers stirring shit up again just to find more images. 

Good luck getting them all together I guess, I recommend adding her statement in there too so less people ask obvious shit


She's from the discord server and doesn't care about Ashley's safety nor does she care about how Ashley begged the server's owner to leave her alone (or that they tried to dox her), she just wants to archive Ashley

It's another oblivious fan, should be fine for the most part, since the archive can mean less communities get made around ashley in the end


dude that's literally just another random ass e girl as her profile picture (unless you got proof)

she changed her profile picture on multiple platforms like 17 times before and since then and always does, ive followed her accounts for months

you REALLY BADLY wish you were a pro doxxer


> random ass e girl

so random ass egirl that all reverse search engines give 0 results, unlike with youtube pfp or other shit she had

same with her twitter where the exact nigga was her pfp twice, although i didnt managed to save pics


Her pfps (especially on Instagram) have been ugly mfs more times than not lmfao

I put those through search engines too. It's really not hard to make an image detraceable. Literally couldn't distinguish her between multiple other mediocre looking black, mixed and white chicks with no trace

Chill your hate boner. You aren't the Banksy of doxxing, and you're after the wrong person too

She's already been doxxed before like 6 months ago and I doubt that was you

shes so silly

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> Complains about degenerates being obsessed with her on the internet. 
> Calls everyone who criticizes her or is obsessed with her a pedrophile. (Even though she likes lolicon) 
> Cheated on her boyfriend of 7 years with an Italian American guy.
> Posted lewd pics of herself on Instagram getting fucked and physically abused by her boyfriend when she was 19/20. 
> Likes lolicon girls in glasses gore and maid and nurse outfits. 
> Pretended to be a hikikomori on YouTube and created a character called Noriko hatakeyama.
> Begged 4chan for attention and provoked /r9k/ by feeding the trolls by responding. 
> Likes to pretend her mental health issues don't exist. 
> Is racist (Even though she is a POC herself)
> Does/Has done drugs. 
> Thinks NEETs are lazy. (Even though she was a true NEET during her homeless period and time living in Japan) 
> Claimed to be a hikikomori but went to school had friends and a boyfriend. 

 Yeah.... why is this roastie idolized again?

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Because depressed ass tiktokers look at "Noriko hatekeyama" and seriously think they relate with their mental condition (she wasn't even bipolar, that was a misdiagnosis years ago. Nor schizoaffective because that was a temporary symptom of her lifestyle choices.)

She's definitely the type of "e-girl" you should just fucking ignore, maybe find cute when she was in her prime and that's it. Otherwise she's just another attention hungry edgelord asshole turned "normie".

I could post her more recent stuff but I don't feel like feeding this shithole if it's all just fat trolls and retarded "she's literally me" tiktokers desperate to find more on her. Those are literally the only 2 groups here (other than whiteknight normies).

You would need to post way worse for any of the Gen Z fags to actually feel deterred lmfao, most the decade long fans have grown to hate her now, the mature ones moved on.

So boring seeing another "e-girl" propped up by spite, you niggers are all lame as hell.

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I thought about sending everything I have to Ashley
Everything I received from other people and everything I stalked and saved myself. There are more than 110 images including photos and screenshots, from 2019 to 2024
But thinking about it, it's better to delete everything without sending it to her.

Since January I've been watching these threads and the discord server and every month I felt better about not contributing to this madness anymore, after all Ashley isn't coming back.
That was my goal since she left the public eye in 2019, to make her relevant and popular to a level where she thought about the possibility of becoming some kind of influencer or content creator. Well, as we saw in her statement in December, it is not part of her plans.

I'm glad I don't stalk her anymore, and I keep following this shit here more as a sociological exercise, curiosity and tedium

good luck to the white knights and the archivers, I hope Ashley is successful in this battle for her privacy

Whoever made a reddit account named hikichanarchived and spammed the archive everywhere all the comments were deleted so u have to spam it in the reddit again i don't think the owner will delete it again

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This is what it means to be better than everyone else, bravo

We're all degenerate trash, but still have much dignity to lose. Some may not notice if they're blinded by spite they pulled out of their ass

Contributing to a rabbithole like this if it means ruining the life of someone else isn't worth it

> I'm glad I don't stalk her anymore

To move on is to become someone. Feel proud

> virtue signaling for the egirl you're in love with

bravo! now go and persuade ciarafags, kennedifags, markyfags, biancafags, sunnyfags, etc... to move on and stop stalking these girls and their families/friends


accusations of samefagging when you literally know multiple people who whiteknight for ashley anyway

i greatly overestimated the IQ of modern noriko fans


Wasn't the point, not virtue signaling for her either since ashley herself is a bitch

Anon here stated it well

you guys just happen to be even worse lmfao, seethe on it

so, you continue posting and fighting in a thread you dont even contribute properly to, and your insult is to call us low iq, low blow, my friend. If you actually had a life you would've deleted it without smearing your shit filled ass over here.

Do you still want the Master Link for all her accounts?
I have all the links and some others that the person didn't put on Reddit but it's disorganized. The person who made that Master Link was very tired when he made it, so it was very incomplete
I'll keep an eye on how you behave and if you have the ability to do something

Her statement is full of lies, but the main objective she achieved, which was to take down the KYM page and stop people from making documentaries speculating about her life and mental health.

You did not understand. Before, any curious person would search "hikkichan" "ashley hanrahan" on Google and this page would already appear, now few people have access to this. This will greatly limit things about her from being spread

Oh, there are several things
She was never hikikomori, not even half hikikomori. At some point in the article it was said that she dropped out of school, and that didn't happen

There are other impressions but what should make her upset are things about her private life that really must be embarrassing for her to have this being read by people

> She was never hikikomori, not even half hikikomori

That is not inaccurate the bitch openly called herself one in her videos and said she was half hikikomori on her blog you are right about her not being a true hikki though. 

> At some point in the article it was said that she dropped out of school, and that didn't happen

No, it was implying that she was staying at home and avoiding socializing with others. 

read between the lines you are right there were a few things wrong like her age at he time being 16 but everything else was mostly accurate.

he joined the hikkichan server and started getting mad kekw then said it wasnt for the views but i dont believe that. 
i dont blame him tbh if i got 30k on one vid but only averaged around 500 on my other ones, i would do it for the clout too

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In the last 3 weeks the number of new subscribers to the zombiebeatz2000 channel has been falling. only 145 new subscribers per day on average. If this average remains the channel will reach 100k subscribers on June 17, 2024

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Someone is leaking bew pictures of zombiebeatz2000 in 2024 after her statement and apperantly people say they have proof of her cheating on her husband with someone that looks like Dream and they have her current whereabouts?

Why are you named dropping me. I know I fucked up by adding tlh into the private chat I just didn’t want to be rude because he sent chibi’s stuff before my follow request got accepted.
I didn’t post this I was very persistent with the idea of keeping stuff in the private chat before getting access to the private accounts. I mean we didn’t get in and tlh leaked and a bunch of people saw it so, yeah if I insisted on keeping everything private now that’s already out there, it would be quite stupid.

Her biggest mistake was going to the first server after her statement. What more could be said by her? Not satisfied with your stupidity what she did next? 
once again she go on the second server now created by this person named "Penus"
She gave relevance to this discord server full of Gen Z and now she is exposed in a much greater way than before her statement

Ashley, you're not very smart

Disheartening. I figured she was still married (didn't she claim to be in her statement?), and at her age, thinking about starting a family if not doing so already. Instead she has behavior regressed a decade. Do better Ashley, you only have one life.

She's not cheating. She wouldn't be so stupid to cheat and disclose it on the internet whether on private or public IG. This guy is her new boyfriend or her new husband. If it is her new husband, she did not lie in her statement because she said she is not divorced, she just omitted it. If this guy is her new boyfriend, she lied in her statement. that's it.

Calling this out as cheating is making you guys look retarded. One of the photos of her with this guy is literally at a family Christmas get together, for christ's sake. She's obviously just with a different man now, probably has been for a while.

I would like to know what the white knights have to say about this current situation.
I always like to know what both sides have to say. The server idiots and also the opinion of the white knights

Honestly I thought she was cute back in the day but I don't really care what she's up to now

I'm not even a white knight but she's obviously not the person she used to be and we don't even know what she's like now. What's even the point of finding new content if it's not the same girl we all fell in love with at this point I move on to other egirls

Well as a white knight obviously this is bad because people can message her friends who probably dont know about her past and they can do wahtever they want like send her weird photos to them or tell them about her past which she doesnt want


This. Now only purpose lowlives from troon server (mostly) actually seek is trolling and that's pretty much it.

What else to discuss here when these retarded monkeys can't even organize her archive properly, or how her defenders regularly feed trolls thus keeping it alive. White and fluffy whiteknights, or obsessed pedro-trolls - the fight is even, two turds are beefin'.

It may seem hypocritical but I feel sorry for her because all the effort she had to try to alleviate or end this nightmare of hers seems to have been in vain.

Before the declaration:
> millions of views on tiktok
>  dozens of documentaries being made about her life and past problems
> his channel zombiebeatz2000 gaining approximately 1,000 subscribers per day (November and December 2023)
>  no one knowing about her current life (just some stalkers)

After your statement:
>  January 2024, the situation is eased and things seem to have improved and all documentaries are taken down, many tiktok videos disappear, the only bad thing is the discord server
>  February 2024, the situation appears to have stabilized
> March 2024, things seem to get worse... videos and edits return to YouTube and TikTok, some documentaries about her are made on YouTube, someone leaks photos of her car's license plate
> April 2024, Instagram accounts leak current photos about her. Her Instagram account is disclosed. documentary in English is posted again. Her current address has been made public

We have 3 fronts now:
white knights (fans with some conscience)
haters (incels and femcel)
stupid fans (self explanatory)
We also have hybrids

Now they are justifying everything simply because she omitted some things in her statement.

On the other side we have a woman who cannot have her privacy. Things got worse for her after the statement.


These monkeys don't know how to download a video or a photo from Instagram, the only thing these idiots know is screenshots with their cheap cell phones...
But you're as stupid as they are for spreading her accounts around so the monkeys can go and ruin everything.

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> But you're as stupid as they are for spreading her accounts around so the monkeys can go and ruin everything.

idc. a normie doing parties and roleplaying as a gta character with her normie friends. what's the appeal now? move on to younger hikki girls already.
her statement was full of lies btw. lmaoing at the white knights who believed her fake sob story.


She just asked as a human being to leave her alone, they did the opposite...
As a human race, we don't know how to treat people we don't know as brothers and sisters.

"she's just a woman who lives somewhere else and doesn't even know who I am. Fuck if she's harmed, I don't care"

The human race will only evolve when we see ourselves in other people

It seems that some here are hating her for living a normal life with friends and a new boyfriend.
It's like "how dare you live a normal and good life while I'm here alone in this misery?! Now I'm going to leak your accounts and spread your private photos and videos all over the internet!"

out of pure curiosity why does anybody care? i check this when im bored and the new leaks showing her happy, having fun with friends, a new relationship with a dude that seems to really care about her, on top of all a hobby makes me feel nasty for engaging in this shitshow. she asked for privacy because she doesn't want to be a personality and is grown out of the egirl shit, which makes sense after all these years 

im really happy for her and i think we all can hope we grow out of the internet too


Why? she's an awful human being. 

She is literally just your typical mean girl who tries to act all like hey guys I'm not like the other girls and pretends to be something she's not and inserts herself where she doesn't belong.

“Lynn” on the server is actually penus, not real Lynn.
Wish we had real nudes, but this isn’t her, it’s missing the mole she had close to her breasts.
Doubt it. It’s full of retards but I thankfully found some nice ppl there that aren’t completely brain dead.
She’s always been a poser, it’s so obvious, even since her “””hikki””” days, I have a hard time wrapping my head around this kind of behaviour.

It seems that Ashley will have to live with the result of her narcissism at different stages in her life in the past

I don't care about anything else that leaks about her, I tried to attenuate this for months by talking to people trying to persuade some and I had some successes, and you, you idiot, you were the biggest responsible for things getting to this current situation. you were stupid and left your license plate showing for everyone to see, you and some of your friends did this (several times in different photos).
Before making your statement and posting you should have planned to stay off the internet for at least 6 months, and what did you do? In the same week as the statement, you already posted a video on your page good*ce...
What should you have done?
Maybe at least y ou should not lie so much in your statement, posting that shit and only responding to a few things and nothing more. After that, you should close your social midia for at least 6 months and work to take down your old accounts.
But you had the brilliant idea of going to discord TWICE and doing more damage to yourself. I thought you were much more intelligent
Not to mention that some of your white knights fought this in the worst way, further fueling all this

It seems like you can't get out of the game


well said, ashley is nearly 30 years old and got the brains of a 15 years old to handle her own shit

if this wasn't for some random idiot from the server, then it would have got leaked by her now-whiteknights


i wonder if you ain't autistic as the server owner or many other members out there


one remark:
> Before making your statement and posting you should have planned to stay off the internet for at least 6 months, and what did you do? In the same week as the statement, you already posted a video on your page good*ce...

writing down that sob story to youtube wasn't planned ahead, it was a spontaneous reaction to one of Ashley's now-whiteknight interrogating her friend for his documentary which alerted her later

but it was a dumb idea indeed


A few days ago I requested to follow her with my real account (showing my face on pfp), this is a very rare thing for me to do and... she blocked me.

I know I can't compete with her current dude but she broke my heart again

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In fact, I am in favor of the proliferation of these documentaries now
We all have karma, Ashley lied and that's her karma

John 8:44 
𝙔𝙤𝙪 𝙗𝙚𝙡𝙤𝙣𝙜 𝙩𝙤 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙛𝙖𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙙𝙚𝙫𝙞𝙡 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙬𝙖𝙣𝙩 𝙩𝙤 𝙘𝙖𝙧𝙧𝙮 𝙤𝙪𝙩 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙛𝙖𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙨 𝙙𝙚𝙨𝙞𝙧𝙚𝙨 𝙃𝙚 𝙬𝙖𝙨 𝙖 𝙢𝙪𝙧𝙙𝙚𝙧𝙚𝙧 𝙛𝙧𝙤𝙢 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙗𝙚𝙜𝙞𝙣𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙣𝙤𝙩 𝙝𝙤𝙡𝙙𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙩𝙤 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙩𝙧𝙪𝙩𝙝 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚 𝙞𝙨 𝙣𝙤 𝙩𝙧𝙪𝙩𝙝 𝙞𝙣 𝙝𝙞𝙢 𝙒𝙝𝙚𝙣 𝙝𝙚 𝙡𝙞𝙚𝙨 𝙝𝙚 𝙨𝙥𝙚𝙖𝙠𝙨 𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙣𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙫𝙚 𝙡𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙪𝙖𝙜𝙚 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙝𝙚 𝙞𝙨 𝙖 𝙡𝙞𝙖𝙧 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙛𝙖𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧 𝙤𝙛 𝙡𝙞𝙚𝙨

If anyone is going to make a new thread, do it with a photo of Ashley as an adult because there is no point in being stuck in such a distant past, she is a beautiful woman now explore this

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