/agatha2/ - E-Girl Purgatory

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I know but usually mods get mad if you don't do it. 
Anyway you need to remove the trannies tris and vore, put question marks on ika and clem, and add fia,the chinese one, the obese goth and the other baboon.

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i never hated on puk, i just don't think she should hang out with old men that want to sexualize her. especially alfter already being in a court case from it. also no i would not have done that. i wish i was a virgin and could live the rest of my life and die a virgin, but young me was retarded and fell for stuff that a moid said.  its whatever though, i shouldve known better, but it was the first male to ever be attracted to me and i was lonely and desperate. it's what it is, i dont expect any pity or understanding for it.

> i just don't think she should hang out with old men that want to sexualize her
as opposed to what, hanging out with young men that want to "sexualize" her?

> i wish i was a virgin and could live the rest of my life and die a virgin, but young me was retarded and fell for stuff that a moid said.
lol was it that big of a deal? did you get [REDACTED]?

> it was the first male to ever be attracted to me and i was lonely and desperate
welcome to our wold.. except we didn't have mature milfs wanting to fuck us to then cry about it lol

> i dont expect any pity or understanding for it
and you'll get neither, you entitled brat

> nobody in school or anywhere ever crushed on me or even really wanted to befriend me
boo-hoo, at least you were left alone

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> people her own age would not be sexualizing her or making her take nudes, or trying to take her to hotels to fuck her
you gotta be fkn kidding me you dumb bitch lmao

your retarded ass could get fkn drugged and gangbanged in highscool party

> ill go fuck off now.
ye, u do that


they are the most popular e-girls of all time and they both started posting (nudes even) while underage. underage e-girls are part of r9k's culture. whoever complains about underage girls posting to the board is a newfag

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You guys are derailing threads with this non-sense, and it really has to stop. There was unwarranted and baseless onslaught directed towards iris, who is a very sweet and cute girl that always participates in talking with people and from what Ive seen she havent done anything bad or out of pocket to anyone who was innocent. This whole scheme has resulted in a detrimental impact on her self-esteem and her whole percieving of herself. Upholding positivity towards puk can be achieved without hating other egirls or undermining their sentiments. This is also two sided, puk is sweet and pretty, she has alot opportunities in life however she spent it on the worst man-made schizoid forums which can fuck her mentality for ever. I sound like a hypocrite this way considering how old I was when I posted on 4ch but it's very different from what Puk is experiencing. The actual reasons her thread are getting deleted and why her name stays banned It's because she has been actually groomed by someone in the past,she has a weird kind of fanbase who is scarily obssessed over her and everytime there is a new thread about puk sensitive info gets leaked. I hope she doesnt text and involve herself with any of you mfs, and has a nice life outside of silly forums since she deserves one. Being positive to her its awesome, but inappropriate messages towards her are a no no which is something very common on her threads. 
As I said stop thinking me, iris or any other egirl is larping as anonymously to spread hate towards puk, because we wouldnt, we want her safe. But yeah I can say you are right I am pretty much uninteresing and not pretty enough to be discussed or have people talk to me here and I'll just cope with it whatever. I resign myself to this reality, resigned to the notion that I must simply endure and accept my perceived insignificance. I have come to a conclusion that people dont find books, history or politics interesing to discuss in this website and I can do anything about it. I wish people would talk more to me but what I can do?

> Upholding positivity towards puk can be achieved without hating other egirls or undermining their sentiments
i agree

> The actual reasons her thread are getting deleted and why her name stays banned It's because she has been actually groomed by someone in the past
that happened way before /r9k/. also didn't you send a guy to jail too?

> I wish people would talk more to me but what I can do?
post your discord. make a server even

Well I am not sure but I believe jannies just dont wanna get sued, there were people reporting Ms. Bean threads since they contained pedrophilic content and doxxing.(as they should,based anons).Considering her phone is being monitored by the federals, jannies down wanna risk it and get charged. Also cracky-chan the oldest e-girl had also her name banned in 4chan when she gained too much popularity and people went crazily obssessed over her which made her leave the internet forever because anons were going out of the pocket. 
> that happened way before /r9k/. also didn't you send a guy to jail too

I didn't get anyone in jail since I didnt really get involved personally with people from 4chan. Even when I posted my discord tag, people who messaged me were around my age and those who werent either blocked me or just talked in a friendly way condoning no harm. 
> post your discord. make a server even
I have posted my discord and making a server is really useless. Besides that I dont wanna deal with gore and other drama.

If you hate yourself so much why do you seem so self obsessed and narcissistic always posting pictures of yourself? because you're insecure and desperate for attention? Please. pretending to be self loathing doesn't make you interesting or a sympathetic character. stop baiting for praise and attention that is kid behavior and you should grow up nigga

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oh my god again, why do fat white dudes say “nigga” when interacting with black ppl online when they never say it otherwise holy shit this isn’t 8Mile or Worldstar you fucking sperg this is the most cringe brand of autism i swear to god. if it didn’t make me want to kms id be interested in the psychology behind it. faggots acting like this is TSR

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hiya cewl i hope you are doing alright, i stalk you sometimes would you wanna be friends on twitter? also some r9k people still miss you i saw a post about you a little while back but the board is still majority horrible, i try not to post so much anymore myself.

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and im glad ur not on r9k as much <333 ive been thinking about u and hoping ur well in long and tbh i didnt know u were here for a while
and if u wanna u dont just have to lurk the thread abt me if they mistreat u i will get mad at them so dont be scare c: hihihi
and picrel is so kyut its so us i mean picrel on ur post egehehe my picrel is yuri love us also

4chan is the most racist place on the internet and /r9k/ is the board where incels used to communicate. if you're black or a female and you post there you know what to expect. most of these bitches love being degraded

Im not going to mention her name but there is one girl that is head and shoulders above every other girl out there , and thank god she doesnt make it into these collages. shes the top of the egirl mountain. 10/10 in looks, 10/10 at being fun to talk to, 10/10 in terms of being nice and caring, 10/10 at being a good friend. I do not want to share her with another person.

> if you guys are trying to make me suicidal its working
Look, it can get much worse than this, she will ghost you and there is nothing you can do about it, I have been there before and it nearly killed me, she switched overnight and I never heard from her again, she didn't even block me, I am just invisible while she was and is still active. She made me feel special and then this

> that's why you have to get in, get nudes/laid and get out. ghost her first or at least accept it's coming. have your fun, humor her and maybe gaslight her a bit where you can
had to learn this the hard way despite the warnings I got here

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> she didn't even block me, I am just invisible while she was and is still active

I hate when that happens to me.

> talking every day 

> suddenly ghosts me 

> reads the new messages but still doesn't block

Why do this? Does they just like the attention? Or is it all a plan to make me go fucking insane?

this shit is making me livid. the very same thing has happened to me and im so fucking done. now i understand why ppl rejoiced and celebrated when girls like bianca got murdered or when ciara OD'd.

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Deleted this post because SSN is a private information. Not sure about DLN, and some others, but if you skip that, it is allowed to post the rest on Endchan.
As far as the board rule of no doxx. If board staff wants to enforce such, they can. I don't have to follow board rules.

Furthermore the post was most likely a follow up of a conversation of a suspected troll who contacted us via Discord in the public chat. I expressed my suspicion of a troll, and the post I just deleted seems to prove my suspicion.

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/s4s/ has more e-girls than /r9k/ now. 
these are the ones I've seen posting lately



snooby lemon/snobby




i don’t see her wearing makeup in any of her new pictures and it doesn’t look like she uses filters except when they are obviously on a high exposure setting. now what’s this about a secret boyfriend?

oh my god that is so sad. that girls tits are so mis-shapen and lop sided and gross looking, surely she must know this? what would possess this girl to look at her breasts in the mirror and think "i should post these".

yes, she posted a cute video about food. pretended to be a kawaii innocent angel girl. 
her ex joined the thread and exposed her trad larp. she privated all her videos.

i hoped someone saved them or has her nudes. she has that malnourished but cute homely look that vaguely reminds me of ciara.

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According to AI:
Agatha, Ciara, and Cewl are the top 3 most attractive egirls 
The top 3 ugliest are Tinker, Empath, and Audrey
(I refuse to test other girls because I'm lazy but Ika is probably a 57% and Iris a 55%)

Who is worst girl? For me its audrey, iris, tinker or vore. They are lolcows more than egirls. Audrey ate a man’s ass and kills animals, iris had a threesome and begs for attention, tinker was “raped” by a homeless guy and is now homeless, and vore is married with a son.

Tinker. She is a pathological liar who tells everyone a different story for sympathy. She lies about being raped, abused, and molested, but cannot keep the story consistent. She also lied about her ex boyfriend abusing her while cheating on him with eboys.
Also claims her family neglected her but photos from her childhood (that she herself posted) show how spoiled she was as a kid.
All this, plus being best buddies with pedrophiles and bullying their victims out of jealousy because she's too old for them. She only denounces pedrophiles when called out.


there is a 19 year old at the lumber yard i pick up at that is dating a girl that looks like if you face merged a pitbul and a below average girl, why just bc he knows she wont cheat, plus she is so stuck on him she lets him tap anytime he wants

yeah she appearently hates me and cucks anons, repurposes nudes (i.e. cuck anons jack off to nudes that isnt even for them), and fuck a guy that she isnt even boyfriend girlfriend with. and ive heard she bullies me as well, as if she has something better she does in her life than what i do 😂😂 and anons loveeee her just cause she has a beautiful face. 
anyways. that was a good laugh.
the icing on the cake is she is FAT AS FUUUUUCK lmao
> fat
> egirl
pick one...

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Why do you think she hates you? She's literally never even talked to you or about you.
Her body still looks better than your washed up angel body. And she actually has a personality unlike you. You're a jealous roastie angel. Sorry I dropped this don't get blinded by her beauty!

girls that are actually attractive in the slightest have way too many other avenues to get attention and money on the internet these days. for the most part only the ugliest most mentally ill women are still trying to make it on the chans due to lack of other options or they share degenerate interests with the circles they are in (pedrophilia, tranime and drugs most commonly).

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I think donut-chan is the cutest facewise if she were skinnier and was more interesting lorewise she would be unmoggable 

Bee kinda looks like ciara facially and since she is tied to sosa she has that " old e-girl " vibe to her  

vultz is the typical beaner goth she ain't ugly but personally not my type 

tinker's lore is kinda entertaining and she kinds reminds me of a girl from a 2000s movie and her hair is beautiful I think she is pretty in a next door girl type of way

empath looks better now than she did before she looksmaxxed but people keep posting pics were she looked ugly like they do with kennedi for some reason she is not my type but she she is hot for many guys

miyoko is cute and seems to be into a more japanese fashion sense more instead of the typical western coquette 

iris could upgrade herself and maybe use braids again I think the contacts she uses to look puppy like are cute but she could try another fashion style

medoi looks the same she did last year but is in a normie twitch e-whore route

cewl looks worse than she did before

1) she's not a slut all she literally does all day is play vidya or go to school - she doesn't even barely talk to anyone anymore.
2) This shit isn't cool, funny, edgy, whatever. It's predatory no matter the motive and I hope you or whoever else get forced to get the psychological help you clearly need.

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