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I have met a handful of Asian and hapa girls who use/used r9k but they are usually a lot better about not attention whoring. The reasons for this are debatable but to answer your question, they're there but not to be found.
Exceptions include Lucy and a couple of one-off face reveals.

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thumbnail of 4 seasons of mogusa shirose.jpg
4 seasons of mogusa... jpg
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Japan is a Confucian culture which retained transactional prostitution, e.g. "Idols" are e-girls in variety of senses, commercially controlled by corporations.

Europe/Americas got sweeped with socialist ideals in early XX century, banning most forms of prostitution, so in the end we have decentralized small isles of icky transactional sexuality: prostitution, strippers and escorts (professionally listed models for hire), a huge empty area, and then there are e-girls like Eliza who post their boobs and face for attention and then fucks some dude for heroin. In Japan she'd work as a pretend girlfriend for salarymen, completely legal, regulated for a fixed hourly rate through some schoolgirl-for-hire agency. Sounds soulless as fuck, right?

It seems to me in later decades Orient-Occident cultures started blending together with the help of Internet, first we had Western girls gaining popularity in Japan, next we had Japanese formats imported to the West: cosplay, woman streamers, VA/vtubers, now we have subscription platforms where any western woman can do light Japanese-style prostitution in countries where penetrative prostitution is illegal.


Shirose Mogusa isn't an e-girl. Someone found her personal tumblr and started forcing her on 4chans.


Thank you. 🖤
I hadn't checked that account in a while because it had been inactive.
I knew that pic must have been somewhat recent because it has her new hairstyle. Was afraid she'd started posting again somewhere and I'd missed it.
It's funny, I was planning to read the same book she just added soon, too...

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twitter... zip
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Mogusa Shirose 白瀬百草
https://www.instagram.com/mog_beibu/ [private]
https://twitter.com/abgmgmp [private]

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thumbnail of Japanese_climber ninja schoolgirl parkour.mp4
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But there must be japanese chan e-gilrs in a proper sense, right? Give an actual 3-D Tomoko Kuroki. Futaba precedes 4chan. Like you see western e-girls posted on Japanese and Chinese websites, there should be the opposite motion, but there isn't. Btw, tranime cosplay and "goth lolita" is not a fashion.

I respect all ethnicities a lot, but having children with an Asian, let's say a Japanese, would ruin the genetics of my offspring. I would prefer to have children with a black woman, or with a Latin, South American or Hispanic woman. Japanese women are fine for safe sex, but never for having children.

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