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Am i the only oldfag autist that never quite got over becca hochman and her huge Bazongas from the REACT youtube days?? 
I know Lia was usually other anons cup of tea but still.. i miss those old /tv/ threads, Its a shame becca seems to have vanished after seething about the fact that most of the attention she was getting was because of her body

> Its a shame becca seems to have vanished after seething about the fact that most of the attention she was getting was because of her body
Ah yeah, the classic incel take that even teenagers need to be ok with getting objectified.

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With the way modern social media like tiktok and such is, youd think women would understand that by now what people use this shit for. You upload yourself online because ya want attention/validation? That's fine, just understand that more often than not as a pretty girl some of the attention is gonna be sexual in nature.

I wonder if the thought ever popped into her head that if she dressed more modestly she wouldn't receive that sort of attention, or at least a lot less of it. It's like a lot of the girls posted here who can't connect the dots between their own behavior and the negative attention they recieve as a consequence of it.

She (and other women) know full well what they're doing. The reason she gets mad is because she doesn't want the "judgement" for what she does.
Women are perfectly fine with doing the most heinous shit, AS LONG as other people don't think negatively of her. This is why they do shit like nude photography, cosplay, or putting quotes on their titty\ass pics on Facebook\Instagram. You can see an example of this in  >>/62754/. She attaches the text about the podcast to the pic of her sexualizing herself. Another common thing is shit like "Happy Monday" with a pic of themselves. It's all a big excuse.
All it is is women wanting the best of both worlds. They want the benefit from sexualizing themselves, but don't want the bad reputation from being an attention whore.
Additionally, there's also the factor that women happily sexualize themselves for Chad's attention, but they hate getting sub8s' attention, and if they do, they'll pretend like they're totally not being sexual at all.
This is also why you can get women to do weird shit in the bedroom, as long as she "feels" she isn't being "judged" for it. Women are amoral.
TLDR: Women are not innocent, they're manipulative malicious pieces of shit.

Just before she puts her hands together, she literally does a small hop to purposefully jiggle her tits.
Every fucking movement she does in that clip is manipulated and rehearsed in order to catch sexual attention. They do this shit 100% on purpose.

Or maybe - just maybe - they are allowed to exist and wear things they like to wear within reason without being stalked and objectified
what should she wear, a burka?
> "she deserves to be harassed and bullied for having booba"
is a cope so you can continue being shitty to women

> she shouldnt wear that, she knows it makes my pp hard!!!! slut!!!!!
it all comes back to thinking of women as purely valuable because of their bodies, and then you get mad when they behave according to putting all their self-value in their bodies/appearance
its truly over for w*men

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> Just before she puts her hands together, she literally does a small hop to purposefully jiggle her tits.
Thank you for pointing this out, Also you reminded when she purged the fuck outta her own comment section on this next vid here (for obvious reasons):

Her ENTIRE fucking wardrobe is just undersized crop tops that are tight around her tits. That's it. You'd have to be a completely brainwashed soyscum with zero pattern recognition to not see it.
And she 100% uses an underwire too. But we're all expected to act like she's totally not attention whoring or else the simps and other women will get mad at you. Fuck you.
Women are such manipulative liar pieces of shit. I seriously wouldn't get as mad at them if they didn't try to bullshit me to my face.
I hate dishonesty. I hate dishonesty. I hate dishonesty.

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Also somewhat related but how many egirls do you know that have a fucking agent? Guess all that "Networking" she did in her teens react days was put to good use

You're probably right. It's probably some kind of rage bait, or otherwise some way to get attention.
It's crazy, being slutty online isn't enough attention for them. They also want the attention for being victims.

Personally I like big boobs but 99% of women who have them are extremely unattractive. They always end up being these huge fucking whores, and their whole personality revolves around having big tits. QED.

She means she's fine with doing it, she just doesn't want to be called out for it.
Call me an evil misogynist, but I think it's a bad idea for teenagers to be attention whores. Young adults doing it is bad enough.
Sometimes I really feel like a sane man in an insane world, when I see parents buying their daughters slutty clothes. How fucking brainwashed do they have to be to not realize what they're doing. They're actively encouraging that behavior. I don't even have kids yet but I already feel the fury of a hundred suns at the thought of my daughters doing anything slutty online. Why don't parents care?

> No you don't understand, you gross weird icky incels, she's wearing that FOR HERSELF. Women do it FOR THEMSELVES
> Yes, you incel. It's totally a coincidence that men are into tits and ass, and that she's wearing clothes and putting on poses and filming angles that purposefully highlight those traits.
> Ugh, I... I literally can't even. It's almost as if women are just... existing? Being... normal? Yikes, let's unpack this. You do not objectify women... ever? It's called being a decent human being. You do realize that only people from the 1800s objectify women and tell on themselves... right? Let that sink in. Just... wow.
That was physically painful to type.

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The contrast between how big her tits looked in old photos compaired to more recent ones is pretty suspicous to me now that i'm looking at them.. Either theres some bra padding fuckery going on here or the schizo rumors about her getting a breast reduction might hold more water than i gave them credit for.

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