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Theres piccs of her getting fucked by niggers in Seattle. And she flirts with the guy that works for Jones, he said he fucked her on signal
 Are you getting her confused with Brittany?


That's Devon Stack. He said he fucked her, then panicked and deleted it. He never produced the pics he swore he had, so I think he was clout chasing. One of his friends said he's seen the pics, tho

She doesn't have nudes? These under wear shots are cool, but I've been hearing about nude selfies she sent to that one guy for years. I'm sick of being strung along by some grifter bitch's boyfriend that can't even deliver. And those tits are at least eighteen.

They've been advertising her for years. There was a Coors beer photo with mountains in the background a while back. She makes really good money from lewds and nudes.


Total coal burner. Wants the BBC so bad. This bitch is hot.


Clarissa was adorable. This bitch looks sleazy and like a cheap fuck. Not my thing. I'd pick post wall MJH over this cum dumpster. Omg, she's still kinda cute at like 40.

Dude, that's the fun of esluts. It's the fantasy of filling their cunts with jiz or them getting gang banged by niggers while you watch. I'm thinking about subbing to whatever she has. fuckingcumonmyscreen

That's part of the appeal, like Soph. They are ugly enough to feel like you have a chance. Soph was a straight up fugly bitch, but had the "I'm a dirty talking loli" angle, this one has the "I'm a girly girl fake virgin" angle that's better. I've practically rubbed my dick raw.

This is a scam. Multiple got scammed by that brazilian guy for Soph nudes, she was barely naked and unconscious allegedly. That Cringe Panda bitch is brazilian too and probably knows him.
Both their parents used them for money and theyre allegedly friends. So someone is grooming for money. Hopefully they made enough cash and dipped.
These reaction videos are dumb as shit. She's not hot enough to sit through this crap. Jesus

I'd say the panda chick is hotter than Venti by far. The nog genes alone make Brit inferior. Jesus, look at those giant feet

Lots of venti posting on /pol/ and /b/. Venti is barely mid and is hyped up by thirsty simps, panda is gonna be the same soon. whore is hitting on male influencers just like venti did for years.

There's something about "space clowns" and some mirror universe thing. A oto guy said that it's secret occult stuff that they're taught. She's probably a crypto Satanist or something

Not sure about all that, but what is with these alt right chicks and creepy shit? Venti is into tarot and demon channeling, ltcorbis had all sorts of satanists as fans and close friends like Victor, and that Emily chick that just popped back up is a edgy art satanic something, LoL

There's this one guy that dug deep into it, but he is a troll or completely insane

Hixon, Venti's manager is a proud Freemason. Didn't he brag that brit was being astroturfed as a symbol to promote race mixing? literally just to promote breeding with niggers?

Devon has said some shit and there's lots of circumstantial evidence


It never occured to me until now, but where the fuck is the money coming from that she super chats to male influencers? Whines about being poor, then super chats her money to dudes?

I want a refund, bitch

It never occured to me until now, but where the fuck is the money coming from that she super chats to male influencers? Whines about being poor, then super chats her money to dudes?

I want a refund, bitch
she's doing damage control now.

She's desperate for a career boost and will whore herself out to any male grifter she can, even "reformed" faggot feds like Milo

Like look at this. She'll do whatever is best for the grift like go catholic like the grifter, Soph the nigger fucker wigger. It's what you do in this business


Is panda a jew too? Soph even went to a jewish preschool and deleted the tweets where she made fun of her audience for not realzing she was a jew

Keeps posting Nazi/Hitler shit then deletes when she realizes other influencers don't want shit to do with her because of it. Also very lazy. Had massive boost with Mark Dice and PJW shout-outs in 2020 and did fuck all with her career.
Bitch wanted to be famous but didn't want to put in work and make videos, fucked herself out of her 15 minutes. 
Just another entitled GenZ clown.
She claimed she was in the hospital for like the last year or some nonsense. She's clearly well over 18 now and the teenager larp is retarded. Who's still buying it at this point

I tried to follow the lore, but it was a confused trainwreck. What happened to Ramon Bowman? That was incredibly badly written and planned. Then there was the Mirror Image thing that was supposed to explain the mirror universe thing. Then theres the vrillya and dero thing which she talked about a long time ago and brought back up.

I just gave up after a while out of disappointment
> That Cringe Panda bitch is brazilian too and probably knows him.
She's american but moved there years ago
And for some reason she orbits Titanic Sinclair harder than you orbit any of the e-girls on this board but never managed to get groomed, it's kinda sad actually

I'm sorry, bros. Her shit is too boring to sit through. Those massive tits are great, but I can't. It's so badly written and she's so talentless.
I tried to watch the stream going on now and suspend my disbelief, but this is so boring and vapid.

I have seen her say good things about Islam being "antiwoke". She deleted a lot of tweets, so she probably covered it up on Gab?

I think she was just agreeing with Torba because he was talking about how islam should take over the west to get rid of the gays. Torba is a crypto muslim and his brother is a gay sufi, I think

Sufis are fine with being gay as long as it's little boys. They're esoteric NAMBLA and make initiates into boy fuckers for Allah

Milo is allegedly an initiate in the sufi boyfuckers, which makes sense. The Vatican has been promoting islam in secret since they made it

Some kids alleged that Soph, aka Ltcorbis, had a secret club that converted fans to Islam and trafficked kids to fuck. The White Ring something.
Why do all the RW grifter threads here only attract complete schizos? This and the corbis thread are filled with fucking schizobabble conspiracy theories.

Yeah fr I read on Telegram that your mom fucks niggers. I also read on Telegram that you raped your mom while niggers reamed you but looks like it was deleted.

She's pretty ban happy. Pissed off a lot of dedicated fans. I just got banned and I have no idea why. I thought she was cute and quirky.

A caricature of a leftist
zoomer that was supposed to be a foil to Astra. It was a bit with a lot of potential, but they botched it with really bad writing. It could have been bril­liant.

It's some image board trying to poach users. Have to make an account and a pgp key. Looks more lame than anything. Just ignore

I watched this from the beginning with the video of the teacher giving that speech. It seemed like an incredible setup for social commentary. Was so excited to see the writing team do thier thing, then it just floundered and shat itself.

dubs checked

 Do not take me seriously.
All posts are jokes, all RTs ironic. If you don't laugh you didn't get it.

That's on her twitter bio. I guess it's a metacommentary on rw grifters by being a grifter? That would explain the "mirror universe" thing? the mirror universe astra is a rw nazi and this universe's Astra is a massive slut?

She's all into really artsy shit and the love identity fuckery. Worked with some gender fluid guy, Thomas, so she is faking the anti lgbtq. And her love of Jobraith, an openly gay glam rocker that died of AIDS.

It's definitely some weird meta art thing. A standard zoomer art slut doing a bit.

She tweeted something about being under attack by demons, which seemed like a good storyline, but no followup. I was left with narrative blue balls wanting freaking lore, but the story thread just went poof.

A grift about grifting by a woke theater girl? She's fucking everyone, literally AND figuratively? That evil genius shit. Bravo, girl!

No shit. Fucking hell, I dug deep into this only to find out this entire thread is one retarded schizo talking to himself about a random non-famous jailbait boobie tuber.
Lmao, after closer examination you're definitely right. Almost every single post ITT has the same typing style with the same exact linebreak from entering twice after replying.

Seems like standard fare for this board, why so butthurt? You seem as schitzo as whomever looking at line spacing. Just chill and laugh at the chaos, it's just ethots, who gives a fuck if they die?

Sage to you all, friends. I've studied a good many args and performance art pieces. This is either a piece so genius that it will not unravel to the uneducated or something undefined it is so revolutionary in scope. My colleagues do not understand and say I'm overthinking this, but that would be a commentary on that phenomena of overanalysis and media created to be over analyzed!

This is incredible. She and her team and masters.

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