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That wasn't the point of the meme arrows and if it was I'm pretty sure being a damn hapa would have been right at the top not her black hair
The fact the gooby comment went right over your head tells an interesting story, yet a simple one
You are a newfag and will never understand the context of the post


that doesn't erase ashley's presence from the internet as she wanted, however
damage has been done enough already and it won't be gone from the history

but he wimped out so hard at being a hikkichan lore member that he eventually gave up, what a big loss omg

Wasn't the point, the point is that this "fandom" was always in a sorry state, he was just another person once obsessed over a roastie e-girl with a reputation of dogshit (most e-girls tbh).

the "lore" is dead, there is no "wimping". Just moving on to more worthwhile communities. She's obviously never getting erased off the internet and she mostly deserves it

Understand how endchan works, you'd realize most people leave same way after months of stagnation and mediocrity

she never wanted her past erased she just wanted to be left alone lmao

on top of that, penus was just another gremlin tatsu groomed to do his dirty work. on top of that he was a double agent leaking info to white knights. he's some kid who wanted to be le ultimate troll

everyone used him and his shitty server as a source for information but he made up all the recently leaked info. he was hoping if he spread as much misinformation as possible that beloved ashley would come back and argue with him. without a reaction that we know of he got bored. that or hes scared one of the "hackers" found his identity

time for a new egirl, or maybe even digging on lynn or the other attention whores from the discord.

I wonder if this should continue

Ashley didn't make any significant effort to make this end, I imagine her ego always wanted records of her to be immortalized in some way on the internet

I think the only thing that bothered her was people prying and speculating about her relationships and betrayals.

On the other hand, we have a fandom of 14 year old girls that I have no desire to leak new things about Ashley

It's better for it to end here but I doubt it will, and you know what? Ashley deserves some of this

Fan of a 15 year old girl from a time that no longer exists [14 years ago]
and the reason for liking this girl at this time is that she has psychological problems and I identify with her


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I'm not being mean, only truthful
I've was around long enough to know what was what and I am more that certain nothing has changed on that front
You should get a girl friend you know that
They can be annoying but alot of fun too
Just don't loose yourself too her, keep on keeping on, be yourself

nigga sorry we dont ban people for no reason no one has bothered anyone yet and sorry your stupid fucking lie didn’t work. there’s only one tranny and we don’t ban him because he’s not causing problems. and there’s only two brazilians including me. and ofc it’s fucking zoomers this whole egirl shit had always been full of underage. fucking ougi is 15. we didn’t ban him because he deleted the message quickly.

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All of Ashley's romance of appreciation went down the drain and what was left was trolling. Ashley will never come back and that makes me sad. You guys on the server made the situation worse by publishing photos and videos from 2023 and 2024. You've crossed any limit and now she's unlikely to publish anything new anytime soon.
I still love her.

I've been thinking maybe I'll join this new server. I have some things about Ashley and I don't know if I'll post them here or on this server because I don't like keeping exclusive things just for myself.

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No, Lamb is a Ciarasister and she is very evil because she is a lesbian (I'm kidding). In any case, she is still my cute wife (she literally mogs all the current e-girls). Lamb, if you read this, I hope that now and always you are happy, that you have a very pretty wife (sickly looking, the way you like them) and of course that those who did and will hurt you are tortured properly.

> get a job, beta dweeb
> Calling someone a beta dweeb on an e-girl board (A board full of pathetic losers) 

You don't belong here normie.

> At least i saw a real cunny unlike you lol
> Admitting to molesting children

You need to go to prison.

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The stupidest thing to do is to involve her family's business
I mean, it's okay for you to save photos and stuff like that if you like or admire her for some reason, but bringing her mother's hair salon to the public just shows that one of two things is: either you're an idiot and don't know how bad this can be detrimental to her and her mother, or you hate her for some petty reason

That's why I'm reluctant to post new things. some of you just have no limits or are too dumb

She deserves to be raped and killed because.. a friend uploaded her celebrating 4th of July with her friends? You incels are exactly why she left, imagine if you guys were normal maybe she would have felt comfortable being online again.

This rabbithole is boring and this feels like some sort of personal vendetta

It's funny, because the only reason I check this thread is to cringe at how out of touch you guys are. I could give a shit about her

Think about how much time and energy you waste seething that someone you never knew changed and grew up after 15 years, raging to yourself while she already moved on.

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I don't care what white knights or haters think about all this, hating her for having a normal life nowadays and having fun with her friends is a stupid thing that isn't even worth commenting on, but the act of wasting energy judging all this shit It's having a false illusion of thinking you're superior and giving fuel to this thread to stay alive. two stupid sides.

Cool that Ashley is having fun
Ashley is more beautiful than ever
I still love this mixed-race bitch

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>  imagine if you guys were normal maybe she would have felt comfortable being online again.

Not true the reason most of the oldfags who followed her before she went offline have turned against her now is because she actively spat in the face of her fans lied to everyone and had a couple of her  irl friends get in a flame war with them and call anyone who rightly criticizes her an incel or pedrophile.

Completely ignoring the fact that people wanted and still want Ashley to come back and be a content creator in the social media age and people wanted to see her make new videos while currently all grown up. 

Even if you try to be respectful towards her and not come off as a creep, she will still be a bitch towards you.


Who is she gonna sue? Most of her fans are underage anonymous and not even American LMAO. 

She needs to learn if you can't beat them join them. 

She should come back and make new videos as an adult in the social media age.

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All Orientals use filters, you ever seen TIKTOKs with those bug faces morphing around like it's the fucking 'Thing' 
All wanna be the bug queen but suffer as just another worker bee with the squarest jaw on earth
Those gook girls put body builders to shame with those jawlines

I would like to know how Ashley feels at this moment after all these things and leaks of unpublished materials and documentaries that were removed at the time she asked and now all these documentaries are coming back, I would like some white knight who speaks to her to tell me how she feels

> misusing pronouns
Get off my fucking board schizophrenic shitskin. You are a plague upon the earth. I don't give a fuck about this woman but why have you made your entire life's purpose dedicated to trying to humiliate her? She's a grown fucking woman light years away from who she once was. I don't give a fuck if she's a whore, a bad person, or even a junkie, genuinely what do you get out of this? Does it make you feel like you have a role in society for once? Niggers like you always go too far and take pride in doing it because you're too low IQ to have empathy or object permanence.

Not only that, every claim made has had no proof it's all speculation about some random woman. Everyone in this thread just made me bored of whatever shitty "rabbithole" they're claiming there is. Hikkichan is boring and a normal grown fucking woman and her past is boring too

The real entertainment is how retarded everyone here is

>  random woman

Despite what she will tell you Ashley was and is no random woman. 

She used to be a 4chan user and got known because she posted on there mainly /b/ and /r9k/.



This shit isn't copyrighted they are just abusing the system and trying to censor you. 

You have the legal right to post this shit i suggest fighting iy or making many different accounts and spreading many copies. 

Also, someone should put Ashley's stuff on Archive.org and make an image board for us.

> Newfag here, is there a full album of her in here?


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My selfish thought is that Ashley, upon reaching 100k subscribers on YouTube, should take back control of the zombiebeatz2000 channel and immediately change the name to "Good Choice [something]".
And from that point on, start her online life over again and get rich creating content for us.

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> proof that nobody cares about these people except stalker losers
The zombiebeatz2000 channel has almost reached 100,000 subscribers 18 years after the channel was created and her most
viewed video has 1.6 million views. Zoomers on tiktok constantly ask where she is now and share her older videos by posting there.

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She ruined it for herself by interacting with 4chan and being a former 4channer herself.
There are proof on archives that people tried to warn her before her 2019 doxx yet the retarded bitch didn't learn until all of her private information and digital footprint was leaked. I used to be a fan but now I have a love-hate relationship because there is no way she is this stupid on accident.


This idiot wasted the chance to make money on the internet by creating videos. If she had focused on this in 2016, today 8 years later she would have a loyal fan base and would make a lot of money from it, but what did she choose? To create several random and useless accounts over the years. what a stupid bitch.

To be honest I never identified with her from the zombiebeatz era, in fact that era is her worst and most boring arc.
I'm a millennial like her and I never liked her vlogs in her room, and that's what attracted these people on tiktok and all these depressed zoomers who see themselves in Ashley from 15 years ago.
I would like to see her on her longboard doing her tricks and other creative things that she knows how to do because she has always known how to do them well. these depressed teenagers and the incels who hate her now for some reason were the engine to nullify her chance of coming back
Her angelic face plus her communication skills could give her gains in many ways.

It's a weird cycle of creepy fans make her go private which makes people curious which causes more stalking and her feeling more unsafe. She has been more and more offline since the first dox over 5 years ago and the new leaks (if you can call them that, they're all from public accounts) just show she's only been becoming healthier since going offline. Even if she felt safe uploading again, she has no need for being validated on the internet so she wouldn't. 

The people in here will never be happy. If she uploads, they say she's an attention whore. If she doesn't, they get mad and call her a bitch. I talked to her a little after her statement and she told me herself she's lost access to most of the accounts because the emails are gone (hotmail). And even if she were to take it down, everything would just be reuploaded again or would be considered lost media and cause more of an uproar. She told me she was stupid and never thought she would ever blow up like this, so she never considered internet safety. Her friends and family all know about it and she said she feels happy to have support after dealing with it for years alone. She wasn't a "bitch" to me and seemed extremely stable. 

I agree with you. Near the end of zombiebeatz2000 she had a quirky and fun personality which seemed to disappear for a while starting from Slater. Seeing the leaks shows me she is back to being that same quirky and creative person and I wish her all the best. It would be nice for her to make content again, her personality is intoxicating. I completely understand why she doesn't and respect that, I also unfollowed her cars instagram to respect that. She didn't lie in her statement at all, she left things out for her privacy but I messaged her with a bad opinion of her and left feeling actually quite nice. 

If she made one video where she showed her happiness and answered some questions maybe other people would feel the same way, and would satisfy the curiosity of people wondering what happened to "Noriko"

>  She told me she was stupid and never thought she would ever blow up like this, so she never considered internet safety. Her friends and family all know about it and she said she feels happy to have support after dealing with it for years alone. She wasn't a "bitch" to me and seemed extremely stable.

You are a dumbass for falling for her manipulation she was just telling you what she wants you to hear.

Anon she has a history of lying catch up.

> Wahhhhhhh you can't just turn me into a meme
> Waaahhhh you can't just share my public content around and i don't want to be famous and don't want attention despite the fact that i overshared my entire life online
> Waaahh I'm a victim you are all incels and pedros because i said so and i hate men and have a victim complex.
> Wahhhh I'm being stalked and harassed even though it's my own fault because of my poor choices and i decided to antagonize the hacker known as 4chan.
> Waaahh I'm not an e-whore despite the fact that i cheated on my boyfriend of 7-years lied about being a hikikomori NEET for attention online and have lewds.

Why are girls on the internet like this?

No because does this faggot not realize that other people have went into archives looking for stuff like this? There are already other posts in this thread that have screenshots from that exact archive and all I'm saying that it isn't new.

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Ashley Hanrahan Anthology


zombiebeatz2000 https://www.youtube.com/@zombiebeatz2000

AtsumiNyan (account corrupted by others) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwsDaX9G6mKbJsxN3Soz6vg/about

nori314156 https://www.youtube.com/@nori314156

37564nadeshiko https://www.youtube.com/@37564nadeshiko

nyaxnyaxnekoxnyaxx (account partially corrupted by others) https://www.youtube.com/@nyaxnyaxnekoxnyaxx

37564nadeshiko https://www.youtube.com/@37564nadeshiko

NorikonStation https://www.youtube.com/@NorikonStation


Слава Україні ( 777crycrycry, nadesicola, STURZKAMPFFUGZEUG_EXTREME ) https://www.youtube.com/@nadesicola

accounts featuring Ashley:




https://x.com/cooliostreetcat (account corrupted by others)
https://x.com/norikology (account corrupted by others)
https://x.com/bombiberite (account corrupted by others)




https://www.instagram.com/dancefloor_degrader/ (account corrupted by others)












https://soundcloud.com/nadesico-la (account corrupted by others)


https://www.last.fm/music/4649nadeshiko (account corrupted by others)


Hikichan: 4Chan's Biggest Obsession 

Nadesicola/zombiebeatz2000's 2011 Autobiography


Esta chica provocó una pelea entre 4chan y 8chan | La historia de Hikichan

La guerra de 4chan Historia de Hikichan

goodchoice.ge8 used to be dancefloor_degrader. She commented on one of Bina's post and it shows that Bina replied to her goodchoice.ge8 which was dancefloor_grader at the time. I had a screenshot of this but deleted it, it should still be on Bina's account though.

I'm going to be the moralfag here and tell you the doc wasn't worth keeping up. The only reason you got so many views is because the topic was trending and youtube pushed Ashley's channel. Tatsu and his groomies will urge you to re-upload it, but the reality is that it's already archived and no one is seeking it out. They're just using you to get her to react. 

If you really want to grow your channel, work on videos on current trending topics and you will surpass the views. There's so many trending microcelebrities with crazy stories who are still active to cash in on.

Disrupting Ashley's life won't bring her back
Personally, I wish her Instagram was public and she would go back to posting videos on YouTube
She is beautiful and deserves to have her privacy respected because I love her

gtfo newfag, her new address was already found and was posted in the server no one wants her ssn or dln. someone else found her number too but she didn't answer. the archive content is everything compiled from her pages do your own digging since you're such an elite hacker

mrow is my queen

the discord server isn't some super secret club the invite can be easily found when you search up ashley's subreddity r/zombiebeatz2000 or r/zombiebeatz (i forgot which one the invite is posted in but whatever you can find it)
agatha2 mods won't allow the discord invite to be posted here since we had an incident with ougi posting lewds of vamp

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Today, December 27th, it's been a year since she made the statement on her YT channel
Since then she hasn't come back to us


Shes been privating and deleting her accounts for years, the doxbin probably just made it easier for her to log in to accounts she forgot.  It was mostly fluff and useless information. If you spergs were thought that she'd ever be back for any reason then you're retarded. 

Hikichan weve been nothing but creepy and aggressive to you because why don't you love us

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