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How can a guy that fucking ugly and creepy have all these 4chan egirls send him nudes and shit? I'm legit confused. These whores would mock and scam the people who tried to get in touch with them, or ghost them at best, yet with that guy they'd fulfill his every request. Why?
Because, surprise surprise, looks don’t matter as much in the grand scheme of things when manipulation will always have a far greater effect. Sosa had no status, no looks, no money, no career or even shitty job, no stability, nothing. And to top it off, he lived with his mom. He pulled chicks by getting inside their heads. That’s it.
> He pulled chicks by getting inside their heads
And how'd he manage that? What kind of things would he do or tell them to get inside their heads?
He would target obviously mentally unwell teenage girls of below average appearances with no irl support system and befriend them over time but would also neg them to erode their self esteem and make them want his approval. He’d gain their trust and share “secrets” and his vulnerabilities with them to make them share their own. Then he would use these against them, usually escalating to the point of blackmail or threats which is what he’s been confirmed to have done with Ciara, Bianca, Sunny, Bee, Asteriaa, and some nobodies. Usually the blackmail would be sexual (nudes, leaking logs) because he’d test waters by telling these girls with self esteem issues that he thought they were cute and that they should be careful because big bad pedros might target them. This not only made them feel protected by him but also confirmed that they were attractive to him. Then he would go further and further. He liked asking girls if they think their trauma affected their sexuality and it would snowball from there. I think all of them except Ciara said that they never actually found him physically attracted and that they were just lonely then got stuck because he was blackmailing them into staying in contact with him. He plays the victim and accuses them of neglect or abuse when they wake up to how manipulative he actually is, and because these girls are already unwell with low self esteem, it’s very effective at making them feel guilty and comforting him after he just threatened to ruin their lives for wanting to escape. 

He’s not some dark triad twisted genius or whatever. Anyone can do what he did. He was just mentally ill enough to have no moral qualms about what he was doing. 

And now he’s facing prison time for molesting his sister when she was in elementary school. Who can really say they’re surprised?
I should also say, there’s a reason he only goes after teenagers. They’re the only people this shit works on because they’re dumb, inexperienced, naive, malleable, and unstable.
Besides blackmailing the most effective way to groom these girls is to get them hooked up on drugs and basically become their supplier. As far as I know Sosa and Seymour were buying her benzos on the deep web or something.
Not something any anons here or anywhere should consider doing. It's not worth the prison time and/or your social circle finding out and ostracizing you. Plus these girls don't need the extra help destroying themselves. 
I still wish I was paying attention around that time, though, seeing the drama unfold in real-time.
> And now he’s facing prison time for molesting his sister when she was in elementary school
hes free. they posted a thread to /r9k/ like a month ago and he commented saying they couldnt prove anything. i also dont feel bad for the girls he manipulated because they were kinda shitty themselves and i also hate whores in general
he’s def lying about being “out.” posting bond doesn’t make you a free man. he’s def going to prison and prosecution is gonna have a hefty mountain of evidence once his next court date comes around
nowhere in any of his posts does he say he’s free. he says he’s still waiting trial and he’s confident he’ll be found innocent, lmao.
Sosa here, I didn’t manipulate or blackmail any of them like the other anon said. The only real advantage I had versus my competitors, by looking at DMs from those girls accounts once they let me on them, was I had more free time (due to being on disability), straight to the point confidence, less fear of consequences, and being a preferred older age. A lot of the orbiters were too young and didn’t really try that hard with them.
tell it to the judge nigga, don’t you have a case to be worrying about instead of almost instantly replying to people as soon as you’re mentioned
he claims to not have had contact with her during the time period she accuses but there were multiple offenses over the course of many years and it all sounds like shit he’d do and say. and of course he’s gonna claim innocence no matter what, just like he’s always done even when there’s proof of the contrary
> looking at DMs from those girls accounts once they let me on them
lol fucking cunts dont care about the privacy of their friends

why were you on disability btw?
Well I would regularly have large periods of not contacting or seeing people. With the alleged victim there were like 3 large ones, with the last 2 being 4-5 year absences. The alleged abuse occurred when I can confidently say I had no contact with them.
> just like he’s always done even when there’s proof of the contrary
A lot of things are a matter of interpretation, where I usually dispute the corny ways people cope about how things happened. Like “using my vulnerabilities” to get girls to open up to me. These girls would over share with anyone, send nudes to anyone, etc.
Different chronic pain issues, severe insomnia, depression, anxiety.
> severe insomnia, depression, anxiety
i have all 3 but the anxiety is social anxiety. is that enough to get neetbux? do you still have chronic pain issues?
If you’re in the US that should be good enough if you have enough medical documentation supporting it impairs you from getting a job and have never had a job.
you were living under the same roof as her, the roof that your mother owns lol. being holed up in your room grooming discord girls doesn’t mean you “had absolutely no contact” with her
It says a lot that even the people defending Sosa don’t think he didn’t do it, they just think everyone should be allowed to do it.
My mother doesn’t have a daughter. I’m not sure what you mean. I lived with my grandparents, mother, and by myself across the country when I’m alleged to have abused the accuser.
> hefty mountain of evidence
you mean assumptions*

they have nothing. little girl should've reported him when she had the chance. you can't accuse someone of something and get him arrested just because
According to the court docs, she told the family and they were incompetent. An accusation of such weight with someone who's a known kiddy chaser already will allow for a subpoena to gain access to Sosa's shit and stuff being sent in about him will 100% be used against him too. They have more than enough. Prosecution wet dream.
Truly wish I had a bigger stash of Sunny nudes.
She was so fucking ripe with her fat tits and cute face.

We both know we'd sell our used 15 bucks panties for 50 if we could.
The vast majority of accusations in this realm never even go to trial, because insufficient evidence. The fact that he’s awaiting trial is already a bad sign for him. You should learn more about the US court system.

> same county and district atty
> 35 years in jail based on testimony alone
SosaSISSIES are cooked, cope and seethe.
You guys know that photo some guy took in a restaurant and she just so happened to be caught in it? How the hell did people find out? Did someone who followed him just so happen to be a Channer?
No, I just figured out where she worked from stuff she said on discord, then searched the location tag of the restaurant on instagram
That makes sense. She was stupid with putting her real information out there. I don't care if she was young. What a fucking idiot.
thumbnail of Why Women FOUGHT for a Serial Killer.mp4
thumbnail of Why Women FOUGHT for a Serial Killer.mp4
Why Women FOUGHT for... mp4
(9.74 MB, 640x360 h264)
> Didn't she want to be raped?
yeah bro, she just couldn't wait to get graped by some fucking sub8 betabuxxers

those failed normoid grape fantasies are the cringiest shit on disc

women want to get """raped"""", not graped, you fucking ugly dumbfuck
Yeah, on discord she would always talk about wanting to be kidnapped and raped by pedros. I don't think she was just trying to be edgy either, she was heavy into non-con hentai, doujins, etc.
You really oughta find something to do in real life if people on the internet get you this bent out of shape. It's truly pathetic.
Sosa finally got caught for his pedro ways? BASED. hope he gets a sex offender registration and they give him a couple years.
Some anon in the last thread messaged her about coming back. I don't know when this was but her coming back is not happening, unsurprisingly.
I've never understood the appeal for sunny other than "ooga booga an underage!!! me like little girls!!!"
She's not ugly but she isn't a Stacy either, what gives?
it’s literally a nigger nose that she definitely got from having a slave in her bloodline. all redneck white trash has that pig nose. all the most retarded inbreds at my school had it. like looking down a double barreled shotgun
> angry at she
you’re a third world ESL so no wonder you don’t know what you’re talking about when it comes to american phenotypes
It isn't and you're clearly a retarded faggot who has no clue what they're talking about. And you can fuck off with your anti-white bullshit, too.

She has 0 negro blood and that's a fact. She does however have some small amount of Amerindian and Polynesian ancestry.
not antiwhite to say most poor southern americans have nigger blood. most of which have snubby pig noses from black dna mixing with euro dna. not anti white just anti race mixing as you should also be if you care about the race whatsoever. 

jews aren’t white but nice try.
No, "most" poor southern americans definitely do not have nigger blood. There was never any large scale racial mixing. This idea is a complete myth invented by Jews to denigrate and degrade whites and suppress their racial consciousness and pride by attempting to make them believe they're all tainted with negro blood and other non-white admixture anyway and that there are no pure White people. It's all bullshit.
She is ugly and looks like a pig. I would not wish those genetics on any child, male or female. Simple as. She should never breed.

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