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Absolutely grim. Should heroin be that shade of red? That's not even pure anymore, more likely to be mixed with fentanyl or xylazine.
they are old art og my goood PLZZZZZZZZ the ones in the first post are literally from middle and high school
thank uou so much tho
here you go :D idk why people dont add it on the OP post
you think so? i feel like i gained weight.. im avoiding the scale cause it makes me fall back into ED
theres no fent or zene in turkey... i know people that actively looked for it and cant find it even. the drugs in us come from mexico, drugs here and europe used to come from afghanistan literal heroin paradise but due to taliban it comes from iran i believe
how do i do that

dear faggot could it be that i have no idea how discord servers work because this app is complete shit and i just like to talk to my friends and make friends idk
> this app is complete shit and i just like to talk to my friends and make friends

more like showing your holes and lobotomizing your simps
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why do people call me tranny it makes them look stupid... its such a nonsense insult like... okay so you dont like trans people. okay bro i believe youre a heterosexual male bro. then... they insult a woman?.. okay.
idk, ive always found it very gay. like it means youre either
> too porn brained and can not fathom the fact that not all women have triple d cup bazookers, a huge ass, sex doll lips (always open, ready to suck) and are naked at all times (otherwise it might be a TRANNY so you have to hate until youre sure (vagina))
> doesnt like women (is literally homosexual)

like i dont know. the first time i posted nudes was actually a response to tits or gtfo, which was said to me because idk why but when a girl likes some stuff, it means they cant be a girl? like she has to be trans? WHAT. i mean there are men that like barbie, they may be gay but they are still cis and male... so why cant i like video games and automatically assumed to be trans. like wtf. 0 logic on for chungel 
oh and the reason i explained that was because when i posted my tits, they called me... i... i cant believe it bre

> estrogen tits
like come on. its boobs. boobies. on a website that people say le flat is justice! you claim i am STILL trans after i prove it to you (i guess because anon has to know me better than i do (i am a girl = stupid (but i thought anon was transphobic?..)) LIKE there is legit 0 sense to anything people say on there and i am glad i dont go there anymore lol anyways i think its pretty funy like i think most of these "incels" circlejerked hating women so much they actually became gay. someone should write yaoi on this anyways if you actually read my rant congrats you get a cooky
muhahaha that was actually my forever weed cooky (i do drugs. get it?) now you will be weedy for EVEEER!
did you ever get in?
> no
then how do you know?
> because im a male and youre a woman and i can just tell kay!!!
uh ok... so if you dont like me why are you on this thread?
> hnggg... arghhh!!! thats it little miss!!! i cant act all nonchalant anymore!! youre gonna make me lose my edging streak!!! i havent gooned this much since ciaragjj!!!n

green is u btw
> not everyone has twt
> not everyone has insta
> its easy to open an acct
> can do all shit text voice chat send pics
> accessible
> more common to be anonymous
> can get into more than one cliques (servers), option to dm
idk this is all i could find. i felt like an ad writing this
> not all women have triple d cup bazookers, a huge ass, sex doll lips (always open, ready to suck) and are naked at all times
liar. one day i will leave the basement, see the truth, and expose your lies
is it accessible on pc?
umm... im not fat :/ like objectively im not. why do just people lie instead of making a normal insult on these websites. also if you hate me so much why are you here bro? you sound obsessed
idk its kinda fun to bully them back
y-you mean all women have triple dee bazoonkas?
happiness and water

and weird that people crapped on me for not knowing how to make a permanent invite but no ones telling me how... just admit you dont know how to either... why do people bully me for everything like :/ be creative...
no yeah i like being pale too what i mean is since we are now in summertime i wouldve been paler before, even though i always use sunscreen, its just how it is so i dont understand how people think im whiter NOW compared to winter could i explain it
lol that makes it funnier
its you guys that make it fun and i the ny :D
> how do i do that
go to invite people are right under to where the link is there should be a blue text saying "edit invite link"
If she's in turkey, why doesnt she just get plastic surgery and fix her disgusting face, get a boob job and BBL. Then she might not look like an underaged boy. But there was really no hope for you cewl; 0 brain, 0 looks, 0 personality, just pointless exisctence and leeching the life out of her parents(who's whole relationship would destroyed by finding out that she is a junkie who shows her rotting body online for other losers). And every single person that orbits her is cancer as well, they are unwillingly supporting her addictions thus further killing her.
> implying anyone posting here would want a bbl facelift bitch
could you make it anymore clear you have a vendetta against angel cewl?
if she stopped taking drugs she would probably drop out tbh. seems like the drugs are only way she can deal with the emotions and stress.
does cewl do anything besides drugs, drawing little doodles and whoring on the internet? a truly depressing existence
if this porky pig looking slut was actually smart she wouldn't be here or doing drugs that fry her brain and ruin her organs, she and her two beta simps are too stubborn to realize that though
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thank you so much!

> forever invite link to my hole (lol)
ye i know im printer paper material but im saying ive always been like this, its probably the lighting and shit. left is inside room right is on bus so.. and u can see how on left u cant see my veins but they are very prominent irl always. so idk
y yeah! diabetes :D
yeah they are insulin needles, their gauge unit is 26 g thats why people use them to administer IV things generally like drugs in this case oxycodone :3

however, after yesterday, im taking a break, my veins have been played with too much the congugugugualuted blood comes into the needle first and blocks it or no blood comes from the vein hence idk if im in the vein or not, making it more likely to miss which is dangerous. i wasted 2 needles back to back trying to find a vein but no luck, i got so mad i cried a little then took my suboxone like a big boy. hopefully ill be doing better in a while and get my hands on some good shit but got no money really lol

aand smoking is awesome

awesome troll bro

i wish it was a masters ;-; im getting my bachelors. im not that old guys cmon

yeah thats true i mean i wouldnt consider myself high IQ but there are studies showing how in young adults with an autism diagnosis, they are more likely to deal with substance abuse (ID is for intelligence disorder so being low iq)
article also shows ASD in a separate table

its really sad honestly

is it bad that idk who audrey is? tell me about her and post pics i wanna know she seems very interesting :O

yes u are restrained and i tickle you until you piss yourself
i justed checked her thread and saw her art. she seems really cool! and i saw markys art as well

idk why u guys compare peoples art the minute they post it, people are improving the second and noone would actually flaunt about how better they are than someone and help them. we have a friend in the server that is legit professional level and they always compliment and try to help me. i think youd feel the same if you just wanted to share your art with the world and someone did that.

anyways, i think marky has left this side of the webz but id like to be friends with the both of them sm. their work kinda motivated me so ill be listening to biochemistry 2 classes and draw a little :D
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hey guys i privated my twitter account because i dont like that people see my posts when i qrt. i believe everyone who wants to follow me has already done so. if you wanna follow me ill follow you back also (if you dont use that account for *real 3D person* porn only) just tell me your username in twt here or on discord. thank u!
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I dont think she would ever say that. youre just trying to cope with one of these or more
> you wont ever be close to marky
> you wont ever draw as good as me nor marky
> you have no idea on how to talk to people let alone women
and brown? WTF. are u blind sir?

again love these insults where people just say anything and make 0 sense because it invalidates their insult completely like i wont get insulted by you, cause you make no sense lol
theres a new challenge on Reddit where you get the MAXIMUM amount of reddit golds and brownie points!
> drumroll


get proof of your antisocial personality disorder diagnosis and post it on the subreddit are slash i love saying buzzwords ive seen on the internet and target women to flaunt about my hatrid of women to other men because i can only see myself better when i bring down others and suck up to people!
> she seems very interesting :O
Of course you'd think someone who licks ass and fucks incels off telegram and /soc/ is interesting, you dumb skank
oh no good sir. I think its pretty much established that cewl is MY soulmate and that IM the one who's gonna marry her and have lots of babies with
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lol if u ever need an iv im fine doing it for you

ill give you all iv heroin, wether you want it or not!!

everyone, get on your seats! tie your tourniqet! the heroinurse is coming!
you get horny off of weird shit when you dont have intimacy ever in your life. its only fair
no kinkshame allowed here except for ultra freaky weird shit
it's hot because this means you would be her incapable slave and dependent on her. It's a twisted way of taking care of someone while also making sure they continue to need you
> you get horny off of weird shit when you dont have intimacy ever in your life. 
untrue. it's quite the opposite, you are clearly a whore
why do people hate her again?
she is the only e-girl that delivers, even more than Ciara i would say
fat, cutter, drug addict, roast beef vagina, narcissistic, looks twice her age, empath-chan levels of attention whoring, flat personality, nudes aren't even good, visibly unwashed
I could go on for hours
> looks twice her age
> flat personality
those are obviously nonsense kek, and the rest applies to Ciara too and people still worship her
I'm not Elliot, but its cool to know Cewl simps are so braindead they assume everyone who dislikes this big nosed piglet is the discord virgin who exposed her for being cringe
> you're the only good thing about these threads
damn, cewl's noods really are mid if the only enjoyable part of her threads are her trolls
and i love it when people lie out of their ass and other people believe it like 
> cewl told me she fucked a dog
> cewl told me she has 56 boyfriends
> cewl told me she is trans actually

like how are people this stupid... it just gets worse.. first we had the objectively wrong insults and now this?... bros the thread average iq levels are going down with each new one...
The average IQ of the thread is not decreasing, you are simply responding to provocations. It is best to ignore those spreading falsehoods about you and those who believe them.Eventually, they will cease their behavior. Stop taking the bait cewl
thank u for the advice dude. honestly yeah i cant find any other way other than not feeding into them
i dont think theres any "rares" because theyre all posted i think

also love that hes saying denial and anger as if im grieving the loss of someone. no bro youre making shit up about me, ofc im having a reaction. they just twist shit until they can find an answer, but it makes them even more stupid. idk whats with that blindness and how they cant see how stupid their insults are... its like in 2016 when every makeup/beauty influencer had those thick eyebrows and ppl now call it eyebrow blindness. im not sure if these ppl will grow out of it and reflect on their actions though. their too deep into the pipeline
hey guys i know i privated my twt anyways but i changed my user to cuntanyl lol i thought that was funny
tysm ! hope u can do the same if u have free time. sadly i havenan internship in august so my holidays are short this year
not the weather for sex at all... im sweaty just from sitting...

also yesterday i was eatinf vanilla ice cream and i put cinnamon on it and it was sooooooogood guys try it
bro. lssq is honestly so good. i was rewatching that video because i love spongebob and i got into lost media because of lssq long ago and i keep rewatching his videos, even if i know if the media are found or not(i read his replies on lmw bdcause i just cant wait for a video sometimes lol) the haunt for it is always so interesting and the concept of lost media is also super interesting i love it so much
she looks sad and smelly besides being a loser druggie. really gives me the ick but otherwise she'd be a solid 6-6.5 on a good day
can you guys calm the shit down thats obviously not me and my opinions on race arent as binary and stupid as that how could you think that was me im honestly dissappointed

lets just talk about stupid shit if you wanna tell me how ugly i am then why are you bumping this thread
You are ugly you dumb hoe, butterball looking face. You deserve the worst for being a panderer for orbiters lol you deserve all you get and those chats were real “ Oh noooo they don’t like me anymore :,(( “
how come people still call me trans? like can u make it less obvious youre a newfag? youre making the other hot egirls feel weird and they leave cuz of u unwashed freaks
i used to have a school shooter kink where i would imagine my school getting shot up and have the shooter force me to suck him off in front of everyone. pretty weird
could be your boyish body and they legitimately believe that or perhaps there just trying to insult you because you're stupid, annoying and looks are mid at best
STOP PRETENDIG TO BE MEEEE i used to have a crush on eric and dylan but cmon all girls that grew up on the internet did, i also wanted to be shadman growing up (from when i was like 12-15 i was like a pol guys dream girl (underage))  >>/72676/ and i was believing that sandy hook shooting was a real for some time (cause the kids supposedly "grew up) I DONT KNOW I WAS A KID AND MENTALLY ILL LOL LIKE I THINK I GOT BETTER AS MY FRONTAL LOBE DEVELOPED
the seething is insane.... lol lets see the tip of your dick elliot, what colors your tip ha?
> but cmon all girls that grew up on the internet did
all girls who got bullied did*
you probably fantasized about them saving you and plapping you
how sad are you lil faggot pedro, no one was mentioning you but you still came back runing to ur queen cewl. how do you go to sleep knowing YOU alone fucked everything up. How many more times have you masturbated to cewl in sadness and in anger? How badly do you want to apologize to cewl for being a dick to her? How long havent you left the basement you reside in, and how disgusting is the room you sit in you foul animal? Go talk more about how you sent an underraged Ciara a dick pick you pedro and leave cewl alone!!
> one was mentioning you
Illiterate nigger moment, multiple posts mentioned him. Also imagine writing a full paragraph fanfiction about this namefag, you gotta be in love with him to be this obsessed 💀
>  he used to be in love with her
Still am.. Cewl, please forgive me for everything. I love you and miss you so much. Please forgive me, I beg you, cewl..
its not over! you will see how effectial I can be.
good. you are starting to repent for your sins. I hope for your good that cewl finds forgiveness in her heart and forgives you.
this thread is like monkeys swinging shit at each other, except monkeys arent this retarded
Haha imagine if she let hair grow from her crotch all the way to her asshole making a perfect bridge would that be funny or what haha...unless
tell me youve never done drugs without telling me.
drugs make me able to talk and listen to people without wanting to snap their neck (i hate fucking small talk) and i can socialize and make friends way easier and they find more interest in the things im talking about cuz theyre high as well. drug makes you lose weight. i dont think it does anything to your complexion other than meth fucking it up and giving you pimples and sores on your face and other places (excluding the sores/ulcers due to missed shots etc) depending on the drug it really givws you a different outlook to life, makes you experience egodeath and see the shit you need to work on to become a better person (LSD)
makes everything more bearable and helps you not kill yourself
gives you energy, i used to love to clean after just the right amount of oxies before the dose was high enough to make me nod off.
makes food and music better depending on the drug
helps anxiety
makes  you happy
and you can reward yourself with it giving you something to look forward to

of course theres a TON of negatives also, and these are different for everyone, but because you said "only positive thing about drugs" i just wanted to tell u all this. ofc it doesnt justify addiction or use whatsoever, its someones own choice.
For some reason, none of the positive effects you mentioned seem like a big deal to me. 
Could you tell me your negative effects? That sounds pretty interesting
> negative effects
i post my nudes to incels. 
also when i home alonea i cry while i masturbate 
i'll probably commit SUICIDE cause i'm fucking ugly
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lolis are cute, im talking about a vtuber in the video. lolis are part of otaku culture. i do not jack off to little girls unlike you. i like media containing lolis, such as horror like the vtuber mentioned in the video

also i have not deleted my messages because im not an actual pedro and a pussy like you are elliot. youre so desperate for anything, any crumb of attention, that you do all these, knowing that youve said worse shit but you forget your messages in the server arent deleted. im not holding these over your head because clearly ive hurt you enough to try and take some leverage just because i won an arguement against you and you cant accept that a real woman is better than you, which could be the reason for your obsession with not only fictional children but real ones especially ciara which is fucking dead and youre a disgrace to do disturb a dead person like you do UNPROMPTED every minute bro. youre insane.
I'm not Elliot you sped, you're both pedros so get over it. You like little girls and media sexualizing them. Sorry that the only way you can obtain happiness is from showing your tubular tits and beef flaps on a dying image board. I'd feel bad for you if you weren't a nasty pedrophile.
whatever, you posted my convo with elliot. so was it soooo weird for me to assume you were him you fucking retard?
you anglo piece of shit hahahahha youre product of total incest and i am NOT brown come on xD just find a better and non-reddit way to insult me some time, its getting boring.
picrel IS my convo with you tho, and my point is still toward you, i was talking to you in the 2nd paragraph which isnt even directed at anon. it was to you, complete with your name. if you cant answer to what i said, just shut up then. im so glad youre a sore loser and are so low iq because it brings down the chances of you being an active predator. LMAO. that time you thaught i was apologizing to you when it was some larper tells me all i could ever ask, because when i do ypu dodge everything, dont adress anything, because you know its true, so you pull shit like this. trying to discredit what i was telling you knowing full well you would read it, and you did, but you cant say anything that can make you look better can you? so you HAVE to salvage anything to bring me just a little down.
lonely women have nothing better to do than argue with strangers online,that's why there's a whole drama community on YouTube
cewlfags hating pedrophiles is ironic as fuck considering their porky princess likes 8th grade girls KEK
> cewl seethes when she gets called brown
> posts this and doesn't comprehend why she gets called non white
I've seen fucking Salvadorians who look more aryan than totally-not-brown cewl
hey can u plz send me more nudes a lot of them so i can masturbate and i am new plz tell me things about this web
I think the endchan onion link is on a list of imageboards on the hidden wiki or some similar index. Tech illiterates download tor browser for the first time and stumble on this site thinking it's "le dark web". This seems to happen fairly often.
yeah one of my slaves on the server found me like that too. john is lookin like those dads on facebook seeing ai woman picture... 
im sorry john, im not a child... you need to go deeper on the dark web...
you need to Register on the website "For Chang" before you post here because otherwise people will just bully you.
Ones ; you register with your full name and set your profile Picture to a picture of yourself;
Go to /r9k/ and introduce yourself with your name and a picture of yourself. Don't forget to use your REAL AGE or you will get banned I am afraid.
Then, whonce you introduced yourself to r9k, which is where we find friends etc on fortune, you can come here, with your full name of course. Don'te forget to attach a pickshure of your selve!
hahaha that was just me dressing up to see a jazz trio. not a commissar per se but i felt like a good well mannered helpful revachol resident
looks like a pudgy dude's body. I see that and think how sad it would be to fuck her and have nothing to grab onto... reach for tits and try to cling to a little flap of skin, go to grab the hips and ass but nothing's there. it's a distressing thought, similar to the feeling of claustrophobia, it's like a nightmare climbing up the face of a mountain with no holds. you grasp and grasp for something,anything to hold onto but no matter how hard you try there's not enough there and it slips from your fingers and 
you fall into the abyss
im just so small and petite, im sorry you end up having to touch both of my boobs and can grab my waist with just one hand, it must make manhandling so hard 😭 it must be so boring to just pick me up with one arm and squeeze my cheeks and neck with just one hand ugh
That's ugly, why is she putting those things on her shit colored nipples like half the incel population of the world hasn't seen her nudes
this picture is fucking awful, she looks like an inebriated giraffe that never learned to walk 
how the fuck did she think it was cute enough to post
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heres a new pic retardo.? did you become an avatarfag now cuz u think pausing a video must still make someone look the same as they pose for a photo or idk not do anything with an angle like that? (i was tying my own arms)
if u wanna hurt me drop the copy and pasted lowballs and get creative... lol. what makes u think i will get hurt by some loser hiding behind "anonymous". GET A JOB
girl u make it so easy, i dont gotta think for anything harder cause thats what im sayin, all u guys "hate" are generic and boring... like... this is my 3rd time asking for worse hate just cause it gets boring. bffr
i might actually be in love with her like erm my god i feel infatuation and her voice just makes my dick harder and harder
ive hd short hair for a long timeee like since 10th grade i think. i go insane wvery day now that my hair is the longest its been since then. im tweaking. i need to cut my hair.. no... i want to have long hair before i die... yknow
Why did you feel the need to convert whatever school grade it was in fuckassvograd, serbia or wherever you're from to its american equivalent instead of simply saying your age, you stupid bitch
uhhh normally grades are from 1 to 12 in the entire world i didnt convert anything... 
lel i dont watch porn u freak, im not some lowlife. i dont watch porn when i masturbate nor i masturbate like more tjan once a month. project much
>  im not some lowlife
you are literally the lowest life, dumb druggie whore that posts her tits for loser men. when are you giving us a masturbation vid anyway?
Yeah cewl you're totally not a lowlife

now post some more tit and drug pics you brown nipped piggu
reminder that Cewl is the first egirl in many, many years that posts nudes for free instead of selling them like a whore and isn't underage, very rare species in 2024
i am unironically gonna be sad if schizos run her out, i doubt there will be another one for a long time, her personality isn't too bad either and she looks very good in some photos like that one where she is dressed like marky

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