/agatha2/ - E-Girl Purgatory

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if u wanna hurt me drop the copy and pasted lowballs and get creative... lol. what makes u think i will get hurt by some loser hiding behind "anonymous". GET A JOB
girl u make it so easy, i dont gotta think for anything harder cause thats what im sayin, all u guys "hate" are generic and boring... like... this is my 3rd time asking for worse hate just cause it gets boring. bffr
i might actually be in love with her like erm my god i feel infatuation and her voice just makes my dick harder and harder
ive hd short hair for a long timeee like since 10th grade i think. i go insane wvery day now that my hair is the longest its been since then. im tweaking. i need to cut my hair.. no... i want to have long hair before i die... yknow
Why did you feel the need to convert whatever school grade it was in fuckassvograd, serbia or wherever you're from to its american equivalent instead of simply saying your age, you stupid bitch
uhhh normally grades are from 1 to 12 in the entire world i didnt convert anything... 
lel i dont watch porn u freak, im not some lowlife. i dont watch porn when i masturbate nor i masturbate like more tjan once a month. project much
>  im not some lowlife
you are literally the lowest life, dumb druggie whore that posts her tits for loser men. when are you giving us a masturbation vid anyway?
Yeah cewl you're totally not a lowlife

now post some more tit and drug pics you brown nipped piggu
reminder that Cewl is the first egirl in many, many years that posts nudes for free instead of selling them like a whore and isn't underage, very rare species in 2024
i am unironically gonna be sad if schizos run her out, i doubt there will be another one for a long time, her personality isn't too bad either and she looks very good in some photos like that one where she is dressed like marky

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