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> It's not my fault that you've got rejected and I am sorry for that..
You're not sorry. You reject me too. 😭

> Older women aren't ugly inside-out they've gone through alot and age like fine wine.
Yea, they've gone thru a lot of Chads lol.

You don't know them vampy, they are jaded mercantile bitches with an IQ of a dog.

> Do you not see the hypocrisy, really?
What hypocrisy? I like young girls for who they are.

> if you're in that position, you're not an incel
Cope. Betabux is an incel too - women don't want him, there is no passion.

Haags want commitment from incels, while being okay with sharing fuckboys in their youth.

You decide for yourself if that's really what you want. I'm personally is NOT okays with this.

> that's laziness or insecurity, not necessity
I didn't get any pussy so I was FORCED to pay for sex. That's a definition of necessity.

You could make a Benny Hill skit out of the way I lost my virginity. It was VERY stressful, I literally needed to psychologically BREAK myself.
> Cope
it's non-negotiable: if you have have the choice to sleep with a chick but don't, you're not an incel
> I didn't get any pussy so I was FORCED to pay for sex
not getting sex =/= no capacity to get sex. and protip: if you truly exhaust your options besides solicitation or force, and all the women you've tried to get with didn't want you, they're not the problem.
I have the tape, but it's not vamp or dizzy, it doesn't really look like them, and it's not cp. It is the video that was passed around the servers back then though. Send me your disc, and I'll give you the pornhub link after payment
> it's non-negotiable: if you have have the choice to sleep with a chick but don't, you're not an incel
I don't negotiate with cunt worshipers

I was an incel throughout my most formative years. THAT'S why I will forever be an incel even if I get bitches raining down on me from the Heavens.

Once an incel - forever an incel.

> if you truly exhaust your options besides solicitation or force, and all the women you've tried to get with didn't want you, they're not the problem.
yeah, I know the drill, the female race can do no wrong, I'm the problem, yada-yada

sex is a social activity in human species, it's not about individuals, and it's not about me
> I don't negotiate with cunt worshipers
you couldn't if you wanted to
> Once an incel - forever an incel
probabilistically yes, technically no. incels are redeemable in theory.
> the female race can do no wrong
they can and do, plenty of it, there's just a point at which your problems are caused by no one other than yourself. the idea that you couldn't ever be at fault here is just pure narcissism.
Fight the voices of the Devil, you can do better! Sinning only dooms you and brings nothing but suffering contaminated with eternal misery! 
Take the nice-pill and you'll find the path to happiness. Dont be ebil plz 

Also guys im I still capable to pursuit a career in politics with all my digital footprint here?!Please I want my delusional dreams back, they would atleast keep me sanee and motivated.
yeah I just thought i'd comment and point out you're samefagging your thread to appear relevant.

Also I'll remind everyone you are a gay man larping as a girl, as if it weren't obvious from your photos despite the angles and filters.
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Meoy jpg
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Well you are technically right, I forgot I come from an extremely anti-communist country which is highly misogynist. 
How can I make my threads less drier?!
Do you even know what samefagging is? I am not larping to be anyone but myself. Yeah I do talk alot in my threads because I am bored and its just really fun talking here
lemme get a closeup on your eyebrows so i can make fun of u :3
anyways idk if u forgot but this is agatha so half the people here are mentally retarded , instead of posting compllicated comunism shit that only few people would understand you could try talking about more general topics , by the way i been meaning to ask but why do your fotos always have weird filenames
Nuh uh, my eyebrows are pretty bad and I am too lazy to fix them myself  
Well you're right, I dont think talking about philosophy or anything "complicated" will make my threads less boring. I just have no idea what else to talk about since those are my special interests since I was young. 
> by the way i been meaning to ask but why do your fotos always have weird filenames

Lmfao i dont know what to name them 
thumbnail of Captura de pantalla 2024-06-28 .png
thumbnail of Captura de pantalla 2024-06-28 .png
Captura de pantalla... png
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xP png
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XP she did like lol, she only copes by saying she sent it to sabotage herself so she can feel better that it got leak but tbh i wish she would have at least been honest about it to anons..
anyways enough derailing the thread wit this, even tho she haven't changed, what's past is past and vampy forgavee me already so :p
Goooood morninggg fren!!
But anon, i look better w make-up on. :(
Why would I cope by saying that? It makes me seem more like a whore that way so there is no point in projecting in that kind of form. 
You used to threaten me with doxxing and before that you would derail my agatha threads cuz I was ugly

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