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A 40 year old could easily snag one of these sluts, just that he's a low IQ creepy 40 something who looks like he's god damn 60's. These sluts would drop their panties for a chad 41 year old with a glamorous job and life.
Marky always struck me as dim witted, and possibly has some brain damage. Her looks are fading so she should cash out and just marry a rich guy and pop out a few kids.
The thing is that anyone that comes here or really is involved with or knows a lot about 4chan egirls are not really chads or have glamorous lives.
she's very low iq, she puts on an act to seem smart. She did online classes throughout high school and cheated then couldnt last 1 semester in univsity and flunked all her classes back in 2015. She's 24 with no degree or cerification .
i agree that marky puts on an act to seem smart. but she was too ambitious and enrolled as a physics major. the science and math course load would be difficult for any woman of average to slightly above average intelligence.
she didn't get into any hard physics or math classes. It was her first semester, she was taking gen ed courses (writing, history, Biology) like every freshman and maybe something like alegbra 2, Calculus. she failed easy classes that required minimal effort.

She is nearly 30 (5 years and a few months more)

Tik tock marky. No kids, No education. Just a whore who can barely draw
im going to take the pro-marky position here.

her failing college has less to do with her intelligence i think and more to do with her social difficulties. it was her first time living away from home. we know she has bpd or bipolar and likely she had a very difficult time adjusting and adapting and making friends. college is difficult for anyone, but especially for someone with mental illness / trauma issues who is alone and far away from home. 

shes not 'nearly 30', I think youre reaching there. shes 24, still quite young. she has plenty of time to find herself, get a career, experience life, fall in love, and whatever else. Life is NOT a race, guys. People go at their own pace and take different paths. Adults in there 40's and 50's are still working on their degrees. 

Her art is fantastic imo. If you watch her streams, she puts a lot of effort into her work and her attention to detail is evident. is she a picasso or van gough? no of course not. she may not even be a top tier artist, but its something she enjoys doing. its one of the few things shes stuck with over the years, and shes made huge strides in the quality of her work. shes shown  major improvement, and no doubt she will keep improving. She has a dedicated fanbase and always has a long backlogged list of commissions she is working on, so obviously others appreciate her work as well.
"A woman’s ability to get pregnant begins to decrease slightly at age 27, and then decreases significantly after the age of 37. The average healthy couple under the age of 30 has about 95% of conceiving within a year. Once you’re over 30, the chance of getting pregnant decreases by about 3% each year."

now those are the medical facts. So she has like 11 years left to get married and have a baby before her chances fall off a cliff. she has a lot of time and can still be selective.
Take pro whatever you want. The reality of the situation is that the road she's been on for a while only leads to one thing.
> life is not a race

thats bad advice. i was starting my career at marky's age. if you are living independently and dont have people paying your way through life, getting started in your 40s and 50s, when health problems start, is a hard road. i'm talking real health problems not the mental health issues the majority of zoomers complain of.
hello, is this the life coaching society headquarters? I heard there was going to be a meeting of all the neets and virgin losers to discuss how a girl should live her life and what her ultimate fate is going to be, based on years of thorough research and expertise in the ancient craft of fucking up and being an utter failure, in which many of those present magnificently excel
why do people keep referring to her as a junkie? what drugs does she do? theres no proof that she does any illegal drugs at all. she vapes to get her nicotine fix, thats it. you guys act like shes crouching behind a dumpster hitting a crack pipe or that shes shaking from daily heroin withdrawals or something.
She smokes weed (not really a drug to me). also does crystal meth and heroin. I do not consider her a junkie however. more of a low-moderate user, very functional still.
so this pic is 7 men she's been confirmed to sleep with, and in total there's 8 or more since she dated that russian and has probably had some impulsive one night stands. 
higher body count than Alice.
> She has a dedicated fanbase and always has a long backlogged list of commissions she is working on, so obviously others appreciate her work as well.
The only people I've seen commissioning her are known orbiters. They're not doing it because they're fans of her art.
hi, can I befriend you for some shekels? and genuine friendship too of course, I'm ok looking and draw as well. i do have a bf though i just want t o help parents with money.
no i'm joking but drop your discord I wanna be friends

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