/agatha2/ - E-Girl Purgatory

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She has made at least 5 posts on instagram since 2020 and she likely stopped altogether because of the risk of being doxed and having her coordinates sent to either military under false pretenses.

These may be some of her most recent public posts.
it's not even fair to post her on this board. all these other girls pedro and incel baiting, with their average looks, shitty sense of style, posing for selfies in their depressing decrepit homes. they look weird, act weird, probably smell weird. Mental problems for days. 

Miru is the kind of girl egirls wish they were as they continue to scrape the bottom of the barrel for attention, money and sex. she likely gets glances everywhere she goes just by being beautiful while other girls get ignored everywhere but in the incel spaces they pander to.
thumbnail of comp.png
thumbnail of comp.png
comp png
(237.68 KB, 614x674)
is it miru on the last pic (pink sweater)? it looks like she misses the beauty spots (or idfk how it is called in english) on her face, the base of her hair looks lighter here, and the cat isn't the same as on the other pics (look at its muzzle)

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