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oh I've seen people say Bianca never posted on /r9k/
here's a post by her found in archives, I found more in the past but none are actually interesting 

> if you don't simp for ewhores you're an inkywell!! 
she was a narcisstic egirl with a power fantasy and got off on using lonely men, like all these ehoes. i wouldn't have wanted her to die but what the fuck did she expect messing with mentally ill men on 4chan?

it definitely was her fault to some degree 
letting her teenage daughter go out with a man in his 20s is weird even if he's a "family friend" (they only knew him for a few months) and according to Brandon (I'll also admit his word probably isn't trustworthy) he would drop Bianca off at home while she was still high and nobody would notice or care
Also Kim was fully aware of Bianca's online behavior but pretty much refused to take away her electronics for some fucking reason. You know you're daughter has had men attempt to groom her and yet you allow her to stay online and talk to strangers??

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looking at interviews that kim did she doesn’t even really seem sad about her daughter dying im not saying that shes not grieving in some way, but she doesn’t even cry or show any emotion about it i honestly wouldn’t be suprised if kim did give bianca drugs the whole devins family seems fucked up either way

From what I gather Kim treated Bianca more as a best friend than a daughter, which is a dangerous and unhealthy thing to do.
Hindsight is 20/20, there was a lot she could have done differently to prevent Bianca's death.
I think Kim should have taken away her phone or at least monitored her MUCH closer (as in not allowing her to use discord) as soon as the sex-tape fiasco happened.
Teenagers will be teenagers, you can't prevent everything but you can at least try.

if bianca had lived longer she probably would have gotten fat and popped out a bunch of kids like her mother, it was probably a good thing she died so we don’t create another shitty mother for our next generation

The mom once talked abt selling Bianca’s old art on Merch I don’t think they ever went through with it but I always thought she was trying to make money off of her dead daughter in some way

i always thought that olivia seemed more upset about biancas death than kim was. Olivia  was the one that cried at her trial and when shes interviewed about it, kim just had those crocodile tears makes me feel sad for liv that she has a dead sister and a mother whos irresponsible

Kim said she’s in shock and if she ever leaves it she doesn’t know what she will do but we all know that’s cover up for “I really don’t give a fuck”  lol I bet she was happy she had one less mouth to feed

id say what a typical SKYND listener looks like. also saw that SKYND made a page dedicated to mental health resources on their website, and the fucking text is clearly AI generated. This band and their fans deserve to get mocked.

I hate this fucking YouTuber, I've only seen three videos by him and its all boring slop and all three videos I watched of his had people correcting his misinformation in the comments
I'm not even going to watch this shit, the title alone gave me AIDS

dont u guys hate it when fags like to say she was some sexy instagram model like almost every news article you find on this chick half-asses the whole story like they barely even looked into the truth and she was NO WHERE near some instagram celebrity or whatever you fags wanna say she was

> Anime-obsessed teenager Bianca becomes an inspiring mental health advocate online - and changes lives. But on forums and social media accounts, she discovers a horrifying and violent underbelly: young men primed to threaten, harm, and attack.


lmao if they told the truth no one would watch it. normies don't want to hear about a manipulative druggie whore who purposely antagonized an incel she was fucking and got murdered. they want to hear about the pretty pretty princess who was so kind and had so much potential


even as a fakecel that shit is wild. Bianca was not some 10yo who stumbled upon her moms ipad.

dude shouldve blocked her and moved on but she definatley went out of her way  to cause problems cause she knew 100% she had pretty privilage. funnies shit is that the dude that killed her was a family friend not a rando incel

Yeah, incel is now the catch all term for misogynist/creepy guy
You can't call Brandon an incel, he literally fucked Bianca right before killing her, but if you try to correct anyone who calls him one they claim you're an incel too and are defending murder. Hivemind mentality.

> muh incel boogeyman
When is the real documentary coming out that talks about ewhore culture and how admiring, imitating, and socializing with these types of girls ultimately lead to her murder?

I vaguely remember her complaining about this board back in 2019 (in 8chan days), there were a bunch of posts about it, that's when I became aware of her and I think I've been following her on instagram since. I think she was also friends with Ciara and others in that circle. Don't really know much about her beyond that.

And I have no idea what was going through her mind when she decided to wear that awful wig for this, it looks terrible.

> the incels, they control what happens afterward, too
no they don't, you dumb bitch? when the fuck has that ever been true? at most you can find a handful of people online claiming She Got What She Fucking Deserved - some portion of whom are obviously trolls - but there's never been any mass persuasion by them about something like this. what a fucking idiot.

if they wanted a deeper look at how her online activity played a part in her murder they should look at the girls she was trying to emulate, the harems they kept around themselves and how they all interacted with one another online and even had jealous catfights (ciara and marky, marky and Kennedi). these are your ringleaders of your "toxic" community bianca was a part of.

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I think Antimone Layne should release a full transcripts of the letters Brandon sent. I want to know everything he said, no filler, no censorship. I need to know what really makes that freak tick.

not sure if yall will find this interesting, but i actually became friends sort of with that 'antimone lane' trans journalist lady and she offered to let me read brandons letters from prison that he had mailed her. it felt creepy so i declined, but now i kinda wish id read them. im curious to know the inner mind of a derranged murdering psychopath

It still blows my mind how women will repeatedly date the worst kinds of men for 10+ years in a row, and absolutely refuse to see them as abusive or walk away from them, but then, performatively, they'll have this deep irrational hatred for unattractive men.
It's like that situation where women prefer to be bullied by a chad than to be saved by a beta.
That's how much women hate sub8 men.

Im at the 13 minute mark. What Kim says about the Bianca and Marc (John) sex tape is untrue. As someone who watched it and was there for part of the drama. Bianca could clearly see the camera so she was aware she was being filmed and Marc had told us she was planning on selling it (something she was known for doing).

lol.  yeah i watched it too. wish id saved it, but marc was spreading it around as revenge cuz she cheated on him. there was a part in the sex tape where she looked directly into the camera as she was sucking his cock

She wasn’t as big of one as Marky or Ciara for example. More of a nobody compared to them so her content wasn’t in as much open or private circulation.
I don’t remember the details the other anon  >>/76590/
posted, but the content I saw was broken into pieces so there was probably more I didn’t see. They were in a semi missionary position with Bianca on her back and Marc standing. The dialogue at one point implied she knew it wasn’t going to be kept private because he said something along the lines of “You ready for the world to see this?”.

weird how some of these girls think they can charge that much. do they not realize that theres 18 yr olds on OF that are hotter than them that charge like uh...20 dollars for an entire months worth of nudes?

I was mutual on ig with her, but i never talked to her. I was obsessed with her late 2019-early 2020, i literally had a folder with 300 photos of bianca, i wanted to be her so bad, i also bought her same posters for my room, i was following everyone of her family everywhere, and i wanted to fly to utica at the beginning of 2020 to show up at the fashion show organized by the family... i wasn't in love with her in any way, and i have never had that obsession with any other person, i was obsessed by her persona. fortunately i grew up and I passed this phase, but still now 5 years later, i skip a heartbeat when i randomly see a photo of her. i just wanted to write this here to free myself and to understand if I'm the only one.

ur not alone on this one anon i went through (still kinda am) in this phase i used to think of bianca in everything i did i even dyed my hair the same as hers and collect every picture of her looking back i might have kinda had a crush on her because i thought she was perfect i really dont know what facinated me about her i never talked or knew who she was until her death tho

people that say this are retarded, i think you guys are forgetting that she was still a child. Yeah she made some dumb decisions but she still had plenty of time to turn her life around and was even planning on going to college

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Normal is pretty relative when it comes to these sorts
Normality could come with a blast to the head or in her case a slit throat
Normality means naught and when you use as a gauge of what might seem right to you, it falters as there's nothing meaningful with it's lance 
It cuts but only one way because you see its blow and no one else

people that say they were “abused” by her during edgecult are beyond retarded how do u let a child that hides behind a screen and acts edgy “abuse” you. When they could have just simply blocked her where they too scared that she was gonna spam her with gore that she most likely got from reddit or some other surface based web lol. All of it gives me a good laugh


I think it makes sense why some of us, including me, want to look or be like Bianca. She was prettier then most girls and has an interesting story. And I think we just want to be like her because of that and some of us probably don't have the best self esteem or other issues. So I don't really see the BPD in here.

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in my opinion most of the other egirls are mid and had weird facial features bianca is one of the few egirls that actually looks beautiful in every single selfie and candid and isn’t a complete catfish take bee for example kek. Why orbit any other egirl when u have bianca

u guys glaze THE FUCK out of this chick she was very tall and lanky, she was as flat as can be her face was average. You guys only act like she was a 10/10 because she’s dead she wasnt even really that well known when she was alive.

She wasn't all that popular before her death. One of the many B-tier sheep village e-girls of the time. Ciara was an order of magnitude more popular. Even someone like Tinker today is more popular than Bianca was then.

This thread is retarded. There is no actual new information it's just lonely desperate losers simping over her. Making new threads of her is pointless, the information is already spread. Again this whole thread is pointless and full horny maniacs.

she wasn’t even an drug addict maybe she did expirment with other drugs but she literally said herself that she mostly just smokes weed you only call her that because thats what everyone else says and you can’t think of any other insults kek

so, if bianca was this model tier popular stacey, someone tell me WHY the guys she dated were balding incel fucking losers like brandon and marc linden, lol. why wasnt she dating literal chads?

please discuss

because she was literally on r9k and she feeded off the attention and she knew they would also give her drugs, theres plenty of conventionally attractive models that have dated ugly people (adrianna lika for example) just because they dated a bunch of ugly people doesn’t mean they’re ugly lol.

I’m basing this off of what he wrote in his letters to her. The only person I know who claims she only took Weed and Xanax was her mother who sometimes gave her the latter to manage her.
So if she got other drugs from Brandon like he claimed, it’s safe to assume she sought them out from other guys she met up with from /soc/. One of her cnc kinks/rape fantasies involved being drugged. You can’t honestly think it was merely a fantasy.

i wouldn’t trust everything brandon says he could possibly be over exaggerating or lying about what happened >>/77815/ i also wouldnt trust fully what bianca says either she was known to be a habitual lier by many people that knew her either way we’ll probably never know what actually happened between them

tbh she was pretty and all but so are a lot of girls. whenever i leave my basement and go to the city centre i run into lots girls as pretty as her and they are normies. to make money modelling these days you have to be a 9/10

i think its stupid that antimone actually thought she was some junkie madochist because she posted edgy stuff on her tumblr. I myself know girls that post edgy stuff online and they have never touched drugs in there life she would not survive being on twitter nowdays lolz

i know ive read various old posts from bianca talking about how she was in and out of the psych ward a lot. for what exactly? ive not heard anyone explain this. was she cutting/self harming? suicide attempts?

She was put in a phych ward after she kept running away with her boyfriend at the time and eventually got put on house arrest. she also had a history of self harm she would post pictures of her bleeding cuts on instagram im not sure if she tried to kill herself wouldn’t be suprised

some say that it was her father, others say that it was all made up by her for sympathy points.
plenty of chronically online girls have those kinks and they have never been raped. they just spent too much time on discord with other degenerates.

> some say that it was her father, others say that it was all made up by her for sympathy points.
Is it some or just one anonymous poster? I talked to her a lot and she never mentioned it. Nor did anyone else I knew who interacted with her, but I noticed whoever kept posting about her on /r9k/ kept mentioning it. A lot of times those sort of people will sprinkle in what they think are believable lies (like an egirl fucking her dog) to go with a few verifiable truths.

she was never molested or did hard drugs people just like to believe the men that made threads about her just because she didn’t send them nudes lol. As someone that has talked to her almost half of the information on the most popular thread circulated about her is false you guys believe it because you want more reasons to not like her for some weird reason

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Based on things i’ve heard about kim shes always reminded me of my mom in a way. She was never actually abusive but very neglectful (wich i think describes kim perfectly) she wouldn’t care that i would go to school high and did pills. She would still let me hang out with people that got me on drugs and let me go with random guys. And never cared to check what i did online looking back im lucky i never ended up in biancas shoes it really all falls back onto the parent and it shows how much kim really failed her.

also seems like kim lacks the ability to have her daughter take any fault in situations it is always a random incels fault or she says "SHE HAD BPD" im not even shocked bianca had a victim complex

i wont pretend to know their family dynamic, but kim has always seemed like the 'cool' kind of mom, the mom that basically tries to be their daughters bestie rather than a parent. i think thats why bianca turned out the way she did. she needed a strict parent to lay down the law. but kim is like a teenage girl herself in a moms body.

literally, in every documentary and interview that kim was in she always refers to bianca as her “best friend” more than her daughter i wouldn’t be suprised if her younger siblings turn out like bianca when they get older

Literally i noticed in every single documentary and interview that kim did she always refers to bianca as her “best friend” more than daughter. I wouldn’t be suprised if her younger siblings turn out like bianca when they get older their whole family dynamic seems fucked.

Her little sister is like what 11? Has a nose  piercing  and posting herself so much online you’d think after Bianca the mom would be a bit strict with internet use but ig not

if your talking about dakota then yes. Shes that young and on her tiktok she posts about her boyfriend and overall acts way too grown for her age. I think this whole family is very questionable to say the least

man this is nuts. i may be wrong, but i thought i read somewhere that all the males in their family are police officers or involved in law enforcement?. how can that be true and yet all the women in the family turn out to be whores like this?

I think that's brave for mom to let her daughters "express themselves" even after it got one of them killed. maybe they'll be the cool kid so she can relive her glory days when could toy with men, party and take 10 miles of cock

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i also like to point out that her other sibling is like what 6? and shes clearly wearing eyeliner and makeup here and looks like shes a teenager, i noticed a pattern with all of kims kids that they all seem to grow up way to fast and its kinda sad to see

i just discovered that maddie and dakota aren’t kims kids. she has a best friend named kayleigh nicole that has 3 kids and she was biancas step mom so i don’t think its just kim raising them but i definitely agree her parenting regarding bianca was concerning

god dayum, i bet she always felt insecure over her height only to then end up as a model. a shame too, if it wasn't for her insecurities she probably would have never been doing the dumb egirl shit she was doing and she would have been a successful model instead.

yall give kim too much shit u guys have no idea how hard it is to parent and monitor a child with bpd and severe mental problems shes a grieving mother for fucksakes i think its about time we leave the family alone

More than one.

From the lawsuit ( https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/21010629-devinssuit1?responsive=1&title=1 ):

> 38. By the time she graduated high school, Bianca had already had several traumatic experiences caused by men she met online, including an 18-year-old she'd met on 4chan when she was 15, who was controlling and abusive and accessed her social media accounts. In a fit of jealous rage, he'd sent sex videos of him and then 15-year old Bianca to her entire Discord server. Bianca sought help from law enforcers, but stopped cooperating when the offender threatened suicide.

> 40. After the concert, Clark drove Bianca back to Utica. She slept in the car. On the way home, Clark exited the highway and parked the SUV at the end of Poe Street in Utica, outside a park they'd visited the first time they'd met. Using a clamp affixed to the dashboard, Clark set up his phone to film he and Bianca. Clark woke Bianca up and the two had sex. The police later obtained five videos of Bianca and Clark having sex (1:28 minutes, 1:26 minutes, 51 seconds, 2:34 minutes, 12 seconds) that Clark had recorded. From these videos, Clark made three screen captures. About thirty minutes later, Clark set up the video camera again and made two videos (10:14 minutes and 18 seconds) depicting Clark accusing Bianca of infidelity and stabbing Bianca’s neck with a knife while she pleaded for her life.

> 46. According to a jailhouse diary confiscated from Clark's cell, Clark had been agitated for about a week prior to the concert. Clark had seen a man’s name show up on Bianca's phone messaging. It was the same man whom Bianca had once confided to Clark had drugged and raped her and then spread the rape video on Discord. Bianca told Clark the man was blackmailing her and threatened to kidnap her if she ever blocked him. Nevertheless, Clark insisted Bianca block him. When Bianca resisted, citing her terror, Clark accused her of cheating on him. To appease Clark for the sake of their friendship, Bianca added him to her Discord server. Going through her history on Discord, Clark observed that just a couple days before the concert, four adult men had publicly solicited Bianca for nude pictures. One of them asked her to write his name on her nude body and reminded her to crop her head out of the image because “no face, no case”

Truth hurts the mother seems to take no fault when it comes down to how she raised her daughter and coming from someone who’s family also has a shit ton of mental illness you need to let the mentally ill individual take fault for their actions so it’s her fault as a mother for not having her daughter do so you good for nothing fuck

if u would stop being a retard u would scroll up and see the post that said dakota isn’t even kims child. bianca and oliva were her only kids and olivias normal and has no mental illnesses so imagine how hard it was to maintain biancas insanity

i dont think it was her insecurities that caused her to do “dumb egirl shit” bianca knew she was pretty. If she was insecure then why would she send nudes to tons of people?and she looks pretty confident in her modeling pics. She clearly took advantage of her attractiveness to manipulate men and thats what ultimately got her killed.

Bianca becoming a therapist and helping people struggling with mental health is peak comedy.
She could not help herself, let alone others.
Being realistic, there is now way for her to contribute positively to society other than giving sex to incels.

im almost certain she would probably eventually end up dropping out of college most girls with mental problems dont make it through college. Her mother seems narcissistic as she takes no responsibility and blames “incels” for biancas death and pushes the “bianca didu nuffin” agenda her mother isn’t no better of a person than she was

Probably to make that New York "Bianca's Law" a federal law. Which imo is really stupid, at least from my understanding of the law.

For example, imagine I film my friend doing a cool skateboard trick, but they fall and scrape their knee. I laugh because it was funny how they fell, but they don't think it was funny and don't want me to post the video. I tell them to stop being such a baby and post it anyway. The video then gets a lot of likes and a lot of comments from other people saying how funny the video was.

Now, under Bianca's Law, this would be illegal and I could be arrested. See how stupid this law is?

i always wonder out of  kims 2 kids why did bianca turn out to be the nut job? i mean olivia is pretty normal compared to her, i mean u can tell just by looking at their social medias alot of people say kim is the reason bianca was the way she was. But then why wasn’t like olivia like her too?

guys I just realized. Bianca posted a lot of gore back in her Edgecult Tumblr days. and when she died, we spread her gore around the internet like wildfire. but now her mom wants to create a federal law to stop the posting of gore images.

the irony am I right. :/

i wonder if reports are just saying she fought back just because it sounds better i sorta theorize maybe she didnt fight back considering she was suicidal and always talked about death. Who knows maybe bianca even asked brandon to kill her?

I doubt she wanted to actually die just wanted to be edgy even her self harm cuts weren’t even deep who knows she prob even did those for attention anywho she prob did regret it when reality hit her this is her fate now she was a bitch tho so hard to feel bad and yes I always found her death ironic since she did the same thing and now apparently her mom wants to pass that law taking into account even Bianca didn’t give a fuck about others gore

Im not trying to excuse biancas behavior dont get me wrong she was a cunt but she was like 13/14 when she was in edgecult and just doing what everyone else was doing hell i can think of dumb shit i did online at that age. She just never grew up and still continued to do stupid shit online and paid the price for it.

They probably didnt cover it up i dont know how they could stitch up that severe of a wound i mean she was parcially decapitaded its creepy to think about tho having her neck slit and wearing a dress and tiara

im currently training to become a funeral director intern, studying mortuary science. haven't done a wound like this hands on, but it is covered in textbooks and i've studied it. fyi obviously everything differs heavily from place to place, person to person, and the state of the body, especially in violent messy murders. 

so, how did they make her head presentable? well: via the neck, an artery and jugular are slightly pulled out, exposed and cut. a cannula is inserted into the artery attaching it to the embalming machine, which is filled with all the fluid. the jugular gets a small hole, and angular forceps are inserted into the vein to hold it open. as the injecting begins pressure builds up and pushes the congealed blood out through the jugular, replacing it with embalming fluid. then everything would be placed back inside and sewn up. 

now in biancas case, based on the picture it looks like the left side of her neck was the focus. so they could have used her right artery and jugular, or just fished the ends of her left down far enough to be able to inject. beyond that, there's facial arterys near the jawline etc that can be used too, so they would have found a way. eye caps will have been placed under her eyelids (usually with a sticky gel called stay-cream) to keep them closed. her jaw would be clamped shut with a needle injector. it shoots a wire with a spike into the bone behind the gums, above the top teeth and below the bottom teeth, the mouth is closed and the wires are twisted together. 

they would have used a piece of dowel or pvc in the spinal column to give everything structure again, use large cross sutures on the back of the neck to stabilise it onto the body, and then fully suture the head back on. and if there was any sinkage/loss of volume it would have been filled in with something like paper, styrofoam, etc. everything would be covered and rebuilt with mortuary wax and cosmetics.

apologies if any of that is confusing or misspelled, it's late where i am and i should probably be asleep lol.

if in the end they decided it was still too disturbing for her family to see directly, she would have been covered with a casket veil that drapes over the body so she is still visible but details/wounds are hard to see.

imagine being as pretty as bianca and can pull any guy she wants and she goes for some balding looks like hes in his 30s looking guy maybe if she had higher standards she wouldn’t have gotten killed what a waste.

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This video truly shows how much kim is in denial about everything her daughter did when she was alive and things that let up to her death she says all those screenshots going around are “photoshopped” when there’s literal proof that was her. She also said that she constantly went through her phone so then how did she not see that bianca was being groomed and sending gore to minors? and shes tryna pass this “biancas law” bullshit sometimes i wonder if she deep down knows bianca isn’t innocent so she just says everything was “faked” because she knows it’ll look bad on her

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