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You... You don't know how "famous" e-girls and their bfs work, do you?
They all have simps, but one simp is always more dominant than than the others and gets to be her "boyfriend".
Puka has orbiters and is a known e-whore who has admitted she's gotten into legal trouble over selling her nudes in the past and is clearly still hanging out with older men who sexualize her.

Obviously she's the kind of retard who would think she can and should try to make a living off of selling her nudes.
It sounds like the reality is that she will always be single forever, she can't get an older boyfriend IRL, that Eric guy stopped any chances of that happening. She isn't attracted to guys her age, and when she's 18 she's going to start showing her body off to the world. No man would ever want her. Maybe she'll get a job at McDonald's with that other couple here
You're asking pedrophiles to stop being pedrophiles. I wouldn't touch this girl with a 1000 foot pole, personally, but the people who would are posting here BECAUSE she's underage, not in spite of it. The older she gets the less they will like her. Sad.
> she can petition for emancipation at 16 in her state
With her parents permission. I sincerely doubt they will allow that.
> age of consent is 16 in her state too so
The age of consent only applies to couples within a certain age range. She will still not be able to have sex with the age group she wants.

"If the older individual holds a relationship (as defined by RCW 9A.44.010) with the 16- or 17-year-old and is at least 4 years older, and abuses this relationship to engage in sexual intercourse, it is considered a crime."

There is also no romeo and juliet law. Because there is no such "Romeo and Juliet law" in her state, it is possible for two individuals both the age of 16 or under who willingly engage in intercourse to both be prosecuted for statutory rape. Similarly, no protections are reserved for sexual relations in which one participant is a 15 year old and the second is a 16 or 17 year old.
She already sold nudes at 14 or YOUNGER, its horrible but her life is already ruined. I'd feel bad for her if she wasn't so obviously pandering to and enabling the pedrophiles who chase her.
What future? Her career as a CEO of NASA?  >>/117113/ is right in that she probably sold nudes so why change anything? If anything she should try to branch out to something creative like art or music. I remember a Japanese girl in 2013 who started as a gravure model to gain popularity but then started doing art/streaming/music. If she doesn't she'll end up a one-trick whore only good for one thing.

What I still don't understand is how do people like this girl enough to give her 2000 in gifts even after everything that's happened. What does she do? Just exist?
> living alone
She can't live alone at 16. No hotel, motel or airbnb will give any kind of room and board to an under 18. She'd also need to be 21 years or older to rent a car.
> if she makes their lives a living hell they will
No she's more likely to end up institutionalized or in juvenile facilities, there's absolutely no way they'd let a girl who menaces her parents emancipate.
What's with every single egirl making a letterboxd with the same few movies on it? Is it literally just because they see Ken getting positive attention for her letterboxd and think the same will happen for them? Doesn't really work considering Ken's so obscure and this is basic bitch normie shit. What's the point in making a letterboxd if you've only seen 8 movies you could rate?
Making a youtube or twitch makes sense, considering a lot of anons request this and it's how Agatha became known. Letterboxd on the other hand was exclusively a Kennedi thing, but not even what she was originally known for. She abandoned every account except letterboxd for years though and that's what orbiters talked about, so I imagine aspiring egirls saw that, misunderstood why everyone was fawning over her letterboxd, and think that rating a few shitty blockbusters will bring them just as much admiration.
Donutchan spotted. I know letterboxd is a big thing, but Ken was the only egirl to have a letterboxd and then Bee and all the others made accounts that they used for a day just to abandon them after realizing it wouldnt get them any more attention.
I was going to play devils advocate like this and say it looks like she's just using it to log movies, what it's made for. She probably started it because of the trend, yes. Nothing unique about the movies she's watched so far either. She doesn't seem like the obscure indie film movie buff

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