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Hi. How old are you?. Why do you want to be here? All the girls who are here don't want to be here. they hate or despise us at best and probably they are right in many cases. there are very bad guys here(im not one of them), off course not all of us are evil but some are literally DEMONS. Here are people who will HATE YOU just because of how you look, because you are a woman or because you want to attract attention. I advise you to go find men on 4chan.org/soc or discord servers, etc... or much better yet, in real life.
run for your life girl!!!. goodluck.

You really picked the worse group of men to pander to, are you retarded, my child? These guys are losers, imageboards are cringe as fuck not edgy or cool. You are subjecting yourself to the worse type of people on the internet for NO FUCKING REASON

She has petite and very caucasian features, so she could be nice looking.
But can't say since she puts so many fucking filters on it.

Also, she keeps hiding her chin in photos, so it might be that's kinda fucked or she is very self-conscious about it for some reason.

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seems she moves from guy to guy very quickly, often meeting up with them in motel rooms and sucking them off in exchange for things like clothes and fast food. i don't think it would be inaccurate to call her a prostitute. and apparently she asked this guy to hit her because she's retarded and romanticizes things like that and also as some pathetic attempt to be like marky or something

lol marky did not get beaten up she used to have nose bleeds all the time. How many guys has Miyoko fucked yet? Funny how she pretends to be a saint but is a literal prostitute. What will happend when her parents find out? the relationship with her father probably does not even exist tbh. Miyoko is going to become a lolcow she reveals too much private info about herself and anons are going to start to hate on her.

i'm not sure just how many guys she has hooked up with, possibly dozens. and probably sent nudes and the like to god knows how many more. if possible, her parents should definitely be made aware of her activities, for her own safety, so if anyone has any information that would allow us to contact them please post it. what she is doing is very dangerous.

actually the way she posts about it makes seems like she thinks people would be impressed by her meeting up with and getting gifts from middle-aged loser pedros who clearly don't care about her and only want to use her for sex, but instead it just comes off sad and pathetic especially since most people don't even care because she's kind of irrelevant. she's really just kind of a joke. it really is quite sad.

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she actually edited the poster to make it say she's 15 when she first posted it lol. i also don't know why she's whining about being doxxed when she's the one who posted it first herself because she thought being a 'missing person' was so le funny and epic. it literally took 2 seconds to find the original. she doxxed herself.

> she doxxed herself
It says "Age 17" in the police on and isn't she around 20?
This looks more like somebody sent these informations to that police station in hopes of getting a fake report and the police didn't even check the credentials.

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Looked at desuarchive. Turns out she met up with someone from r9k and he trapped her in the room and threatened to rape her and punched her so much her face was bleeding, (she posted proof) and had to run away. 
Someone also posted a pic of her pre-tiktok fashion and pic editing, pic related.

She’s an ugly nigger who hides behind filters to try to look less like a ghetto welfare monkey & lies about her age and being raped to appeal to the brainless pedros who lack the critical thinking skills to see past her act. Another normie attention whore slut, just in dark mode, yawn. Miss the old egirls.

ppl can say what they want about her wanting to look asian, but shes a good friend and has always been very sweet and kind. and she doesnt ghost you like many other girls here do.

i've always done the same filters nothing has changed but my style and my makeup. so saying i use too many filters now doesn't make sense. its the makeup lol :’) 

and who cares anyway? this whole thread is retarded and i wish it would get purged because i'm underage in a lot of these !!

a lot of you guys also seem to think i’m a prostitute or have had sex with old men for some reason which isn’t true at all.  i’ve only had one irl boyfriend and have only met with him :’)  

a lot of the old threads i posted were skits for attention and it’s kind of obvious. especially the one where i supposedly got beat LMAO  the blood was from spirit halloween and it’s obvious. 

if i was in a situation where i was actually meeting someone, i wouldn’t post it on 4chan and document me getting beaten up. me and my friend wren just thought it would be funny to create fake situations for entertainment and interaction.

Nah back then you used less filters and we could see some semblance of your real facial features and real melanin. Now you try to look like a little korean girl so badly by white washing yourself and asianfishing. It's uncanny, you edit your face so blurred that the natural shadows from the lighting don't even register and the only shadow from your face visible is your nostrils and nose contour. You need to learn to love yourself and your negressness

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i do admit i take inspiration from asian makeup styles but “asianfishing” is such a funny term to me. it’s just makeup and it’s not that big of a deal.  

i have been using the same filters. it’s the same filter on faceapp and have been using it for years. i personally like the filters and i know it looks uncanny but that’s what i'm going for.  

i am more confident than i have ever been before and i don't necessarily want to be korean. i just think the filters and the uncanny look makes me look dollish. i don’t really ever think about my skin color or get self conscious as much as you guys think i do lol. 

again it’s just makeup and filters and it shouldn’t really matter how i do it or how i want my pictures to look.

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Hey black girl I'm sure you're around
I'm very important, I'm a big man 
I have fun and I don't give a hoot who cares about it
You don't seem too hot but you seem easy enough, why don't you hop on a kick and pretend to make yourself better huh
Maybe it'll rub off on ya and it might even make you a little lighter on complexion

I wonder if a single normal picture of her exists.
I don't think she'd look ugly, but she hides under so many layers of makeup and filters and angles, it's just weird.
Same goes for her hiding her chin and making a pouty face. And then she also downsizes most pics so details get lost that way too.
It's rather sad.

Miyoko you clown ass ho. Watch when you're mom sees you on here naming yourself a miyoko she's gonna beat your dark ass all the way to El Salvador. Make you appreciate you didn't come out nappy. Miyoko slap yourself with a pupusa.

Make up your mind Watkins. You want to pretend to be Hispanic, or "Latin" as niggas like to say, Jap (not working sister). Have you gone through the phase every nigga goes through where they say they're some type of Indian (Native American)? Dark ass hoe calling herself White Crow, then Maria, now a miyoko. Anything but black. Fucken miyoko - NIGGA PLEASE

noticed she looks very cute in the 4th picture (despite being black) but the 2nd looks uncanny and almost AI generated
the first/last image looks like iris if you squint though
she should wear more dark colors

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