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Thread for ip2 streamer and e-girl-befriender Alice. 


i guess some ppl find this attractive, but she seems really unhygenic and dirty. she just travels from place to place, freeloading, hanging out with other streamers and crashing with them. probably has hairy armpits and unkept pussy

in a way I admire her. shes living her life fearlessly and throwing caution to the wind. morality aside, how can you not respect that? shes like a female jack keroauc living "on the road". her life is one grand adventure, going from place to place, strange characters coming in and out of her life. Its not the life for everyone, sure, but Im glad shes not a miserable wagie trapped in a dead end job, having her soul sucked out of her in the prime of her life. shes living life on her own terms. truth be told,, most of us dont have the courage to do what shes doing. we are already dead inside.

here's a reality check for you: she's an clueless bum and a scrounger with no purpose in life who will be six feet underground before having learned to read and you're an idiot for glamourizing this wretched failure.

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take it easy anon. who knows what good things can happen to her in life... in any case if things get fucked she will always be able to study something technical for 2 years and work like everyone else. or not even study anything, like marky. then a man is going to fuck her, she will have children and the cycle of life will continue...

Alice actually has a genius level IQ and enjoys reading the works of the great philosophers in her spare time. Unlike some other girls posted on this board for whom appearances are more important than reality, she doesn't feel the need to constantly show this off.

Just like Marky, who's had the same few novels bookmarked for the past 4 years without reading a single one! Truly, our girls Marky and Alice are the intellectuals of the world. I would love for them to join MENSA!

would you rather a girl have had 7 one night stands, or have slept with one guy hundreds of times in a loving relationship
on one hand, the first is degen af, but its less sex overall and she wasnt in love, so she would be tighter and more malleable.

> would marky be ok with this?
no idea, but alice seems hellbent on making it happen. you can see more dms from her here https://no-cookie.kiwifarms.net/data/video/2799/2799124-cc26fde1067647c1eb13e1a117ea1a12.mp4 but honestly its not very interesting besides what i posted. mostly just weird flirting between alice and some 40 year old who's trying to be cool before she blocks him

oh my god....this is terrible. i can actually see it happening. marky hates living in her parents basement, and im sure now that she has a job now, she want to move out. and if alice is offering to be her roomate, marky would no doubt do it. then they will form a toxic friendship, there would be constantly unsavory pieces of shit in the house crashing with them, streaming , doing drugs, itll be a non stop degenerate party, and it would be a terrible influence on marky, and she will never do art again or get her life together. this really ruins my whole day, thanks.

if she goes along with alice's degenerate shit and has her own life ruined, then she's an idiot and deservers all of it. she's not a kid, she should be able to make choices. nothing to feel sorry about.

Marky is in her mid twenties and still has never had a relationship last over a year or two, and none of her relationships have been stable. She works a dead end restaurant job with no opportunities to move up or meet people, and she dropped out of college twice. She has no irl friends anymore and her only way of meeting new people now is by using the internet (she even met Alice online). 

Her potential to settle down is dwindling more and more by the day, and it was already extremely low in the first place because of how unstable, shut in, online, dumb (sorry Marky, you're a good artist regardless) and apathetic she is. If she does marry, it'll be another guy from the internet who doesn't really like her and she'll wish she never met him. I don't want that to be the case, but that's how it's looking and has been looking for years.

A wide selection of men, all who know of her because she posted her tits on halfchan when she was 15. I'm sure she totally wants to settle down with someone from here or her stream chats! Yeah right, get a grip. 

> sam hyde himself has offered to entrust everything to her.
Wow, a pathological liar addicted to the internet and hiring tranny hookers and ridden with multiple STDs made a hollow promise to give her money because he missed having her in his web? Her value is so high! 

Face it. All she has is men on the internet who she doesn't even like. It doesn't matter if some orbiters have crypto money or farms, we're not the healthiest or most attractive bunch. There's a reason why we're here, and there's a reason why people watch streams instead of living their own lives.  

If anything, I would be suicidal as a woman if my only potential suitors were a roided acne-covered pedrophile rapist/washed up comedian, and literallywhos from imageboards who have all seen my underage tits.

Don't even bother trying to argue with them.  These are the same people who thought the guy from Brazil was a multimillionaire and then it came out years later that he was barely middle class.
They have some fantasy about her ending up with some rich guy.  Its like how people think pornstars exit the industry with a bunch of money and end up marrying a rich guy but most end up broke, addicted to drugs, and can't find a guy.

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i'll try to keep this short. alice's best friend was hailey, a wannabe e-girl. about a year ago, hailey, while in alice's discord, attracted the attention of alice's simps. hailey invited alice's simps to her discord, but not alice.

fast forward to the early morning hours today. alice spergs on her discord about how hailey is a slut and how she wants to kill hailey. she makes some tweets and goes live. alice does a tell-all stream where she talks shit on her simps, her stalker kahlil and hailey.

she is pissed at hailey for
> showing her pussy to her discord
> distancing herself from alice for being alt-right
> stealing her simps
> letting herself get groomed by 40 year olds
> accepting $300 for sex from aforementioned groomer
> sex roleplay where she is a concentration camp captive (hailey is jewish) and her partner is a nazi
> sex roleplay with her discord simps in which she plays a little girl 
knowing some things about hailey, i think alice may be telling the truth.

alice's also mad at her simps for participating in the discord. she's quite abusive to her simps. one of them posted a meme (pic related) that depicts her mistreatment of them.

I dont know much about alice or any of the drama with her friend, but why would she expect simps to be "loyal" to her? If a girl comes into her server and says "hey guys im starting my own server, im going to be posting pics of my tits and pussy" , do you think people arent going to join? lol. Are they supposed to say "no maam! im a loyal alice simp, I cant join your server and look at your naked teen body". Theres no loyalty in this game.

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Honestly just remember, any girl who calls herself a good person and an angel is absolutely a BPD she-demon succubus from hell who is definitely spreading her pussy for dozens of men and has been suckin and fuckin since 14.

I'd also like to add that no matter how deranged Alice can be, she's honest and open, which automatically makes her more respectable than most of these chicks who are doing everything Alice does but keeping it a secret and pretending to be angels. The whole tradwaifu drainer thing is a meme.

you sound like those guys who vote for a crooked politician because they have been told right from the start that he will ram his dick up their asses without mercy. I bet you also ask your gf to tell you everything about how she let's herself be fucked by strangers in public toilets

I can’t help but think of these people as lowlifes. Walking around annoying ppl, acting obnoxious, trying to scrounge cigs and alcohol off ppl. I’m glad she’s not my friend.

update on this situation: the 40 year old leaked all her nudes, hacked into her bank account and icloud and youtube, deleted her youtube channel, and is currently stalking her irl. he has multiple stalking charges stacked up and is a convicted sex offender. alice bought a gun to defend herself and hopefully she wont have to use it

What's the backstory to them meeting?
Why would she meet with a guy like that?
Was she tricked or genuinly stupid?

> hopefully she wont have to use it
I'm against the death sentence, but it wouldn't be a loss if a guy like him got shot.

agreed, itd be good if he died, i just dont want her to have to live with the likely trauma that would come from continued stalking and killing someone even though he deserves it. 
i dont really know the backstory except hes in the ip2 community and has an autistic way of manipulating women and convincing him hes trustworthy even though hes an obvious fucking nut.

holy shit are you serious? I thought it was odd that her maliceworld account got deleted, I thought maybe she violated terms of service or something. I guess that explains it. wow. Cant say she wasnt warned though. We told her joey was a scumbag.

this is kind of old news but her muffy look alike friend mentioned her/the drama briefly on her most recent stream if anyone cares.


its at the 1 hour and 55 minute mark

Popping in to let you guys know she got BLACKED on film multiple times and had her threesome sex tape leaked along with other nudes. A total of 5 guys leaking all this stuff. Cannot imagine how many guys she's had sex with altogether. Not that I care, it's just funny the trads are always sluts. 

It's also funny that Marky, the trad racist, is her best friend and also has mostly dated non whites.

Marky bragged about being part-Jewish in a youtube vid and posted insta stories showing off how open-minded n tolerant she is about brazil spics in 2018. There were screencaps in the 8ch agatha2 thread for her. Idk where the claims of her being racist come from, besides the jap boyfriend in 2016 she currently has multiple gook orbiters in her art server fawning over her shitty art

> Idk where the claims of her being racist come from
she used to openly complain about "niggers" and posted pics of herself hanging up white live matters posters in public like 3 maybe 4 years ago. this is a woman who grew up posting nudes for validation on 4chan and fucked sam hyde. of course shes racist

last year that black guy (kahlil) was a simp of hers who gave her a ride home from georgia to north carolina. after they arrived, he hung out with her dad at her house while she fell asleep. she woke up and then accused him of being a random stalker who broke into her home. now we get a video of him plowing her from behind. she is batshit crazy.

kiwis are faggots that never get anything right. go to the source.

Marky was literally piss drunk on stream around fall repeatedly saying “nigger nigger nigger”. Of course the racist whore is friends with another racist whore, both are used and mentally ill goods. Old hags, good riddance.

> she dated a chink and has chink orbiters so she can’t be racist 
i think you’re forgetting how many racist people want asian wives. being attracted to a race doesn’t mean you respect them in the way you respect your own. and as seen with alice, marky, and many others, fucking non whites is really just par for the course for racists

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why do people get surprised when these whores fuck negros? at this point you should be shocked when one hasn't fucked one

alices old fuck buddy was some lightskin / half breed? idk before she got popular. He went by name "mice" on steam and stream a lot of gatcha

and marky was fucking this half nigerian half estonian guy before he ditched her for a hapa girl who lived across the country and then became a model for vogue and gucci and other huge brandslmao, now he's semi-rich. His instagram is 223huh he used to be a lurker in sheep village and was friends with ciara at one point

Does anybody have any videos, pics or any gossip on why she had a falling out with Marky? They made those streams together and apparently it turned nasty, sorry if I missed previous comments about it

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