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homeless scammer edition 

instagram: https://www.instagram.com/roadkillbaby29/

tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@grlwiththemousyhair [Embed]
shed rather be homeless and sleep on the streets than stay with some incel on discord and be forced to fuck him. i respect that. thats integrity.
what a bum

yeah I'm sure the corporation with 350 locations is just withholding your paycheck for no reason or because they can't afford your min wage rate lol

I would love to see her and girls like her try to exist without the safety net of simps they constantly rely on
she's saying that so when she ends up doing it anyway she can play victim and act like she's been forced into it and pretend that she's not a whore and a leech
Almost 20 and its because she's a whore with no social skills, she got fired from her first job for making customers uncomfortable
Hey tinker, if you dont wanna be homeless just post nudes and interact with orbiters like cewl does, she gets money thrown at her all the time
Why? She needs to help herself and try harder instead of mooching off her "friends" and parents. Nobody HAS to help her. Her downfall is her own doing, if she actually cared enough about her life she wouldn't be in this situation. Fuck her.
if she could help herself she would. shes mentally ill and is trapped in a bad family situation. she shout be on disability bux for mental illness. shes weird and has no social skills
I feel zero pity for her because she did this to herself. Stop making excuses for whores you're only enabling them. She's a normie who is too lazy to put in effort and just wants life to be handed to her on a silver platter. 
There are so many online resources she can resort to but no she chooses to beg some random fag online for help instead of doing any real work.
No fucking excuse.
Wow look how easy it was to find a list of homeless shekters in Virginia 
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Reminder that Tinker is a nigger loving slut who lied about her abusive upbringing and traumatic past, and she cucked her IRL boyfriend for online attention
She has been giving out her nudes like candy since 15 years old and defends pedrophiles as long as they treat her nice
She is an abomination and the queen of harlots
Avoid at all costs
No. Makes no sense to say that. She's very skinny, just has slightly more muscle mass in her legs due to genetics it looks like, and the pose is an awkward angle. Also horizontal stripes make people look wider.
That site is dead and mostly filled with retards. No one there will even know who she is either, so I don't why that person bothered to make that thread.

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