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cewl is the one that needs to leave audrey alone. Put yourself in audrey shoes, could you imagine having a junkie trying to use you for clout and then painting you as the villain ?
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The imagined pain of someone's aggression is a sublime expression of one's own deprecation of self
I've seen all the classics
No radio signal will derange a single preoccupation with the absolute

Everyone can so suck an ass
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Absolute perfect can never be attained consciously
Divine intervention is the benevolent gift of God to give his son's a perfect beyond their capabilities yet we see them as  mediocre trinkets 
Something common as we are so deserving of God's love
Who are we
Who are we
Through my fault I am who I am forgive me naught of my sin but my inability to ask for forgiveness
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The little fruitcake ran away again 
He's too simplistic to not be afraid
Other's will simply not care yet he finds himself obligated  
I'm me, but who are you?
Who are you
who are you 
Who are you
I don't know if you even know
It's most likely the mexianon who squatted on her old username because he's done that before to her and her friends by pretending to be her for info and drama
Ffs anon now you're sounding as insane as the cewltards spamming the previous thread. Either everyone shows proof for their batshit conspiracy theories or you're all full of shit.
Anyone could have squatted it tbh. People do that all the time whenever a niche celebrity handle is up for grabs.

> he's done that before to her and her friends 
Yeah a little proof for this would be nice because so far it's all hearsay

Also everyone stop replying to a certain other egirl's simps posting here.
The threads are fun af. Spread misinformation and pretend to be someone else and watch the two guys ITT who care have a melt down
still no real meat recently though, she'd unironically look better in some of your eyes if she just posted some nudes and left the net.
> dates and fucks ugly as shit hapa from ig
> same with guy off 4chan
> same with guy off telegram 
> meets up with and bangs random guys off telegram and discord over the years
> has actually stated she'd fuck adam lanza
> finds bad breath and crooked teeth hot

Her taste in men isn't exactly refined
when the fuck did she bully cewl i missed this part, also ofc her ass is never posting nudes, cause u guys wouldn't shut up about it.
> when the fuck did she bully cewl
Never, the idiot junkie got pwned by a catfish and cewl bitched about it on her thread, so now her simps and the junkie herself think anyone who criticizes her must be audrey herself or a simp commanded by audrey to "atack" her. it's some hilarious shit but it's gotten annoying.
Apparently she got raped and loved it so much she became even a bigger whore after the fact, developing a rape fetish even
True story :$
At least in younger victims something in their brain is triggered to believe  sex = love and engaging in sexual activities is the only way to feel "alive," its not like that in all cases everyone has different trauma responses
In addition to all the drama let me share an experience I had with Audrey. We became friends and I was rude to her cuz my home life was rough my dad was an alcoholic who beat my mom. but she would be nice to me and send me memes and say goodnight and good morning to me. Nothing happened but I will cherish that when I think about her cuz it melted my cold heart :$
> We became friends and I was rude to her cuz my home life was rough my dad was an alcoholic who beat my mom

> Do you guys want a bulletproof way of getting to know and eventually fuck Audrey? Aight, take note:
> Traumabond.
> That's it. When you find a way of establishing contact, steadily talk to her about shit she's known to larp about liking, such as animals or skating, but without revealing your power level too much.
> Casually drop some bits here and there about a big personal tragedy until one day not long after you've established contact come up with whatever bullshit family drama, and tell her how painful it is and how big of a toll it's taken to your self esteem and mental health. Wait until she shares some of her totally-not-fake sob stories and tell her how much you understand her pain and how much you wish someone understood yours lmao.
> Congrats! You're now on your way to getting into her hairy pussy in no time. It's that simple.

is confirmed to be true, then.
> When you have to larp as a simp to deflect from the fact that you're the only one who simps for yourself in your own thread which you made
You are actually beyond pathetic. I guess I understand now why you dislike cewl and see her as a trashy "annoying cunt".
I'm not her simp or her I was sharing my experience with her in like 2018/2019 don't project that I'm her because she left you and I'm not the anon who made the thread wtf
I didn't manipulate her
Yeah she was the same with me. What do you think about that seemingly sweet girl turning out to be an incle fucker who licks ass and fucks guys off social media? Asking because it fucked me up when I finally learned the truth
Audrey is the same as cewl how can she not see this? Acting all high and mighty... Completely hypocrite
I wonder why you deleted all your comments on twiggy's profile and pics hmmm???
To her ex:
Dumb question but what happened to the strap on? Is it still at Audrey's place? How did she treat you after the pegging? 
Also, did the rimjob happen before or after the pegging?
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When you take a photograph you steal something from the infinite
You capture in in a moment, an eternity outside of forever that the void can never touch
It is perfect because it is beautiful and it is beautiful because it is perfect  
A centripetal emotion of an absolute outside of time who mocks it's own being because it exists outside of itself
It is of its own and can ever be anything else
It's hilarious this 2/10 pig has more threads than every egirl besides marky or ken. I blame it on no nudes. If anons saw her naked they'd drop her like a fish.
Audrey mentioned in her discord server way back then that she's sent nudes. That was back in like early 2019 even before her whore arc so it's obvious she's done it again since like every other woman on Earth
What? It's LITERALLY her mons pubis with pubic hair. You must be Audrey herself to say that isn't a fucking nude lmao. She's naked in it.
Because it's the same pudgy tummy with weird fat distribution, same belly button, same exact fucking ugly ass men's underwear that NO OTHER WOMEN WEAR along with a full bush that almost no women have anymore, especially not women who ALSO happen to wear Hanes boxers, have a fat gut, are slutty enough to send nudes, and have an inward belly button, all at the same time.
It definitely is her for a fact and she has sent nudes before to the beaner she e-dated from California and even flew to meet once, her words and she said she learned from the mistake, of her sending nudes
> she has sent nudes before to the beaner she e-dated from California and even flew to meet once, her words and she said she learned from the mistake, of her sending nudes
> the beaner she e-dated from California and even flew to meet once
The fuck? When did this happen? Either you're making it up or confusing things because afaik the guy she flew out to meet was the hapa in Colorado and even then she didn't fly there to just do that
It's hard to fin motivation when there's no incentive to be a better person. Her dad is rich and she can coast by without a worry in life like she's done so far, so why bother making an effort?
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Everybody thinks they're so cute so perfect in their beauty
You people might assume yourself objectively nonaesthetic
I'm sure it's very well true 
But you all assume yourself so perfect in your misery which make you so beautiful 
So tragic and undeserving only you, on your group maybe, but nonetheless the patron saint of losers 
So perfect in your absolute
A self assumed absolution conjured by obvious irreproachability to their on malaise 
So perfectly desperate and without meaning, filled with that very erroneous beneficent they so proud scream as incipient yelps from primitive man 
They are dilettante's of their own human experience and are not worth a pot to piss in yet see that as a point of ego, to facilitate remedial sympathies of their own centripetal nature
If Audrey ate my ass I'd be so smug about it fr. Like even years after the fact I'd see a pic of her or hear about how she's doing and literally nothing she might have done since or how much in the mud I might be would change the fact that she had her cute little face to my asshole and willingly put her nice little tongue out to pleasure the hole from which I shit, and that alone would be enough to lift me up and/or undermine whatever she'd want to act smug or brag about.
Yeah but she also pegged the guy who's ass she ate didn't she? Every time he sees her face he remembers that 10 inch strap on pounding his ass, I don't think he's very smug about that.
Well the guy admittedly called himself to be "a litte fruity" and owned up to liking that sort of shit, so if anything it says more about Audrey's sluttiness if she was willing to do something as degenerate as that. Everybody has their limits and the fact that she didn't set her own is a huge red flag, nobody does shit they know is wrong or bad or simply sick "out of love" or whatever cope they come up with. And even still... she ate ass. She put her lips and her tongue to a guy's shithole. There is literally nothing lower and more humiliating than that. She kissed ass literally lmao. She's an asslicker.
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Everyone is so cute
Real smart asses 

But who are you all huh, not a single man
Not one amongst  you all 
I am so glad I'm not one of your little zoom fruits with your sheshe ideals
I'm kind of a tourist when it comes to Audrey threads but I don't see what makes her physically ugly, she looks like a normal fat American girl.
I think the thing with her is that she USED TO BE obectively very cute which nicely complemented her interests and demeanor and sense of humor to project an aura that no other basic bitch egirl gave. 

What happened next is nothing short of a tragedy and it reflected physically on her looks as you can see in her latest photos.
Oh yeah I don't mean to say she turned into a hambeast or anything that drastic but she did gain a lot of weight and isn't as cute as she used to be. but physical stuff aside what I meant by tragic was her becoming a textbook definition of a whore when she wasn't like that at all. It's as if once she gained the least bit of independece once she got into college she decided spreading her legs for online and irl guys alike and tasting fartboxes from 4chan and drinking and doing drugs with strangers was a good idea.
But oh well, women will be women and there really are no good ones at all out there I guess.
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Hotel whore's coming in with what you left
Kitsch spiceless tramps of postulated assumption 
So typical and anemic to their own loss
A liaison  between a half way point of adventure and death
Cutie pies all around, never yearning for it's purity  

All of man had become a Jewish bedlam lively off the ptomaine poison that sustains them

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