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Absolute perfect can never be attained consciously
Divine intervention is the benevolent gift of God to give his son's a perfect beyond their capabilities yet we see them as  mediocre trinkets 
Something common as we are so deserving of God's love
Who are we
Who are we
Through my fault I am who I am forgive me naught of my sin but my inability to ask for forgiveness

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The little fruitcake ran away again 
He's too simplistic to not be afraid
Other's will simply not care yet he finds himself obligated  
I'm me, but who are you?
Who are you
who are you 
Who are you
I don't know if you even know

Anyone could have squatted it tbh. People do that all the time whenever a niche celebrity handle is up for grabs.

> he's done that before to her and her friends 
Yeah a little proof for this would be nice because so far it's all hearsay

Also everyone stop replying to a certain other egirl's simps posting here.

> dates and fucks ugly as shit hapa from ig
> same with guy off 4chan
> same with guy off telegram 
> meets up with and bangs random guys off telegram and discord over the years
> has actually stated she'd fuck adam lanza
> finds bad breath and crooked teeth hot

Her taste in men isn't exactly refined

> when the fuck did she bully cewl
Never, the idiot junkie got pwned by a catfish and cewl bitched about it on her thread, so now her simps and the junkie herself think anyone who criticizes her must be audrey herself or a simp commanded by audrey to "atack" her. it's some hilarious shit but it's gotten annoying.

At least in younger victims something in their brain is triggered to believe  sex = love and engaging in sexual activities is the only way to feel "alive," its not like that in all cases everyone has different trauma responses

In addition to all the drama let me share an experience I had with Audrey. We became friends and I was rude to her cuz my home life was rough my dad was an alcoholic who beat my mom. but she would be nice to me and send me memes and say goodnight and good morning to me. Nothing happened but I will cherish that when I think about her cuz it melted my cold heart :$

> We became friends and I was rude to her cuz my home life was rough my dad was an alcoholic who beat my mom

> Do you guys want a bulletproof way of getting to know and eventually fuck Audrey? Aight, take note:
> Traumabond.
> That's it. When you find a way of establishing contact, steadily talk to her about shit she's known to larp about liking, such as animals or skating, but without revealing your power level too much.
> Casually drop some bits here and there about a big personal tragedy until one day not long after you've established contact come up with whatever bullshit family drama, and tell her how painful it is and how big of a toll it's taken to your self esteem and mental health. Wait until she shares some of her totally-not-fake sob stories and tell her how much you understand her pain and how much you wish someone understood yours lmao.
> Congrats! You're now on your way to getting into her hairy pussy in no time. It's that simple.

is confirmed to be true, then.

> When you have to larp as a simp to deflect from the fact that you're the only one who simps for yourself in your own thread which you made
You are actually beyond pathetic. I guess I understand now why you dislike cewl and see her as a trashy "annoying cunt".

To her ex:
Dumb question but what happened to the strap on? Is it still at Audrey's place? How did she treat you after the pegging? 
Also, did the rimjob happen before or after the pegging?

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When you take a photograph you steal something from the infinite
You capture in in a moment, an eternity outside of forever that the void can never touch
It is perfect because it is beautiful and it is beautiful because it is perfect  
A centripetal emotion of an absolute outside of time who mocks it's own being because it exists outside of itself
It is of its own and can ever be anything else

Because it's the same pudgy tummy with weird fat distribution, same belly button, same exact fucking ugly ass men's underwear that NO OTHER WOMEN WEAR along with a full bush that almost no women have anymore, especially not women who ALSO happen to wear Hanes boxers, have a fat gut, are slutty enough to send nudes, and have an inward belly button, all at the same time.

> she has sent nudes before to the beaner she e-dated from California and even flew to meet once, her words and she said she learned from the mistake, of her sending nudes
> the beaner she e-dated from California and even flew to meet once
The fuck? When did this happen? Either you're making it up or confusing things because afaik the guy she flew out to meet was the hapa in Colorado and even then she didn't fly there to just do that

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Everybody thinks they're so cute so perfect in their beauty
You people might assume yourself objectively nonaesthetic
I'm sure it's very well true 
But you all assume yourself so perfect in your misery which make you so beautiful 
So tragic and undeserving only you, on your group maybe, but nonetheless the patron saint of losers 
So perfect in your absolute
A self assumed absolution conjured by obvious irreproachability to their on malaise 
So perfectly desperate and without meaning, filled with that very erroneous beneficent they so proud scream as incipient yelps from primitive man 
They are dilettante's of their own human experience and are not worth a pot to piss in yet see that as a point of ego, to facilitate remedial sympathies of their own centripetal nature

If Audrey ate my ass I'd be so smug about it fr. Like even years after the fact I'd see a pic of her or hear about how she's doing and literally nothing she might have done since or how much in the mud I might be would change the fact that she had her cute little face to my asshole and willingly put her nice little tongue out to pleasure the hole from which I shit, and that alone would be enough to lift me up and/or undermine whatever she'd want to act smug or brag about.

Well the guy admittedly called himself to be "a litte fruity" and owned up to liking that sort of shit, so if anything it says more about Audrey's sluttiness if she was willing to do something as degenerate as that. Everybody has their limits and the fact that she didn't set her own is a huge red flag, nobody does shit they know is wrong or bad or simply sick "out of love" or whatever cope they come up with. And even still... she ate ass. She put her lips and her tongue to a guy's shithole. There is literally nothing lower and more humiliating than that. She kissed ass literally lmao. She's an asslicker.

I think the thing with her is that she USED TO BE obectively very cute which nicely complemented her interests and demeanor and sense of humor to project an aura that no other basic bitch egirl gave. 

What happened next is nothing short of a tragedy and it reflected physically on her looks as you can see in her latest photos.

Oh yeah I don't mean to say she turned into a hambeast or anything that drastic but she did gain a lot of weight and isn't as cute as she used to be. but physical stuff aside what I meant by tragic was her becoming a textbook definition of a whore when she wasn't like that at all. It's as if once she gained the least bit of independece once she got into college she decided spreading her legs for online and irl guys alike and tasting fartboxes from 4chan and drinking and doing drugs with strangers was a good idea.
But oh well, women will be women and there really are no good ones at all out there I guess.

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Hotel whore's coming in with what you left
Kitsch spiceless tramps of postulated assumption 
So typical and anemic to their own loss
A liaison  between a half way point of adventure and death
Cutie pies all around, never yearning for it's purity  

All of man had become a Jewish bedlam lively off the ptomaine poison that sustains them

It's insane how she can delude herself into thinking she's a refined lady with a penchant for the fine arts and a low-class butch tomboy simultaneously, desperate to appeal to both sides and failing because like you said deep down and even at surface level she's an ass licking whore and a poser.

Legit question since this got me thinking, she talks so much and pins so much of her bullshit to trauma and PTSD because of her having been raped (retroactively lol), so if the guy ended up being physically and/or mentally damaged as a result of the sex acts she performed on him, can it be said that she raped him?

congratulations, seems like you inadvertedly stumbled upon why people here turned on her, jackass
she's been posting shit like that since forever and that made her quite special to many, til some guys outed her as a slut and her ex simply opened the can of worms by showing just how much of a sick degenerate whore she is underneath that persona

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Don't go eating a coon Audi that's a little beyond me
You want it's pelt or feed it to a dog or something sure, but eating one is like eating swine
Real bottom feeding like crustaceans sucking the scum off the bottom of the sea

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I write my book and I use your vulnerability as a muse 
But unfortunately you're all too typical 
I have 5 books under me now, fully fledged 
My sixth is beautiful and there is not one question you could ask without knowing yourself 
But I'm just trying to make my way home and there's nothing believing in it
We are all good, but just so far as we can be evil 
It's cute, but we are all strangers to our own desired home we assume for ourselves

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I enjoy myself and that's all
Be as cute as you want
But what I have is more real than anything you imbecile retards could even come to grasp
I'm not even being egotistical as I usually am 
Be beautiful 

You're only looking for something cute and I'll never give it up 
Despite my accused circumstance I still have my integrity no matter what
So be a smart ass or a cutie pie you won't get a dime

As I said just a moment ago, I enjoy you all as a muse and nothing more
If something is gained form that from my own knowledge of the situation through my part, so be it
But nothing will be given consciously

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Audi never did me wrong, though I still remember never receiving a reply after certain pint and then after when only there was a concern
You enjoy yourself as I do but of my own as you yourself

I really only come on here now to express new understanding, for myself
I don't really have anywhere to piss my ideas out to the world and you all seem right for it
They are beautiful and you are able to understand them, it's just you don't 

You people are the cutest of the bunch

It's called magical thinking ironically, it's common with cluster B and in short is dissociation, it's a coping mechanism that is a cognitive distortion in which people think that their thoughts or actions can directly affect the outside world, things like thinking no matter what situation you are put in you will do well or tossing a coin in a fountain and expecting something from it. It's a lot of things and it's a solipsistic delusion of grandeur hence why she thinks she is literally special and magical with all of the cults she tries to be part of. For narcissists specifically it's used to uphold their perception that they are perfect and important so a God figure fits perfectly.

So it's essentially just narcissism manifesting via supposedly adopting this "mindset" of set of pre packaged beliefs?

Indulging in borderline cult-like fixation for the occult and its relation to the self sounds like a very contrived cope to validate her existence and see no wrong in their own actions since that was always intended to happen and written in the stars and whatever chatter they fill their heads with.

The magical thinking and religious inclinations are still separate since they are different manifestations of the same motive, magical thinking is almost similar to splitting since they are not congruent with reality and used to uphold their perception of reality which cannot be sustainable with their grandiosity via lying to themselves. That's why they view people as either completely evil instead of admitting they are evil themselves sometimes along with denial and projection. With the magical thinking that's why she is so arrogant and even superstitious while admitting that she knows it's not really real. She believes in art spirits and whatever else higher concepts so she can hide in them with this spuedo humility. She describes herself as this small bug in the grand scheme of life and a novice while putting herself above everyone else because of this insistence that she has something no one else has or is just somehow different. She avoids anything that reminds her of her mediocrity and will confabulate any reason to keep up this self perception. That also plays into her disassociation and depersonalization she even admitted to having. In short she's just trying to keep up this idea she has for herself which is unobtainable because of how high the standards are, this causes constant shame and guilt which translates into her anger mostly which includes depression which is self directed anger like self harm, to avoid these pits she tries to validate her perceptions by associating with high value people and things and through the narcissistic defenses

I'm seeing a lot of doublethink here. Seeing herself as a small bug in the vastness of the universe yet putting herself above everyone else? Pseudo humility is a nice way to describe it but it still boggles my noggin.

It's also strange at best that she'd avoid anything that reminds her of her mediocrity when all she does is vye for the acceptance of higher value people without putting in the least effort in her own endeavors, but I guess that's why she's always surrounded herself with people who kiss up to her. But then again, that's a doublethink in the way that I don't understand why she wants to associate with high value people in the first place yet every relationship of hers she's ever had has consisted, even to this day, of people she sees as being beneath her looks, stimulation, academic, and intelligence-wise. Anyone else she's treated like shit and discarded either because she felt intimidated by an actual person who would challenge her, or she didn't want to feel exposed.

Yeah, they also get into relationships depending on what they are in the mood for, sometimes it's just temporary fun, they see you as easy, or you have something they want that can boost their ego. Her sadism also probably plays a role in her relationships if love and pain are intertwined for her

> Her sadism also probably plays a role in her relationships if love and pain are intertwined for her
Now this sounds morbid. NTA but what's the story with her sadism? is this about her taking pleasure in killing small animals or is shr sadistic in other ways?

That is her mommy issues, the phenomenon is ironically also called the dead mother. The mother doesn't actually have to be dead but just absent or neglectful and in those formative years you introject her and when you introject abuse you create an ego ideal that basically wants you dead.

It's also a thing in personality disorders which includes BPD/NPD, it is different with schizophrenics but it's the same concept since it's a disconnect with reality.

She both likes to skin animals and gets off to hurting people, it's been posted here how she said she likes to see her past exes cry and tell them to kill themselves, she's aware of her abuse. It's her way of feeling powerful, like how BPD cut themselves to feel alive they cut others to remind them they themselves are alive

If we go by her own words then yeah, love and pain are inherently intwertwined for her. But only when she inflicts it, since (again her own words) her experience with being loved have consisted of being abused physically, sexually and verbally by the people who were supposed to love her (bfs, her parents, friends). At least this is how she justifies it since this is what she tells people.
But this little exaggeration of course crumbles like a house of cards when we see how she treats others, and especially how she treats them when they show her the tiniest bit of vulnerabilty. It's like a shark smelling blood.

What do you mean by her having such "high standards"? High standards in herself? Her goals? The people she relates with? 

In any case and as people have already mentioned, how does she have high standards when all she does is substandard from her creative and academic output to the quality of the people she strives acceptance from?

Between me and the gaping toothless mouth of the toilet
 An obstinate thread stretches and stretches like the bitter rubber of drunken saliva
 And it ends, it becomes thinner
 It will end - I will perish too
 The paraffin wall floats on your hand
 This thread is my umbilical cord, its length is half of me
 Leaning on the glossy, white sanitary chest
 I encircle my umbilical cord fist

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Come on sweet heart huh
I know what I mean when I say something, you seem so pretentious 
Don't go trying charm with me, it falls deaf you know that, it's cute if you're a girl trying to impress, but if you're not it's simply sad

Top of all that you actually have to be cute 
So come on sweaty buns, be man and if you're not be a good girl for me huh

their entitlement to blind simpery and the ensuing meltdown when they don't get it is funny. they monitor their own threads, google their own names, search archives etc like the narcissists they are and try to control it all. lmao it must be tiring

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You're all so cute you know that
instead of just saying it I'll also explain, unlike many of these faggots 
Everyone assumes themselves
But who are you and why would I care, would should anyone care?
Why do you care enough to respond, you're stuck in that one, cuz you have so far
I don't care if I do or don't, I merely enjoy having fun, yet you cray in the rain every night looking for a cloudy cry to find oh your own woe
I laugh, so typical

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As I thought in the other thread
You are a cutie
I'll let you off cuz you're not a real faggot let the res of them 
You know what's unfortunate, real talk 
You can't have fun with anyone around here without them taking as a reality 
I really enjoy you 
I wish more fruities would have a little fun in them again like the old days

Holy fuck, seeing how some of you people refer to Audrey makes it look like you're actually hurt, like she's actually personally hurt you lmao

Not mocking btw I just think it's interesting and if it's the case I'd like to know what she did cause she seems to merit much more vitriol than other girls posted here. Again not saying it's undeserved, I'd just like to know your stories.

It's absolutely no lie that she will treat you like shit and throw you out the window the moment she gets bored of you or you show her anything more meaningful than the constant dopamine spikes she's always seeking

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Is it any wonder she's big into anal tho? I bet thrusting into her pussy feels like throwing a sausage down a hallway from all the fucking she's done, and even her ex mentioned how that shit wasn't even tight

> even her ex mentioned how that shit wasn't even tight
DISClAIMER: the following post is in no way shape or form a defense of Audrey, but, as someone who has had sex with several different women (don't worry I'm here for a reason like everyone else, I have not fucked in years now), "tightness" depends on a ton of factors. None of them actually have anything to do with how many people a woman's fucked, cause by that logic married women would be the loosest but they never have that problem. Basically, the less turned on a woman is, the tighter she feels. If a woman has not recently had sex or masturbated, she's tighter at first then expands to fit your dick better as she gets more aroused. The bigger your dick is, the tighter a woman feels. The vagoo is just a bunch of muscles and believe it or not they apparently get stronger from fucking, but I could never tell any huge difference even with the factors mentioned above. They were always pretty negligible. Most noticeable tightness is when a woman is nervous or not aroused at all, aka not very wet. Which kinda just hurts a little for both.

Oh yeah I forgot to mention the original reason I started replying to you. The guy had no one to compare Audrey's tightness to since he was a virgin, so if it felt "loose" enough to warrant a complaint, he probably has a masturbation death grip or a dick on the thinner side. Neither of these are death sentences but he should probably avoid saying all this to any future friends or partners about women because it just makes you look stupid or like a bad lay.

She did exactly that too since he knew she would check. Audrey herself admits as much. That as well as some other stuff fucked with her head to the point she snapped. Not like it was undeserved tho, she was a complete piece of shit to the guy and in general.

> If a woman has not recently had sex or masturbated, she's tighter at first then expands to fit your dick better as she gets more aroused
Doesn't this validate the claim of dicking her pussy feeling like throwing a sausage down a hallway? Because going by the greentext, the fact that she has sex quite often is the cause she doesn't ever feel tight.

honestly her opening up her shitty whop hole to young chuddy extremists is probably the only positive and meaningful thing a woman can do in those spaces past just shutting the fuck up. A brotherhood solidified by veneral disease.

Oh yeah, my dumb ass just saw you were being sarcastic before, my bad. I agree, one of the reasons Audrey and women in general get away with so much bullshit is because people let them. Some guys refuse to call them out publicly out of fear she would do the same (pussies), hope she would go back to them even after the shit she put them through (worse than a simp), or simply just wanting to be the bigger guy, whatever that is. But all it does is let her be smug about the fact that whatever the reason might be you effectively let her put you through shit because you refuse to do something about it.

> the only positive and meaningful thing a woman can do in those spaces past just shutting the fuck up
Huh no wonder she got passed around like a blunt in those spaces. Do you think her mom would be proud she turned into a cumdumpster for ted k larpers and incels off imageboards and social media?

these places are always disrupted by women that can't stand being on an equal footing with everyone else so they broadcast they are a female to get that preferential simp treatment, even if it means self doxxing.

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> fat meme instagrammer=younger than her
> spic she e-dated=younger than her
> hapa she did drugs with and totally didn't have sex with although he groped her tits=younger than her
> david her ex who exposed her=younger than her
> guys she fucked from her larp telegram gcs=younger than her
I'd kind of get it if she was 45+ or some shit, but she's going on 24 and has been doing this since she started fucking at like 16.

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Flagrant whores worthy of their own superfluous corpulence, who seek out a symbiotic faculty through their beneficent and most irreproachable deity slink as gravelling babes across the oblong skies of their own refuse  
capricious and most glib salesmen of their own uninterested dilettantes
Jilted exophora set upon towers of cerebral placation
An assignation of humor, their décolletage and delicatessen both the snarl of their irascibility 

All welcome to the soirée of morose remedials

Loaded enough to afford her own horse, flying lessons, frequent trips to Europe, mx gear, drawing tablet, gaming pc, her own place, house people she meets over social media and fucks... 
Who would've thunk shitty part time jobs paid that well?

> videos of me posing
I wonder what those videos are like. Posing riding her horse? Posing doing ...something? 

> this one failed
How does a video of you posing "fail"? Pretty sure it just means the phone fell or slipped or something and that's why it recorded nothing but the sky and her horse eating, but how could she not realized that if she was posing? I know i'm overanalyzing this but idk plus it's oddly worded, so it sounds a bit ESL

Not really. She thinks her normal interests are weird and that killing and skinning animals or making shitcore or going to the swamp is autistic for some reason. Actually the reason is that as every other woman on planet earth she wants to feel special in some way and what better way than flaunting your epic autism and how quirky it is

I thought it was pretty straightforward lol. She just thinks the stuff she does and is into is le quirky and non-normie and hence that makes her autistic. But it's simply the meme autism billions of people claim to have nowadays, an umbrella term for the most vague and undefined set of behaviors it loses credibility.

Thinking she did anything like that with the horse is retarded and unrealistic. However, a truth of the universe is that horse girls are always nuts, and Audrey being a horse girl ON TOP of her regular Audrey bullshit creates a powerful e-girl the depths of which we might not even be aware of........

Huh well that does answer that I guess. She's still quite loaded for her to do everything else she does. How did you know she's a stablehand, like did she ever tell you more about it? Have you ever seen her ride?

> I wonder if she really liked doing that
Safe to say she did and still does, since she still rides. She said she hated being bored and at her home, idk what else she did. Maybe other anons can shed light
> Have you ever seen her ride
Doubt it, if you knew her back then you would know she was standoffish and in her own world

> she was standoffish and in her own world
At least she was a better version of herself back then. Like yeah she might have had her problems then but at least (and I'm gonna sound like a compelte moralfag here) she had her integrity and dignity that she lost by doing what she does now

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> he first came here saying she took his virginity
Literal fake news
Nowehre in the first thread does he say he was a virgin and on the contrary, in later threads when question about whther he was a virgin or not when he was with Audrey he made it clear he wasn't

Nta but i'm curious about a couple things.
one, how long and what did you talk to her about? like what was the extent of your relationship with her? 
and two, why are you implying relief at *not* losing your virginity to Audrey? you say she was free game and stuff as if you wanted to bang her and had a chance to but also say you thank god you didn't fuck her, so i'm confused here

> She is fat
A bit chubby, not obese by any metric

> mannish
More like tomboyish

> and brown
Kek now you're just making shit up. You probably simp for some retarded ugly whore and are jealous of the Audrey.

Not an Audrey expert at all here but let me give you my 2 cents on the matter:

> nose
I'd say it looks sort of Germanic, that bifid nose tip is a very prominent feature on central European faces.

> eyes

> lips
Difficult to tell for sure, but most likely a mix of amerigolem genes with hispanic/med.

> skin tone
She's got this curious thing where in some photos she looks quite tan while in others her skin looks rather pale/yellowish. 

> hair and eye color
Southern euro (Spanish/greek/southern italian). Her hair is a deep strong brown tone that's common in coastal Spain, southern Italy and across latin America which is why she almost looks latina.

In short, she's quite mixed and hence why she doesn't exactly look like a proper German, Italian, or even Latina, but an ammalgamation of them and possibly some indian blood. Quite simply she's just American, not aryan by any stretch of the imagination, and most definitely a mutt with strong hispanic admixture.

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