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I didn't contact them but I believe my devices are under investigation because of my behavior online. Im under the impression my phone is confiscated and seized by the cyber-security police since i looked it up in google and it's something common to happen when things compared to this occur. People get swatted for saying the n word or at worst cases even for doing literal nothing. Why did you think the federals would let this slides, I don't think they're too tolerant to online predators. 
But why are you asking??? Did you receive anything? I didn't report you to the police, yk i am too much of a pussy to do that.
no nothing happened don’t worry about me oke it’s so cute tbh that you worry about me  >.<
I wish I still had you friended so you could comfort me and tell me it’s all going to be ok, I love you so much even if you still hold a grudge against me
Vamp, did you send him your pussy pic? I need to know!

I'm burning alive here 😭😭😭
Same actually.

I talked to dizzy last week and found out he is really smart and kind. I don't think vamp actually fucked him but I could at least understand if she did.

This ougi guy I don't understand it at all, he looks like a goblin and awful to talk to. If vamp sent him pussy pics I would lose every respect for her.
tbh vamp it is kind of sad to see your fans are just pedros in the end >.< please get this thread back together and tell people to be nice and no more derailing I leave for good now unless it’s important like earlier today :3 bye bye
yeah this shit is sad to see… i used to support and defend this bitch on her threads all the time and now turns out she is just the typical e girl whore. Disappointed to say the least
> stop orbiting this evil bitch already
I can't 😭

She's too adorable. Just my type.

Why does it have to be like this? Why didn't we meet in real life? In a different world we're dating and she never sends nudes to that Jamaican pedrobaiter.

Fuck this timeline.
I hope not, she first needs to be like properly dicked then and only then if she still would have issues then she is free to do anything.
I haven't been active in a Vamp thread for a few weeks now. What the fuck is going on, is this nigga still here?
What made you think she was any different? She's in these threads to gain our validation, has that part flown over your head? Of course, she's like every other e-girl.
Vamp, you don't just go from child to adult. You aren't a fucking child when you're probably months away from being an adult who is allowed to make decisions without your parent's input. If you were so set on yourself being a child, like seriously, you wouldn't be here talking to a bunch of grown men.
The sad part is that I can see a really pretty girl underneath that fugly makeup. It rips my heart to shreds seeing you like this, Vampy - getting pimped out by a bucnch of Mexicans.
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Why did u think she was any different, this girl is the quickest one to fall to temptation out of every girl on this board if she likes the person, ik chances are she’ll probably end up with an abusive husband because she can’t defend herself at all, it is so pathetic and cute
I think she'd end up with a little bitch for a husband, personally. Even they can be abusive, but I think I can see her with someone who wouldn't (couldn't) hurt a fly.
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Nahhh, I don't think that's the type of girl she is, she is just a pseudo intellectual whore who comes here every now and then to seek validation because she canot get it irl since too mid, I really hope she is ruined and that both sides of her pillow are warm
Anyways back to posting pictures of vamp
Hey vamp if you're reading I want to say you're doing a really good job staying off this board. It's natural and normal to want attention, and the sad reality is that the majority of posters on this board get envious and even hateful that you can get attention easily online because you're pretty. If you do decide to come back to the chans you should start your own board or something where you can remove people who just get off on degrading you, and people who want you to be their personal pornstar. You can cultivate a comfortable community. I think nyanners did something like this iirc? She started by comfyposting on the chans but then moved to youtube/twitch where she could moderate and filter out the faggots
Hey vamp if you're reading this I want to say I you're doing a really good job being a dumb pornstar. You didn't even wait until you turned 18 to whore out. If you decide to kys you should make a post about it to remind the simps you were just like the other girls all along.
> Why did u think she was any different
Dunno, she just gives this nice girl vibe unlike the usual bpdemons. Maybe it's because she reminds me of Kennedi, being leftie and all, and I always thought Kenni was the nicest egirl ever.
You're incredibly naive if you think she wants something like that. These girls LOVE receiving hateful and sexualized comments. They get off on it. You must not have been around very long if you don't understand this. And they feel nothing but disdain for people who engage in the sort of cringe-inducing white knighting exemplified by your post. You can wish it weren't so but that's how it is.
lmao uggo tranny still larping as his own orbiters to keep his shitty selfie collection thread afloat
Hey Vamp if you are reading this.

You aren't anything special and most of people here don't care about you like they may chuckle at cringe or jer at some pics but that's it.

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