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I don't know why I miss you so much lately.
It's like a relapse to the first year without you.
Nobody talks about you anymore. Yet you're still so vivid to me. 
I wish something would happen but I don't really know what. It seems like it's over and just as much as that's a relief, it kills me inside. I wish I knew what was going on. I wish you could just be honest with me.

Well even if it's all over and we never speak again, please don't give up. I think you should work for something good. Don't be used and abused by people who don't care about you. Try to get away from your terrible family and find some people who want what you want. Take care and love yourself. Try to make your life what you want it to be.


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I've become a homosexual now sucking dick at corner gas stations
I need to earn my daily bread one way or another and can't imagine myself actually working for it at a "real job"
I've tried blogging my misadventures on tumblr but no one seems to go there anymore and now not even myself
After a while of this new Bohemian life style I just decided to kick it in and give up, feeling the urge to just get on my knees and start suckin dick 
After so many years of /agatha2/ I realized it was better that way, I knew I was going to be a better woman that I could ever have hoped as a man 
So now I wear pretty little dresses and shove rolls of coin up my ass to practice my sphincter muscles so I can be better behind the Denny's at 2 in the morning making cheddar 

I hope you understand my lifestyle choices and just know it wasn't me, it was you

-totally not eh guy that's been posting frequently very recently enjoying himself in every which way

I miss you so much, C. When you finally got bored of me and tossed me away, it stung like nothing else. somehow I knew that would happen eventually. You showing interest in a pathetic incel like me was too good to be true. every girl who came before you was like watching tv in black and white, but once you came along, everything was suddenly in color. you are just on a different level than every other girl on discord. you made me happier than anyone ever has. not a day goes by that I dont think about you. 

Nothing feels right anymore when im on discord. The only person I gave 2 shits about was you. Things were supposed to turn out so different. our relationship ended WAY too soon. You know it too, I know you do!

I have to fight the urge to message you every single day, and it sucks. I know you have new friends now. Ive been replaced. I just hope someday I can be in your life again and we can talk like we used to. I shouldnt have gotten jealous about you sending nudes to other guys. I dont care anymore who you talk to or who youre friends with at this point. I dont even care care if you have a bf. send all the fucking nudes you want, to as many guys as you want. I dont give a shit. You have the body of a goddess and you enjoy showing it off for attention, and thats something I just have to learn to accept. You are the kind of girl who only comes along once in a lifetime, and you'll always be nearest my heart. goodbye little nigger. I love you.

I fucking hate you. Since I've met you, you've been nothing but a massive burden on my life. I've wasted so much of my fucking time trying to help you, spending time with you, trying my best to help you with your depression. At your darkest moment I was there for you and I supported you until things got better. I forgave you for every wrong you've ever done to me and I put myself on the line just to keep you happy. I would sit with you for hours to listen to your problems and counsel you until you were ready to stand up and face your problems. But then when I was at my lowest point, when I needed your help more than ever you told me to fuck off and that I was annoying you with my problems. I had no one else to run to but you and when I ran to you, you just abandoned me like I was a nuisance. What makes it worse is how you even laugh at me and make fun of me behind my back with your new "friends". You call me names and pretend like it's just a joke. I put myself through so much for you and all I have to show for it is the names you call me and the insults you throw at me. You're a worthless piece of fucking trash and I regret ever meeting you. I hate you so much I want to grab your frail fucking neck beat the shit out of your stupid ugly head. Whenever you complain about how hard your life is and how bad you have I want to punch you in your god damn teeth. You act like you have it rough when any good thing in life is practically handed over to you on a silver platter then you have the nerve to complain that you're still not happy. You're exactly the type of person you hate you stupid shit.

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If you're that nigger girl I won't speak to you for anything more than how I speak to these people here, mere enjoyment sprung from boredom 
I don't care how cute you could possible act, I'm not into you
I've spoken to many of you e-whores and have only entertained less than few, I enjoy speaking to anyone cuz I enjoy myself, but if you want to be fonded look elsewhere sweetheart

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Of course it was
It just as much mine as any faggot here
Just it found me first and I can tell you were to go little moon cricket
Go find a simp, sure
but when you reach your end what then huh
I don't come to you, you came to me just as anyone, your the little sad one here searching for attention worse than most girls since you're very literally just asking for it

Starved and yearning for a pot to piss in 
Go take your meds and maybe this time it'll be the last time you do

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So far you're enjoying me or you wouldn't care enough to speak
A real sad girl but atleast you're true unlike alot of these other's trying to stroke their e-peen
In the very least you have that, not something anyone could take away from ya
Of course there is, you're too simple 
Simple as that
It's cute in way until you realize it's your who's the joke
What do you even want huh, real talk what you you even want with anything at all

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Also besides obvious distraction you could always just embrace an obvious end early 
Who are you and who is anyone
We're all cute till we die, then we're nothing all, so what's the matter huh sweetheart 

I'll tell ya right now, you're as anyone one else here, nothing cute more special, you're very much typical 
Unsurprising you are just as your actual human counterparts, of course they are being white but despite that you still follow suit 
Maybe that's a win to you, but I'd say it's no win anyone 

take it as you will cutie pie, live or die as you want, just don't bother me with huh

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What's anything besides death huh, only the oblong compulsion to one's on temporal ignition 
I wouldn't say it's beautiful in the slightest, and I'm all about beautifying  
But who are you huh? You haven't answered me, maybe you haven't even answered yourself? 
We can all be cute sometimes but what does it when it reaches that point huh, obviously nothing
We're most pristine when you are absolute 
Think of Cira or the other slick throat whore
Dead how many years now, yet still so perfect in the minds these who you seek beauty 
Who are you? Maybe Who was she? 
But know knows it's only up to your perfection

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