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i dont even get the obsession with wat i do in my personal life, and trying to "expose" me. i just wanna speak to interesting people and make videos and cosplays and etc to show you guys

speaking of, heres my pics from the recent monika cosplay, i wish i could get better ones but the ponytail was being so difficult

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1 dick
2 dick
3 dick
4 dick
How many dick till ya don't care anymore?

Who care huh, you're a nerd on some dork website huh
Fuckem, have fun huh
What do you care
Couldn't care less about any of these girlies
If you're looking for a golden brown sweaty, maybe grow a pair and head outside

its so unfair that i dont have straight hair or wavy hair that can be cut into bangs. if i vould get bangs my entire life would be solved

also this board keeps saying failed connections reeeeee

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yes T_T
i tried cutting bangs in my natural hair and i basically had to shave it off how fucked it looked

now im just waiting for afro to grow out but i hate having these braids in sometimes they get uncomfy and in the way. 

i could actually have been cute if i wasn't so damn bald

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i miss you guys (niceposters)
my life is too boring and so my thread is always dead

too tired to stream lately but slso i feel like the streams were declining a lot lately anyways so probably no one will mind much

idk when i will come back, probably august

todays mood : bleh

> do you know how much stuff i could buy for the price of a manicure that also wont actively hinder motor function
All I'm hearing is you giving more excuses to be lazy.
Keep on whining without ever doing anything then.

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cause i love winter season 
she doesn't defend pedros what are you talking about? also if she wants to post nudes thats her choice, i thought thats what you guys like to see anyways. 
not lazy just poor
hm its the mascot for some crypto? why would you want me to cosplay her? idk much about her
how about both !!

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im so bored because i am so unpopular

i browsed some othere girls threads on here and wtf they have do many followers and likes on social medias. instagram, twitter, all getting 50+ likes and having 100+ followers and etc.  i am such a loser!!! photo dump of ugly photos i took today that maybe can be edited into somehing cool or funny later

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i think if i reach an average of 50+ likes on my selfies i will be happy, i am slowly giving up on streaming and just doing more work as an extra and gaming alone
then i have no business giving a thing to someone like you

might make some more ai anime girls again today

it's fun to shame her. i know she won't consider any of the words, it's like trying to teach a dog algebra. there isn't a more fruitless endeavor you could engage in than trying to help an egirl. i don't think she is having that much fun, not anymore than a long time junkie getting high to stave off a withdrawal

it is undeniably a waste of time but so are a lot of other diversions we engage in daily. I get a lot of good laughs from the schizo and shitposting here and dunking on attention whores but i would assume those who have personal investments in these things don't find it all as entertaining.

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i think theres a filter that changes the link, but whatever, nobody likes me anyways, nobody replies to me ever on here so im just gonna post it in my old server 

ugh resisting the urge to type up a paragraph about how nobody ever replies to my threads are even cares that i exist because i know in a few days ill feel better and be fine with being a nobody again

i think the link got filtered
i will just post it in my old server only.  everyone here hates me anywyays. i miss when people cared about me. 

resisting the urge to go on a crying rant cause i know ill feel better in a few says and you will just call it "woe is me posting" when i really do mean what i say in the moment. ugh i wanted to be popular for so many years but its never gonna happen and im just going to never matter to a group of people

you have done nothing worthy of popularity. you are not that interesting or attractive. you could meet a boyfriend and have irl friends if you tried at all but you just sit around whining and expect to amass an army of simps or frens or whatever you want to call them just because you saw it happen to some other girls. you will never be happy or satisfied because you are chasing a retarded, unrealistic and unfulfilling goal. 

tldr: lmao

cool where are they? where is the board for black r9k egirls? 
the people it happens to are just random. i know ill never have simps or a following i am just some ugly black girl loser who wishes so bad for attentiom but will never get it. why do you type this like its uncommon knowledge kek. but even if i got irl friends and an irl bf i still would pine after attention from the moids here. i have an attachment to you guys unfortunately, its like the kid trying to impress their parents but they just get ignored and forgotten in place of the other kids

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yeah this is the main reason why i avoid dating, i know that this is a big red flag. its just the way i am though. i love anon in a very different way than i would love a bf but its what it is. hate how much im like that girl from needy streamer overload
thats not true
you will just make fun of my strech marks

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yeah but whats different is we actually act similarly and not just look similar. i dont associate with her fause she doesn't look like me and normie stacy egirls took her over
i don't have bpd. i am diagnosed with only mild depression.  im also  a nice girl. i just require constant stimulation or else i act retarded on the internet

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even if she thinks im ugly at least she is nice to me and a good likable person. majority of people find me unattractive, i can't judge their character based off of that alone, its whether they actually are rude to me and call me ugly instead of just thinking it

Full hatred, she even tried to make me cry on VC when we were alone TwT

Back when we first were talking, I saw many of her opps (other women) and some warned me about her, but it was mostly untrue. The part about Tinker backstabbing Filly might be true though, along other certain rumors... >_>

oh that is sad. well i hope you have separated from being around her now. i dont know much about her personally only skimmed some of her threads and saw her in servers. i shouldve just tried to become more active in 4chan servers to gain popularity maybe but im so socially awkward i ruin it everytime and just leave or put the server into a folder that i never check

honestly im thinking about just deleting my old server it feels kinda  pathetic atp and i suck at running them and just get lonelier
thanks :]
i could cope with my philtum if my nose was just thinner honestly

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i would actually rather be dating someone who knows about my history on here 

i have other cute photos its just that they mostly are with makeup of some sort

i wonder if they will let me post this many photos >>/86837/

how is it cucked to date a girl that loves you ? 
just cause im non virgin? 

also wtf, pedros hate me for being an angel. there are actually just kind sweet virgin guys on 4chan, its not hard to stay away from their weird pedro cult stuff

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> fucked loads of guys without ever being in a relationship 
i tried it once at 16 but that was the only hookup i ever did and it was because i was literally insane and suicidal back then

also if i was 'merican it'd have been statutory

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yeah dude, you got me! all normies are hooking up with moid pedros from 4chan!! 

also literally everyone calls me a notmie, even when i was completely alone and my only social media or form of human connection was on here. even my closest friends used to call me one just to annoy me. i really can't win with you so you can go back to orbiting whichever stacy's thread you came fome

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the person i was talking about here was an ebf and we never met up and also only edated for like a month

he tried to get 16yo me to buy my own bus ticket to go meet him all the way in another province but i was poor and not allowed to up and leave on a trip like that

my life history is so pathetic kek

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oh. well ok. at least you said it nicely. but yeah it makes sense that i have no orbiters kek i am such a loser retard of an egirl 

but honestly my name would've been leaked eventually, and its so stupidly unique that its probably easy to find me from first name alone. at least i never doxxed location

> Joker makeup
> bleeding nose
> anorexia

More Ciara-isms. 

> i am not ana i just enjoy my natural small weight

"I am not ana, I am ana"

Your muscle mass and fat content of your body is not natural, but based on your caloric and protein injestion combined with your exercsion. ie you're eating too little.

It's literally just because these guys are virgins and resent women with more life experience because it fills them with a rush of self-hatred, so instead of feeling that they project the hatred outwards and cope by saying that having sex somehow magically makes someone a lesser human with all kinds of irrational and inconsistent beliefs. I am 100% certain this is the case because after finally having been in 2 different serious sexual relationships, I completely stopped feeling that way. This is a board for orbiting, so the vast majority of posters are going to be people like this, with a small few like me who just come here for fun at this point. 

You should also know that the people replying to you negatively are intentionally trying to make you feel bad because you are so open about being easy to make feel bad. They get off on seeing your desperate replies and pleas for attention and sympathy. It's kicking down. Easier said than done but you would be better off without coming here. I refrained from saying anything for a long time because inb4 moralfag or whatever but seriously, you would be much happier seeking irl communities, whether its with wagie life by itself or doing something like joining a hobby-centric club. Doesn't matter if you have no hobbies, people into stuff are always happy to help you get into it. Basically doing literally anything but sitting at a computer all day wishing you were getting attention from people who are, objectively societal rejects for good reasons. I'm talking completely different reasons from you. You're not a social reject. You're a poorly socialized young woman who just needs to gain confidence by interacting with people who are not really mentally ill people from image boards and discord. One day you will look back at what you're doing right this second and sigh with relief knowing that you got past it. You just have to make that move to resist coming here. Maybe it feels good in the short term to get a compliment here and there, but its obvious that it is only making you more and more depressed and hopeless in the longterm. You are not helpless.

Yeah well that's just retarded, inconsitent, and selfish, so I can't relate personally. I fucked someone other than my future wife, therefore I can never be only "hers" either, yet if I love her how could I belong to anyone but her? I would belong to her and only her, and she'd belong to me and only me. Not that people are fucking property in the first place. Sex doesn't metaphysically change anyone. If it did then we'd all apply the same logic to shit like kisses or even hugs, handshakes, or shared words. Nobody can be contaminated. Any other assertion is antihuman christcuck hypocrisy spewed by people using priest babble to their advantage without ever having read the bible.

Most likely? No, I wouldn't, because I still have values. I value monogamy, trust, stability, and comfort. I don't think sex makes anyone damaged, but damaged people DO have more reckless sexual habits. There are outliers to anything obviously but in general, no I wouldn't wife a woman with a 500 body count. But I wouldn't care if a woman had a few past bfs or flings and only loved me, because literally why would I? I understand thinking like you do but that changes very fucking quickly once you actually fall in love, I mean real love not just infatuation/lust/high school/unrequited/internet shit, for the first time.

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honestly, its easier to see it when they do it to others. they have very black and white thinking, to them if a girl is not a virgin, its the end. he jumped to saying you would date a girl with 500 bodies as if that isn't very different from having 1-2 like you or me. but i dont know where else i could get easy attention when i'm feeling very bored. i try twitter and stuff but i have no following on there. and yes, irl stuff is good, i have been working on that lately i made some friends at an anime convention. but for some reason whenever im physically alone i come back here and i can't seem to resist

> I don't think sex makes anyone damaged, but damaged people DO have more reckless sexual habits.
He thinks a virgin woman's mentality and a woman with 500 body counts mentality are the same. This is your mind on Reddit guys.

I said the opposite of that, but it's not like I can expect you to have any reading comprehension when you're being so intentionally obtuse already. The likelihood that someone having that much casual sex is very mentally ill and incapable of maintaining a relationship is incredibly fucking high, not to mention that people with body counts like that are so rare that I can confidently say I've never even met one. Hell I doubt I've even personally met anyone who's had sex with over 50 people. And yes, 50 body count is also probably an insane person not willing to even enter a relationship. Anyone having casual sex freely without thinking about it or having regret obviously isn't someone I want a relationship with. It's not about the number itself or that they're contaminated. It's about the fact that they have shown a huge pattern of instability in the first place. 

I also personally would not want to wait until marriage, and past one's early twenties, the only remaining virgin women are virgin women who are choosing to wait until marriage, or women who are just so fucking undesirable and mentally ill in their own ways on par with people with massive body counts. Any more gay quips? Gonna post a pic of a fat dude with a blue haired girl and say it's me?

Pretty rich to call me fallacious when your entire "argument" relies entirely on subjective value, and you did not refute anything I said. Meanwhile I refuted everything you said, including your blatant misunderstanding of something very simple that I wrote. 

I just want you to know that, no matter what, no matter how many times you greentext people on here, no matter how many times you post more ragebait from your boomer Facebook groups, no matter how much you get angry at me for being able to knock you down a peg or two, that I am happier than you, more fulfilled than you, healthier than you, and definitely far more successful than you. You will be tempted to respond in a dismissive manner that makes you feel superior to me, thinking that by pretending to not care that you have "won" this exchange (faulty perception of interaction in the first place). But guess what? I have made genuine love. I am lean and muscular. I have a career. I don't spend every day convincing myself that half of the entire population is innately more susceptible to corruption. 

I am happy. You are not. I win. Suck my dick, real nice and slow now. You're not a virgin anyway, so it makes no difference, right?

lmao at this guy writing walls of texts to and about a girl, defending her when she's already admitted she's a retarded whore that doesn't care about anything else other than getting attention and being "popular". who cares about body count or any of that other stuff when she's just as fundamentally broken and wretched as these other girls. all of your words are lost on her and she will keep doing what she does. noble effort and all though.

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i am going to just date someone who loves me and accepts me as i am. i know i will never reach the standards of people here cause they all want a pure, innocent, child angel to orbit and ruin instead of a loser girl who is already ruined from birth

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he was the one to call me mid. he actually called me a 5 after i said he was handsome. i didn't even ask him for a rating and he said that. i know there is a guy that considers me a ten in his eyes despite my imperfections and i will see him as a ten despite any of his. marco doesn't want love, he can't even imagine it, his brain is too poisoned by incelhood

sorry to be mean but you should just accept if someone likes you. no ones ever going to think youre a 10 out of 10 , and if youre waiting for a guy to worship you and think youre the most beautiful girl on earth, youll be waiting till you die.

your brain is poisoned by ewhoredom.
no decent man wants a girl that spends all of her time trying to force herself as an egirl and slurping up attention. your desired peers are pedros and pedro lovers. being a 5/10 nigger is the least of your problems hun.

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Idk who you are and really I don't give a shit about e-whores 
But from the little I've seen your 'passers by malaise' I'
d say everything you're saying is rather the opposite 
You're not even trying to hide it well so I'd assume that it's more of a plea 
It's obvious you area  mulatto black girl or something of the sort and are on here
Obviously for attention, no one can deny that
But why the attention of a demographic you dislike 
Like a school girl who likes a boy yet teases him and hits his shoulder at recess 
This is a very typical and obvious tell
IDK if you know who I am, I was about to say "nor do I care" But I do
With my name comes a certain understanding, despite either the hate or the foolery that comes along with it
Nonetheless people recognize my ability to speak and follow through with actual understanding 
SO I am not just an easy mark or some fagget along with way
You are quiet glaring, like a shinny orb being dangled from a string
'Hey look at me'
A real cutie pie in your personality of being incomplete, but you aren't much of a looker
That's your real issue
If you focus more on your looks rather than your austere persona, you'd get alot more nibbles on your bait
Anyways my friend, home you see yourself well soon

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Where do you get off my friend
Brazil bodega whore
You think I'm so cheap as to be a spic? 
Come on my friend, if you want to insult me do so relatively and much more potently
I literally got a war going on here, been hit in the side with what ever
You could have a million things to talk about yet you give nothing

I am actually asking you to come up with something unique and fun so I might actually reply with something equal 
Come on, be cute huh

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> black e-girl rejects black r9k e-celeb normie dude 
> a few months later starts dating asian r9k e-celeb and even meets him irl 
iris is aznpilled black robots are on suicide watch and kpopchads won

he either flied iris out to US or he went to visit her on canada.
> also isnt he like 30 now
he hit his musical peak back then but now has lots of money and still has many fans, he also managed to get the least promiscuous new r9k famous e-girl as gf, surprisingly iris matches his vibe. No idea who started the dms but this new iris lore is epic.

I fucking hate you, iris. just remember , when le famous incel pumps and dumps you, please dont come crawling back to us ok? this is the bed youve made for yourself, now you have to lay in it.

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yeah most people here think i'm extrememly ugly, either cause i'm black or because i'm not some caricature "thicc" black girl or just because of my features. turns out that there are a couple dudes irl that like skelly nerdy black girls as they are. if i pander to you guys i'd literally have to get race swap surgery or something gross like that since you only like basic stacy fake nerd tiktok egirl women

Happy for you Iris, just be very very cautious with what you share about him with anyone online, and of course be careful with him since he's from this sort of culture himself. Be safe. And be smart. Because a guy like this who knows of your internet history can very easily betray you. Otherwise, have fun and appreciate this as much as you can. You look happy, and I'm happy for you.


desu I was around before /r9k/ board culture was this normie and had this much orbiting going on. I remember when they first found agatha and the torment they put her through. Discord has made things significantly worse.

t. oldfag

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if i ever sell nudes or a sex tape then be prepared for me to kill myself shortly after since that is the only way i would voluntarily do that
probably not
unless he feels like setting his rabid fans on me for nothing again

chadmarco will stay an incel voluntarily forever as long as he keeps making that his target youtube audience

> chadmarco will stay an incel voluntarily forever as long as he keeps making that his target youtube audience
I wouldn't call him a volcel, I mean you rejected him and he's like 32 years old. How does he even have rabid fans though? He only has a few k subs lol. I have more subs than him and I just can't imagine they can do much damage.

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> if i ever sell nudes or a sex tape then be prepared for me to kill myself shortly after since that is the only way i would voluntarily do that
Sounds good to me!

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i was looking through other girls threads and you will actually call girls brown/black as an insult, 
there's nothing wrong with being a brown or black girl desu. you guys should just stick to normal insults like ugly what is with this weird gene/phenotype obsession, cute is cute and if you think something is not cute just leave it

i wouldn't have rejected him if he actually tried to get to know me, and wasn't completely obvious that his intentions were just to pander to his fans and get "rejected" so he could make a video on it. and he has some real crazy die hard fans desu, one stuck around for months just insulting me and my viewers and it was kinda silly and funny at first, but he got so so annoying i had to ban and block him

also oops i accidentally posted so many images last time i wont post one this time

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cewl is serbian i think and only in school in turkey, weird you guys keep saying that. also aren't turkish people white anyways? i really just don't get the whole obsession and i don't understand why you guys care so much about people's race. if you wanna befriend someone do it off of personality, otherwise you're no better than normies who will ostracize you for being ugly or weird or whatever

> there's nothing wrong with being a brown or black girl desu.
there is everything wrong with being ethnic you retarded hoe

ethnic phenotype ON AVERAGE is less attractive than Caucasian phenotype. OBJECTIVELY. For ALL races.

Cute is attractive. Attractive is how you LOOK. How you look is determined by your PHENOTYPE. Dumb nigris

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yes ikr its so weird... like dont they have nothing else to insult me about? like im used to them straight up lying to insult me but this is a little too far... i feel bad for talking back to them beacuse it makes me feel racist but i think its just embarassing and is insulting to people who are actually poc. it makes me feel disgusted. its probably the same 2 people posting 1000 posts though. and i dont think ur people would do anything like that...

also lysm iris. im sorry we havent talked in a long time but im happy ur dating a big name wowowo if thats true just what i heard!

see you soon probably on twt ahaha

> the only objective beauty is symmetry
the only objective beauty is PROPORTIONALITY

which, guess what, is dependent on your ETHNIC PHENOTYPE

NOBODY likes wide set eyes

and why do you think you have a nose like that, huh Iris? because you're a fucking NEGRO, dumdum

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what are you talkin about why do you think im a larper
wide set eyes are perfect for doing anime girl looks doe
right? its such a dumb thing to nitpick at, someone once tried convincing me that im Filipino and i was like how stupid is that, i can literally touch my hair and realize im black

also ily too!!! you are so nice and pretty and don't forget it, hugs

also hes not negative xp kek these people are just unable to tell asians apart

> spends her prime as an e-girl fucking random chads while using us for attention
> when she stops getting attention she settles down with one of us because she now wants "love" or whatever
incels are right about women.

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also you guys barely give me any attention i had to literally beg 4 it so don't be mad now that someone actually wants to give me some and be around me irl. im still gonna post here anyways but dont pretend like you ever cared desu

why do you want to cuck your boyfriend for anonymous attention? you are a motherfucking whore you are acting like anons are your virtual boyfriends and you got a chink bf to make us mad whats wrong with you ?

Yeah it's disgusting how she started to date a dude irl just to "own" us. I doubt he knows her full lore he would probably break up with her if he knew how much of a monster she truly is, does iris even feel attracted to him? or is she dating him to make fun of white robots

Of course you will deny it, but I’ve seen enough of this to understand what’s going on even if you don’t.

She’s probably telling the truth that he knows, but he’s desperate enough to think dating her is good idea.

Funny that this didn’t generate much interest lol no one cares about her anymore, women with bpd are all the same. She gets jealous of other egirls getting attention

why the hell would u choose to talk to anons instead of ur boyfriend? if you're bored go talk to him. what's the point dating someone if you're going to beg for attention as if you have no one? 

it's either you're a whore or you have a shit boyfriend. maybe both, but it's irritating either way. what a waste of time.

You're even a thousand times more annoying than Iris, shut the fuck up, black.
If you want to play as a moralistic faggot at least worry about important things, telling an egirl that she is doing something wrong and to improve her life or something is fucking pathetic

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actually sorry i was mistaken its anime nyc
close but no cigar
it was actually making some progress, but i get so burnt out doing it so i'm taking a hiatus, at the end of august i will be back with more patience for gaming i hope. streaming is such a cool career it's always going to be my ultimate goal, at least until im 35 or something 
also if you don't understand me you should play needy streamer overload its pretty relatable to me

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if i ever make an onlyfans just know i've been possesed by a demon i would rather die than contribute to coomerism and the commodity of sex
she's cute i feel like she would never come here though

it seems like she has a normal life outside of this and does posting on b  as a fetish

Because you're vapid and uninteresting and are a total cocktease. You think that just because you're a half way decent looking female that men just owe you attention and validation. We don't. Give us what we really want or get used to use being shitty to you.

She doesn't like it, because she got/gets so much harassment. People have meddled with her real life. That's what happens when you're popular here, even if you aren't posting yourself. It's not something to want.

She doesn’t come here anymore since she has a real life, but she used to come on this board or the one before it. I don’t remember, but it was a long time ago. 

Maybe you should do the same and face the truth that you’re not going to be a streamer.

I used to think iris would stop being such an annoying attwhore after she gets love and care but I guess I was wrong, chadmarco dodged a bullet. I think if a famous e-chad pops in she is going to NTR chink-kun

ewhores and aspiring ewhores aren't looking for human connection, friends or love like they say. they lie because it sounds better than saying they are attention addicts and narcissists that will never be happy with any amount of attention, affection, friendship or anything else that can be provided by the humans they chew through. Not that they are capable of such introspection and honesty anyway...

Nigris might seem more down to earth or salvageable because she's not that attractive and is always self pitying and acting sad but she's the same as the rest.

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I think she is worse than Miyoko for example. Miyo used to talk about her boyfriend on r9k most times she blog posted, she also was never "woe is me I don't have friends" to lure anons into giving her attention since miyoko always loved her 40 yo something bf and always blog posted about her poetry pink aesthic coquettecore stuff. Miyo was from iris era but she managed to stop being so annoying after she started dating that dude I don't know if they plan to marry or not but according to people they are in a long term relationship. Iris started dating that chinese dude like one month ago and is already tired of him and always begs for attention while miyoko was submissive to her bf

not every shit i take smells the same but they're all still shit

if your girl is posting about you to her discord tranny groomer friends about you instead of being happy with you then just lmao it's doomed she has ewhore brainrot

maybe she just wanted to flex her boyfriend because she is infatuated by him. She also posted cute videos of them walking in a park so I think they had fun besides flexing on the internet? She is histrionic yes but not as histrionic as iris and seems to be able to bond with people

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she also has tons of fans, people that wanna support her and give her money, also i have nothing going on in real life so nothing to lose and everything to gain. too bad it will never happen. nobody cares about girls that wish tobe popular and liked
yeah im realizing men only care about women that don't care about them

of course i made it myself, who else would
bleb blegh i need to leave this place anyways but i just always wanna check back and its so depressing to see nobody even noticed i was gone and so i try hard for someone to pay attention to me, get kicked down even harder, its great, i love being me

That's all well and good, but a lot of the people here are awful. Just willing to do unabashedly evil shit and think its hilarious. The "lonely people" here are horrible people who hate women because their lives are so fucked, and they will take it out on you.
You don't do shit to anyone, but still there are people here who are happy to say the most hurtful and untrue shit. I see it constantly, all you do is come around and try to have nice conversations with people, and these pricks come in and try to destroy you. Like you look pretty enough but I see people say you are the ugliest person around, every chance they get, its ridiculous. All so they can simp over one of the current string of degenerate freaks that come on here and despise any other girl they see as competition. Someone who is nice doesn't really belong here, its just a pit of dark energy. 
I really think you should avoid this place, its not going to have a good impact on your self esteem, emotional state, or your feeling of self worth.
I know you're going to say something about how you're sad that people don't want you here, but you really aren't enough of a whore, bad person, bimbo, drug addict, or manipulative schizo freak to fit in with the other girls that interact here. And even then, the girls that get SOME interaction that isn't 100% hateful only get guys thirsting after them because they whore themselves out and show every inch of their body. I want to be clear, don't try to be like them and do that whore stuff, if you do it will DESTROY you mentally in the long term

hi Iris. Idk you very well and I've never actually spoken to you before now. Idc if you're busy irl or about your relationship status - it's good you're finding your own way, and I hope you can find some happiness and stability in your personal life. But you seem sad online and yearning for something, and I don't like seeing anyone like this. While idk if there's anything I can really provide - if you want some random to talk to who generally isn't a meanie (I mean I can be just not at you maybe) then if you are okay with it maybe we can talk somewhere. I don't really know how to contact you privately though. I promise you I'm a little weird and annoying so I understand if you ghost or block me at some stage haha...

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