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she also has tons of fans, people that wanna support her and give her money, also i have nothing going on in real life so nothing to lose and everything to gain. too bad it will never happen. nobody cares about girls that wish tobe popular and liked
yeah im realizing men only care about women that don't care about them
of course i made it myself, who else would
bleb blegh i need to leave this place anyways but i just always wanna check back and its so depressing to see nobody even noticed i was gone and so i try hard for someone to pay attention to me, get kicked down even harder, its great, i love being me
That's all well and good, but a lot of the people here are awful. Just willing to do unabashedly evil shit and think its hilarious. The "lonely people" here are horrible people who hate women because their lives are so fucked, and they will take it out on you.
You don't do shit to anyone, but still there are people here who are happy to say the most hurtful and untrue shit. I see it constantly, all you do is come around and try to have nice conversations with people, and these pricks come in and try to destroy you. Like you look pretty enough but I see people say you are the ugliest person around, every chance they get, its ridiculous. All so they can simp over one of the current string of degenerate freaks that come on here and despise any other girl they see as competition. Someone who is nice doesn't really belong here, its just a pit of dark energy. 
I really think you should avoid this place, its not going to have a good impact on your self esteem, emotional state, or your feeling of self worth.
I know you're going to say something about how you're sad that people don't want you here, but you really aren't enough of a whore, bad person, bimbo, drug addict, or manipulative schizo freak to fit in with the other girls that interact here. And even then, the girls that get SOME interaction that isn't 100% hateful only get guys thirsting after them because they whore themselves out and show every inch of their body. I want to be clear, don't try to be like them and do that whore stuff, if you do it will DESTROY you mentally in the long term
hi Iris. Idk you very well and I've never actually spoken to you before now. Idc if you're busy irl or about your relationship status - it's good you're finding your own way, and I hope you can find some happiness and stability in your personal life. But you seem sad online and yearning for something, and I don't like seeing anyone like this. While idk if there's anything I can really provide - if you want some random to talk to who generally isn't a meanie (I mean I can be just not at you maybe) then if you are okay with it maybe we can talk somewhere. I don't really know how to contact you privately though. I promise you I'm a little weird and annoying so I understand if you ghost or block me at some stage haha...

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