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can't pretend or hope that harris isn't going to win, rw ppl can't accept demographic reality. dems importing 3rd-world votes + cultural decay/decline = total democrat control
I am a Hispanic South American Latino, and the truth is that from a distance of being on another continent, I want Donald Trump to win these elections, simply to contradict the LGBTIQ community, because their ideology goes against my evangelical Christian religion, and not even Donald Trump respects those, which are the biblical foundations, that is enough for the country to go in the right direction, speaking from spiritual terms obviously, anyway, I prefer a male president to represent the country, women have always brought bad luck since ancient times that are witnessed even in the Bible, the correct religion is the ideological basis of a good nation, without it, we are lost, although I have migrant relatives in the country I have not had problems with them until now, thank you Donald Trump, you have already won I assure you, sorry Mrs. Kamala Harris, you will have black genes like me, but I am against your campaign and your candidacy, I will always be in favor of what is correct, may Donald Trump win the best of the best.
Ken doesn't vote. Also, Ciara became a liberal towards the end of her life and would have voted Harris. Sunny also became a lib, she's a registered democrat and is definitely voting Harris. Audrey probably wouldn't vote Trump because he's too pro Israel.
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Who else here actually voted Trump?
Proud to have been part of moving NY 11(!) points to the right
Thought it was important to show my support even though he obviously had no chance of winning my state, seems like a lot of other people felt the same. Much better outcome than I expected.
> Quasi-religious beliefs have ended 200 years of European growth, author argues
Who could have fucking predicted this? Who could have predicted that leftist religious utopian "ideology" and doomsday cults(green politics) would ruin an entire continent's economic growth, loss in status on the world stage and cause mass social turmoil and political radicalization? 
Autists on /pol/ have been saying this would happen for well over a decade now. I guess pronouns are more important than stupid silly concepts like the fucking economy.

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