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I can see now where she got the tomboy from
Maybe the dude wanted a boy, i don't say this to be cruel or anything but  i've seen people mention audrey's got sisters but no mention of any brother, so for a suposedly manly man shooting iraki cab drivers and children for freedom must have longed for a male heir
Wowie how could you come to such a formidable conclusion? Could it be the subtle hints of posting herself with a racoon and then ripping its heart out or posting to the world how she shoots and kills squirrels and feeds it to her friends?
> treating people like shit?
> hooking up with barely legal guys on /soc/ and telegram by basically taking advantage of their stupidity and the obvious power imbhalance?
> pegging, tying up, public sex, among other degenerate and rotten acts that only a morally and emotionally fucked person would ever do?
> no biggie lol it's cool lmao

> t. newfaggot who cant grasp people having an interest in girls other than his shit tier ewhore
I'm 99% sure of who you simp for because you unoriginal faggots say the same shit on every girls thread. Back to your containment board.
What's Audrey's relationship with her sisters like? Are they really whorish and drug users? Is her dad really a loonie? What's his relationship with Audrey like? What about the other lady who gave birth to Audrey's half sisters?
Nta but she's a weird case. She HAS actually met, met up with and done some really, really freaky shit with people off 4chan and social media like others have said, has the same humor, views and even lingo of us autists, her art and videos and creative endeavors mostly cater to this kind of people, her fetishes and sexual preferences have been largely influenced by these circles  and if you were to display these same traits somewhere where you were in frequent contact with ber you'd undoubtedly catch her attention. But the second she smells you know or worse, engage in orbiting "culture" all these chances will evaporate, and not only because she assumes you've heard of her and even if she's participated in it as well for years. She has a very prominent and obvious aversion to being held accountable or being questioned, so if she gets sus that you might know about her past and what she's into it's over. At least those are my 2 cents

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