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Proof that she was in Edgecult

She loved sending gore to people and now she has her own gore

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Nobody can convince that Kim was not negligent when it came to Bianca. She was clearly emaciated and suffering from anorexia. 
I get the feeling all this sudden obsession with Bianca's death is a coping method because she knows she failed as a mother.

she probably would have grown up to do that anyways, she had a future set in front of her with college and modeling and she would have ditched her whole online life eventually, at least somewhat. i think a lot of people forget how young she was when she died, or just don't care. even if she was turning 18 in like 3 months thats still super young. she was old enough to know not to do all the horrible shit she did and definitely deserved consequences, don't get me wrong. but he was also a grown man who should have known better than to kill a teenager.

Then why the fuck did you make this board in the first place? Retarded fuck. Also, nothing about the Pic was supposed to come across as pedrophilic I got it for Kim's insta. The only thing I was really looking at was Bianca's ripcage because of how thin she is, which is concerning.

remember how after her death Sunny would always go on about how she knew her and play up their "friendship" in an attempt to gain attention and clout for herself and then basically said that she didn't care that she was murdered because Bianca'd been ignoring her for a while beforehand KEK

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She was definitely dealing with an eating discorder. In this pic it looks like shes loosing hair almost looks like shes balding (wich is a very common symptom of anorexia) she was technically still a child so her mom could have forced her into recovery it baffles me that she seemed to do nothing.

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yeah, i don't know why her mother denies it. she said bianca only spoke about it to be edgy, but come on. just look at her.
brandon said he only saw her eat 3 times the entire time he knew her (at her graduation party, a few reese's cups, and once when they shared sushi).

i feel like bianca had a body most of the egirls tried to achive considering half of the girls on this board are anorexic makes me wonder if she would still stay thin and mog all the egirls if she were alive today

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yeah she seemed to have gained a little weight near the end and looked normal. lots of kids and preteens look weird because their proportions haven't evened out yet.

i think he definitely was going to kill her regardless that night, but it was probably originally planned to be more of a romeo and juliet star-crossed-lovers type of tragedy. he didn't know she was going to invite alex. and he definitely didn't know she was going to ask him to buy the dudes ticket for him, which is just so ballsy on her part given she knew that brandon was obsessed with her romantically. 

throughout the night as he saw them holding hands and chatting, and eventually found them making out against his car - it switched from being mainly focused on the suicide part of the murder-suicide and more on the murder part. it became fueled by rage, which changed the nature of the crime itself.

i mean, waking her up just so he could initiate an argument and berate her. "did you like kissing him?" "you can't go one day without doing something slutty, can you?", slapping her across the face, etc. it became less of him wanting to die together, and turned more into him wanting to murder her in a very painful, up close and personal way.

he easily could have killed her in her sleep, but he chose to wake her up so she had to face him. he grabbed her by her hair and yanked her head back so he could cut into her throat. for kim and all these documentaries to say the kiss with alex made no difference because he was going to kill her anyways is stupid imo. it made him 10x more angry and taking pictures of her afterwards was just his final "fuck you"

Brandon took a lot of inspiration from the manga Oyasumi Punpun. He ripped "May you never forget me" from the manga, which was written by the protagonist's lover before she committed suicide. There's a scene from the manga where Punpun attempts to kill his lover too, and he also at some point stabbed himself. He even had Punpun set as his discord profile picture too, what a faggot!

>  > >>/88297/
Agreed i think this dude was hilarious he even tried to do a murder suicide romeo and juliet style and was too much of a pussy to actually kill himself because of the pain. He pretty much threw his life away over some teenager that cucked him when he could have just moved on this will never not be funny to me.

yeah idk... i do think him not killing himself was pathetic, for sure. if hed managed to kill himself properly he wouldve been remembered as based. but i mean, she wont be cucking him or anyone else ever again, so good on him for stamping out a whore and eliminating the problem at its source.

His only excuse for not moving on was “i was obsessed with everything about bianca” when there’s plenty of ofher girls just as pretty if not prettier than she was and he would be decent looking if he worked on his hair more. It wouldn’t have been that hard for him to look for another bianca

thats a dumb hollywood stereotype retard, that doesnt happen in actual prison. he has his own special cell probably, with cable tv and weights to lift, and a library where he can read books. he probably gets bro fists and high fives from the other guys inside who also were wronged by whores

he said in his interview with yinka on channel 4 that prison isn't like the tv shows, that its basically just a bunch of guys hanging out. and that if you don't bother anyone you'll be fine. he has a job in prison and seems to be leading a pretty relaxed life, all things considered.

Im honestly suprised this is the first time something like this happened to an egirl considering all they do is cuck and whore themselves out to sicko men for drugs or whatever the fuck else they want you would think atleast 1 other egirl found another psycho that couldn’t take getting cucked and willing to hurt them

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its crazy that literally every single female from this family eventually turns into a whore. first it was bianca now liv likes to smoke weed by her grave and call herself a “milf” and there 13 year old sister posting provocative shit on tiktok wouldn’t be suprised if one of them becomes a bianca 2.0

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Bianca seemed cool ig but my god her music taste was horrible i just tried listening to a few nicole dollanganger songs to see if her music was worth dying over and it just sounds like whiny music made for edgy teens that spend too much time on tumblr

yeah nicole dollanganger sucks. but she listened to regular stuff too, lots of billie eilish, the weeknd, ariana grande, clairo, xxxtentacion, lil peep, etc. her shower playlist has baby by justin bieber on it lmao

it was a collaborative playlist with one of her close friends. he made a seperate one without the collaboration feature so no one could add or remove songs and shared it on facebook a few weeks after she died. i don't know how i feel about sharing this random dudes spotify tho so if u rlly care to see i can take screenshots

here's biancas spotify acc 
"oyasumi" was her napping playlist.
particular favs: 4Ever by Clairo, Lit Me Up by Brand New, Die For You by The Weeknd (super fav), Yam Yam by No Vacation, Picture Frames by Rei Brown (close to her heart, emotional), Are You Bored Yet? by Wallows

People say that he planned all of this but in his letters he said he was originally gonna slit his own throat infront of bianca after the concert. But after he saw her kiss alex he changed his mind i think the “how to find the carotid artery” wasnt about bianca i still dont know what the “cute female corpse” was about tho

What were her last moments like, I fucking need to know someone release the phone gallery.
And why didn't that idiot upload everything he had if he was dying anyways?

And what are the chances of nudes leaking at some point? I mean nobody is policing that shit anymore I'm sure, it was 5 years ago, only internet nerds like myself Google her name. Actually if someone just cropped the face would it even be illegal? It could not be proven anymore if it's her or any random OF bitch.
It had been like 2 years without looking for her but she still works my mind.

i’ve read somewhere that police found more pictures of biancas corpse in his phone that will probably never be released to the public her murder video too. Makes me wonder what they looked like and why he choose that pic of her to post

Thanks for outing yourself as a faggot as well. Has anyone failed to mention he was four years her senior? This man should have had the fucking spine to walk away. 
Her three sisters are missing out on the care and guidance they could have gotten from their older sister. Bianca was flawed but she was turning her life around for the better. She loved her sisters and it's obvious from the photos. The 'heartbreak' Brandon felt will never be greater than the pain he caused her sister, mom and grandfather.

You don't know that. It's possible to be cured of a personality disorder, but it's hard. And there's a chance that you'll never be able to recover from it. I also have a personality disorder, but I'm getting better.

sorry but i cant fault him. yes i know shes dead, I know he murdered her. but you honestly dont know what youd do unless youre in that position. if the woman you loved with all your heart and soul was kissing a guy or having sex with a guy right in front of you, youd probably snap and fly into a jealous rage yourself. its like a husband walking in and seeing his wife in bed with another man.

> its like a husband walking in and seeing his wife in bed with another man
Bianca was not married to him, and was apparently very adamant that they were not exclusive. Brandon was not entitled to her in anyway. Saying that he loved her with ALL HIS HEART AND SOUL is absolutely ridiculous. 
>  you honestly dont know what youd do unless youre in that position
I'd walk away, not commit murder.

ok? and that doesn’t warrant murder even if she was using him she wasn’t just the one in the wrong he was a 21 year old MAN messing with a 17 year old he knew had mental problems we’ve all done stupid shit in our life at the very least she might have deserved a slap across the face not murder.

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i agree. but unfortunately a lot of people online especially in these type of places, are desensitised to death and murder. i'll never understand people who think brandon did the right thing. he was a grown man who threw away everything and will rot in prison. bianca lost her life. and her family lost a child. no one won. it was fucking stupid

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I think the people who run Bianca fan accounts are genuinely retarded because holy shit
"4chan account" kek whoever this is definitely has never used 4chan and didn't know Bianca since she only posted anonymously never as Oxychan

sorry to be mean but i honestly wish she was alive so I could relentlessly bully her for having such a pathetic flat chest. I would laugh at her every day and tell her how 8 and 9 yr old girls have bigger tits than her! hopefully it would make her cry

i dont get people that orbit egirls they’re all mid bpd assholes that cut themselves even tinder you can find more mentally stable women and hookup for free your just askinf to get your life ruined when you orbit an egirl

a lot of people think she had some form of marfan syndrome, and women who have it don't seem to grow much breast tissue (just looking at pictures). so that could be the cause, because otherwise it's puzzling that post-puberty she still was completely flat when the other women in her family aren't

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I’ve seen plenty of gore vids and pics on the internet but her death pic has always stuck with me the most. If you compare her instagram pics vs her death pic it doesn’t even look like the same person it just scares me that such a beautiful girl could turn into a mutilated nightmarish corpse.


> "did you like kissing him?" "you can't go one day without doing something slutty, can you?", slapping her across the face, etc.

is this fanfic or did you get this from somewhere? tapped out of this shit ages ago, catching up now so dunno if this is in the doc or what

Vincent made it with Miyoko and Wren, it was a runoff of Egirl Gun Range. Sosa took over for about 2 years due to Vincent being too unstable to handle moderation. It then became essentially something similar to Sheep Village with minimal rules (limiting NSFW content to be able to allow minors in). He gave up around the time he started dating Bee so ownership of it has bounced back and forth between Croc, Armand, and Spiral since then. It’s a shell of its former self at the moment and not really worth joining.
The reason behind the name was that Vincent was extremely obsessed and appalled by Marc who he felt was unreasonably successful with egirls, and wanted to experience something similar himself but was too autistic.

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Ok? and i don’t see anything wrong with that me personally i prefer women with smaller breasts (i dont mean any of this in a pedrophilic way) its just my personal preference petite chested girls turn me on  more than girls with bigger breasts.

trashy looking whore. well, she didnt just look like a whore, she WAS a whore. I remember her telling the story one time about how she sucked some guys dick , while she was dating marc. she cheated on him, and had plans with marc that very same day. right after some dude fucked her and she ate his cum, she went over to marcs apartment like 10 mins afterward and kissed marc on the lips lol. nasty slut.

yeah she also bragged about sucking off some dude for like 200$ when she was 14. She was a whore with bpd since day 1 there was no saving her if she hadn’t been murdered she would have most definitely commited suicide eventually.

went through the encyclopaedia dramatica article on her (https://encyclopediadramatica.gay/Ecsty) for a quick laugh. i'm curious about this part regarding her and brandon dating before july 14:

> "..She was already talking shit about him with her friend circles since he made her get into a threesome with someone and forcefully did anal and got shit all over his dick. Here are some screencaps to give you a slightly better picture..."

since the screencaps aren't there, is there any truth to this? it's not like it's a big shock that the promiscuous girl would have a threesome, but i don't remember seeing that in any of the previous threads on here or any of the archived threads/screenshots.


i'm aware of its reputation, i just wouldn't have posted about it if they didn't have a screencaps section dedicated to that blurb. perhaps it's dedication to the bit, but i don't buy it. something must have been there.

I found a thread archive about Oxychan/Bianca Devins from when she was alive. I saw that she has been getting some more attention on here recently so I did some digging to see if she actually posted on 4chan and found this infodump thread on her that was made a few months before she was murdered. Idk if anyone else has found this before.

Here's the thread archive:

I got it from one of biancas mutuals that i used to talk to, and she sent me a couple “rare” videos im gatekeeping the rest of them but i decided to share that one because it showed how much she truly cared for maddie.

Why would I kill the girl I love instead of the guy taking her away?
Only pussies hurt girls, and yeah she was a piece of shit, but she just needed a stronger male figure in her life, not some retarded balding mystery meat. Kill the guy instead

I don’t get why people say “kim let bianca go with random men on the internet” when in multiple interviews she said she wanted to meet brandon first before she let bianca go with him. I’ve never talked to bianca but i’ve talked to some of her mutuals and they said she never really complained about kim and said she loves her mom when i asked about it you guys just love to believe everything you see on the internet without proof lol.

Well Brandon was a random older adult from the Internet. They met on Instagram.
As to why her mutuals give a different story, Bianca had a different relationship with them. Her relationships with the guys she pursued and the info she gave to them was different.
As someone that talked to her a bit she didn’t like her Mom around the time of her running away a lot, but her attitude changed after her last psych ward stay. Mostly imo because Bianca was medicated and was avoiding conflict with her Mom getting her approval for things, to not be sent back.

im honestly not tryna sounds mean but i honestly don’t get her orbiters that spent hundreds of dollars on some no tit no ass skeletal egirl, i mean i will say her face was pretty but i dont think her nudes are worth 200$ imo kek

How pathetic and shitty of a parent can you be that literally every single one of your kids turns into a trashy attention whore. Imagine  how maddies gonna be when she grows up honestly makes me wonder what really goes on in their household and how they actually parent (if they even do at all)

Quick run down is that Bianca would routinely run away from home to fuck Marc in exchange for drugs, her mom put her on house arrest to stay away from him but she cut the ankle monitor off to leave again.
One time when they fucked he recorded it and posted it on discord. Out of embarrassment for being a whore, Bianca pretended it was rape so her mom would get it removed from the internet. 
According to Kim, he would harass Bianca after she left him and would come to their house at 2 in the morning to try and win her back.

Another thing to note is she was still talking with Marc while seeing Brandon as he claimed to have seen a notification from Marc pop up on her phone, which made him angry. She told Brandon that he would kill her if she blocked him.

heres a little known secret too guys: did you know that originally marc was supposed to go to that concert with Bianca? but he couldnt get there/did have any money, so he had to cancel at the last minute, and she went with brandon instead. So in a way , marc could have prevented her death had he not been a bum

I wouldn’t say he would have prevented it he literally threatened to kill her once and was just as obsessed with her as much as brandon was, even if it was marc instead she probably still would have invited alex and make out with him infront of marc and there’s really no telling what he would do if he saw that.

From Rolling Stone who call him Rob instead of Marc Linden


>  According to Kim, Bianca’s friends, and Rob himself, Bianca and Rob had a toxic relationship. Rob struggled with substance abuse and bipolar disorder, and the two “would feed off each other,” Kim says. She and Bianca’s friends also accused Rob of stalking Bianca, attempting to access her social media accounts, and showing up at her door unannounced. (Rob denies stalking her, and says that Bianca gave him the passwords to her accounts.)

What’s funny was he was arguing in the server denying he was ever on her accounts. So that could be a fake Marc in it to boost server popularity. The Marc in it was saying that the server was preventing him from getting job also. Which is retarded because his criminal history is what would be preventing that.

You anons can call me crazy but i literally think of bianca every second of the day its becoming unhealthy and i have a collection of over 200 pictures and videos of her this has been going on ever since i first heard about her case 4 years ago. im not obsessed with her romantically its in a way i dont know how to explain should i get help for this

happy birthday messages, pictures of pink skies, pictures of friends visiting her grave. photos of her. people asking questions about her like what her favourite tv show was (how to get away with murder apparently) or movie (juno, she would watch it in class). or asking where she got her bag, or what brand her hair dye was etc. kim posts a lot of poems about grief. its just a lot of loved ones reminiscing about her.


Hey anon, I can't say mine lasted for years but I was in your situation a bit ago after I got reminded about her case by skynds newer song. Something about how her entire situation was such a series of mistakes along with the emptiness of loveing her beautiful face. The only thing that managed to bring me down was just exhausting every resources I could find about her. After a while it drifted away although I'm sure it's not as easy for you. I hope you find solace soon

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I still don’t get how that retard tranny said shes covering her case to “spread the truth” and then got her nudes AND murder vid just by asking for it, like wtf does her cp have to do with studying her case lol she obviously has a very weird view on her case and nobody can convince me otherwise

I don't really see the point of gatekeeping pics of Bianca, there are about 10 regular users of this board and only 3 of them care about her (trolls exist but they're easy to ignore) I just want cute pics of a pretty girl

Bianca’s family denied certain things and a kind of relationship existed with Brandon. The fact that Antimone and other journalists confirmed there was a sex vid where Bianca voluntarily had sex with Brandon means a lot.
There wasn’t any bullying. They thought every vid and stream of hers covering Bianca in a way they didn’t approve was bullying. They would freak out then threaten Antimone in her chat frequently over the most trivial details being brought up, essentially they didn’t want her to cover Bianca at all.

Honestly, I relate to this. She died when I was in my early teens, and I've been collecting images and creating art of her ever since. You sound interesting and I'd like to talk to you about her and what draws us to her. My discord is fetta02

i think its both kim seems like a narcissistic enabling mother while her fathers absent from her life and she said herself she has “daddy issues” so it’s probably a combination of both of their instability

BPD is more about trauma than it is genes. Neither of her parents seem BPD anyway. Bianca ended up the way that she did because Kim's parenting style is so laissez-faire. I am certain that she loved and cared about Bianca more than we can even imagine, but that doesn't negate any chance of neglect. The worst kids were never the ones being beaten and tortured by their parents, it was always the ones with parents who were distant, careless, and never grew up themselves. Kids should not be allowed to do what they want, and despite the fact that Bianca occasionally got scolded, she had free reign. I'd say unrestricted internet access was the worst thing to happen to her in her important early developmental stages. She wanted to be cool and edgy but was a gangly nerd IRL as a kid, so naturally she was drawn to the online "alternative" scenes filled with Homestuck trannies with blue hair and gender dysphoria who listened to bad music. Those communities, while giving outcasts a sense of belonging, are filled with actual freaks who will tell everyone that every experience on earth is a symptom of mental illness and that it's cool as fuck actually, they will post porn like it's breakfast, they will "call out" each other's behavior as "problematic" as a covert power struggle, they will compete to see who is the most tortured and fucked up because they take pride in it since being fucked up is how they define themselves after feeling like outcasts for so long. Take the shame and turn it into your superpower that makes you the best. From there it just got worse.

Of course she found her way to r9k a couple years later. It was the logical conclusion. Going from smol bean tumblr self-diagnosed schizophrenic genderqueer with a tattoo choker to an edgy r9k self-poster is the girl version of finding 4chan through gaming communities. Bianca's mom can only be blamed so much, even if it's true that she should have kept a much better eye on her kid. It's not her actions that fucked Bianca up, it's her inaction.

Sometimes i wonder how she would be if she was still alive like would she have graduated college met a normal guy and maybe have a kid by now and live a normal life, or would she have dropped out of college due to her impulsives and bpd and go back to doing egirl stuff and eventually overdose like ciara idk this is just interesting to think about.


no shot she would have finished college by now, she never struck me as booksmart and all those zoom classes wouldn't have helped fix that. if she didn't drop out by this point, she'd definitely be slogging her way through still.

the egirl stuff is a bit of a coin toss to me, though. i can't rule out that she might have gone hard on the onlyfansmaxxing, you see it all the time with girls like her. but i can also see her clam up her digital presence entirely, as she finds herself fatigued by all of the drama that entails.

that makes me kinda question if there’s a chance the “molested by her father” rumor might be true considering shes the only female in the family that i know of that is. And childhood sexual abuse victims are more prone to infertility it could still be possible bianca might have been lying tho and people still decide to spread that rumor.

why is this board so uninteresting now people only post unfunny repetitive memes about her now if you dont have rares or more information about her please do everyone a favor and fuck off this board

influx of discord trannies and then more recently literal redditors from the drama with tinker and that fat girl. there's also at least one faggot, maybe white knight, that tries to make the board worse by bumping all the ugly nobodies and making shitty threads, posting trannies in qt general etc, while trying to stop discussion in threads of the more known girls.

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She doesn't look half Asian. She never has. Its just eyeliner tricking you. 
She lied because she knew being white (italian) wasn't special and needed something to be loved for. She was just a weeb looking for attention from Asian fetishists. She lied about being other races too. She had identity issues to the max.

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