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> playing von dutch
its alright to just admit that im your fantasy
youre obsessin just confess it
put your hands up
its obvious im your number one ~

im your number one egirl !!! right?

i added a total of 4 earrings, 2 have clip ons, i had to fit two of them into my main hole down there (ehe~ thats what she said)

i love you guys <3 bringing my waifus to a fg event but i wont play rly just hang out with my bestie but i learned shes not coming :( i wanna go home now

ofc. i unvanned elliot i give everyone second chance but tou will be on thin ice.
lol it was for jokes
that was the psychward 😭😭😭
ur on thin ice... 🤫 ... be careful

whatever ._. im so nauseous its insane and all i been doing all day is drinking pink color stuff (monster and strawberry frap) and my poop was kinda pink no joke because the only thing of solid substance i ate was matcha yoghurt
she will said it would make me poop and i havent pooped and im like yay whatever
then i experience analrapetran3000 level poop WHEN I AM NAUSEOUS like ive been dying in bed for hours now

do not trust jewish product like starbuck. it fucked me

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i want picrel

its garbage truck outside i havent slept watch orange is the new black brcsuse im so nauseous and i cried about my cat who will die before me and how will i even go to another country with him like im so scared to leave he is everything i have my care for him is what gets me out of the bed and no amount of medicine can help me i hate it i just wanf my depression to stop
i will be drawing to feel better watching oney plays then if i dont sleep i dont know what ill do i cant bring myself toe at anything i habe had 1 pear 1 bowl of matcha yogurt and this korean thing thats like 20 cal kitkat and eberything is getting worse but i will make it through for my friends you guysnthanknyou for supporting me even though if its justmfor my body im thankfulmfor you

wow lol im used to getting hate fomments its not helping me kms it makes me laf and what makes me depressed is myself lol u know that tyler tweet like lol you thought you did sumn

i think i had food poisoning from something it wasnt any withdrawal 😭 it was actually insane
i cant eat and im tryin for ways to improve my eating because i wanna stop binging at nights
when i hve money, i will order protein shake

so then i would have to masturbate 10 times over and over... it would hurt and i would cry
i dont want it to hurt :(

what r ur other ships? i ship patcholi and marisa a lot. and i ship yukari w yuyuko but with reimu is cute too very big sisterly to such a pomfy reimu
but i ship yuyuko with youmu too. shy tsundere youmu~~

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yeah but im not telling who :3 
>  >self
that was not me. that was a testament for what i can withold. not pooping for days, getting food poisoning, feeling like my body will create exits for the most vile things from every hole all at once
last puke of the night had puke upchuck to my nose and crying... it was bad
dont eat food in turkey
log#000012423453252 had to be dissected upon flush as the experiment could not flush properly.
you remember the poop knife from reddit? i might actually have to start using it.
ive seen what heroin does to your intestines and anus but this was something else.
you didnt have to specify that, shes sexy in a gross way like Ui.

i havent had black tar
just cut with coffee and black pepper, not fent thankfully
but it really killed my sex drive, i wasnt masturbating at all, and now with the suboxone i masturbate less, like twice a week, but its getting better cause ppl keep making me horny.

shimoneta is literally us (the girls who post nudes for free) and we fight empathchan because she isnt making genuine porn she photoshops and puts behind a paywall and shes weird
and anya is a virgin. yes that is me we speak of
i would put my pussy joos in your cookies and am also a squirter
you thought you 8 but the pl8 was gr8 m8

im not lolicon, i like "loli" as only an otaku, and for aesthetic purposes, i like the children because they are funny and for the "moe" factor. and grown women can also may look like a loli because there are petite women that exist, like id say ppl below 160 are petite with flatter chests. it doesnt mean theyre illegal. 
and we all know how anime characters in high school look like. to a point its just fictional and doesnt matter.
i dont even have sexual attraction to lolis, and a drawing can just be a drawing if youre not a sweaty old man with the brain of an ape. im not a pedro bcs i like cute girls
as a teenager, and had social skills yes
as an adult, no
i think im bad at pottery :(

ive been radicalized by my grandpa to be racist to them
they were just turks that were put in yugo during ottoman
idgaf, but theyre not slavic

and i love women and tits on everyone not just women men too
hey did you know jackass guy is gonna get double ds LOL his bit is insane

I don't know how cewl does not feel shame in sharing her nudes like this on a PUBLIC forum many many times. What if her old school classmates see this? what if some orbitor gets mad and then sends her family all her agatha2 threads? It just seems uncomfy

She obviously doesn't give a fuck and what's more, thinks it's an actual ACCOMPLISHMENT to feature on egirl boards kek. Even tho it's just her posting her own nudes herself to her discord and her shitty threads to stay relevant instead of having others post her stuff organically. 

That being said her folks either know about her being a dumb junkie slut who acts like this and don't care/turn a blind eye to avoid the shame, or they see nothing wrong with it. Either way it's a bad look and if for whatever reason they don't know about her daughter's secret whore life it would be very very funny to send these mountains of content to them and the people she interacts with irl.

I would kms if cewl was my daughter I think her situation is worse than ciara's was at this point but back then ciara is (and was when she was alive)  more popular because she had better looks and was more interesting. It seems cewl wants to be like a "hopeless bpd broken junkie girl" but the aesthic does not fit her at all it just comes off as forced and not very movie like, ciara was way more movie like than cewl. Cewl seems like the reddit version of ciara it's so " meh", what does she do all day, discord drama? She fails at captivating a movie like aura I can not explain it she acts like every other girl ... we don't even have interesting cewl lore and there are millions of women with better bodies online she is not very smart for handing out her nudes like candy. But for some reason I don't think her parents will give a fuck about the nudes, if she ended up here acting like this then her parents are probably bad parents

> I think her situation is worse than ciara's
ciara is dead, cewl is recovering from her addiction. ciara was a slut, cewl is a virgin. ciara sold nudes, cewl gives them out for free. shes not that bad, bro

Not even that anon but even with all her faults and shittiness, Ciara was a proper e-girl and this bland bitch is not. Like he said, this one is so hollow and contrived it's more sad than annoying seeing her posting here desperate for acceptance and her couple of simps shilling her after her original thread went like a year without a single bump.

> ciara was a slut, cewl is a virgin
cewl being a virgin but posting nudes 24/7 is just as bad as ciara hooking up with random discord men. Sure cewl might have never touched dick before but she is still a hoe and if you think she is pure while writting the things she writes online and posting nudes all over discord/imageboards you are delusional

because im young and theyre percy
well, i was "lipsyncing" to mean girls by charli xcx, i wanted to give that look :3
my face wasnt supposed to be on here. it got leaked and i was like eh, i have better pics.
im thinking of stopping sharinf nudes but im afraid all you guys would stop loving me and hanging out with me if i do.
i dont care abiut yiur opinion. i think its hot i have people jacking off to me.
yeah people just evangelize her because they can now think of her however they want because noone has the answer that she would say. she was hated for YEAAARS. i thought she was cool but i was anon then. dont think i got a (you)
you pretending to talk to me instead of thinking just someone may think differently from you is insane. you clearly havent known ciara when she was alive, and only know her from her pics. get a life, hide my thread and go on hers and be happy that other people share your opnion. youre either  masochist or narcissist
she wouldnt (you) me and she would post nudes in the same pose to prove how shes better 
i wish... on H... rip ciara our birthday is a week away almost aswell

>  im afraid all you guys would stop loving me and hanging out with me if i do.
So you admit you're a useless whore whose only value is her ugly junkie body with self harm scars, got it
> i dont care abiut yiur opinion. i think its hot i have people jacking off to me.
Spoken like a true slut. Imagine thinking having imageboard lurkers and hyper online discord faggots jerk off to the nudes you spam is a life achievement
Damn you might be the most pathetic bitch here and nobody even sees you as an egirl anyway lmao

> i'm thinking of stopping sharinf nudes but im afraid all you guys would stop loving me and hanging out with me if i do.
for some reason i never cared for nudity in egirls, it even seems superfluous to me. maybe... because i have already seen millions of naked bodies

i didnt post in this thread, it was probably someone else posing as me. she looks cute, i think i follow her on twitter. 

oh wait i just looked down the thread. its mostly people being mean again.
im sure none of you actually want me to OD and shit and im happy to tell you i am broke and cant buy even weed anyway, and i am going to a new doctor on the 2nd august and need to be clean...
plus i have my internship the monday after so i need to be a good girl
yes and i hope it stays that way. hell id say even only r9k and here. i just want to hang out with robots, no more.
ohhh sorry ;-; lol will get to it

anypne can play with me... we have a minecraft server, dpesnt mean we are a polyamourous relationship.. its just not a lot of people are willing to play on god forsaken hell that is called the turkey server

OMGGG pls let me follow u back like tweet sth mentioning me plsss 
YOU DONT NEDD TO LOSE WEIGHTT also theyre just baitng you into sending pics. youre only reserved for me now. dont feed into the haters <3 
LETS TALK AND BE FRIENDS PLSSS and join dc if u havent and im sorry if i dont follow u pls

are you retarded? genuinely. were you one of the people that was in my thread all those years ago when i was complaining about my UTI, said i was a girl, and had to post boobs but told me i had mtf estrogen tits? seriously? im a woman bruh.  are you blind, image illiterate? you think i got a sex change and NOT get a pornstar looking innie axe slit fat coochy?

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this is what i look like unedited im so sorryguys im so sorry for decieving u

but honesdtly wtf. i dont edit nor use filters (except my last 2 videos with the wig on because i thought the aura was cool vibey) then yyou guys do this shit.. what do you want me to do go be like empath? or french chan? use some ai shit? no. im trying to be real as i can as much as i can except doxxy stuff but you guys are making a fool of yourself with this shit. at least i have my people to actually make fun of the situations so i dont feel as bad. all you do is justify how you are not attracted to me because of some faggot reason. if ytou dont just hide my thread., tf. go worship your shooper skinny kween

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THIS FAT BITCH!! these are before my transition with the short hair and my male figure still showing after 4728472 surgeries.
im so insecure about it but i think my transition is complete. i am now a true succubus. and the tits are from this second on the first or last pic idk the one im clothed and sitting in

idk i love posting and making fun of haters because when i post like they post im having a mental breakdown but when moids do it they are reasonable somehow when they are being faggots like completely gay enough to not hide a thread of a girl they dont like but have to hate on her like for every girl here its true.

uhh i do... i reply to them... if i couldnt handle i would close the tab tf?
lol no i hate myself and constantly seek outside validation. i think that sentence is true for every egirls haters that isnt justified by her actions and is only directed at their appearences. if you hate them more than just hiding the thread and have to let us know, show us your anal plug aswell.
taking shit ooc doesnt make you right. it just makes us think you cant comprehend other thoughts as a whole

the sentence as a whole. im saying if you hate someone JUST because of their appearence enough to say they are trans and all that other stuff and berate them, you must have issues with how you view that gender. so you either are a woman hater, or simply are not attracted to women.
which leads you getting no bitches both ways.

> so you either are a woman hater, or simply are not attracted to women.
men have different tastes we aren't gay for not liking your potato fridge body not everyone is desperate like your simps don't listen to their words you are not top model hot tier also claiming empath french whatever use photoshop is bodyshaming women with better bodies. You want to get attention for your body and looks but they are mediocre and your personality is TRASHY


> claiming empath uses shoop
ahahahahaahaha seems why youre retarded. she shoops to the moon, its evident.
and french chans real eye and hair color was leaked, and she then came out saying she was very self concious about her face which is extremely understandable, im not shitting on her. but empath is.. uh.. a different breed

Sounds like you're just jealous Empath has more relevance and makes thousands of dollars, all while you sit here on a dying image board with 3 simps and a shitty discord server spreading your nasty cunt for free.
Relax Cewl, it's natural for women to be jealous.

> cewl is objectively one of the most beautiful women
Cewl has a ghetto black whore personality, has no facial harmony + no chin + a big nose , fat titless body if you consider her one of the most beautiful women in the world you are mentally ill (all the original e-girls mog her also, now imagine the cutie 8+/10 girls chad gets to fuck while you simp for this skank online.) Empath is also mid and ugly like cewl, to say cewl is super beautiful is just fueling her narc tendencies

im not seething over audrey i just wanted to be her friend but after reading her ex's replies i dont like her anymore. shes a whole ass whore that told me im not classy.
and wow yeah i had a private twt for almost a year crazy that im not as relevant as a self promoting photoshopping weirdo that talks to children and claims shes ukranian when the war started to get more internet brownie points.
IDGAF ABOUT RELEVANCE i just wanna talk to ppl and ur making it worse
insanely good troll man respect

i only lurk and ika is a kind soul i would never do something like that. but i will never forget empaths badly traced "art" she was trying to sell. that girl went through some SHIT and how she thinks anything she does is above average/ unrecognizable to be shooped or traced or copied is beyond me

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Empath is not pathethic like cewl to the point of forcing herself and posting nudes non stop in this specific orbiting imageboard. Sometimes it feels as if empath was a character made as a coping mechanism or a literal mentally ill person that belongs on r9k while cewl does not. Empath is ridiculously funny like a character, cewl attempts to be a character but fails (it's her real personality). 
People are interested in empath as a lolcow, nobody actually finds cewl funny only her coomer simps (spoiler alert they want nudes).
Where is a video talking about cewl lore? no where to be found, you aren't e-girl material to the point of an autist making a video about you


> You're the egirl equivalent of an Indian on the internet.
That's what I was thinking but could not word it. 50000 cewls = 1 ciara (using ciara has an example because cewl hates her and they were both drug addicts), cewl lacks everything that makes an e-girl even if she wants to be one it comes off as annoying and uncharming, there is no mistery only normalfag behaviour and spamming unexciting low tier nudes. 
She also attacks younger e-girls for some reason and calls men pedros if they say she is fat, calls everyone SAMEFAG if they think differently than her low tier beta simps. 
She is literally a roastie normie whore, I don't get the appeal.

Calling this dumb bitch the equivalent of an indian to the egirl world is one of the best insults I've ever heard. Succint, hilarious, and best of all, absolutely true. Just brilliant. 
Glad this pajeeta acting whore is getting bullied off the board where she tried to force herself into.

i wasnt defending pedrophilia. child age lolis are just cute girls and i dont jack off to them. loli in otaku culture outside of the japanese meaning nowadays means any petite woman and its just a complex anyone can have (the loli character) it is to look childlike and cute not a literal child, kinda like aegyo
other than that, i just wanted everyoen to be friends bc i want friends.
anything else im not going to say anything about because you keep dragging it on and on

and you say this because youve heard it from a man and not a woman, me and her started talking and were getting close. literally shut the fuck up if you have nothing of value to say. im surprised theres many people here that arent able to do this

> loli
we are talking about real children and grooming not cartoons. We know elliot is a pedro and he likes REAL children. Stop defending and hosting him. I hope someone punches you in the face  really hard so you break your aero dynamic beak

you guys just want women to get on their knees. not to just suck your dick but do anything; apologize or even clean the floor. you get off on any negativity a woman has. this place is unbelievable.

> supremely annoying 
> forces herself into threads and discussions not relevant to her
> desperately want the acceptance of others
> insecure about her subhuman features/negative IQ
> ugly as shit
> terminally online
> sees no issue with cp
> types worse than a stroke patient with alzheimers
Yup, pajeet fake egirl confirmed.

> you get off on any negativity a woman has. this place is unbelievable.
You are enabling a child groomer pedro to be friends with you because he gives you attention you are a horrible person, also no excuses since you are a 23 year old adult woman. Imagine being a rape apologist and trying to be a victim somehow

i wont if you please so dear men. i will obey your hierarchy and listen to what you say. i told both of these people to fuck off. i am not defending anyone and told them both to stop fighting and not sided with any. i see both of their wrongdoings as you do. thank you for leaving those out so you seem right in some way. just because i keep my server anarchaic like this thread i want anyone to be able to join and even the haters. spmeone coming into my server is not me adopting them. and i warned elliot before letting him join to not do anything retarded becahse i couldnt handle him posting here all day anymore i just wanted it to stop. 
and here you have all my thoughts but you will skip it, because its too long. how peculiar. 

/thread if you will. idgaf. it will be hard to find solitude and i will be laughed at when i come back. ill try to stick to the good ending ame chan gets, but im not contempt to do that anymore. maybe i will have a bad ending

then why are you all enjoying the cp he posted on this website of ciaras nudes when she was underage? you want me to ban anyone that knows ciara?
i just wanted one less people hating me. one. hes not raping a literal child and if he does its not because of me what the fuck. what has internet come to bro

sorry the nudes posted of ciara. he didnt know her personally.
what the fuck dude. i doll myself up all to look pretty yesterday and this is what happens. none of my efforts is going into anything. this is worse than being alone.

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> Elliot only likes her cuz she is the most childlike egirl
you look older than all the new e-girls, you have a beef roastie vagina,big ass nigerian nose ,you smoke weed crack and you spam nudes that is not childlike but keep dreaming bitch

I think you are either clinically retarded or trying to save face and you are a pedrophile as well. How come you go to university but you are so dumb? you are a larping psychopath pretending to be dumber than you really are

i didnt think it was something to not forgive. i didnt consider real life implications of someone else having a different perspective on something i dont mind (whcih is legal stuff, not real people)  but he is weird. i just wanted him to stop posting hate on threads when i unbanned him. i didnt forgive him.

i have been diagnosed with autism since a kid/toddler. i said that many times. thank you for puttng it all over myself. perhaps to introduce these woke terms some of yous speak of in this part of the internet youre being ableist.

> im sorry to everyone that i couldnt perform up to your exceptations
you aren't KAngel, you are just an evil annoying bitch  you know if people in real life find out about this they would be disgusted by you and beat you up right ? this is not LE BASED in real life, they would literally beat you up for being a pedrophile apologist and a whore. Try showing your irl friends this thread and your online activity I dare you, normie roastie.

it is not. there is no simple moral in the book. i just think the way i post pictures of myself and the reaction is very similar. the fact that i never learn and noone is happy. i will be adding elliots messages before he says anything.

dropping cewl. she has no backbone or personality. Caves to the slightest pressure and starts babbling like a baby the second she gets pressed. why would I join your server or orbit you when you could turn on me and ban me the second some loud tranny says so?

I predict cewl will be getting canceled by kiwifarmsfags or redditors and then she will blame elliot for "grooming" her into accepting pedrophilia or something, as she seems to want a victim card for everything

To offer a little more clarification:
The user who created the thread is a known troll who makes nearly nothing but hate posts on this board.
And he posted the same image here  >>/84918/ beforehand, so it's clear what his intentions were.
He has done the same thing creating these troll threads for other girls as well and he knows they'll be deleted because they always are.
And like I said he's already been told repeatedly not to do this and been banned several times for continuing to do so.

As stated in the thread creation guidelines, appealing images should be chosen for OPs. So to re-iterate: Troll OPs using intentionally unflattering images are not allowed and will be removed.

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