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Let me make it more simple for you. There are people who are into moe, anime or cartoon characters. 

AND then you have people like Nick Dollman who get a hard-on for underage girls, make AI CP as you can see here  >>/25540/  >>/25540/ and hunt for 13 year olds on social media. These people try to hide behind the it's just anime or art argument but they know damn well it's very akin to child porn and normalizing the sexualization of children.

Avoid categorizing these two type of people together in the same group. If Marky talked online with someone who turned out to be a pedo it's because they didn't show or say it obviously, it's easy to hide who you really are online unless you get exposed like that guy. 

Marky condemns pedos and wants nothing to do with them.
anyone who knows anything about my 'art' knows my typical subjects, i made stuff i regret and don't endorse, partly to fit in with what i saw on /b/. most of my generations aren't especially taboo. i don't have anything to do with ceepee. i'll admit having a variety of creepy interests.
anyway it's all over. and her art was great.
>  i don't have anything to do with ceepee
You do, fucking delusional pedo dumbass. There's something seriously wrong with your head if you think what you do isn't especially taboo. If you condemn what you've done then you wouldn't still be posting among them everyday on /b/'s AI child porn threads, posting naked underage girls yourself. 

> "if i'm elected president, the aoc will be 13"
That's what you said 4 days ago while posting AI porn.
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lady jane i unfollowed, i don't remember the pics 'she' has there, fair enough. following an account doesn't mean i endorse everything they post. many are me returning a follow from them.
that 4th pic i have no idea where you got that from, not the sort of thing i like.
why not show my current bookmarks, if they are so horrible.
here's my very current stuff i am generating, is this supposedly so bad?
The lactating girl was named fae I think. I barely remember anything about her except the lactation obsession and her whining about having to shove dildos up her ass during her camwhore sessions.
Don't remember Ako and Terspichore but everyone else I recognize. Makes me wonder what some of them are doing nowadays.
I also remember an admin on there (lavender) who'd send me her nudes whenever I asked.
Was a fun server and every clone of it since then has been pretty consistently shit. Kinda sad honestly.
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thumbnail of Sheep Village #General 20180402 DHT.rar
Sheep... rar
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Discord History Tracker archive of the Sheep Village #general channel from Jan 20 (when someone deleted the previous channel) to Apr 2 2018. This is from the original Sheep Village server that was deleted in mid-2018.
900k messages. Can be filtered by user, keyword, etc.
Open the viewer first then load the text file from there to view.

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