/agatha2/ - E-Girl Purgatory

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I think that we should further break down the egirl categories into; 1. Egirls that self posted but got enough fame to leave an imprint of their legacy online 2. Egirls that were brought over from other platforms due to some happenstance incels discovering them 3. Egirls that try to replicate the phenomenon (usually in later years) but fail (I can go in depth on the specific conditions needed for internet culture phenomenon to exist, in my opinion, but ill leave that for a dif discussion.)

Consider that since the an egirls usually defining trait being attentionseeking (even "innocent" egirls of this like agatha still posted content online) Ciara would be classified as the og/true egirl just from the AMOUNT of boxes she checks off for this criteria. Especially considering she succeeded the most in digital footprint(s)

I hope this makes sense I'm high af rn

There are even more attentionseeking egirls like Empath though. It doesn't make them more of an OG egirl it just makes them a lolcow. In fact, the most powerful egirls are ones that actively didn't want themselves to get posted and discussed on imageboards but still were.

Honestly, the one with the most lasting legacy imo is probably Rose. So many egirls nowadays are copying her early videos style, down to the crappy quality even though they were likely born after those videos were uploaded.

Copying this from the marky thread:

> While girls like Boxxy or Rose are the ancient founding deities of e-girls, Marky, Agatha, Ciara, Erica, Ashley, Ken, Audrey and Sunny are the pillars of the e-girl canon, which flourished between 2015 and 2020. Other minor but significant e-girls like Bianca, Asteriaa, Tahlia, and even Brooke rank beneath them but benefitted from standing on the shoulders of giants by coinciding around the peak of e-girl culture.

Yeah but thats why I specified in later years. They will never be nearly as popular just for the pure fact that most of the robots that would be interested normally are disgusted by the notion of a copycat, so much less impact (which is the reason I classified to an internet culture phenomenon)

I'm trying to classify them all into virgins or used goods, but I have a few doubts.

1) Do you think Lucy is saving herself for marriage?
2) Does lesbian sex count? If it doesn't, agatha should be safe I guess.
3) Does rape count? Personally, I'd say yes.

> Does rape count? 
it doesnt, unless it was "rape". some girls do drugs or get drunk and hang out with bad boys alone or let guys take advantage of them without fighting back. its not rape if theyre low key asking for it or let it happen

> The peak of egirl culture is unironically now
Are you for fucking real now
Prominent e-girls are gone, some have walled hard, and some are even fucking DEAD lmao. There might be more but as always, quantity=/=quality. None of these boring ugly shitters like iris, vamp, cewl, empathchan, and others I don't even know the names of are remotely as memorable or important to this board's lore as a single girl from the era I quoted. Even forgotten bitches like Muffy have had way more character and relevance than today's "e-girls".

Nah, agatha is disgusted by the mere sight of dick. She always wanted a girlfriend and she trooned out hoping to get one. At worst she had lesbian sex.

I think it counts because they still experienced sex and bear mental scars from it, which is even worse than losing your virginity young like most girls do. Even if it isn't their fault and they are not to blame, they are tampered product and not actual virgins.


 Yes, but it was her 4chan post and the 8chan dox/civil war that made her more popular and her first exposure outside of imageboards was the old KYM article and a popular Reddit thread on r/DeepintoYouTube.

She made it to TikTok in 2021 and blew up in 2023.

yes i was diagnosed autistic pretty early and i was diagnosed with adhd at 18 or 19
> mfw 22 is old
go back to orbiting children on marcs e harem
i use it for PCOS. before birth control my periods were so bad i would not be able to get out of the bed for almost a week, or had to get iv infusions to function. i would not get good grades if i had an exam during my period. she could be the same.

Not eventhe guy you replied to but the thread isnt even about you you stupid junkie. Literally no one likes you and I even regret wasting my time giving you this little attention since i know you just cream yourself for any you can get and thats why you must derail any thread you can with your ugly whore roast, but damn get it through your empty subhuman head already.

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Jewtube doesn't force feed you videos of this goat whore? I don't even know why/how this started. Why are you force feeding me this whore, jewtube? 
She said she was on birth control from 16 to 26, and now her uterus could explode or something.
The sad thing is she has a good, funny personality, meaning she developed a personality before she realized she was pretty.
That's the only reason she gets views, for being pretty.
But of course she's a WHORE. Fucking since the age of 16 if not earlier. Like all normie women. Esp the pretty ones. And like all 4chan egirls, let's be honest.

> She's not very attractive and most of the replies seem to just be hate. Is it one or two really obsessed guys?
that's literally cewl threads
Audrey's been around for way longer and has a solid fanbase like the other legacy girls (marky, ciara, etc), idk what to tell you

exactly as  >>/84502/ said
if you read her very 1st thread and even her old /agatha/ threads it was all regular egirl simping and orbiting until her ex showed up and exposed her massively, then shit hit the fan and even more so as it was confirmed and more details and other really dirty stuff became known

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having children doesn't even make sense. I mean think of the terrible fates of some like Bianca. More personally I have known many people and animals who suffered (physically) a lot, recently a friend died during his dialysis and his father is going down the same path ahh how disgusting and retarded are the faggots who have children.

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this thread is mean and hurts my feeelings, but you're not wrong. i am actuially probably one of the most pathetic failures of an egirl that ever existed. but its so unfair!!! most of these girls only wanted to be left alone and you all worshipped them!! meanwhile some of us go to great lengths just to have your attention and  you  just bully or ignore us. well um gonna most likely quit streaming anyways, everyone told me it would fail and it did :D

if they wanted to be left alone they wouldn't have constantly posted themselves and pandered to orbiters. but yeah, the egirls of yesteryear were more attractive and better at pretending to be interesting. now it's all been done and the internet isn't the same place. you new self titled egirls just come off as forced, desperate to attach yourself to girls who were actually orbited, memed and desired in their day.

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yeah its too late to ever make it as an egirl desu. i shouldve started years earlier. also not been born ugly. either way it is what it is, im thankful to even get a thread made for me on here at all when ive never been popular anywhere before 
eh maybe.. from what i heard about agatha she hated you guys though. i couldve loved you guys so much but you only care about getting attention from certain girls (stacy). also i guess i could have put more effort to force an interesting personality instead of just gamin and beeing myself but that is so hard

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> Top: 
solidified post-2018, the "social internet", phone users, late adopters, discovered "layer 2 of internet" from journalists and Content Creators, blue collar in denial, beaten-down ultra passive-aggressive, gen x 2.0 (Billie Eilish speaks to them for a reason:  >>/85398/  >>/84214/  >>/84705/  >>/84708/  >>/85167/  >>/84183/ )
> Bottom: 
people who use computers, actual social media avoiders (including chansites), actual autistics, internet early adopters (by modern standards), people whose IQ isn't rock bottom, middle class

It's that simple. Vel­ma (legal), Caseyf*ce (legal), Rose, etc., are of the second group. Pre-skeleton Ciara too, maybe. Most of the posters on this board and chansites are of the top group. Rose is so group 2 she only Content Creates once a year.

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forcing myself might not make me popular but at least it might make people remember i exist and that i love them and want their attention
no i dont bruh
i am objectively ugly but some guys can find cuteness in ugly, men will want to fuck anything, i dont claim to be femcel or unable to find a bf or anything. i just dont want one

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yeah, settling, whatever you wanna call it, its not hard to find a guy that would settle for you as a girl but desu i want experience being proper simped over like a stacy  one day... even if its after surgery and whatnot. i dont have interest in masturbtion and etc and i do like having my personal space oftentimes. so i guess you're sorta right. but its not want its need., dont need a bf, do need attention

1. Successful selfposting egirls 
Ciara, Marky, Kennedi, Cewl, maybe Bee, Pukara 

2. Egirls that were brought over from other platforms 
Rose, Agatha, Ashley from youtube  
Bianca, Sunny, Tinker, Lucy from discord

3. Egirls that try to replicate the phenomenon but fail
Iris, Vore, Miyoko, Ika, French-chan, Wren,  Vultz, Fia, Kasper, every literally who 

Dont know where Audrey and Vamp fall on the list.

Horrid list. Move cewl and bee to tier 3. They're not succesful and they're not even e-girls, just forced mentally ill tryhards.

Audrey is clearly in 2. She was brought over from r9k in 2018 to the original /agatha/

have you even actually read them
60% of the posts tell them to kill herself and that she's an ugly drug addict, 30% are a couple of terminally online simps from discord, and the remaining 10% are other minor pseudo egirls. Nothing organic, nothing memorable, just contrived shit.

She could unironically and potentially have thousands of followers if she took her art seriously by growing her community on sites like twitter, because she does have the talent.

Unfortunately for her, her incredibly low subhuman-tier IQ makes her prioritize discord drama, drugs, and having a few imageboard simps jerk off to her. She had the talent to be known as a very good artist and maybe even live off it, but instead chose to be a shitty failed egirl.

Yeah, you are entirely correct. She is exactly where she deserves to be. A laughing stock drug abusing whore with a few people who enable her dumb shit on discord and imageboards. She doesn't deserve to be an actual interesting, succesful and talented person because she's too stupid to become one in the first place. If she wasn't she wouldn't think having a thread on endchan and a discord server where she spreads her asshole to anyone to be the epitome of existence.

She's obviously talented at drawing pose and conveying emotion through expression even if it's tranime, which beats shit like hyperrealism in artistic merit every time. Plus, good artists who are smart enough to become visible on social media and know their targets can and do make bank on commisions alone, if not even approached by animation studios.

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someone has already said it (and with the same words) to her many times. 
i can say that cewl's studying a good career, she is supposedly a little rich and has friends and more importantly, apparently she's quitting drugs (i am one of those who thinks dhe will die of OD though). cewl just wants to have fun with us.
The truly brutal thing that she should read, what I think will really affect her, is what concerns her trannyme art. 
cewl literally has no talent, unlike what the other anon said

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my art took a huge blow after having an art block because i havent drawn during my addiction a lot. it became worse than what i was drawing in high school tbqh. im still glad people like it, but im trying to improve it. 
thank you for the constructive critisism

and what i do with my life i dont care what you think because im just doing whatever and then ill die. im just doing what i wanna do for the day or week.

i just hate myself for entertaining some people who shall not be named, and not drawing when i was getting high. i hate 70% of what i draw rn. i cant finish any drawing.
(before heroin art)

and thank you to those with kind words.

> Vamp
I would put Vamp in tier 3 because she tries hard by selfposting and seeking attention when in reality she's just another failed normie tiktok user.

> Cewl
I would also move Cewl down to tier 3. Frankly I think shes a bit of a bastardization of orbitting culture, whoring around on agatha herself and talking to her sole 2 simps who only want her free nudes.

> Bee
Would also move Bee down to tier 3. She's a bit more subtle because her presence is bigger on discord and the only reason she overlaps with agatha-type egirl culture is because of her association with her pedro baby daddy.

> Pukara
Shes a bit of a wild card because although she is popular its only because her only orbitters (which are plenty) are actual pedrophiles on telegram. I wouldn't put her in 1, probably 2 because shes moreso on the streaming/discord aspect of egirl culture.

> Ken
Did she ever selfpost?

> Lucy
Does she really belong in tier 2? I feel like shes a bit closer to "literal who" status especially since shes averse to the attention now before she got a chance to be big.

Other than that I agree with the list

Kennedi used to post her face on r9k when young. 

Anyway I've decided the best way to sort egirls is just the egirl to lolcow gradient spectrum. 


Excuse the wall of text. 
> Lefty memes

Not what I meant - [Kurt Kobain/Billie Eilish/Bauhaus/Johnny Rotten/Blackpink] is the Wuhan lab and [grunge teens/wiggers/goths/punks/kpop fans] are the wet market for spreading the virus. 
> usually teenage but the majority of Western adults have elements of this
> fake cuteness as self-shielding form of aggression: anime, deliberate fake smiling, jester toddler clothing  >>/85398/, typing in lowercase bc ur just chill asf or w/e forreal *squishy cheek peace sign*, "amy they/them (smol kitten !!)". "Look at this grown ass man getting mad at cute little old me xD" (meanwhile overhauled their entire life and identity in order to own people)
> deliberate ugliness as an attempt to get under people's skin: intentional torn and unfitting clothing, unshaved pits, glib offhanded carefreeness, irony, green dreadlocks, greasiness, eyebags, intentional low intelligence identity ("we're the young generation maaaaan", "bruh were just chill asfuck idek why your so mad forreal")
> default passive aggressive due to abusive working-class parents and getting mind-cooked by school social dynamics (popularity, bullying, etc.) or by politics in the case of Tumblr and Nick Fuentes streetwear wignats
Punks break out of their shell by just openly covering themselves in shit, instead of risking bullying by being sincere and privately trying to fix their minds to handle embarrassment. Posting pictures of yourself at 15 years old on goddamn chansites is a form of covering yourself in shit, which brings it back to selfposting. They also use drugs and get teen pregnant not because of the animal pleasure, but to convince themselves to "not worry about my problems", "everything will work out". Again, this does not just apply to teenagers.

Am I being too harsh? Absolutely. Being forthright is not entirely bad. You need some way to get out of your shell without spending years fixing every mental problem you have. I'm just here because Ciara is hot.

Pukara definitely needs to be put lower towards the lolcow tier. The shame she has probably brought onto her family with her pandering to pedrophiles online must be immense and embarrassing.

Where would you put Miyoko, Lucy and Cewl?

100% this. cewl has a bloated hrt body and is ugly as sin and has a horse face. we should all do our best to erase her from our minds and pretend she doesnt even exist and hopefully she will go the fuck away

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ok some people harrassed me for a few months over just posting some selfies. they, tried to make my parents believe the lies you guys spread with zero actual proof because the worst things i did was just chatting with r9k people and wanting validation. i never posted nudes or anything bad like how empath literally scams men and spits on the homeless. also not a lolcow cause barely anyone knows i exist

irl fat cows cant help but put us queens down so they can feel higher babes. keep your head up and dont let your crown fall queen. they just hate anything they see. the same 3 people hate me and i can figure out every one of them because they just talk about the same stuff like over and over it makes me not care anymore. they cant find anything new and claim lies they make up are real even peetend to be me to stir things up and answer themselves 5 minutes later. they stoop too low and just hide under the fact they are anon.

Based sweetheart Cewl. I agree with everything you said btw, really obvious that each egirl tends to have some specific haters and schizos that frequent the threads more than anyone else, looking like more posters than they are.

ikr!! at least sage right? theyre acting like i ruined their life like dude just close the tab. like if u didnt care that much you would hide the thread. make the same exact comment you make about my body with a picture you downloaded of me, repeat every hour or so. like ... its repeatitiveness makes me stop getting hurt by it. find sth new dude. lol
whats black about my comment i didnt mean to say anything and didnt use aave i just made another form of you dropped your crown; king meme im not appropraiting cultures i swear

> us queens
You're a rancid looking brown subhuman. You're not the queen of shit. Nobody simps for you save for 3 discord faggots who are only in on it because you give away your putrid roastie unsolicited. Get the fuck off this board for fucks sake.

can anyone tell me who would be classified as 'classic e-girl'? i know that the ancients like cracky/boxxy would classify but what about others that everyone still thinks about?

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