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I can't hate cewl anymore. The amount of loads I've blown to her should be illegal but I won't join her discord. They seem to be a established circlejerk anyway so I'll just compromise for this distant parasocial relationship like the loser I am. 
Thanks for coming to my ted talk

I would but it seems you have to be "controversial" like you need to bring some drama or have some lore where you get ousted as a secret pedrophile mastermind or some dumb shit. I dont have the energy for it. I'm too boring

? faggot ive been on 4chan since i was a teenager me namefagging doesnt mean i "discovered" it then. i was just an anon and you can lie how much you want but we all know what is the truth, when i have no insentive to lie.

He's not "incredibly retarded" you autistic retard, he's intentionally fucking with you to get a reaction out of you which you always give because your autistic ass can't understand that people can lie on purpose. You also banned Elliot over some random guy trying to fuck with you, you're so retarded.

Stupid bitch was ok with a pedrophile until it got her more hate than attention from him, only shows you how much she only cares about herself. She would be ok with him raping kids as long as he gave her attention. Wonder what else her orbiters are doing but she ignores as they are giving her attention

Orbiting a girl with a bunch of anonymous? Fine. I can call Cewl a princess and say I'd like to marry her and lick her feet without feeling any shame. But in a Discord server with a bunch of thirsty namefags? That's a NO for me.

thats okay but some people want to talk to me. im okay with dms too. thats why i opened the server

> me when i say theres like 2 haters
schizo thinks 37834838 haters are so few gahahah
> ppl mentioning if poster counter existed i wouldve known the thread had 3 ppl
so true

??? hater logic

You look terrific, Cewl! Dont ever let the haters get to you. I love you and many other anons also love you. I appreciate the fact that you give us attention in return for attention (which is nothing wrong, because we're humans). I love you, Cewl, my queen <3

Cewl, you should go back and re-read elliot & tal exchange.
Tal was the one who kept going, even though you asked him multiple times to stop. 
Elliot even blocked him in an attempt to de-escalat, but Tal just kept going

Tal is an annoying faggot that is always picking fights with any orbiter he sees as competition for her attention. On top of that he's always negging cewl and opportunistically mocking her looks while lovebombing her at the same time, pretty sure this dude is going to Bianca her ass any day now.

because my ass hurts when i poop.. 
i dont know. he wasnt supossed to be here to begin with. with the amount of haters i have, elliot is just one of them that namefags. its still concerning pictures even if ciara posted them herself, she was a child and was obv getting groomed by the whole boards b and r9k.
and i think i will distance myself from tal for a while, and if he does anything similar ill just make a timeout for him.

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LMAO this is basically a fucking child grooming server at this point
there are literally underage girls in there right now actively being groomed by known pedros
how the fuck did cewl allow this to happen

As a general warning, everything in that message is a lie. Gilbert Raborg the pedrophile met Kennedi when she was 11 and started grooming her right away. She was 15 when she cut him off for being creepy to her, which is when he started posting under her name on 4chan and 8chan. There is extensive proof of this in Ken threads, but even just a simple name search makes it obvious he's full of shit and knows he is the one who doxxed her, stupid faggot :^3 emotes and all:

Kennedi wasn't known by anyone whatsoever until Gilbert Raborg the pedrophile started spamming her name and face across every single imageboard in 2015.

Cewl, you should ban this nigger, he has been actively grooming kids since at LEAST 2010. Worse than Seymour. Worse than Elliot.

i am retarded okay
im not doing that, and elliot was just sperging about ciara too much it was getting weird so i was generally trying to close the convo/stop him posting
so yeah the convo will be weird

anyways a lot of replies im not a pedro i do like lolita complex characters, as cute girls, not more, i dont masturbate to them.

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You will never be Ciara.
You'll never be as thin as her
You'll never be as beautiful as her
You'll never be as popular as her
Nobody will remember you, but many will remember Ciara. You are a forced meme and people only orbit you because you seem desperate and attainable.
Even as a ghoul she mogs you.

yup Ciara on her worst day mogged cewl and she could actually be pretty witty and fun despite being a drugged out whore. cewl has the personality and depth of a retarded child. there's just no reason to want to interact with her

Why do you see having your thread bumped, having 2 people talk about you, and spamming your ugly tranny tier body as some sort of accomplishment? Is being a discord and agatha2 whore really the biggest accomplishment of your life? Holy kek

Yeah seconding this
She won't because she's a retarded chickenshit whore

Kek you niggerbrain simp retards are so unoriginal you even copy what other people tell you when you post this rancid junkie bitch in other threads, which you do all the damn time for the past month or so

her name is quite literally on the paper of the pic from the other anon, ya little dumb dumb
it's just the de-serbifyed version of cewl. I like cewls slavic nose. but this made me wonder if there are cewls of other ethnicities. French cewl? Japanese cewl?? African cewl???

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she even has similar body proportions although I reckon cewl has slightly bigger hips and latina cewls eyes look slightly less psycho
 >>/85998/ >>/85999/
it's okay cewlie. I can see that tiktok brainrot has clearly destroyed your brain. it says "u/pupfiggy" and her insta is figgypupz
enough pics of her tho.

without going into too much detail, we were having a wholesome date. for some reason you knew how I looked and you picked me up from some kind of train station and we had a coffee together and talked and laughed a lot and you smelled very nice.

Exactly all of a sudden when I troll or joke it's never a joke anymore and they start pretending they are really dumb (or are they really?)

I'm never mean for no reason if a person is nice to me I'll be nice to them back but if you upset me and I'm bored gg and idc but the girl I was being mean to is literally a pedro so you seem a bit confused in your narratives

Aw thats sweet thank you c:

I don't know any of these but I bet they are all nice. In my dream you smelt just generally fresh, kind of like roses or sth so not really vanilla- or caramel-ish.
> how
erm I said I won't go into any detail

> someone joins cewls server
> tal the tranny calls them a pedrophile
> insists that if cewl doesn't ban the person then she supports pedrophiles
> implying cewl is a pedrophile
> implying cewl has ever seen a children let alone abused any

 right? just because i like anime girls that have the same body type i do doesnt make me a pedro.
> get told to gtfo because im a angel (since i was always over 18 when i become an egirl)
as if.. people are looking for children to become e girls? then say shit like this? what is going on..

I'm not a pedro >:3
They're my opps, because SOME PEOPLE hate the good girls that have taken care of me, and have been pushing me to be with other girls instead.

Cewl, imagine if you were being bullied to push you to date fromm a pool of a few guys.

the thing about medoi is, she is a failed normie and she thinks being this overly edgy is somehow funny. I dont think she even means half the shit she says seriously but with the way she behaves she is only encouraging people like Gilbert Raborg the pedrophile Raborg

maybe she changed, but the way i remember her is exactly like that too. she always came off as the kind of person that used to bully others in school and now that she is a nobody herself she browses here to kick down on others again

Not jealous of her she's sweet youre just trying to make up stuff so you make me and cewl argue but she isn't dumb to believe you lol and I already explained that isn't me it's just someone using my old alias the girl in the pfp isn't even me LOL you are childish and have no other better things to do with your time

First Medoi, now Cewl... stop being an opp.

Why do you hate her? She's engaging, I want to unironically get unbanned from her server because of that :^3

meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow

Learned this while a PMC post-op, you pull the girls from their room into the living room where the corpses of the parents are. You force them to kiss each other, and you tell them to continue as you insert your cock in the middle.

Glad I'm back to suburbia, war is crazy :^3

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dud my ribcage looks so wide because of the length of the crop top and thats so scary
😭 when you make a face like that,  your nose moves, and looks like that to a front facing camera. when i look at the laptop camera mind you, like thhat, from that angle, my nose looks like that.
please stop seething jesus

and good morningn nice people

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