/agatha2/ - E-Girl Purgatory

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this whole egirl thread is so mind blowing i can’t fathom how this is the way grown lonely desperate men spend their time commenting about women who don’t know of and or have nothing to do with them personally..get a job and a couple hobbies u stupid incel cucks, die alone next to ur life sized pillows of egirls covered in ur own piss and shit
Like there’s actually no way you enjoy your life or anything life has to offer you..i truly hope your guys severe depression and anxiety worsens to a point you become suicidal, ur all worthless and retarded this world would be a better place without u.

not having friends or being chronically online is ok but it gets to a point where it’s pitiful and disgusting and you can’t even self reflect on yourself to realize your a waste of space and to do something about it..please use your guy's head

idk how to quote ppl but to the retard who said im mad i can’t get the same attention why would i want or care about the attention of men obese low value men who spend their life in self pity and hatred and shower once a month n think its ok..i could care less for the attention of men like u. disgusting lmao

there’s peace in the fact none of y will ever touch or keep the attention of a girl cus ur too shallow and stupid n don’t know what’s good for u, but i honestly do wish the best for u guys n it’s not being on this miserable site that does nothing but feed ur delusions or happiness and ur fried dopamine receptors  HAVE MORE RESPECT FOR YOURSELF ):

i promise everything will be better once u start realizing tht life is so much more {: it’s ok to be lost in life just find your way!! stop w the unhealthy mindset n think about the lil boy u used to be >: please please make a better life for yourselves

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Pic related is me. I'm not shy so I don't mind posting myself. This is what the average user of this board looks like. We're young, handsome, with successful careers and thriving social lives.

Meanwhile you're a morbidly obese walled roastie who probably still lives with her parents and has never had a serious relationship with a man—and you probably never will. But I'm sure you've been pumped and dumped a few times. Go ahead, prove me wrong.

first of all i don’t have no clue what the terminology u guys here use not do i care so..u can’t rlly insult me w those lol and it’s not just about looks that makes u undesirable it’s the undeveloped minds yall have and the lack of values and self respecg u give off from even coming here for the reasons u do and the way you guys think it’s desperation and loneliness that feeds into this sorta hobby..it’s the mental attributes that make u so unattractive. btw am the biggest virgin ever so not pumped and dumped LOL never had a stable relationship with a guy cus my own issues and which is not in my interest to pursue or entertain any guy even if he was perfect for me..i am constructing myself into the person i want to be and i learn more every day about ppl and how much i want or do not want to be like them..physically i am not ugly im rlly pretty <: maybe just self confidence but i will always hold myself above evryone like u so it’s rlly pointless trying to put me down i have no ego i have been to the lowest n came up from it and trying to spread awareness ..rlly all am trying to do also am bored and it’s entertaining and fun seeing how u guys interact, it’s actually a circus here it’s kinda amusing   n im not saying im better thats just the standard i hold myself to idk myself idk u i don’t have anything to prove to u u don’t have anything to prove to me live ur life or don’t it has nothing to do with me, goose

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Pic related is me. I'm not shy so I don't mind posting myself. This is what the average user of this board looks like. We're young, handsome, with successful careers and thriving social lives.

Meanwhile you're a morbidly obese walled roastie who probably still lives with her parents and has never had a serious relationship with a man and you probably never will. But I'm sure you've been pumped and dumped a few times. Go ahead, prove me wrong.

I have friends and even success with girls i have been fucking coworkers for years even so me being here doesnt make me an incel. There’s nothing wrong with oribiting egirls i love the attention i get back. It’s still better than any of the ugly irl bitches i talk to

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