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Cosplayer girl who used to be a very normie girl a few months ago till she found out about 4chan. She's very, very, very cute. 
Unfortunately, she's kind of popular on the internet so we can't gatekeep her.

https://www.tiktok.com/@.chudfu.v2 [Embed]
https://www.tiktok.com/@canthinky [Embed]


She's cute but the way she's acutely aware of Shein's child labour and says she doesn't care and laughs about it is really disturbing. She definitely gets a lot of money from her orbitters so she should be able to afford more as well.

This leads me to believe she's manipulative and cruel at heart. Most women usually have empathy for that sort of thing or at least try ti play naive at the issue

Oh this whore. Doesn't she say super racist shit on her tiktok? Probably why it got nuked twice now. Its crazy how this stupid bitch can just use a webcam older than herself and act like she's deep and get more popular than a man who spends thousands of hours on videos.

> Who is riffy
> 10k isn't a lot of money for an attractive woman
If it's OP girl, she is on the verge of becoming a millionaire unfortunately with YouTube if she grows at that rate for another 6 months. Sponsors pay $1k per 10k views nowadays.

Thousands of guys thinking they have a chance because she's making "wholesome" videos on YouTube. All of these girls a) have been groomed by some guy years before they were popular b) date some prettyboy chad they met

I knew girls like this.
Here's the blackpill frens.
They don't actually care about these politics.

You ask them anything about world war 2 that wasn't mildly America's doing and they will give you a blank stare in return.

Their knowledge of politics only extends to shit posted on Tiktok like Little Dark Age edits.

Girls like this don't understand that the Nazi ideal is for a woman to stay silent and to birth Aryan children.

What is she doing instead? Wasting her parent's dollars on hundred dollar cosplays, dancing like a prostitute for chuds on the internet. Spending her orbitter's neetbux on nazi propaganda to use as decorations in the backgrounds of her videos.

I guarantee you she wouldn't be able to tend to a home and children if her life depended on it.

Lmfaooo anyone notice the school pictures of her and ugly/unflattering pictures of her have been deleted? She has definitely been seething to mods kek. Doesn't wanted to be outed as a mid cottage cheese thighs haver irl.

Can school stalker anon send these clips to her school?

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I remembered this place and thought I'd share what I got here. I got access to chatlogs of her closed server, from around June this year I believe. Media included.

> Do you consider adult drug users offering Kay drugs to be interesting? Or stuff she did, like bringing a fentanyl addict to her school? 
what a nothingburger, seems like a usual boring teenager chat, thanks for the tl;dr anon

You're making it sound even worse than it was. The guy showed up at her school on his own and freaked everyone (including Kay) out about it. He didn't even find her.
No one offered her drugs except once as a joke.

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thank you for the kay kino. oh and there's also snoo in there. fantastic.
women and ne(i)ggers try to cancel her evey day making ridiculous accusations, videos, canthinky exposed accounts, etc... it's kinda funny, but sometimes they go too far. 
like the jokes about her father and her dead mom weren't really funny

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she did
and she probably still does lewd custom sets but only gives them to her most loyal simps so they dont leak
i am curious though if she ended up giving sexualized pics to sturdychans admin since he went crazy defending her only a week after she said this on stream
she probably didnt but sturdymin seemed VERY desperate to win her over

lol. imagine having to have to raise donations from your poor orbiters to get a $120 item. thats a glaring relection on the quality of your orbiters. if you were an egirl of any worth, one orbiter would have stepped up and purchased that for you immediately

jonbones was talking about this thread a week or two ago but acts like he just found it now?? ok white knighted, she doesn't want you. why make her uncomfortable by mentioning a random thread? unemployed ass

Jon bones lover definitely is, depends hours talking to himself in her server calls while everyone else is like uhhhhh moving on. he got banned for two years from discord for being racist. if youre him stop lying here or ill post your address. grow up racist boy.

why doesn't she feel organic like the other e-girls? she feels like reddit / tiktok normie tier like belle delphine and bonbibonkers, she does not feel like marky audrey iris ciara etc. Im not hating on her but she feels like a bootleg just like the marc e-harem girls they just don't feel genuine to me, even cewl feels more genuine than this girl imo

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yeah she is like a mix of a trad thot nazi x weeb those type of girls that appear on telegram groups/have discord servers and talk to older men all day. Im not saying she is ugly but she uses the same makeup as belle delphine while r9k e-girls usually don't use makeup and have eyebags. I can't explain it well but she does not blend in with the other 4chan e-girls but more with the tiktok instagram popular e-girls

Look at the sticky thread. The kinds of subhuman niggercattle who post their tastes is the main audience of this board, hence the quality girls pondering to these tastes, and being "promoted". In all possibilities, even Ciara could have grown in her tranime cosplay aliexpress plastic skirts aesthetic into medium popularity cosplay thot like amouranth or whatever you'd see on reddit, instead of pajama waifu aesthetic she's loved for.

In the 2010s there was no tiktok and social media wasn't really popular with normies yet, the internet and 4chan specifically was only known amongst nerds and social outcasts so the OG e-girls were not ugly just socially detached. I think that's why we haven't had a single popular girl here from the 2020s cause the OGs are gonna mog all the the new girls who only go on 4chan cause they can't compete on tiktok.

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bruh it's not that deep. she likes her as an icon and for the esthetics. that's it. kay doesn't even drink alcohol or do drugs.
in all honesty she would probably look down on her, like she did with ciara (she idolized marky). but I might be wrong.
that would be cool. kay said she had dreams about her fu lately

there has to be something seriously wrong with a girl to not only be aware of marky and her backstory but to admire her for it. I wouldn't expect a woman to have insight into her own motivations or be honest about them but it's not hard to connect the dots.

after watching some of her videos i now understand why she looks up to marky so much. she's fucking retarded. completely vapid with an IQ barely above a dog. why are all these new egirls such annoying tryhards?

wouldn't it be illegal for marky to have lesbian vibes with kay since kay is 16 years old? If marky is 27 this year but flirts with Kay (16 this year) then Marky would become Kay's Sam hyde and it would be a fucked up cycle 
I heard she never liked Ciara but as you mentioned it could be different with Kay because they are completely different, but according to Marky's 2023 stream she seems to hate zoomers she said something like "dumbass nigger born after 2000" to one of her viewers

It didn't occur to me the first time I read that screencap how strange it is that she takes offense to a father taking care of his daughter by buying her a car but thinks it's ok for orbiters to buy things for her.

the sucking cock part must especially be some projection on her part since that is closer to what she has done to get what she needed from men whereas a father provides for his daughter out of a parent's unconditional love, or at least paternal responsibility.

kay should really get better influences with a less toxic viewpoint

case for them being real: they sound exactly like marky when she's manic, they include small details like her excoriation and her living in a university town. we already knew she was heartbroken over some guy at the end of 2022 based on her tweets.

case for them being fake: your feelings and capital letters

my guess is she would probably befriend her under the pretense that she was helping her not go thru the same heckin' trauma from being an egirl but ultimately she would be a negative influence, do something underhanded and they'd end up hating each other

loool try again  newfag. they have already been disproven in the same thread you posted them. most of the things you said are wrong and you even left white margins that you didn't notice because you were editing on a white background.only a brown person could be so cretin and butthurt.

link to the post disproving them. never happened. the girl you run damage control for has taken semen from jews, chinks, browns amongst other fell creatures. only a minority or a cuck would still orbit that girl

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> and even if she doesn't who fucking cares
you care which is why you are so desperate to say she doesnt send lewds to shitskins
im just letting people know who theyre dealing with
also kay ualda (a brown man) posts pics from your recent sets so youre either still selling to him or maybe others are giving it to him
probably the former
i got the armpit fetish pic cause he posted it lol
oh i saw the last vid while searching... ironic

she is not selling to ualda and she is literally the reason why all the cosplayers blocked him. kay herself told them so posting a private story. 
she talked about it just the other day, but you don't seem very informed, negger :/ 
that's disappointing

> kay doesnt sell lewds to browns or blacks cause shes based
> well she did but she does a race check now
> ok she still does but who cares
> actually shes taking money from minorities so shes based
fuckin hell m8

You rather she pander to pedrophiles who've groomed her from a young age into selling sexual content simply so you can satisfy your own desires. I'd hardly call what she's been sculpted or encouraged into becoming by these people any more of a "real self".

is negger the new insult for anyone that isnt a mindless simp cuck? negging on retarded whores is absolutely based. they need to be kept in check and rightfully earn their simps IF they are worthy.

hallo anon, can you tell me what set it was? because I haven'tdone one in an  long time also i wasnt going for arm fetish in shinobu it was more jojo pose but wont be doing that gain thats for sure, ualda also constatly complains that i blocked him and have asked people to stop selling sets to him saurrrrr

we can't have every mid copycat bitch who craves attention making threads for themselves here and inviting all of their tranny friends from discord to post in it trying to force themselves as the next egirl. it's gotten a little out of hand these past months

> Q&A video
> "these are terrible"
> "these questions are lame"
> doesn't give an answer to most questions
> other answers are barely coherent and/or largely irrelevant to the questions asked
> answers incorrectly the color of her own eyes
> thoughts manically flit from one topic to the next with little link between them
> constant jumping about in her chair and hopping and pacing around the room

um but she's a heckin' based white supremacist from /pol/. you might not have heard of it but it's a message board on this underground site called 4chan. if you check it out proceed with caution and don't say I didn't warn you!

cewl has moments of being funny and provides decent lolcow content

kay is just some tryhard derivitive normie. annoying with no entertainment or payoff. and this  >>/93916/ it's not the mid 2010s anymore. no one is falling for it. other girls already faked it better

There's an entire genre of girls who are social losers in their real life and are trying to live in the millenial internet era that happened before they were even born. It's super cringy.
You'd think they'd take the good parts of old internet culture like the creativity and freedom of expression, but since it's girls all they can perpetuate is aesthetics, not actions or values, so they spend all their time imitating old scene girl fashion from 2009 (for aesthetics)
blast the haruhi theme (for aesthetics, they weren't around when the show was even relevant)
posting pedro-bear memes (also not relevant in the past decade and a half)
and post about how they love hitler (never read any book on economics, culture, foreign policy, etc. ofc), 
and think school shooters are heckin cute!!
like most teen girls it's just some desire to be unique, which they all go about doing in the exact same way.
But now it's even dropped to the level of them imitating imitaters like marky, a copy of a copy of a copy of a...

She doesnt read the book though. First she makes 100 posts about herself with mein kampf to all her socials then at best she skims through it to one-up retards online
We know this because someone actually asked her about the shit she reads and she only gives generic answers like "yes hitler had some interesting ideas" nothing specific
Actually most women ive met do this so shes not really unique in this regard

she's a dumb kid doing the most obvious edge lord move in hopes of belonging to and getting attention from an internet subculture she has just discovered relatively recently. anyone acting like she has any kind of deep political opinions or understanding is either her or as young and stupid as her. to anyone else it's just obvious cringe

get a new hobby besides wearing temu wigs/costumes and taking 100s of pictures and videos of yourself like a braindead narcissist. your personality is annoying and you've just copied it from other girls like you have your look. maybe you should find an authentic personality before you continue trying to whore yourself.

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saying that it's useless. lots of anons here are addicted to negging. they browse this board just to do that, which is understandable to some extent because negging could be fun and all, but you have to be actually funny and original, and not behave like an insufferable indian with schizophrenia.
the only funny negger is the audreyfag that makes the best memes and jokes like the young Werther one - I still chuckle to that. all the rest feels like boring AI generated text, trained with nu-r9k data

negging implies undue criticism to undermine someone's self confidence and emotionally manipulate them to some end.

what happens on this board is retarded mentally ill attention whores are legitimately criticized for being horrible people.

she doesn't know any culture and she will never be marky no matter how hard she tries. doesn't have the looks, intelligence, style, creativity, connection to chan culture or anything that made marky famous. she can post herself here, spout basic chan racism or buy a thinkpad, cut her hair however she wants, copy marky's dancing video but that's all she is, a copy and a poor one at that. it annoys me she would dare use marky's image trying to make herself more famous or attach herself to marky's identity and be seen as an egirl.

> 100k on 2 different tt accs, 25k+ ytb and 15k+ on ig

> most popular ytb video has 1/3 million views

> hundreds of posts daily made about her on sturdy and other imageboards

ah yes she needs marky and the 53 daily visits of this place to become "more famous". what a vapid grifter. her love for marky is so fake and opportunistic.

 stop using gpt-3 Jose 

she needs it mentally so she can larp as an egirl and keep skin walking marky or else she wouldn't post here. i kept my response brief with no capital letters to seem authentic and human generated just for u jorge

yes it's the female condition. like when nigris cries about wanting frens but then says she would only truly be happy with 1000s of simp followers in the same breath. their appetite for attention and control is without end

Theres 500 egirls every year who try to get hype from sucking neo-nazi channer cock, she is definitely not orginial. She is a carbon copy of early Belle Delphine and those edgy trannies on Twitter  
Nothing about this creature is original, not even her caked on makeup style

Her youtube comments read like this:
> this video gives me analog vintage abandoned in 2005 deep dark web youtube channel zonbiebeats2000 disturbing documentary material vibes, I am 12 and I heckin love it!!!!

trust me dude it's not a good idea. they greatly outnumber us (look at the catalog) and some of them are legit schizophrenics who will eternally seethe and grudgepost just because kay makes funny jokes.
btw she didn't need a thread here, and there are better and whiter places to orbit her.

that's literally what you sign up for when you try to become an egirl. you can't spam yourself in such places and expect an entirely positive and sane response. people don't exist on the internet to feed your ego and give you money.

I fear I’ve been doing dance videos long before I knew who marky was and I wasn’t trying to copy marky it that way. I also didn’t buy a thinkpad in the name of marky…. It’s my school laptop… I am not trying to copy marky I just think she’s beautiful, why can you guys obsess over girls but I can’t? And also I know all the lore (or most of it) I read all the previous threads and archived ones

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Oh also if people are really this mad over me/ this thread I think it should get deleted, if it’s not contributing anything good and majority of people don’t want me to be posted here then it should go, I don’t want to annoy anyone but then agian they could just not click on the thread. Oh yeah and about 4chan  (it’s lame) I don’t post there and I rarely browse it

No one's mad.
The users here have been around much longer than the sturdy and tiktok audience you normally have and are going to push out new people, especially new girls who are doing the same tropes that every previous girl did. No one really cares very much if you "read the lore" of a random girls life that happened when you were a child. No one has a problem with you reading about them in general. It's just making people cringe to see another girl try to fit in to an online thing that she's a decade late to. You could either read about these girls stupid lives in private (like people here), or be a tiktok girl, and no one would care. It's trying to present yourself as some e-girl 4chan whatever image to garner attention that's making people cringe. You can claim you're not but it's painfully obvious to the point that no one is going to believe you lying about it, because we've seen every previous girl do this exact same thing.

Honestly, I think some of you guys are being a little uncharitable and should give this girl more of a chance. These threads feel to me like a positive addition to the board and will be good for activity. I really don't think Kay being posted here is a problem at all. 
I also want to clarify that she didn't create this thread nor has she self-posted here at all. As well I want to note that there are numerous regular long-time users of the board engaging and interacting positively in this thread.
Obviously, everyone is entitled to their own opinions and criticism is fair game, but the posters who enjoy the thread also have their rights. And you don't have an unmitigated or limitless right to attempt to disrupt or sabotage the thread for them, or harass other users off the board, and if this kind of behavior becomes excessive action will have to be taken. We really don't want a re-hash of what happened in the Ika threads.

and this

imo if you can't handle negGOD bantz you shouldn't have a thread and you're getting in WAY over your head trying to make it as a chan egirl. some of the criticisms about you have been valid and you, your followers, or perhaps larpers have only antagonized more negging and schizo shitposting at your expense. maybe you should humble yourself a bit instead of showing up here acting like you run shit and you're queen of the board. unless you're prepared to own hating niggers and loving Hitler to everyone you know irl and having that reputation follow you around for years to come killing your prospects in life, maybe you should think a bit more about the consequences that come with trying so hard to fit it and play to an audience.

Is she dming/emailing you like she does with the admin of sturdychan?
She gave him custom pics so he'd run damage control for her
If mods start doing that here i can only assume shes doing the same thing again

No. And I'm only reiterating things the BO has already said previously.
Some of the posting in the cewl threads is definitely a problem, too, and we have deleted a number of the repetitive hateposts in the past. And if it becomes more detrimental to activity in the threads we will do that more aggressively.

Just to reiterate, but it is kind of ironic how in this thread you show up, but in all the other threads with constant shitposting by haters, like Ken's and cewl, that shit goes uncommented by the mods.
But as soon as it's MUH GLORIOUS RACIST ALT-RIGHT GIRL, oh no, better step in!

she's like a weird mix of bonbi and marky

i hope she doesn't end up like either of them tho, she looks like a genuinely nice autistic girl, not the usual bpdemon

she should focus on her studies and eat her veggies

kay will never be marky until she has a russian lunatic arc, then saved only by vanishing forever into the loving embrace of a tranny. until a figure like ekat or andrei become interested in her, she will never approach the level of agatha2 lore marky has. there's a reason only marky and ken were superior enough to be slav'd


why the hell would you want that? the first page is literally africa. baboons throwing shit at each other for 4/10 e-girls
yeah i agree. a new thread here doesn't make much sense anyway.
download toks with tikwm. it uses a closed source implementation to fetch videos in high quality. they are in hevc and have 6x times the bitrate than the best version downloaded by yt-dlp

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