/agatha2/ - E-Girl Purgatory

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Ok so we've had comparing categorizing and defining egirls but what about one for what you guys would WANT to see in an egirl.

Everyone's saying it's the end of an era but no one wants to make a new one or atleast lay the ground work. Like what do you WISH egirls did now aways. Who's knows maybe some of the whores will take the advice

Pic credit : Nora Fawn

It's not just because of ASMR, her ASMR was actually kind of crap. It's her looks, and her personality which seemed very genuinely autistic and not like some funnel to get people to sub to her OnlyFans or to get groomed.

being a egirl is cool for the attention only but i feel like guys take it too far and i just wanna be pretty and only exist online for entertainment purposes only :> and the sense of superiority would be unmatched… bunch of incels simping over me like im god :> maybe not tho tbh..too much work n commitment for that i might just stay socially inept and lonely while i starve myself ..that sounds like a plan yea..

is that actually the average age if the men who reside here ?! im delusional i  thought more 20-30 year olds..i’ll continue to think that for my own sake <: nd i can’t find love i have no social skills atm but am working on it!!

This is not Lain.
It's an amerimutt "azn" chick with vocal fry womansplaining nothing in particular for 12 minutes straight and not even being in character or professional about it.
What is the merit of this?
Someone should start e-girl university for these bitches or sumfin. This is unbearable.

didn’t mean that i’m not rude im just kinda angry at the world ghat i have no friends n am nothing anywhere so pardon my frrench it’s not rlly personal it’s dirceted toward myself probably cus ppl say u treat others how u wanna be treated or like how u think of your self in ur own life  so maybe tis true >:   but i don’t rlly believe u guys are real ppl again so idrk…real ppl meaning like actual living breathing contributing members to society yk maybe it’s cus i am not IDK

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Pic related is me. I'm not shy so I don't mind posting myself. This is what the average user of this board looks like. We're young, handsome, with successful careers and thriving social lives.

Meanwhile you're a morbidly obese walled roastie who probably still lives with her parents and has never had a serious relationship with a man—and you probably never will. But I'm sure you've been pumped and dumped a few times. Go ahead, prove me wrong.

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