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I would've loved to have married you, beautiful angel Bee... but you chose an ugly brown Mexican creatura instead. Enjoy your little goblin you made with that brown criminal.

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> bitches looking like this will have simps nowadays
I have no idea who this whore is but damn, the fact that you faggots simp for shit like this or cewl or empath or whoever these unknown shitty bitches arewho have popped up like annoying ads the past few months is both sad and funny.

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I thought the cutting thing was a gay thing just to get attention, but there really is a strong desire to cut yourself, in my case when I stopped taking my "le depression" medication. 
Never trust Jewish psychologists, psychiatrists or pharmacists, as long as you're not a real schizo you don't need that shit.

actually you have the morals of an evil retard. nothing wrong with messing with jb. being against it is actually wrong because youre interfering with other peoples freedom. underage girls should have sex with whoever they want. theres literally one on this website who likes older guys (pukara) yet you evil retards bully the shit out of her

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I'm no moralfag here but come on huh, you like younger girls go for it, but when you cross abit of a line in the sand back off huh
I wouldn't want some fat, greasy neckbeard creep going after my little girl 
You could be 92 for all I care but make sure she's atleast got a little competence in her little girl brain huh 
Don't be some real pedro about

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That's too damn much
What's wrong with this board huh if the fucking crown jewel over here is just what you said
It's one thing being a sad fucking loser, which I'd assume most of you people are
But some one my friends buck up just about
Go for the nerdy loser girl, not the washed up saddle bag on the street corner

> the washed up saddle bag on the street corner
Except she isn't. she's in love with her spic boyfriend ans intends to marry him. There's no use simping. 
If you want washed up street whores  the Cewl and Tinker threads are that way over there KEK

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If you know who I am and posted that
You're a son of a bitch my friend
You know I've always hated being associated to that pedro spic faggot 
That little brown shitskin even got butthurt over me a few times which I find humorous
I wasn't even trying yet I got so many of these silly little e-whores 
That little fruitcake had to pull out all the guns every time just to manipulate the most retarded and juvenile of any dumb bitch on the net

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That ugly whore was pretending to be 16 while irl she's 20. Cringe as fuck. She was probably coping hard because the fact is that she's too old for sosa and she knows that he prefers his 8 yo little sister and the other underage girls he rapes instead.

>  This crime is considered to be a super aggravated offense. Continuous Sexual Assault of a Child under 14 carries a punishment range from 25 years to 99 years or life in prison without the possibility for parole.

Oh that is so based. He is so boned.

It means youre equal in each others deformity. Does it haunt you seeing Sosa's goblin face pop up every now and again? Does it torture you knowing you gave birth to his demonic spawn? aw look at little Bianca Devins junior, gonna cut yourself again? :(

I find it hilarious how Medoi went radio silent in Cewl's server when she saw that Bee wasn't hated there so now she just lurks and posts here all day like she did last Christmas

Sosa is going down 100% it just depends how hard they will pursue other charges. If they took his electronic devices, then beenmight get into trouble. She is casually talking about being in the same building as when Sosa is having sex with underage girls and being in an open marriage. That is dangerously close to being a co-conspirator for undersge sex trafficking.

1. She has an open relationship with sosa.
2. He continues to groom and screw under age girls  >>/87184/
3. They love together. 
4. She is passive and dumb as dirt

See where I am going? It is painfully easy to paint this young woman as an accomplice who is fascilisting Sosa.

Close enough. If she's fasciliating Sosa's predoliction for teenage girls, then she can be seen as engaging in sex trafficking of under-age girls. Though it looks like the Sosa case is focused only on his sexual abuse of his sister, rather than his more recent shenanigans. 

As an aside, if they investigated Sosa's recent interactions, they'd probably mention whether Ciara Horan is dead or alive or not.

Be forwarned about books like these could be poorly written or inaccurate. Stuff like excerpts from U.S. military books are more likely to be accurate. Something like using organophosphate pesticides as poor mans nerve gasses are somewhat well documented but could well be too rudimentary or yet dangerous.

Much like Ciara and Sunny, I don't think she's genuinely republican. She does go on long rants about her hatred for jews and arabs,  but she likes Mexicans and trannies. Her mom voted for Trump (allegedly), so I assume that's her mother's hat.

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Bee is mean.
she literally painted Cewl brown. and Cewl pretended that she "really liked" the painting, but she obviously didn't like it at all, otherwise she would have pinned the message/pic. 
i also suspect that Bee is Cewl's troll because of the witty and even funny way she usually writes

this ugly retard has been inseminated countless times by
the big nosed mexican nigger pedrophile Sosa and is not based. she has never been based and will never be based. she's a brainless cumrag that shares selfies and fucks pedrophiles all day every day

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I think the sunny drawing was a comeback she made to "own" the ugly ass drawing sunny made of bee and sosa. Bee drew sunny cartoon like but it's not as ugly as ciara's drawing cuz like ciara eyes are misplaced in bee's drawing and she drew her eyebrows weird and the nose too long and a bit of manlike jawline

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Did ciara ever live with sosa? Seems like bee was sosa's long lasting gf and it angered her that sosa was still obsessed with ciara after all those years. He sleept with ciara one time but she liked the other orbitors better and also sunny drama, sosa got fucked up with ciara's death so 3 years later he found a girl who looked like ciara and dated her (bee).

Cewl is good at playing the super nice friendly person and more or less refuses to officially engage with drama, but she DOES go anon to talk shit and coordinates with a few of her schizo orbitters to stir shit up, so she isn't the "innocent junkie slut" her hangers on claim she is. B probably picked up on that

If she is a mom its based because becoming a mom at the age of 20 is trad, if she was never pregnant its better because sosa was scum and her future boyfriend can be happy (this making her orbitors uncucked)

Just imagine sosa's nasty small brown penis fucking her mouth but never quite reaching her throat so she doesn't gag and just sits there in silence as he thrusts until he cums and then they both go to bed.

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> the fact she thought she was special because she dated the brown guy she saw on the internet is just hilarious
well sosa had your precious waifu sunny and the OG ciara fighting over him so he is lowkey special in this community, if she dated marc her rank would probably be higher as an e-girl I think
> looks like a boy
she has defined jawline but its not masculine its model tier bee can produce chad tier sons since she has good genetic (and if it's real and not larp she already has a son). I don't get why you say her face looks annoying she just looks an european model to me

why does medoi have a hateboner towards michael sosa and why does she spite and hates on bee anonymously so much? this is so forced they shouldn't belong to the same circle they are completly different girls and if they can't be friends then just don't talk thats it

Medoi is obsessed with Bianca Devins like Bee is, even going so far as to roleplay as Bianca on discord, she's probably jealous that Bee is fucking Bianca's ex-groomer while she is stuck with midgets like Gilbert Raborg the pedrophile orbiting her

so Medoi wanted sosa for herself ? I remember she had him added on discord but he was dating and living with bee at the time so he never wanted anything romantic with her. Marc is bianca's principal groomer, sosa would be sunny's principal groomer who also hooked up with ciara(I think ciara was already 18 when she was with sosa irl), and Gilbert Raborg the pedrophile is kennedis only groomer. Maybe thats why she hates kennedi she is in love with Gilbert Raborg the pedrophile

I’m sure this observation is very self aware
Medoi would try to compete with Bee and other egirls for attention in Discord and holds grudges over all the ones she feels displaced her in that space. She’d return on alts and desperately try to bring in what few simps she had to try to come out on top, but she ended up losing nonetheless

Yes she knows she isn't cut out to be a 4chan egirl so she had to go the normie twitch whore route
Unfortunately to be a twitch whore you need tits or a personality,  she has neither and last I checked she has lower view numbers than iris

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