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Just imagine sosa's nasty small brown penis fucking her mouth but never quite reaching her throat so she doesn't gag and just sits there in silence as he thrusts until he cums and then they both go to bed.
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> the fact she thought she was special because she dated the brown guy she saw on the internet is just hilarious
well sosa had your precious waifu sunny and the OG ciara fighting over him so he is lowkey special in this community, if she dated marc her rank would probably be higher as an e-girl I think
> looks like a boy
she has defined jawline but its not masculine its model tier bee can produce chad tier sons since she has good genetic (and if it's real and not larp she already has a son). I don't get why you say her face looks annoying she just looks an european model to me
why does medoi have a hateboner towards michael sosa and why does she spite and hates on bee anonymously so much? this is so forced they shouldn't belong to the same circle they are completly different girls and if they can't be friends then just don't talk thats it
Medoi is obsessed with Bianca Devins like Bee is, even going so far as to roleplay as Bianca on discord, she's probably jealous that Bee is fucking Bianca's ex-groomer while she is stuck with midgets like Gilbert Raborg the pedrophile orbiting her
so Medoi wanted sosa for herself ? I remember she had him added on discord but he was dating and living with bee at the time so he never wanted anything romantic with her. Marc is bianca's principal groomer, sosa would be sunny's principal groomer who also hooked up with ciara(I think ciara was already 18 when she was with sosa irl), and Gilbert Raborg the pedrophile is kennedis only groomer. Maybe thats why she hates kennedi she is in love with Gilbert Raborg the pedrophile
I’m sure this observation is very self aware
Medoi would try to compete with Bee and other egirls for attention in Discord and holds grudges over all the ones she feels displaced her in that space. She’d return on alts and desperately try to bring in what few simps she had to try to come out on top, but she ended up losing nonetheless
Yes she knows she isn't cut out to be a 4chan egirl so she had to go the normie twitch whore route
Unfortunately to be a twitch whore you need tits or a personality,  she has neither and last I checked she has lower view numbers than iris

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