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it's funny how she's always posting sjw shit on her instagram and calling out and canceling people in her local music scene for being "predatory" or whatever the fuck meanwhile she's intimate friends with known child groomers and extortionists and actively supports them and participates in their discord servers which they use to victimize minors directly implicating her in their activities

Spoiled rich brat is right. The average income of Berkeley Heights is 250k. No wonder she is so confident a lawyer will work for her pro bono. She has never actually had to pay for anything herself in her entire life, save maybe the money she begged out of simps and orbiters. https://www.point2homes.com/US/Neighborhood/NJ/Union-County/Berkeley-Heights-Demographics.html

> According to the Federal Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, an unauthorized DDoS attack can lead to up to 10 years in prison and a $500,000 fine. Conspiring to do so can lead to 5 years and $250,000.
Filing a police report right now. She's fucked.

everything will be ok, bry. When you feel sad or things seem hopeless, just remember that this board has like 20 users on it. outside of here and a small circle of discord users, no one will care about any of this stuff. It wont affect your life negatively in any way and you have nothing to worry about.

Everyone has the right to tell their opinion and express criticism. However encouraging harassment, or threatening with harassment is not acceptable and these posts are removed.

Is a federal judge of the United States posting here anonymously? Is it your job to hold people accountable, your honor? One man judge and jury? Is this some kind of an Internet Accountability Committee I've never heard of?
My mind = blown.

ono you should have just taken your L gracefully youve totally evaporated any chance of coming back from it atp man get it together. you know my socials if you ever wanna reach out, i'm always here to talk bro. Sorry things played out the way they did, but thats life. you gotta pick yourself up and move on.

i think shes a moderate democrat tbh im not sure she affiliates with any members of the national socialist german workers party i dont think there are many of them left anyway but beyond that i dont think merely associating is a sin in and of itself the bry i know is a firm anti racist and committed feminist you can slander all you want but nobody reads this echo chamber

> Libel is a method of defamation expressed by print, writing, pictures, signs, effigies, or any communication embodied in physical form that is injurious to a person's reputation; exposes a person to public hatred, contempt or ridicule; or injures a person in their business or profession.
Libel is not protected by freedom of speech. Removed two posts.
For the rule lawyering tard: yes they could be considered as such. If you want to continue set up your own website and do that.
This board itself is about orbiting. This thread has nothing to do with orbiting. This "holding accountable" stuff smells like Kiwifarms. If you want to do such things then open a thread there.

Literally wat. Libel is specifically the publication of false statements that damage someone’s reputation. Libel refers to specific facts that can be proved untrue. A true statement that damages someone’s reputation is not libel nor defamation. Nothing that was posted was untrue, and therefore, not libel. At all. Whatever though, if you want to let some random whore dictate what is and isn't allowed to be posted here, and that completely legal speech be removed simply because she doesn't like it or it makes her look bad, by threatening spurious legal action, that's obviously your right so I won't press it.

average brown roastie poser would get canned in the hxc scene fast af if any of this reached venues promoters other bands etc her shit band should look for a new bassist asap salvage the ship asap

no, you are imposing permanent punishment on someone who is clearly mentally ill, and giving them no chance of redemption or change. you must be someone of very low character

last i checked both NC and LI consider revenge pornography a crime

good luck evading this if her parents get lawyers involved. you’re fucked regardless once enough eyes are on this though

if what vicki revealed to me is true, its so over for you its not even funny.


at what point did you decide to leak her?

was it:
a.) when she found out you’re obese
b.) when she rejected you after your numerous BPD episodes
c.) when you told her you had to go to therapy for your speech impediment

or was it all three?




btw nigga hope you realize committing a crime in one state and moving to another does not grant you immunity to being prosecuted where you committed it

maybe learn how the law works before being retarded

NY is progressive AF with sex crimes nowadays so you’re fucked

best hope they don’t find any of the other shit you’ve been up to nigga

sorry dude jewadams doesn't give a fuck he could care less ny doesn't care they act if they do learn NY nigga. they don't care about one brown girl crying wolf well they have a city full of whites getting raped my migrants


being an obese turbovirgin with a speech impediment who barely evaded flunking out of highschool isn't very chad-like

especially when you're unemployed, not studying for a degree, popping pills when a girl wont dm you back and mooching off of your parents at 19


this thread was made prior to perc moving states plus he was already leaking her prior

not really sure what your point is here. if its about the video then sure but i don't see how that's going to make a difference

 >>/91785/ Sorry you must still have me confused I live in the hamptons I'm a Dan Bilzerian I mog poor fags like you you are a peon x pooron to me. Do you have issey miyake i thought not. I only pop the highest quality caps of coke because im a playboy fn

you know who lil nigga its the reason this thread exists in the first place

you insist you're just trolling but you're doing this because your emommy doesn't want you anymore and you're throwing a temper-tantrum :(

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Extradition between states is governed by the U.S. Constitution and federal law, specifically the Extradition Clause in Article IV, Section 2, and the Uniform Criminal Extradition Act (UCEA), which most states have adopted.

If someone is accused of a crime in New Jersey, such as distributing revenge porn, and they are located in another state, New Jersey can request that the individual's home state extradite them to face charges. The process typically involves the following steps:

1. Issuance of a Warrant: New Jersey authorities would issue a warrant for the individual's arrest based on the criminal charges.
2. Extradition Request: New Jersey would submit a formal request to the governor of the individual's home state, seeking extradition.
3. Arrest and Hearing: The individual could be arrested in their home state, and they may have a hearing to determine if the extradition request is valid.
4. Extradition Decision: If the court finds the extradition request valid and there are no significant legal defenses, the individual would be extradited to New Jersey to face charges.

Defendants in these situations may challenge extradition on various grounds, but if the legal requirements are met, extradition is typically granted.

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