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I remember this woman.  She was a big liberal, would make youtube videos on atheism and made sure she mentioned being bisexual and having native american ancestry.

Then she turned like 28 or 29 and became a conservative and wanted to be a stay at home mom, it was really weird to see.

Oh man, I remember finding her videos on /v/ years ago when I was a teenager. She was homely but very cute, then I found her earlier videos where she danced around in that green tank top and got a nice boner.
Wish I saved that video since everything is now gone.

Thanks. Most are missing since they were on her twitter which she closed down. I also lost my folder and archives are incomplete. 

Inuit = Group of people's in the Northern arctic

Inua = Spirit energy

she's 1/4 Inuit and big on muh heritage.

god she looks so fucking swedish or finnish it's grotesque. face all doughy and formless like a loaf of bread. she both looks like a 15 year old boy and a 50 year old history teacher with hormonal problems. im sorry brother but she is genuinely ugly. i can understand the appeal of every single other girl posted here even if i dont personally like them, but you have me clueless here.

also she has extremely thin pale eyebrows like a nord and fills them in with makeup which makes her brows look like fat caterpillars weighing her face down. if she changed her hair, stopped making that retarded thin-lipped face, and stopped painting her eyebrows on, maybe shed be fine.

after looking at her pics again, i take it back, not even those changes would make her ok. jesus christ nigga she really does make the worst faces though. every single pic looks like shes almost TRYING to look ugly. very unfortunate face, like a female version of any shlubby middle aged bald guy at an IT center. 

what is the appeal? attainability?

No I agree, she had no idea what she was doing with regards to making youtube videos and streaming.

Also her flipfloping from extreme left to extreme right really sealed it for a lot of people, in the end she had next to no one watching her on twitch. She even mentioned it once, that all the people that donated in years past were no longer in her streams.

She should have streamed over youtube, which is where her main audience was. I am pretty sure most of her subs didn't even know she had a twitch which is a totally new platform. She also strangely tried to make 3 channels for each new fad she picked up, one for normal, other for asmr, etc. She as I said seems like a mushy headed person who is easily swayed by crowds and whatever she's exposed to as well.

I thinks he was doomed since she's not pretty enough for most people, she's a little dumb, and she has that awful manish "nerd girl voice". Guys watch girls because they want to pretend they're their fantasy girlfriends.

Gotta say, I really dont like when chicks call themselves "nerd" (or similar terms), but in reality they're just normal women who arent hot enough to get attention the normal way, so they try to force themselves into the "nerd" groups.
She's doing everything a normal chick does but no no I'm sure she's a "mega dork xdddd"

I agree with you.  She tried to claim being a big nerd when in reality all she did was play video games and read.  Yeah she played WoW back in the day but that doesn't make you a nerd imo.

Yeah it doesn't help we have no pictures of her when she was a teenager like all these other girls.  She started off so late compared to all the others.  I mean look at marky now compared to 16 year old marky and you can see the difference.

Did anyone ever find out more about her past since she was very hush hush about it?

Or does anyone know what she is up to now other than being a mom/wife?  She hasn't streamed in years, deleted her twitter, and privated all her jewtube videos.

I wondered too. The most I got was someone on /b/ leaking a pic of when she was 18, looking as homely and as androgynous as she was back then. Then someone talking about how among her clique she was a "mom" of their Warcraft guild. I don't thnink there's much else. Just someone on /v/ who wanted to become e-famous and rode varous trends but lacked the originality to market themselves.

I also think she's a victim of the changing youtube algorithm and youtube not making the subscriptions part of the front page anymore. If you weren't putting out multiple videos a week that were tweaked to exploit the algorithm, then you were pretty much screwed. Smaller channels like hers were pretty much nuked going from a few thousand views to hundreds. 

There was a time when you could put literally anything on youtube and you were almost guaranteed to get between 500-3000 views. That gave new creators the room to grow.

It was the same trajectory 4chan and the entire libertarian online sphere had, it’s not surprising in the slightest. The guys who were posting PRAISE KEK GOD EMPEROR TRUMP in 2016 are the same guys who thought it was totally epic that Anonymous(TM) were ep1c haxx0rs towards anyone who was even slightly critical of gay rights. Edgy politics is a pendulum.

It's just dumb lonely people who spend their entire lives online, adn thus need to fit in so they follow every single online movement. Over years that online environment changes. It's a warning that these are probably stupid movements, and "the internet makes you stupid."

the vast majority of people regardless of their gender tend to want to actually start families at around 30. making this a meme about women hitting le wall is just cringe. contrary to what the ugly retards on r9k say, most people look like shit by 35, not just women. average guy turns 32 and looks bloated and deflated at the same time and has lost all collagen in the face. its genetics and its inevitable. the least you can do is try to have a good diet and lift.

at least ones like this broad actually start families unlike most of the autists too busy reeeeeing about them online to even talk to one irl

anons here don't understand this because they're faggots. this is why they're attracted to short haired, malnourished, sickly egirls with barely any secondary sex characteristics. (le "only negroids like ass and hips!" meme.) gay men don't understand the biological urge to have children at the age where you have your shit together and have found someone you can tolerate long-term.

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I remember seeing a video where it seemed like she had some kind of crisis or realization in life, like she wasn't being funny or ironic anymore and she seemed serious and depressed. Then I heard something about her having a kid. Hope she's happy now. 

Just checked her channel, she is actually active again. I guess the crisis was she got redpilled, and decided to focus on family and homesteading.

I don't see her coming back.
She's a fully stay at home mom and looking back at her early stuff she streamed for attention but now she has a kid so her need for attention is filled.

Feel sorry for her dog, he was really old and probably didn't get much attention after her kid was born, shitty way to spend your final years

She will never do that.
I remember her saying she didn't want her kid on film ever.

I think she is one of those moms who takes down pics on facebook from family when a they take a picture and it has their kid in it

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