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Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/ImperialGermanFan67

SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/apocallisto

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCusvnZAXhVSoaaYwWUsjknA

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/riflehound

(for the keks)

tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/riflehound


bonus epic survivalist xtremist telegram server:


> left
> cute, fun personality, shy but passionate about her interests
> skittish about sex, claims to hate everything about it
> is kind to animals and people, literal heart of gold that should have been protected
> openly laughed at attention whores and women using their gender to gain sex and money
> wore cross daily as seen in her pics around that time
> slightly buff yet strong athletic build, healthy


> right
> enters college, ditches cross entirely
> does drugs, has sex with multiple people she met on social media and 4chan
> does degrading and degenerate sex acts like it's nothing
> uses people as paypigs, is cruel and heartless to animals and people because of her current bullshit larp, manipulates and lets herself get manipulated by random larp losers
> 50 lb overweight

Hmmm much to unpack here

Her ex probably but let's be real here, who does she send all these pics to? Answer is it could be anybody, you niggas really don't know how many other niggas this one has interacted with and sent shit throughout the years

> tons more rares
Maybe check the previous 16 fucking threads and you'll find just that. Audrey's probably the only girl that has new rares pouring in on every thread. Other chicks like Marky or Ken have the same old pics rotating ad infinitum.

Also idfk how to feel about this photo, I can't decide if she looks good or not here. Her hair looks really nice, silky, even Stacy-like. Her smile is cute and I agree those are prime DSL, yet something is off that I just can't quite put my finger on. 
Is it her apparent smug face or perhaps her chub? It's a weird looking face. I don't know why she'd wear a fucking fleece jacket in the swamps of humid ass Florida either.

What does Audrey sweat smell and taste like? 
What does Audrey breath smell like?
What does Audrey pussy smell and taste like?
What does Audrey feet smell like?
What does Audrey asshole smell and taste like?

> She cheated her way through school
Qrd? I dunno if she cheated her way through school but the circumstances around her education and employment/financial situation are definitely a little sus at the very least

> Why? She's a fat ugly hog.
Your opinion tho, which I don't give a shit about. To me she's the cutest girl, like another guy said in a previous thread, she's eternally cute. Not that I don't care about her past or what she's actually like, I do think it's horrible and she's quite dumb for doing what she does with who she does it with, but she's still the cutest girl to me. And I wanna see more of her every chance I get, those pics are extremely good to me because of their rarity and I want to see more of them. Not that hard to get.

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> fat milkers
I know she wears oversized clothing which is indicative of big tits in self conscious girls but on the other hand she also is chubby without a doubt, and many of her full body pics are inconsistent regarding their size so I just need to know once and for all how big and/or fat her milkers actually ARE reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

All e-girls type the same. I dunno if it's because they're all braindead zoomers, women, american/americanised, or whether it's simply the brainrot caused by endless drugs and sex and attention that makes them not give a shit about seemingly irrelevant shit like typing correctly like normal human beings. They all seem to have a particular hate boner for capitalization, it's crazy how every single e-girl types the exact same.

She's supposed to be a rocket scientist high IQ girlboss engineer yet she doesn't even know how to spell "separable" lmfao
There's other words I've seen her chronically misspell that I won't mention because I want her to keep fucking them up and because she's now gonna start spelling "separable" correctly after seeing this post and feeling stupid

Well she has a literal fetish of being the "experienced" one and that's how she justifies to herself being a loose ho when she's done so much fucking she'd put all the other girls in this board to shame, and this is an actual literal fact

It's been really weird and sad seeing her go from cute fun heart of gold cutie to cruel heartless whore in a relatively short period of time
Reality sucks, it's full of bullshit arcs like hers. Why does God enjoy such cruel jokes.

Feel like shit and break up eventually. Unlike her ex or whatever dude she's with now I can't cope with the thought that she's literally gotten fucked in cars, the woods, did pegging, swallowed cum from who knows what and how many other retards from 4chan or her socials. Imo no pussy is good enough to bear the cuckery.

They have that sort of interaction and mannerisms where you just know he'll permasimp and put up with her bullshit in hopes to tap her ass again even if she's fucking other guys. Isn't he the guy her ex said she'd play vidya every day with even while still together?

She is shit at video games and her taste is terrible. 7dtd is low tier gaming, and let's see what else she plays, city builders (shit and boring), RTS (shit and boring), Stardew (for faggots and girls), and Civ V (boring).

> How can you say she's good at them
Her achievements/hours in them, simple
Can't speak for the art and science stuff but if you wanna see an actual tryhard at games look at marky's videogame record, shit's pathetic

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> Marky
> purity
Holy lmao
Her and Audrey are on the same level of whoreness
Audrey's got her beat on the IQ department
Looks is entirely subjective but nigga you're in Audrey's thread, of course people will be partial to her
Art? Yeah Marky ultra mogs Audrey there, no question

Have you fucking seen Marky's typing? She's even WORSE than Audrey and that's saying something. Spelling aside, at least Audrey studied (tho how commitedly or not I can't really say) a STEM major while Marky can't hold a food prep job for more than 2 weeks.

Audrey is a retard and everyone knows women in STEM is a meme. Get your head out of your ass and stop simping. I doubt Audrey could do a differential equation if you pointed a gun to her head. 
> Cewl can tho.

There's no way anyone who still decided to be with her after learning about her past wouldn't hold it over her head in case she ever tries to act uppity. 

She ever crosses the line or belittles you?
> yeah well at least I didn't peg a guy's ass
> at least I didn't use 4chan as tinder because otherwise i'd get no sex
> at least I didn't lick a guy's asshole
> at least I didn't fuck fat fucks from instagram

Among other crap I don't even know about

> haha yeah darling, I know that you commited some of the most depraved and degenerate sexual acts with several morally and mentally dubious people (incluiding me) from some of the most well known shady cesspools online repeatedly but it's okie haha what's done is done
> what's that? oh yeah I also know about how other people have complimented your lack of gag reflex that's especially handy while giving oral sex and about your anal fixation which you take as a badge of honor haha no biggie lol
> oh yeah I heard that you have several guy friends with which you've been sexually active before and maybe currently too lol don't worry about it who doesn't
> now gimme a smooch

Good take but also dumb because no one she's currently fucking would dare shame her by airing her past to her face. Not because anyone would love her to the point you'd forgive her past but because it'd mean an immediate end to her generosity (free accommodation, food, sex, her family's wealth, and so on).
Expecting her to regret her past is dumb because it means taking accountability and being a decent person and what Audrey hates the most is being confronted with her own self.

She literally looks very cute there unlike her more recent pics. But yeah she's said she did get bullied at school. Even if she's a horrible person now doesn't mean she deserved to be bullied as a kid, no child deserves that.

She has an anal kink, as in she loves to take it up the ass and to finger or fuck a man's ass, not necessarily just an ass eating kink.

And even this anal kink is part of a larger domination/femdom fetish, she gets extremely horny when she feels in control or when she submits to someone and this is why she loves anything anal since fucking or getting fucked in the ass is the single most domintaing/submissive act you can do, even symbolically. She might try to downplay it as just a kink for anal stuff but what I said is entirely true. It's also why she likes to verbally and emotionally abuse others. She has a big rape fetish after all. 

Why do you think she gets off to those drawings she makes all the time of people like soldiers (a symbol of authority and force) in submissive and degrading positions, most times at the hands of a character depicting her?

Idk about her ass eating, but would you even do something as innocent as holding her hand? Knowing her fingers have actually been inside another guy's asshole? 

> inb4 a cuck moralfag falsely equates having put something gross in their mouth in the past with playing with a guy's asshole

I think that makes her look even worse because big part of why she got so wet for the guy was because she thought he was a virgin, so she'd get to play her power imbalance/"experienced vs inexperienced" fetish out
If a guy admitted to have a fetish like that he'd get lynched but she's a girl so it's le cute or something

Huh so she's adding people now? I wonder where from cause she doesn't play that many MMOs or even co op multiplayer games
Could it be related to her 'I don't respond to DMs' bio? Maybe she's active on her gay telegram circles mingling with a certain crowd which she's been adding and some of them have tried DMing her. And maybe she's given them her steam which is why she decided to include that little description. Very strange. Not really "Audrey like". Hm.

> do you think she lead him on and then acted all shocked and appalled when he tried to cop a feel
Yeah it was exactly this. guy was super boastful about her flying out to Colorado to meet up then how they made out and did drugs and booze. I'm pretty sure they fucked so it's funny how she took the tit groping as an excuse to bail

By what I'm reading it seems like I'd have a decent shot at dating and fugging Audrey

> canuck hapa
> edgy chudcel online
> actually pretty chill irl
> into incelcore
> fishing aficionado

Should I shoot my shot?

What possible sexual pleasure can anyone get from giving bitches money with literally NOTHING in return?

Also it's fucking wild to me how Audrey just casually took money like a turbo thot fro  many guys off paypal or kofi or whatever platform and wasn't called out like she should have

Just look at his face, he looks like a cuck. He was too quick to simp and basically sent her whatever she wanted, she could sense his weakness and just drained his wallet. He got to enjoy the pleasure of being findommed by Audrey.

> findommed 
Out of all the fetishes that's probably the most passive one since it involves no physicality whatsoever yet it's the one that I'll never understand. Just why would anyone enjoy getting cucked out of their money for nothing in return, it's not like that money was buying you sex with her or maybe her time like those rent a gf services in Asia and Europe

guy was probably just a naive sucker  who thought it was going somewhere and didn't realize he was being used and cucked. she's an ethot so you know she laid on the bs extra thick e-fellating him and dumping all of her fake sob stories to get what she wants. men should go thru mandatory education on this topic.

Nothing excuses Audrey having used that nigga for financial and material gain
Shit you know, this really pisses me off. She used to be all anti-thot practices just like this. I thought the whole paypig thing was bullshit but ever since I read up on this Helix guy and how he spent a small fortune on her with nothing to show for it just makes me despise her.

Typically girls don't start asking men they're actually attracted to to start sending them money as that might make those guys lose interes in them, hell she even pays for the guys she wants to fuck to move in with her rent free. It's his fault for not getting the hint.

Yeah I get that, but she still had the upper hand and didn't say anything? Didn't feel any remorse whatsoever? She could have just said no and stood up for her so called morals since she was against this kinda crap from other girls and put and end to it. So to drive a guy to despair and maybe worse knowingly is just so damn fucking evil because you are consciously leading others on and making them suffer for YOUR gain.

I remember seeing an old video in one of these threads where Audrey told some random thot off to "buy your own fucking PC" or something along those lines in reply to a story where said e-thot was asking her simps for money to buy a gaming laptop iirc.
Funny how the tables turn but damn. Fucking Audrey man. Disappointing but guess they're all the same eh.

Tbh there is something hot about giving girls money just because you can. It's like you can afford to spare a few bucks just so they can eat that day or pay for whatever shit. It's a power thing and that's hot as hell because the girls know this too and willingly engage in it. God I love giving girls money.

I've only loosely followed the Audrey happenings, mostly because she's just not attractive or interesting. what did Jesus Helix Christ buy for her? did he send her some small gifts he regretted later or was she actually hitting him up to send money or to buy things for her?

> e-girl gossip and drama
i was asking a question about this drama between her and this Helix cat, can you not read dumbass? if you're actually attracted to brown ass eating lesbians talk to your therapist about it instead of lashing out at your betters

I am desperate for any new bit of info that's actually hers. I am really asking you for this. If you'd rather contact me through discord  I'd be willing to also share some things I only have access to. My tag is ubersetz2

> this is my only chance at her. I'm not sharing
LMAOing at this nigga thinking Audrey's not actively reading thru these threads and taking measures as soon as they happen. Expect her to purge her accounts soon thanks to you.

happens with women all the time. they watch other girls do that shit from afar, they criticize but inside they are jealous and bitter because they are too restrained by what others may think of them to do such things themselves. eventually though they dip their toe in the water, the water feels nice so they dive in head first. once they give in to their inner desires and take that first step it's like a snowball effect. perhaps she changed, or could be she was never being honest with herself or others about her beliefs, or they had never truly been tested and collapsed once they were.

fuckkkk fuck fuck just make it stop :(
i've been in denial ever since her ex exposed her a year ago even tho i know i'm just fooling myself butt i'm still clinging on to whatever sign of purity and innocence shes got in her

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If you told the girl in vid related that she'd have done the shit she's done to this day or be who she is today, she'd spit in your face and call you a lying faggot. 

Unfortunately for us all she decided telegram and 4chan hookups were just THE shit and proceeded to fuck herself to the core

she is still the girl in that video. your beliefs or assumptions about who she is were simply wrong. a girl isn't immune to the female condition or a beacon of purity and innocence  just because she can go on about some nerdy autistic topic

> she is still the girl in that video
She's not by any measure. Something did change about her and I think there's a definite set of guilty parties:

> her slut normie sisters
> hapa from Colorado
> college itself
> her ex
> her current cuck
> trauma stemming for her mom's passing and her dad's abuse

Or maybe a combination of them all. If you'd known her back then you'd know she was never the kind of person she is today.

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I don't agree that showing old Audrey what her current self is like would result in her calling you a faggot. Because she'd probably be scared of what she saw and shy away from anything that'd make her become what she is now. 

She recorded this about 5 yeara ago. It really does break my heart and makes me want to beat shit up and punch holes through the wall even listening to this and especially when I see who she is now and know the things she's done. Even right now she's acting all welcoming and innocent and uppity like nothing's happened, with the way she's updated her bios and all. As if she's become something she's not ans I know she'd say she's gotten better or more free or some other incredibly demoralizing cope that's just not true and that she's made up for herself to justify her current self.

Yeah these posts are spot on. There's even been fuckin videos posted here of her and her dad hanging out and laughing out loud having a good time not even mentioning how literally everything Audrey has is thanks to her dad's dime, only for her to conveniently call him abusive as soon as she moves out. If she's willing to shit talk her own father even when she should be kissing the guy's feet you can imagine what else she's exaggerated and lied about.

Audrey didn't change at all, she always had these desires in her and those hookups were a means to express them. How do you expect a non-asexual person to be asexual? Also the more nerdy and autistic a person in the weirder their kinks tend to be so it's to be expected that she's into weird shit.

I agree, but speaking as someone who knew her around the time she made that video it's still sad to see her change in demeanor and discourse after having had a taste of what she was allegedly so against eg. sex drugs and other set of objectively bad behaviours

> I don't believe in God
Feels weird seeing her just bluntly expressing it like that. I guess what others pointed out before with how she no longer wears her cross unlike her older pics really did mean something. She does sound troubled.

It's niggas like you the reason girls like Audrey exist because they know there will always be some cuck cucked enough to take her as she is

She wasn't thinking about you and how you think she's the greatest ever when she was busy getting railed by some random faggot she met on telegram or when she was fucking some guy's asshole, get it through your thick fucking head

> I feel horrible for ever hurting anyone 
No, you don't. Otherwise you wouldn't have hurt me. Especially the way you did.

> will never allow myself to slip back into such a state again
Easy to say after the fact, isn't it? Easy to say as you cling on to the hoping cope that at least you won't do it again but the damage is already done and no retribution will be had for the hurt and pain you already caused. Stop playing the reformed soul. You hurt many and you acting as if you are now a better version of yourself won't redeem you or even less so lessen the pain you knowingly caused.

> begging
Does anyone else find it real strange, fucked up maybe, how she has to "beg" him for stuff and also how she has to ask him to "let" her do or have things (check her Bared Fangs group when she mentions wanting to have rabbits but couldn't bc he wouldn't let her)? What sort of behavior is that? I thought she liked being dominant yet she's showing to actually be more fond of acting submissive and it's especially fucked up because if what I read is right the guy is several years younger than her? What sort of mental illness and what do you make of it?

To me it's how she manifests both her mommy and daddy issues, oddly enough. We see how she behaves and how tough and independent she tries to carry herself and she's said a lot of the way she acts and even dresses herself reflect her father's influence and she's expressed as much. So she tries to be this edgy and tough girl but at the same time she says that pleasing people makes her not miserable so she tries to overcompensate the lack of motherly love she didn't get to receive since her mom passed away at a crucial time in her life by doing the stuff that's already been mentioned here, giving whoever she's with maybe a bit too much in terms of housing, sex, and stuff that's a bit unnatural since it's not normal at all to be this "giving" from the get-go. Hell, even her ex talked a lot about how she was willing to house him, have sex with him, pay for everything and do anything shortly after meeting, which she ended up doing. 

So the point is that she feels the need to dote and care for someone, but without giving up her tomboyish aura of a strong independent woman. And the best target for this situation would be the people she usually ends up with, typically lonely but edgy and naive guys, and yeah, also younger than herself since that'd allow her to be a sort of motherly figure while retaining some sort of authority in terms of being older and having more life, sexual and academic experience. This also mixes in with whatever power imbalance fetish she has going on.

I'd go on a bit more since I'm a bit of an armchair psychologist who just loves to understand the human mind and the psyche but I feel I'm getting carried away but yeah I guess that's the gist of it. I've been following her for a while and she fascinates me more than anyone else here, I think a lot of her life events have shaped up her current and past actions and it's always fun to analyze what's going on.

There is no such thing as a dominant woman, at least not towards men. Even bisexual women typically only see men as the dominant ones but might be more willing to dominate girls and in turn it might show up more toward guys too (like in Audrey's case) but almost all women including bisexual women perceive weak and submissive men as gross and offputting.

That would actually explain why even tho she was willing to (I quote her ex's words) let him rail her, she started to lose interest in him and began to become emotionally distant and even abusive once the guy 1- bawled his eyes out in front of her at the death of his brother 
and number 2 especially, once she pegged his ass, aka the single most submissive act a guy can do for a woman

Peak woman behavior so I can't really blame her but damn, the fact that she took advantage of him and other submissive guys for her own benefit is a piece of shit move

> almost all women including bisexual women perceive weak and submissive men as gross and offputting.
Why does she pick weak, younger and submissive guys all the time tho? A quick glance at her dating/sexual history and nearly all of em share the same traits

The guy who took her virginity wasn't weak or submissive, but allegedly he raped her or something based off what I read. So after that she most likely wanted to not be with any man that could empower her. I've still never heard of a woman that dated a man that was totally submissive with her, even women that are into femboys want them to be dominant.

Yeah I agree, but if that's the case how come she wants to be dominated by the lanky ass chud-like younger guys she goes for? Makes no sense
Also keking right now at remembering she allegedly let this telegram guy snoop through her phone for weeks, more like handed it over because she freaked out she got exposed. The fuck was that about, that's some weak pathetic shit the old her would have never allowed anyone to do

Well, as a poster mentioned earlier today and given what we do know based on her exes accounts and her own actions, she does appear to lose respect and when shown emotional vulnerability. It's one thing to establish common ground and bond over shared trauma but it's an entirely different thing to actually behave emotionally vulnerable in her presence (crying, not in control of your emotions, hurt). She might subconsciously relate these acts to those of an emotionally weak person, which is directly related to her own trauma, equating them to being as weak as she was when she was the one getting bullied and abused, a version of herself that she hates, thus feeling repulsed by the people opening up to her in this manner. 

Trauma is a very complex thing. It changes the brain in so many ways that doesn't always make sense, and the things that you might think scarred you could be the exact same things you subconsciously look for in others. She has publicly called out her father for being manipulative and neurotic, abusive and heartless. Yet her own actions show she's not that different in many aspects, and probably more revealing, you can find many of those same traits in the people she's had an emotional and sexual history with.

None of those women want to date submissive men long term though, they don't want a man that is completely dependent on them, that they have to provide for and stand up for him while he's totally useless. The idea of domming a man can be hot during sex but a sub male 24/7 isn't attractive to any woman.

Nta but Audrey's ex didn't sound completely dependent on her at all, guy mentioned he worked and took care of shit here and there and had his own hobbies. The thing is Audrey's pussy completely dried up like the Sahara the minute he cried in front of her and probably after pegging him too even though she likes anal stuff sop maybe she derived some pleasure off playing with his asshole but still.

> they don't want a man that is completely dependent on them
Explain Audrey then. Being with her means being set in terms of housing, funding, feeding, fucking and sucking. Kind of like a sugar daddy. So it seems she WANTS to have people dependent on her.

> fangirl side
Bruh that's not even being a fangirl. Someone also linked some faggot smut she either wrote or shared in another thread. She's obviously turned on by homosexual men. Maybe that's why she has no qualms about playing with men's assholes and I'm not even memeing.

I mean stuff like this is answered almost in every thread but in a nutshell:
> known as a nice, shy, sweet girl with cool interests  
> kept that image for years
> outed as a major sexually degenerate and abusive by ex
> this includes pegging, having public sex in cars, ass fingering, alleged ass licking, rape fetishes, piss fetish
> drugs and booze abuse, casual sex with internet friends from florida and elsewhere
> she did that and more with other people before and after him
> more evidence piled up 
> feigns friendliness and being approachable
> treats people like shit after a while
> chronic mental illnesses that include bpd, depression and narcissism
> still links up with random people off telegram and other social media  
> collected paypigs and brown nosers for her own benefit
> goes through personalities and interests like a roulette
> posts stuff like this  >>/94468/  >>/94484/ in order to appear profound and spiritually grounded, but is still a horrible person underneath

there's a bunch more but too lazy to greentext but that's mainly the thick of it

Honestly that's quite a lot of character development, certainly more interesting than being a shy sweet girl forever. Although I admit I'm not into the fact she fingers and licks ass but it's better than being a boring dork forever.

> it's better than being a boring dork forever
That's exactly why she was well liked tho. If she's found happiness in telegram hookups, anal fingering and larping among the other stuff she's into now then that's incredibly depressing

If she remained a boring dork forever she'd probably come to regret all the missed experiences and never overcoming her shyness. She was shy cause she was bullied at school and had low self esteem, then posted herself online and got positive attention and guys who were interested in her, the confidence boost she got from this is what drove her to become to experimental and do all the shit she never had the opportunity to do.

So you're saying her having abused people, done drugs and hooking up with 4chan insta and telegram kids and becoming a used up town bicycle is a good thing because at least she's not a "boring dork" anymore? Are those the oh so intriguing life experiences she would have regretted missing out on so much?

What drove her to become experimental was moving out for college. Notice how as soon as she left home pretty much all of her dirt started to gather. Day and night difference. Not saying everyone should stay at home and not live life but damn there's a difference between experiencing different things and taking advantage of the fact that your folks or family aint around to whore it out and become a piece of shit.

If it's Audrey then it's hella funny hpw she tries to own the guy by making baby dick jokes. Not like the guy didn't get his dick sucked and got to cum inside Audrey's every hole millions of times tho, eh Audrey?

> Everything is LARP
Lol funny how everything is a larp when it doesn't show you in a good light, Audrey
I suppose you DMing people and doing things with them and vice versa was also a LARP, huh
It's incredible how hypocritical you are and how much of a truly horrendous person you've become

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How did she ever cope with this btw? 
Like what excuse did she give to doing this? Or did she just own up to it?

And if she did own up to it then how the fuck are people still wanting to get with her? Imagine doing something as innocent as holding her hand and seeing the same fingers that were deep inside some other man's asshole, probably smeared in shit when she pulled them out. How the fuck could you take that u less you're a first rate cuck

I mean this in all seriousness, could somebody answer this?

Audrey, on behalf of all anons here, we demand that you apologize for tossing all those poor men's salads. Only then can we go back to orbitting, until then we are on strike, bitch

I see a lot of hate for Audrey. What did she do to warrant it? 

I'm well aware of her history with guys and the things she's done but I'm just curious as to what she's done to you anons specifically

That's because left is authentic, she was younger thus unspoiled by her experiences and herself, it's frank and innocent. It's simply a broad description of herself to whoever stumbled upon her little corner of the internet where she could share her likes and interests.

Right is a conscious advertisement of her own scripted and prepackaged current self, thus completely soulless. Like a laundry list of things that would allow her to be liked by others she reached out to,  not anyone who may have stumbled upon her profile. She gives a dishonest sense of approachability from the get go, sounding almost threatning (IF i added you.....) plus her list of interests that just falls flat given that it's Steam and her forced gratefulness at having grasped your attention for reading her brief bio. 

That's it in a nutshell. It's gonna be a bit more obvious to anyone that's known her for a while.

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NTA but I want to marry Audrey. 
For always hugging her and kissing her on the mouth even if she doesn't want to. I could contemplate her perfect beauty all I wanted, we would be inseparable and probably the strongest connection of all

Dude, a convent isn't about rehab a release, bitch would be there for the rest of her life. So who cares if it makes her worse, being around only nuns and no dudeass to play with would be punishment enough for her

I understand animal lovers, and I'm not going to argue that you're wrong, but from my perspective animals are absolutely evil from any kind of human morality standpoint. Your average cat will eviscerate and eat something alive, doesn't mean I cause them undue suffering if I have to put one down, but still.

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