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Hi, hello, yes, It's me. The villain of the story.
We talked, and let me just clarify some things for those of you invested in this little saga.

No, we weren't dating. I'd rather not go into too much detail but we did form a pretty deep friendship pretty quickly, I think we were both uncomfortable with some things and like I said in the thread, I didn't like the way we were treating each other and left.

I spoke somewhat out of turn on the matter of her having a boyfriend, she didn't want us to be too public because she didn't want you wonderful "people" to get the wrong impression that just because we were close that it meant we were particularly romantic or that she'd bail on you. For whatever reason she seems to care about you idiots. I don't get it but that's really none of my business. She said she is the internets practice girlfriend and well, that's her choice and I respect it enough. I'm really not trying to get in the way of what she wants to do.

I can't say with the utmost certainty she has BPD, some of her behavior is incredibly BPD adjacent, it's very obvious that she's been in a bad headspace as of late, likely not helped by me. I do have BPD, though it's perhaps surprisingly well managed. I'm not particularly qualified to make such claims, I just calls it like I sees it.

I did throw some shade her way as she deliberately took me out of context and accused me of something she knew I didn't do. I don't feel the need to clarify any more than that. If you chose to simp for a woman on the internet it is my opinion that you are a lesser man, and if you choose to simp for Cewl, than you are still a lesser man in my eyes. I think she has her issues, but is a fairly worthwhile person. What you chose to believe was me exaggerating or lying to make her look bad, or what was me genuinely trying to explain where I was coming from is up to you.

I will leave things at, we did talk in private, we made up, and perhaps we chose to remain friends with an attempt at better respecting each others boundaries, perhaps we chose to end things on the bitter-sweet note that we are just in two very different places in life and despite our similarities and compassion for one another we understood that a continued friendship would be detrimental. If you guys care about Cewl as much as you claim than idk, maybe respect her choices and quit prying into her business like she's your property, if she's your practice gf than let me just say this: You do that shit to a real gf and she'll leave your ass in fucking heartbeat. There's a real dating lesson for ya.

I never meant any harm, and I'm sorry for any confusion our little tiff may have caused. Cewl, when you see this, I'd just like to say thanks again, You stressed me the fuck out, but I guess it was nice to have someone to talk to about some of the shit I've just been holding inside, I really didn't want to open up about it to you, but I feel weirdly better now that I did.
This wasn't the first time it happened, and it's only going to get worse for her. Someone had tried to warn us, as she tends to keep multiple relationships—whether friends or otherwise—a secret. Eventually, when the time comes, she either introduces us to the person or doesn't, and we're left to accept it like obedient dogs.
> She doesn't tell the people who obsess over her ever last detail of her personal life and instead keeps some of it private
Considering how many nudes she shares publicly and the fact there is a video of her pissing on this thread shows how poor her boundaries are.
They fact is she actually liked me because I'm not a fucking yesman like the rest of her little e-harem. I actually have some depth beyond "oh I can't get a girlfriend and my life is hard even though I still live at home with mommy and daddy oh poor me" I don't doubt that I'm not the first or last guy to come into her life that she'll try to form a deeper connection with and feel the need to keep hidden from her stalkerish "boyfriends".
The fact of the matter is I'm not actually that bad, if anything I set her straight, you guys are absolutely horrible for her. You enable her self destructive mindset, you even encourage it. If she actually loved herself she'd cut you all off in a heartbeat. Don't be mad that when someone comes along that actually has the ability to understand her and get inside her head a little and she wants to explore something a little deeper than whatever the hell this is.

People are saying I'm a piece of shit for taking advantage of a drugged out chick but fail to realize they're doing the EXACT SAME THING. Also, no, she wasn't high off her ass the entire time.
Don't worry, she's pretty broken and I can't see her getting away from you guys any time soon. She is the internets girlfriend, and she's better than you lot deserve. take what you can get and stop thinking you deserve more from her.
I dunno man... Compared to the guys that are in love with her for no other reason than she gives superficial niceties and nude pictures and the guys that want to beat her down because she's weak I don't really think I was that bad.

Why don't you find something more productive to do with your pathetic life than beat strangers down over the internet? You could get a hobby like hiking or board games or eating a bullet.
yea but rotten mango is really different you should check it out her and fiance are so kyuute i love them and they now have a new podcast called moral of the story i watch her main channel sometimes because i dont watch mukbangs anymore
and its not goyslop.. its asianslop if anything..
> She is the internets girlfriend
Not really she is fat angelgard dumb as bricks subhuman tier and really mean, people only orbit her because she replies to people but when we get a tasty new e-girl cewl will be forgotten. I would say cewl is a lolcow more than an e-girl
You are not miku you are just an evil turkish drug addict hoe that manipulates innocent men online and to be frank you deserve way more hate than anons give you. Whatever illusion the coomers gave you that ur some sort of sex godddess is going to get broken into pieces when the future queen of agatha2 pops in and you realize "shit im replaced". What you did to this boy  >>/94902/ was fucked up and shall not be forgiven so soon
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eeerm im not turkish and do you even do skincare? 
also what i did was fucked up because what he did was fucked up. incels be like when woman fuck up male has to be right guys. holy shit. why this pent up anger my dude? he was the one to start bullying me on my stream and you wouldnt know ANY of this because guess what you werent there
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hey anon what skin products do u use?
today i used albutrin+ hyaluronic acid for color correction/skin brightening, niacinamide +zinc pca for pore tightening and caffeine+ vitamin c for my undereyes after an oil cleanser and my everyday face wash !!! please take care of your skin!!!!
she did nothing really, and the guy really is a bitch who thought was special
pick me mommy, pick me!!!
fucking beta white knight, trying to save someone who didn't ask to be saved and is now mad BOO HOO
> simps bad

lol you're the biggest cewl simp I've ever seen. I've used cewl before like the fleshlight she is and she loved it, and that's all she wants. I didn't do any damage to her, and I came. Fuck you, trying to act superior.
how would i be gaslighiting him when i havent talked about him and he infiltrates whatever thread i make? he always comes where i am to shit on me even though he bullied me and took advantage of me while i wasnt capable of even thinking as some of you saw on the stream. youre just saynig that because you want men to be right all the time.
the e rape thing was obviously a joke. fuck you, i can joke about things even though its a bad thing that happened to me.
i do want male attention but this atteniton started and continued with just bullying after he got what he wanted from me. this guy is no good and you know it.
hey cewl do you ever notice how whenever a pic of you is posted no one ever jumps in to say how pretty/beautiful you are? do you notice how other e-girls like ciara/marky/audrey/bianca/agatha/rose all get this but you don't? you only have a thread here because of selfposting + nudes and you only orbiters because you reciprocate the attention and that makes lonely men obsessive quick.
You are a dumb crackwhore and you gaslit some retard into loving you by exploiting his insecurities and now that it backfired you're painting him as a monster. What the actual fuck is wrong with you?
That guy clearly loves you and you hurt him but you're sitting there acting like he's the manipulative one because your simps might get butthurt you have a simp that you cared about slightly more than then them?
Fuck off you toxic cunt. There is nothing good about you and I really hope that cyanide cuck realizes what a worthless waste of time you are and stops wasting his time on drug addicts.
and how many of these girls post here or give a fuck about this place or imageboards in general? one is presumably dead and the others no one really cares because you all are being ghosted by them, meanwhile cewl is here replying not getting disgusted by you wackos ;D

hi cyanide!!
yes i do, but i like to post for those who care. i dont care how many of people actually like me. i care that there are people that like me and want to see me, and im happy to deliver. please dont be mean like that.
none of that happened, im not a crackwhore, hes the one that made me do stuff when i wasnt in a position to say no, i never started talking about him, he always joined my threads still continuing to bully me. there is no gaslighting, everything is very clear. you just want men to be rightt all the time.
theres something clearly wrong with all of us but thats not the point.
theres no way he lvoed me because there is already someone he "loves"
he made this thread as a sorry but never mentions any sorry, he just always tries to make it seem like he was the one to do nothing wrong. how can even someone love someone with all this bullying? dont be stupid. he just wants to punch down to get some power fantasy out of it while saying things that are "romantic" so that it doesnt seem that way. if anything is gaslighting, this is.
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guys just please drop this. i would post pms but i still have respect for him. and for you cyanidical, if you continue this, i will leak the pms. and yes this is a threat because what you are doing makes people join you and it just makes me want to hurt myself. i dont think you want that because in our pms you said picrel.
why do you say picrel when this is still what youre doing after i explicitly told everyone including you in private to stop? just stop it. i dont deserve this just because i did something to entertain you that i dont even remember because you made me and just interacted me everywhere even though you blocked me privately. fuck youfuck you fuck you you could be my friend but youre choosing to do this you truly do have bpd and i hate that you choose to bully me
> ?and how many of these girls post here or give a fuck about this place or imageboards in general?
that's not a good thing for cewl tho, those girls don't need to be posting themselves on an incel board to get attention. cewl needs to force herself here because she's lower value than those girls.
> yes i do, but i like to post for those who care.
you have people who like you on your discord and twitter, you need to force yourself here so you can feel relevant. if you actually liked your "friends" you'd be talking to them on your disc server instead of dragging them here whenever your thread stops getting bumps.
> guys just please drop this. i would post pms but i still have respect for him. and for you cyanidical, if you continue this, i will leak the pms.
> demonizes him and denies everything
> leaks his dms
> shows his cringy teenage angst story he wrote for you
> i respect him
you keep making yourself look worse with every post you make lmao
she doesn't need to be doing this on an orbiting board tho. she can go on discord and if she has orbiters they'll repost or come here to discuss her. it's just the same 2 guys that are nice to her anyway she can easily interact with them on discord.
> if you dont like it, get lost, i guess?

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