/agatha2/ - E-Girl Purgatory

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Her eyes and irses aren't actually big. She's wearing circle lenses like all the other identical looking azn women do. Plus she's drawing "aegyo sal" shadows under her eyes to make them look bulging. In reality she has tiny eyes. It's also become a popular thing with white egirls. Once you have it pointed out to you, you can't unsee it.

she said she needs a blood transfusion right? sorry i couldnt watch the entire video. is she anemic or something. always something wrong with this cute little asian. makes me sad.

Ito some smoooth anon is talking about you in a thread titled "vamp" says he wants to impale you like Vlad III and work you like a mechanical bull. Better go tell him you're not ready.

Man I don't think I can BBC post here. This girl looks too innocent for that. Wholesome. Like Agatha. Plus, she's dying of cancer so I can't in good conscience make jokes about slipping my nigger cock deep inside her tight Asian pussy.

i hate when chinks paint new faces on with makeup and give themselves white noses and white eyes wtf shes even wearing colored contacts to make her eye bigger. imagine waking up next to her without makeup and seeing a different woman who looks like every other azn

sory to be mean but she seems like such a downer all the time, lol. i can understand why her roommate doesnt like her. I wouldnt want to be around a spoiled whiney depressed girl who is always bringing the mood down. im depressed too, like i get it, life can suck, but nigga stop acting like a wounded deer 24/7

anons, a new term for these girls has emerged. ito is known as a "comgirl"

comgirls are a subtype of egirls

here's a pinterest link that gives you a general idea of what they look like

Also she's JIRAI KEI, like  >>/114927/ said. Look it up, its a japanese aeshtetic known for BPD girls who want victim points. She even draws her eyebrows on to look sad like they do, uses the same contacts, same makeup, same woe is me act.

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