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She was beautiful and had a very elegant body shape but I personally think kennedi dresses better than bianca did it's more classy while bianca clothes look like fast fashion tumblr ones. I am not hating it's cute but seems basic?

she was so pretty why didn't marc become a good boyfriend and married her when she finished university? ok I know she died because brandon killed her but she dated marc before fucking around with brandon... maybe if marc was a decent man he could have saved bianca and she would be happy and alive today

does anybody have her twitter?

i know her tumblr is cups
and her 4 instagram accounts are escty, beegtfo, oxiecontin and that one private one.
her tiktok is escty but its private.

i also have her spotify 

also does she have any other accounts?

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im sorry but when i watched that interview that brandon did and he first showed up i couldn’t stop laughing holy shit i wasn’t expecting him to be fully bald by now i honestly dont know what bianca saw in this balding manlet fag

i had a dream about bianca where i used a dream hack to time travel and i was young like under 12 and she was like 13/14 and we were in some sort of resort and she asked me to help her bleach her hair without her mom’s permission

Wow, Brandon sending a letter to the interviewer trying to tarnish Bianca's reputation and make himself look better somehow is so outrageous. We'll always love Bianca, Brandon and degenerate men will never sour her name!

 >>/95449/ Yeah he could have been over exaggerating some things in those letters but there’s probably alot of truth to what he said about her. Not tryna say she deserved it or anything but i feel like everything was way too detailed for him to be lying

I’ve always wondered if she was conscious after he slit her throat or was it an instant death by looking at the wound its hard to tell, either way sounds like a horrible way to go getting beheaded by some pathetic balding loser that got cucked

it's unfortunate what happened to her. she probably felt very powerful playing the role of egirl, leading people along. she was unlucky in meeting one incel who decided he had nothing to lose. with the types of mentally ill men these girls mess around with i'm surprised this is an isolated incident.

>  with the types of mentally ill men these girls mess around with
I think everyone in this equation was mentally ill. One BPD incel deleting a BPD e-girl and then getting thrown in jail. Although to be fair to Bianca she probably was more teen angst than BPD and would have probably grown out of it eventually.

i agree with this she definitely had issues but i think alot of it was just her being in her cringy teenage edgy phase. Seemed like this manchild didn’t grow up and was still in this same phase probably why he took her seriously and murdered her

She tried connecting with people through /soc/ and /r9k, for hook ups, orbiters, friends, etc., and she eventually ran into Marc. He was very possessive and would try to keep other guys from dating her despite her preference for dating many at once. After they met a few times and made sexual content of themselves, he’d go on to humiliate her publicly for cheating in Sheep Village on different occasions. First by exposing logs of her and then by leaking their sex vids. He’d also get on her accounts as well and impersonate her, trying to give her a bad reputation and ward off guys he didn’t like.

One time Bianca ran away to be with him, her mom got the police involved, and they were about to press charges against Marc, but Bianca backed out from Marc threatening suicide (something he does quite often). So not much happened to him due to her not cooperating. They kept contact and seemed to have an on and off relationship up until the point of her death. She was supposed to originally meet Marc instead of the other guy that cucked Brandon. In my opinion if he had went to the concert he would’ve ended up getting manipulated into fighting over her  unlike Brandon.

She would have lost consciousness in a few seconds due to the sudden, immense drop in blood pressure - especially since he quote "sawed" into her throat (made multiple slices) and partially decapitated her. It would be an extreme burning sensation and tasting/choking on your own blood, but as soon as the carotid artery is cut, you'll pass out quickly and won't feel much past that point.  I doubt she would have had time to really think anything before she was gone. Her body probably kept attempting to breathe in oxygen for a few seconds (he apparently grabbed his phone to record her last breaths) and then she would have been dead.

i swear theres like no more rares in existence now besides her private tiktok.


also, i highly doubt her father is still active on his instagram. atleast the one that kim follows.

im julia!! guess what! i do not cater to pudgy pedrophiles thank you very much, so you guys are shit out of luck when it comes to “rare bianca photos” touch grass and stop obsessing over a dead child

brother you think i got it from this thread? no?  lol i run a memorial account strictly for her friends and family and stop people from bashing a kids name who cannot defend herself. read that again. *MEMORIAL*. the other memorial accounts like to share images and videos but lately we have not because they end up here so respectfully fuck off. and dont even try and blow off the pedro claims bc  yall photoshop this girl naked and drag her baby siblings into ur weird fantasies

> 96962

but posting the images of her and her little siblings (youngest one is SEVEN YEARS OLD) is directly catering to pedrophiles. I dont care how you see it or if you arent one of the bad ones. there are bad ones. if you have one shred of humanity you would realize that this whole situation is fucked and blown way out of proportion and has gone way too far. Bianca's family did NOT ask to live like this. anyways this will be my last reply bc this website is fucking yucky and i already got banned on my phone until 2029 lmao

I know that, but you can't officially make a blanket statement like that in an infographic or set of rules, especially in case some idiot misidentifies agonal breathing for someone who is breathing with distress but could be saved. Always make your rules with the dumbest people in mind.

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