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I got most of that. I love first world drama. Just don't see how someone like Donut would be an egirl. Maybe I have a different understanding of what it means. I doubt Donut could even beat Super Mario 64. You can't be an ethot gagging on dick AND working at a donut shop.
I don't think I can explain it properly but a Donut definitely isn't one. I never really thought about this. Seems like being an egirl is the new aspiration like being an "influencer" was.
Cewl I remember it as dreamcast was going after 64. I wanted one so bad. I had Nintendo, snes, Genesis (the one with the bit switch), gamegear, 64, short stint on pc, xbox, then mobile till now. Most memorable games zelda (golden cartridge), mega man, hated sonic, loved tails, super metroid before came out as a chick, and perfect dark. Still think I played perfect dark more than any other game ever.
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> zelda (golden cartridge)
classic zelda :D was it on gamecube or n64? what is your favorite zelda game? im asking because it is my favorite franchise.
> did you pimp a turk?
lolwut? no. i have had turk friends from doing drugs etc. didnt get to make friends in campus really.
> Why do you read this?
good question. some sort of self sabotage, because people are generally mean, and some sort of longing for friendship. i want to talk to people. i also love attention, and erotic attention at that. but this fucked with my brain after doing it too much, so i try not to share new nudes. i also have a discord server where i share new pics, and talk to people n stuffs.
ask any questions you like, im sure you hhave a lot since youre new to all this
Personality? Perhaps it has a skeptical kind of expression. Like
> are you kidding me?!
If you wish you can check the thread I linked above to get an idea what are getting posted there (start at the end of the thread, many images are missing from the front). They are rather "playful" I think.
Cewl I just skimmed through and got the impression that you were accused of being with some guy, sort of admitted meeting him, he got you a pc, maybe there was a pic of you with his nut on your eyes/mouth. I don't think I'm mixing up profiles. Got over drugs, I'm guessing pills or something hard like H. And Zelda for Nintendo lol I was always years behind on consoles. I played up to ocarina of time on 64 but lost in on the lore afterwards. I'll still mainly pick Link when my brothers get me to play Smash Bros when I see them. Don't self sabotage. Now you remind me of this girl I was with. I wasn't serious and didn't care about her chatting where we met, underanime I think it was, and it fucked her up. Not that I turned out stellar.
i got my pc from my parents.
there is not a pic with someone elses nut on me, i wish
yeah i get accused of being a guy on the regular idk why probably because of my interests.
> rest
aww yeah :D thats so cool. i hope youre playing smash with friends etc. :D
hes just normie, be nice
I'm not getting egirl vibes from any of the threads. Some are good thirst traps until they dialog. Maybe 1 or 2 are half ass in a game using cheat bots. cewl may be the only one I can see has some interest in a few games. I think it's mostly chick rivalry with insecure guys cheerleading.
I never heard of someone shooting up ketamine. This girl can't be from the west coast. Please confirm she's from Russia, balkans, or something like that where people get high off ketamine.
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I dont think its a healthy environment to make friends. It's unequal, with simps and haters orbiting you and begging for crumbs of attention (positive or negative). Maybe you enjoy it, since you get a bit of attention from lots of people. But i think you'd be healthier if instead of coming here, you spent that time with long-term friends, where you invest in the relationship and each person has the other's undivided attention. Becuase here, once you close the site, you're left with nothing to show for it.
not Cewl, but real life friends are annoying, boring, and you can't insult them or be honest with them. what's the point? even having an anon calling you a nigger and asking you to commit suicide is more satisfying
That's sensible but this is the internet. She turns to these forums because feels more interest in getting gagged out by this dick than than hearing what normal humans think and feel. Plus she using drugs. You can begin to reason but every time you fold and shoot up, all progress is reset. Show us your butt hole cewl 98125 you too
How often these discount ethots come on here? I may be able to come on daily for a few days to give some of them a little of the mistreatment they so desire. Just trying to do my part.

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