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Who managed to turn the postwar cesspit failed state of Weimar into one of the leading industrial superpowers in the world, only to throw it away by declaring war on EVERY OTHER SUPERPOWER and then micromanaging his generals into a crushing defeat and purge of Germany's finest Aryan stock?


shes lived in the usa her whole life
entirely white

if you guys want to know some shit about this girl look at @prettysealgirlcatfish on instagram 

she's definitely larping but i mean her entire account is her larping so

she’s going on in a telegram channel about how the person posting “photos edited to make her fat” on this thread is some ugly e-girl. seems to be just as bad as her if she’s making threads on here for other girls.

after you posted this she started schizo posting in her tele server about how she "hates bitches who copy" and shit like that..

when she literally larps as a whole other girl. I have a feeling shes seen this and it's probably true.

> calling herself a cute pure egirl 
This alone confirms this thread is 99% selfposting, as if it wasn’t already obvious. Every girl outside or the ones from years ago just selfposts and samefags and trashes other egirls while pretending to be a dude.

for the last time this isn't self posting as op, people were begging for this bitch to get a thread. as a girl myself,  i personally don't like her thats why i gave yall all the shit on her. OKAY ANYWAYS

Thanks but now I'm thoroughly turned off. I get that they use camera tricks, especially angles, and makeup/filters but this chick is plain photoshopping to hell and back. To go between attractive and disgusting so easily is more disturbing than cutting. The most interesting thing about her now is seeing how much she can bleed before fainting. At least she looks egirl.

It can easily be done. The skinny girl trying to lose weight thing is just something I can't process. The thin cat girl with thicc booty is worth simping over. This full ribcage, pelvis display warrants emergency intervention. I say the cat booty is shopped.

they’re very obvious edits and wears corsets too for sure to make herself artificially thinner temporarily. look at her candids to compare, she has a normal bmi. bitches are crafty. google an 18 inch waist, it’s not naturally possible. she’s relying on the twitter coomer teenager demographic who’s stupid enough to eat this slop up just like empath chan does.  they don’t understand that being liked by us requires minimal makeup, mousy faces, and at least pretending to be modest. they hear that this place is about egirls and they think it means tiktok thot copy paste faces and edgy personalities. the most beloved girl here is agatha, the namesake of the board ffs. the whores are for laughing at and trolling

pretty disgusting between the cutting scars, emaciated look and ridiculous filters.

i don't get the filters. you know you don't look like that, we know you don't look like that. stop the cap nigga

she calls people who use endchan and 4chan slobs but she sits on here looking at other girls and feeding off of the people who give her good attention.
she also tells girls younger than her to get a job while she sits on her ass calling herself a neet and a hikikomori. (i genuinely wonder if she has gone homeschooled since people in her school found out about everything and shes been confronted.) (she needs to be confronted again) 
if anybody has any rare un edited photos or clips of her please post them..
it's crazy this bitch still larps not editing when theres sm proof. and i see no point, shes naturally pretty and had it going for her. the editing and ed shit is SO unattractive. its one thing to have an ed but to romanticize it and be proana is gross. genuinely why do girls think looking like eugenia cooney is attractive to anyone? the only thing attractive is their kidneys failing atp. 
also the editing is so inconsistent i wonder how much longer shes gonna keep this up.

to add-
liam is a guy shes e dating. supposedly older than her. i can probably find some screenshots about them, but they are super on and off and sydney goes batshit crazy when he leaves her.

also i think sydney along with the bianca fanpages would come for my throat if i gave out my main socials lmfao. maybe if u add my discord and ask ill give my mains.. but i srsly dont even hoe around

This is exactly like high school drama with the scene girls. In that light, Sydney reminds me of this skinny scene girl that sat on my lap so I could teach her how to drive. She was cute but not as skinny as Sydney. Feeling her bones was nauseating. I did end up fucking but it took a long time and alot of imagination for me to nut. She tried to please but every date was a challenge.  

Sucks you can't just share you here but we know the game. I'll go look for this Bianca to... even the playing field.

-face 7.5/10
-body ???/10
-personality 2/10
overall 4.75/10

-face 5/10
-body ???/10
-personality 2/10
overall 3.5/10

Couldn't rate the bodies because I'm not attracted to either of them at all

Donut doesn't have a cuter face than Sidney. I'll capitulate down to equal. For body Sidney wins because skinny over fat and she does at least have some bump where the ass goes. And looks like Sidney has B tits through most edits. With Donut it's all fat. The little ass is pure misshaped blubber. Lol the anorexic ass is thiccer.

She ain't got no job. I know these chicks. They be having all the message boards about them opened in different windows in one browser. All their ops' in another browser. They'll do anything for any phone capable of running this.

just scroll up. she's been obviously self-posting in this thread and in my thread ever since i joined her telegram and posted her unedited pics. she had a temper tantrum and banned me after i posted that one picture from the start of her sophomore year that she couldn't say was edited because it's from her family's facebook.

You don't get it she HAS to harass younger and more attractive girls or else she will die! She has a severe illness called attentionwhoreitis and if she doesn't bully minors her tiny black heart will explode!

I genuinely wonder how this girls family feels about her. Especially when she has an obvious ed if she truly doesn't edit her body checks.. and the self harm and throat slitting?? like do you genuinely not give a fuck about your kid anymore at that point... how can one not give a fuck sooo much like that.. so many questions..

i mean her mom got fired from her teaching job because of her and.. still doesn't seem to give a shit about her kid? yeah her mom worked at the same school she went to. thats why people say contacting them does nothing. because they already fired her mom. im sure shes homeschool now anyways. she doesn't seem to have absolutely any irl friends... 

why would somebody wanna live like this

> some people just dont want help
insane as a mother you would be perfectly okay with your kids actions especially after knowing them

shes been sent stuff about sydney for ages and has even said herself she doesn't give a shit 

pretty shocking weirdo shit

I think a lot of the stuff about her is overplayed or just not true. the self harm and ed shit she may just not realize how damaging it is I’m pretty sure she has bpd or some other personality disorder and self destructive behaviors come along with it. just needs help if possible and not everyone can 247 monitor their kids

She's probably just gonna get kicked out the day she turns 18 and 
1) end up in a trap house getting passed around 24/7 
2) end up in some "bf" s house that'll pimp her out to acquaintances after 2 weeks.
If she's smart and independent she'll setup shop in a uhaul unit and start hustling content. But that'd require motivation, planning, and wits so yeah. Another tragic story.

I'm not one to speculate but with white families it's way more likely to get kicked out of the house at any age. I'll speculate that brown runs in that family. With brown families it's difficult, almost impossible, to get kicked out. Only the worst hoeing can put you on the "out of here soon as you turn 18" list. Even then you can kiss mom's ass for passes or just get pregnant. Pregnancy absolves you of all your sins. Consider that, Sidney ;)

That mom won't kick you out if you're pregnant. No mom with any degree of brown in her will kick out her grandchild. During pregnancy and first 2-3 years you're immune to getting kick out. I feel I have to specify it's about getting kicked out of the house.

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