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With Delusional Johnson there's no point in arguing about editing pics. I thought she wasn't poor. Her bedroom looks musty. All her linen looks like Goodwill rejected items. Her panties always look old and loose... loose like they do around the lumps of a thicc bish, oh right the editing. She's not far from the poverty line.
then why do you constantly refuse to post live pics? also if those ones are edited then how exactly are they edited? there isn't an app that makes your features look uglier. also if they are then don't be shy show the original "unedited" pics. you're a straight up embarrassment the world would be better off without you in it
there is plenty of apps that do that there is apps dedicated to making you look fat or 40 years older not saying that’s what they did but even slightly widening someone’s nose or face can make them uglier and that’s easy
Can someone just screen record her parents Facebook posts with her “real face” to prove they are the real images, because a lot of the candid photos don’t even look like the same person either
I'll save you some trouble retard. Everyone here knows the pictures are edited and no one cares because no one gives a shit about this girl in the first place so it's kind of just some forced agenda posting

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