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Cute. Can she actually cook though? I refuse to simp so hard that I lie about a bitch’s cooking looking good. But if she can actually cook that changes everything. And I don’t mean just making cupcakes.

isn't it weird how most of her comments are from the sock puppet accounts of an anonymous 4chan predator who makes tons of alts on various platform to contact young women and children from 4chan (especially /r9k/, /soc/) and adjacent online communities? said predator does this on discord, kik, telegram, etc. if you check out some other 4chan girls with youtube channels, you will typically see the same type of sock puppet accounts under their videos too.

it is exactly as i said. there is an anonymous predator on 4chan that does a variety of illegal and nefarious things behind proxies and sock puppet accounts on multiple platforms, like manipulating women and children for nudes, blackmailing women and children to be pimped out to other men online, forcing women and children to engage in self-mutilation, catfishing and grooming women and children on multiple platforms from /r9k/, /soc/, and adjacent communities. he has been doing this for many years, the recent advancements of AI are helping him with this depraved pastime of his, allowing him to even use more convincing voice changers and clone voices posted in vocaroo threads and discord servers. he can be hard to spot but he does slip up a lot. he poses from young to old, from male to female and everything in between when the situation calls for it. whatever information, pictures, videos, etc he gets from his victim, he stores it. i know he lurks endchan too. i don't expect anyone to know what or who i'm talking about.

everything i am saying is actually happening. it is probably hard to believe, it is even hard for me to understand how someone has this much time to do this for years. but it is very much real. children are being harmed by this predator. i know he targets children that are as young as 10 or 11, last year he added me on a throwaway and he brought up online pedrophile rings. after we discussed they are, he randomly sent me a young girl doing a fan sign for one of his many aliases, as a way of taunting me. i don't have any evidence of this, while it didn't appear to be CP i obviously didn't want to save that picture to my device. i can only imagine how much more depraved he is in private.

you did this on the /r9k/ thread too. once the predator is called out you start accusing the anons bringing attention to his actions of being him. whether you are the predator or not and are trying to deflect is irrelevant to me. i will keep posting about this predator whenever and wherever i please.

I can tell you’re serious and hurting a lot. This guy is very seriously dangerous and I’m sorry you have to be aware of him like this. I wonder what threads he posts in. Glad you called him out at least, there are some awful characters that come out of the woodwork here.

> wants rough consensual sex
> rape
No dipshit she just wants rough big dick sex. Woman who talk about wanting rape don't know what they want, besides knowing the want something to aggressively fill their hole

why does she attwhore on /tv/ instead of /r9k/ just for the sake of being different? her youtube videos are too short to be "kino" it's not like she is the new TaylorRandy, just a shitty tiktok goth making 3 min videos for cheap attention.

It seems attwhorey and forced because she is doing it on the television board for no reason, she should at least do it on /r9k/ like the other e-girls. The content she makes is not kino it's just a woman doing random shit for attention.

you're a major cutie but you seem sensitive and imageboard communities won't be good for you in the long run, if criticism or people calling you nigger/whore and threatening you with rape bother you i'd quit while you're ahead, perhaps find another, less aggro group of men to try and collect simps from

> my dark eye circles
I only know you this way, but I think the add to your charm.
And yes, that you are objectively pretty certainly helps.

> feeling fat
Dude you're a stick.  >>/109884/

> weird looking idk
I think the only thing that is unusual about you is how you kinda lean forward in all the videos and pics I have seen so far.

awh thank you i appreciate it :)
but omg.. i didnt realise the leaning thing @_@ i guessusually sit on my knees so i lean forward to stay in frame ahh!! i wish i read this like 20 minutes ago before recording a video

im so embarrassed now lol i notice it looking back, its making me cringe. if it gives off the myspace vibe im relieved, i didnt realise they did that.
i only have twitter sorry ::( the posts are boring anyway so you arent missing much

> why do you love it?

Feet are erotic to some guys. For other guys breasts are erotic.
> is it just for a meme or is it serious?

Not a meme. Also you should be over 18 of age to be here. Then you would know the answer to such questions.

You have nice legs. I too would have liked to see soles but I respect your decision. Showing soles is equally as provocative as showing titties and nipples. Therefore it's a smart idea to save such views for your real boyfriend (not internet guys like us). We are not your boyfriend so don't let anyone pressure you into taking sexy pics. Another smart idea is to leave this place because we'll never be satisfied no matter what you do for us. :)

(Maidens Defended: 4)

Bro, make videos like that in the bathroom or something where you got good lighting. lol

Don't give in to feetshitters or they will never shut up about it.
Absolutely do NOT post your feet, ever. Any other body part like hair, face, butt, hands, legs and so on is fine though.
Don't worry about not understanding it, no woman will ever understand them.

See, this is why you ignore them and why they should be always immediately shunned whenever they approach.

> i wasn’t planning on taking ‘sexy pics’ :<
So what kind do you want to take and show?
You're a very pretty girl and we're already lusting after you.

You gotta mix your background music a bit lower. Or better, amp up your mic volume, because I am at full volume on youtube and I can't understand like every 3rd word. :(
What's that top you are wearing? Looking pretty in it.
Haven't noticed it before, but your lips are kinda hot. kek
How many cats do you live with?

ooooh shoot i didnt realise it was so loud.. should i reupload it? 
its just some white top, thank you! i love white lately. 
i live with 2 kitties!! i wish i had more :( 2 adorable little black kittens visited my house for a few days in october before we found them a home, i wish they stayed. i love cats SO much its nauseating

Sounds a lot better!
Next tip I'd give you would be to look at the camera lense instead of the screen. You got pretty eyes, so you want the viewers to feel like you actually talk to them instead of a screen.

> i love white lately. 
Should try out some white accessories or nail polish.

ooooo okay!! its strange when i look in the camera it looks like im looking to the other side.. only when i stare at the middle of my phone it looks normal @_@ but thank you! ill try fix that. 
i have honestly never thought about white nails.. i really like that idea! i will do that next time i have money to get it

> its strange when i look in the camera it looks like im looking to the other side.
Oh you already are looking directly into the camera?
I guess you are recording with your phone's front camera, it might be worth a try if your main camera on the back picks up the light better when you are sitting in a dim room.

> i will do that next time i have money to get it
Looking forward to some pics.

Being turned on by feet is not a choice.
It is a birth defect like homosexuality.
Normal is to be turned on by breasts.

There are fewer guys watching women's feet than watching breasts.
So women in general are less aware about the guys who love feet.

> people walk around in public bare foot all the time

Some guys record candid videos of women's feet in public.

I guess for a woman the question is: are you OK with it?

I hope you'll spoil us with foot pics because you have great legs and kissable feet!
OK enough of that subject, sorry. :)

About your videos: would be nice if you posted them here directly (file upload).
Unless of course you don't want people to save them for reasons?

lol please stop entertaining these fucking weirdos. you may like the attention but people here are literally masturbating to your feet with the intention of convincing you to do more. this is a form of low level prostitution, hope you understand that.

> im banned on 4chan
What did you do?

> people here are literally masturbating to your feet with the intention of convincing you to do more
She might seem a bit like an airhead, but surely she's not stupid.
That being said, it's sad to see footfags have a win, there are so many sexier things about a woman.

im not going to post any more, i dont think anyone is actually doing that seriously.. i still feel like its a meme in this context, and i definitely dont see it as prostitution :( thats mean. 
> what did you do?
posted my videos which is against rules and then i keep getting b& for ban evading 
(-ω-、) so sad
i agree that feet are just silly. i cant understand seeing them in any s*xual context lol

> why would i upload them here as well as youtube?

To make it easier for us to watch and save them.
(I'm not sure if it's against endchan rules though.)

> im not going to post any more,

Too bad but understandable. That guy who hates footfags is such a massive cockblocker. :)

What did you expect?
I haven't, since you didn't post anything lewd yet and I think feet are stupid, but you're a very pretty girl and you give us your attention, anons were going to fap to you.
You have to be aware of that if you want to continue posting here, just look at how cewl got cum tributes to her nudes and people telling her that they fapped to her. If you dig that kind of attention and lusting after you, then you can find plenty of that here.

This is how it's always been in the e-girl chan circles, it's much worse if you are on discord servers.

If the mp4s are uploaded here, they still are here in case anything happens to your channel.
Of course if you want to make videos specifically for here, you don't have to worry about youtube taking it down or something like that.

> thats how its always been
omg i went into the cewl thread why is it so hectic i got scared everyone is arguing T_T i dont want that at all

ooooooooo idk …..  to be honest sometimes i delete videos because i get insecure of them and i know id regret posting them here if i wasnt able to delete them :p 
but if anyone ever has any youtube videos theyd like to see, i would be really excited to take suggestions

Never, and I say NEVER take Cewl's threads as an example of anything but bad things and her bad decisions. The same goes for her simps and haters, they're in the same basket, ready to fap whenever she posts something showing skin.

> is youtube not easily accessible for some people?
It's not that, they want an easier way to archive the videos just like they probably saved the foot and so many other things you've posted, it's what makes /agatha2/.

> but if anyone ever has any youtube videos theyd like to see, i would be really excited to take suggestions
I like makeup videos.
That's also why I suggested the white nails.

I just named cewl's thread as one of the worst/most extreme example.
They weren't always this bad.

> when its all here already
But it's not here?
You uploaded the video to Youtube.

It all depends on what you come here for.
Do you want to feel desired by the anons here? Then that is pretty easy if you deliver some pics and videos. You're attractive and that's why we're interested. The more you show, the more attention you will get.

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wha? people sell their pictures? why?
reaally!? aw 
hmmm okay yes that would be so cute but i feel like the wednesday vibe got ruined by j*nna ort*ga.. maybe i could do another character with a similar aesthetic! maybe ruby gloom makeup would be fun. i would love to do a whole ruby cosplay if i had a red wig maybe ill search for one!
many people have actually said i would look good with goth makeup so maybe ill try it! thank you.

You don't need to censor any words here.
Jenna actually did really well as Wednesday in my opinion, I liked the show.
You have a very pretty face and big beautiful eyes, so any style would probably look good on you. But pale skin plus raven dark hair makes you predestined to be a hot goth chick.

yaaay ok!! im scared ill come across as gluttonous because my coffee is like 100 calories and i eat a lot of fruit that i dont count the calories of.. ahh! maybe i will maybe i wont idk i make everything too complicated -_-

Top Ten X?

How about making videos about your Top Ten... favorite movies? Worst movies?
Imagine you present them to someone who never saw them.
Generally for such a video it helps if you add footage from the show you're talking about.

well i have an ed so its all complicated so i dont usually eat meals like that and if i do its like bleh idk
to be honest i dont know how to take a pic of nails that isnt super awkward looking T_T theyre nothing special, just white now 

thank you all for being so sweet all the time

ahh okay thank you!
thank you for caring! i do eat, i eat a lot lot lot of fruit because its good for you and doesnt make you fat. i treat myself with candy or dark chocolate often! ill try a pic like that maybe .. 
i read this and my heart dropped i thought it was in reply to my photos (ー ー;)

You seem really skinny and still damn pretty, so I hope you are just doing alright!
I don't know if you feel like it, but would you wanna show off how skinny you are? I'm not sure if it'd be a motivation for you.
You have us guys here all swooning over you.

lol. stop caring what a bunch of virgin incels on this degenerate board think, like how desperate from validation are you? you are nothing more than body parts to us ok? youre not even human. youre just a set of tits ass and pussy typing behind a screen. we want to degrade you and make you cry.

im like in between 5’1 and 5’2 loll, i weigh around 88.7lbs
aaaaah i would feel so self absorbed to make a video just about mee .. i like the top 5 things idea though so i think ill do something like that soon

another cookie cutter egirl rolled off the assembly line, lol. why does every egirl try to have the same aesthetic? same eyes, hair, clothing style. they all like stupid mlp shit, they all claim to love cosplaying. cant there be just ONE girl thats original and not just some brain dead sheep?

lol i can already look into the crystal ball and see this girls future. she will befriend some retard faggots in discord, get groomed, start doing cut signs, send nudes, get leaked, have her life ruined, go to the psych ward, get out, start doing drugs, OD

You look like a wannarexic 28 year old trying to look 16 and failing. It's really fucking weird. Discarded, you already proved yourself to be a mentally whore by posting lewds and taking so many requests like the town prostie anyway.

no offense but you don't really have the hobbies and personality to be an egirl. it seems like you thought it was quirky and tried to make yourself one. being an egirl means appealing to incels and your hobbies have to correlate to that.

"no clue who that is" hi ki. the people on your thread would know me because sorry but you're kind of a nobody here and ive been involved in a lot of drama and have been posting myself on 4chan for a few months so most ppl here know me.

owch okay. i understand if people dont like me, i didnt think i was doing anything wrong by posting butif you dont want me to have a thread, you didnt have to bump it. i dont want to get involved in any sort of drama or anything. i dont know why youre trying to hurt me.

that's the nailposter, you retarded fucking newfag. this post is actually so pathetic. YOU are nobody. literally. nobody gives a fuck who you are. posting your disgusting nudes for indians on /b/ doesn't make you somone of note. at best you're a minor lolcow. lmaoing at you thinking everyone on this board would know who you are, i'm sure there are plenty of posters here who've payed no attention to your digusting ass. you should also stop seething about every girl that's prettier than you, it's not a good look. now take your fat self back to your own thread.

i appreciate this but please please please can you not be mean to her. i really dont want her to think this is me and i dont want drama to start and i feel like i did something to annoy her and i just dont want this whole thing. i know i cant control what you say but please.

How? This board exists to share thoughts on egirls. This woman is willingly posting herself and I'm sharing my honest thoughts. Compare Vamp to this woman. Vamp is an actual 17 year old, and this woman looks at least 10 years older than her. Women with eating disorders tend to cling to their fading youth.

As much as I disagree with  >>/112055/, this anon is right. The board is not a safe place for the girls and never was, it doesn't work like that but people have been trying to subvert /agatha2/ values (or lack of) for years to be another r/egirls...
Don't get me wrong, folks.

This girl is very obviously underaged and it's actually disturbing that you don't seem to be able to recognize that. You're a probably middle aged man bullying a little girl online. Take a step back and take stock of your life.

You're in the wrong place. Take a look at any other thread. But you're not 16 and it's hilarious how you're clearly avoiding saying you're age because you like the idea of men thinking you're underage despite being in your 20s.

what!? i wasnt avoiding saying my age, im 18, i never claimed to be 16 or young at all? i genuinely dont understand why youre trying to attack me. i dont know if i just annoy you or if theres a reason you dislike me but i dont know why youre trying to pick at random things ? 
this is stressing me out so im just going to go.

you don't look 27 as that other poster is suggesting, people are trying to get under your skin because that's what things are like in communities like this. you have youthful energy, i could easily believe you're 18. i suggest you do leave this and adjacent communities though and find more productive things to do than bait this smorgasbord of disaffected, socially leprous, cumbrained older men looking to prey on you. you seem like a nice girl, you're VERY cute and funny in your videos and it would be a shame for you to fall into the e-girl trap all the others have just because the positive attention, when you do get it, feels good.

the faggots who want to orbit you will attempt to ruin your life if you let them. look at vamp in the other thread who swore she would never go down the discord rabbit hole or post suggestive pictures and every day she's inched closer and closer by people here into posting a full nude. just leave, you don't need simps to live, be better. i want to be charitable and think my assessment of you is just that you're a bit naive about what imageboards are like and you're not as evil as most other e-girls, don't become some lolcow for these people, you strike me as a nice girl.

Queen Kiki of the Blue Balls.
You are brought before this court to be tried for your failure to provide vital cuteness to those in need. How do you plead?
- Not even the handfag was safe from her monstrous wrath, your Honor!
Order! Order!
Let it be stated clearly that this court agrees with you, Queen Kiki, that the subhuman footfag degenerates deserve to get the proverbial boot and never see your kissable soles. But for you to smite upon the innocent handfag with the same coldhearted blueballing is an unforgivable crime that cannot go unpunished!
- wwwhhat? :<
Queen Kiki, your cute passport has been revoked. Any incel who henceforth dare describe you as "cute" shall receive 100 lashes from Ogress Cewl. You have brought great dishonor to the Egirl kingdom. Go back to 4chan.
- Wahh, all I wanted was to see her fabulousss white nails!

ill post nails on twitter :3
i got sad earlier, but ill keep posting on twitter.
kiki like me or da witch, im gonna take pics in the costume of her again soon and take better pictures because the one i took kinda sucks

how are you going to start attention whoring on /tv/ but not even have a letterboxd or any knowledge about cinema? you realize your thread turned into what it did because you simply are not interesting to men. go join the emo club at your college or something.

you're a poser lol you like cartoon characters? power puff girls wasn't even on when you were growing up. everything you "like" you only like because of the aesthetic which everyone can see because you never have had anything interesting to say about media even when you were spamming yourself on /tv/

I am almost the same age as her and power puff girls were in television when I was a child. I don't understand the appeal to gate keep popular shows, It is pathetic. Stop attacking this girls and accusing her of things she isnt. Why would anyone pose to like a specific show for children/cartoon. She is a nice girl who likes cartoons, its not like she's pretentious. God, why can't you guys ever be satisfied.

yeah it is hi im here bc she went in my thread saying she's going to "replace" me or something. kek
so you're a minor? because she's 18 apparently and you said you're almost as old as her. the OG powerpuff girls stopped airing in 2005. im 21 and im even too young to have ever watched them.

i didnt want my thread to turn into the arguing in all the other ones :( 
i dont understand the attacking and i dont understand why i would lie about liking some random cartoon..?!? youre just picking at the most random things. i never posted in your thread and i didnt even look in it before now. i dont think im an icon and i dont think im going to replace you at all. i dont want to be some egirl i just wanted to post things that i like. please stop. if its just a popularity contest i dont have any motivation to be the best at anything. you are obviously more popular than me and im not looking for that to change.

nice try no offense but you haven't been here for long and not many people know you so why would some random person come to my thread talking about u specifically and not one of the other well-known women ive been compared to a bunch from here/4chan

The territorial Donut matriarch counterattacks the Kiki cub on Kiki Pride territory. The filming crew is afraid for Kiki's life and future. Will she survive the brutal mauling? Will Big Momma Donut's reign finally end?

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i have lots of little figures ill take a picture later! i dont have many anime ones because they are expensive but i just have cute little guys.
i have loads that i wanna get of anime thingies when im super rich in the future..
picrel are ones i want not have!

hmm ok so im reading between the lines here. you want someone here to buy you expensive cute anime figures and you'll send them lewd pics in return? i guess make an amazon wishlist so we can buy you things and you can let your inner whore out?

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ok hi so these are some of my guys, i have some more random thingies but idk where they are, i like to carry them in my purse so theyre in random places. the figures are of course fake because they look a little retarded but i love them, i got them like 3 years ago

also i know im basic T_T i cant deny that i adore mlp and minecraft is one of the only games i love

See all they can say is "cute". Because there is nothing else to discuss. This is why everyone is telling you to find a hobby that appeals to us if you want to get attention in degen/4ch!n related areas. Otherwise you would get a better following on TikTok.

hahahaha the mods still care enough to try and expose me im just trying to get to her bc hearing it from a "man" might make her rethink. but good to know the mods still have a strange vendetta against me since every other girl here samefags constantly yet don't get "exposed"

please please stop with the arguing please
i really dont know what i did to make you angry. im not trying to compete with you or anything at all. if you want to talk i dont mind dming on twitter or something but this feels messy and i hate it so please stop. im not trying to replace anything.

> ur a roastie
You are literally a roastie and you do porn with your normie bf imagine projecting this hard, you are not even a virgin like our new girl kiki is. Gtfo you onlyfans thot we like skinny virginal pure girls not fat skanks with normie personalities.

what!!??? why would you think this?? im not copying anyone. i havent posted in any other thread apart from trying to clear things up in your one when you thought someone else was me. hhhhhhhhh this is stressing me out, please if you want to talk i can dm but this sucks. i dont know what the purpose of this is.

You fucked with the wrong guy and I told you not to fuck with other girls here. Behave.
I won't post your stuff here but you know what you post on Discord servers and it wasn't hard finding you after seeing your OnlyFans photo verification.

the guy who you're talking to has a history of trying to groom new girls who come here. notice how he fetishizes pedro stuff? like how he was talking about how he wants to buy you cute mlp and hello kitty stuff? and how he fetishizes virginity? just keep an open mind to that

i am donut and ive been the one arguing with this pedro from marc's eharem discord server in your thread for the past 20 mins. i genuinely apologize i thought you were posting in my thread attacking me so i fired back at you here. but i believe you now that it wasn't you.

no i genuinely thought it was her because ive been insulted by larping women a lot. sad to know it was actually a pedro trying to groom her. 

notice how i never insulted her appearance? because even while i was upset, i could see she is objectively beautiful. but i did point out that most of her personal interests don't appeal to these men and that they just want nudes.

This website is dead, it only has ruskis and some coomers trying to find stupid girls to gather material to sell in other places; the reason for drama is just that, it has nothing here to talk about and it's not about you, you're cool in your way but "anons" (discord faggots) are boring. They can't get +18 girls to carve their names so all it's left is to troll here.

I think the best way to apologize for this would be if she invites you to her discord server and gives you special roles, I wouldn't trust a woman that attacked you for no reason unless donut shows you she is a good friend.

yes and i think our nose or something and hair match :p cute 
please stop, thats mean and untrue and im glad everything is clear now so theres no need for this sort of forced rivalry! im not trying to be rude to you i just feel like this is all messy and icky

why do you keep saying she is "barely legal" and gatekeeping anons from orbiting her? this sounds more like jealousy rather than you being worried about her well being, she is an adult woman and you are accusing every anon of being a samefag lol

Well Kiki now you've done it!
Here we were, a peaceful bunch, then you show up and bring about the Apocalypse.
Kiki the 5th horseman of the Apocalypse.
Death, Famine, Conquest, War and Kiki.
Damn you Kiki why couldn't you stay on 4chan!

Congratulations on surviving your first catfight against a heavyweight lol.

Kiki the Queen of Darkness
I was going to repost your pic with tweaked contrast and gamma but what's the point? You've been told already about the poor lighting.

I hope with enough compliments your insecurities will be cured :)

the first girl is literally you, also I have idea for pics why don't you take a pic in the dark outside? not actual night because it's dangerous but I think you would look good with a dark blue sky background or rain like climate

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i think the person is defending me because of  >>/112595/

really!? thank you! she is the coolest. i have an outfit like her i think ill try it on and do makeup to make my nose more like hers some time :p 
ooo thats a good idea. when i visited sweden ages ago the heaps ofsnow made me look so pale i loved it so much i wish i took more photos -_- but i think that sounds cool, ill try it some time im outside 
i dont think anyone can be prettier than jane, maybe winona ryder in the 90s

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ill be honest anon i havent been in a pool in like 5 years .. but if one day i do, i will take a picture like this because its extremely cool. also i feel like you guys are being way too nice just because its my thread, because there is no way im prettier than all of these girls! you dont have to say this stuff but thank you !

> just because its my thread
No, you are genuinely one of the prettiest girls that has been on this board.
You're also talking pretty much like a normal person and don't go apeshit like somebody like vore or empath.
It's why people are interested in you, you seem like a catch.

I mean for me personally Ken is still the prettiest that has a thread here. But I might be biased, though I don't think any of the others are even close to as pretty as these two.
But if we got some more good lighting pics of Ki, she might turn out to be even prettier.

agatha is a massive cutie for sure although I wasnt around when she was posting on r9k I see her pics everywhere and she's adorable. did she ever post pics with straight hair?
yeah most of the modern egirls here actually don't look like how they do in their photos the ones i mentioned im fairly certain don't use editing apps or filters

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Yeah you can probably understand now why I compared you to her.
I think you are very pretty too. But anyway, I'm going to stop posting her in your thread now. lol
I don't know what she's doing nowadays, but I think she stuck with this kind of artsy/homely/cottage-core or whatever it is called style. How would you describe your style?

wow wow wow she looks like a real model
the little bag, too adorable. i dont mind you posting her!! she is really cute and i think its fun talking about different peoples aesthetics. 
> how would you describe your style?
i dont really know.. i just like cute clothes, i try to wear what i think a bunny might wear. im going to be getting some new clothes soon and i was thinking of making a little youtube video showing and trying stuff on :p

> i try to wear what i think a bunny might wear.
Like a real bunny?
My first thought was "something thick and furry", but then I realized they have thick fur, so they might not need something like that. lol

Did you order some clothes for you?
I'm sure you'll look great in them, here's to hope you make a vid about it.

like if a bunny was a girl ! i love white tights, i have a big fluffy white jacket i wear always, i like soft colours like white, pink and blue. i love white long sleeve tops. i love polka dots too, black and white. i could make a little collage of some outfits from pinterest that i like, if youre interested!
i havent ordered clothes but im going shopping soon :>

> if youre interested
Sure, go ahead.
I'm a man, but I've always enjoyed hearing about things like makeup, clothes, nails, accessories. I have ZERO sense how to put something together that fits, but women tend to have.

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