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Cute. Can she actually cook though? I refuse to simp so hard that I lie about a bitch’s cooking looking good. But if she can actually cook that changes everything. And I don’t mean just making cupcakes.

isn't it weird how most of her comments are from the sock puppet accounts of an anonymous 4chan predator who makes tons of alts on various platform to contact young women and children from 4chan (especially /r9k/, /soc/) and adjacent online communities? said predator does this on discord, kik, telegram, etc. if you check out some other 4chan girls with youtube channels, you will typically see the same type of sock puppet accounts under their videos too.

it is exactly as i said. there is an anonymous predator on 4chan that does a variety of illegal and nefarious things behind proxies and sock puppet accounts on multiple platforms, like manipulating women and children for nudes, blackmailing women and children to be pimped out to other men online, forcing women and children to engage in self-mutilation, catfishing and grooming women and children on multiple platforms from /r9k/, /soc/, and adjacent communities. he has been doing this for many years, the recent advancements of AI are helping him with this depraved pastime of his, allowing him to even use more convincing voice changers and clone voices posted in vocaroo threads and discord servers. he can be hard to spot but he does slip up a lot. he poses from young to old, from male to female and everything in between when the situation calls for it. whatever information, pictures, videos, etc he gets from his victim, he stores it. i know he lurks endchan too. i don't expect anyone to know what or who i'm talking about.

everything i am saying is actually happening. it is probably hard to believe, it is even hard for me to understand how someone has this much time to do this for years. but it is very much real. children are being harmed by this predator. i know he targets children that are as young as 10 or 11, last year he added me on a throwaway and he brought up online pedrophile rings. after we discussed they are, he randomly sent me a young girl doing a fan sign for one of his many aliases, as a way of taunting me. i don't have any evidence of this, while it didn't appear to be CP i obviously didn't want to save that picture to my device. i can only imagine how much more depraved he is in private.

you did this on the /r9k/ thread too. once the predator is called out you start accusing the anons bringing attention to his actions of being him. whether you are the predator or not and are trying to deflect is irrelevant to me. i will keep posting about this predator whenever and wherever i please.

I can tell you’re serious and hurting a lot. This guy is very seriously dangerous and I’m sorry you have to be aware of him like this. I wonder what threads he posts in. Glad you called him out at least, there are some awful characters that come out of the woodwork here.

> wants rough consensual sex
> rape
No dipshit she just wants rough big dick sex. Woman who talk about wanting rape don't know what they want, besides knowing the want something to aggressively fill their hole

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